svn commit: r358534 - head/databases/redis

Sergey A. Osokin osa at
Fri Jun 20 08:59:11 UTC 2014

Author: osa
Date: Fri Jun 20 08:59:10 2014
New Revision: 358534

  Upgrade from 2.8.9 to 2.8.11.
  --[ Redis 2.8.11 ] Release date: 11 Jun 2014
  # UPGRADE URGENCY: HIGH if you use Lua scripting, LOW otherwise.
  * [FIX] A previous fix for Lua -> Redis numerical precision enhancement
          introduced a new problem. In Redis 2.8.10 commands called from Lua
          passing a string that "looks like" a very large number, may actually
          use as argument the string converted as a float. This bug is now
  * [FIX] Now commands other than *PUSH* adding elements to a list will be able
          to awake clients blocked in a blocking POP operation.
  * [FIX] Cygwin compilation fixes.
  --[ Redis 2.8.10 ] Release date: 5 Jun 2014
  # UPGRADE URGENCY: HIGH if you use min-slaves-to-write option.
  * [FIX] IMPORTANT! A min-slaves-to-write option active in a slave totally
          prevented the slave from acception the master stream of commands.
          This release includes testes for min-slaves-to-write, and a fix
          for this issue.
  * [FIX] Sometimes DEL returned 1 for already expired keys. Fixed.
  * [FIX] Fix test false positive because new osx 'leaks' output.
  * [FIX] PFCOUNT HLL cache invalidation fixed: no wrong value was reported
          but the cache was not used at all, leading to lower performances.
  * [FIX] Accept(2) multiple clients per readable-event invocation, and better
          processing of I/O while loading or busy running a timedout script.
          Basically now the LOADING / BUSY errors are reported at a decent
  * [FIX] A softwaer watchdog crash fixed.
  * [FIX] Fixed a Lua -> Redis numerical precision loss.
  * [NEW] Lua scripting engine speed improved.
  * [NEW] Sentinel generates one new event for humans to understand better
          what is happening during a failover: +config-update-from.
          Also the time at which a failover will be re-attempted is logged.


Modified: head/databases/redis/Makefile
--- head/databases/redis/Makefile	Fri Jun 20 08:56:32 2014	(r358533)
+++ head/databases/redis/Makefile	Fri Jun 20 08:59:10 2014	(r358534)
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 # $FreeBSD$
 PORTNAME=	redis
 CATEGORIES=	databases

Modified: head/databases/redis/distinfo
--- head/databases/redis/distinfo	Fri Jun 20 08:56:32 2014	(r358533)
+++ head/databases/redis/distinfo	Fri Jun 20 08:59:10 2014	(r358534)
@@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
-SHA256 (redis-2.8.9.tar.gz) = 7834c37f2ff186c46aef8e4a066dfbf1d6772a285aa31c19c58162f264f1007f
-SIZE (redis-2.8.9.tar.gz) = 1097369
+SHA256 (redis-2.8.11.tar.gz) = 60f0310afb29bc3533d57c5805fb6a693eb1dee454a3a2ef51b07317f803f6d6
+SIZE (redis-2.8.11.tar.gz) = 1101257

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