svn commit: r374905 - head/devel/py-simpleparse

Ruslan Makhmatkhanov rm at
Thu Dec 18 14:54:14 UTC 2014

Author: rm
Date: Thu Dec 18 14:54:12 2014
New Revision: 374905

  devel/py-simpleparse: turn mxBase dependency into option (default off)
  - turn mxBase dependency into option (default off). It's only needed because of
    mx.DateTime and is not obligatory - f.e. pip didn't install it as dependency
  - actualize comment and description
  - bump PORTREVISION because of dependency change


Modified: head/devel/py-simpleparse/Makefile
--- head/devel/py-simpleparse/Makefile	Thu Dec 18 14:02:00 2014	(r374904)
+++ head/devel/py-simpleparse/Makefile	Thu Dec 18 14:54:12 2014	(r374905)
@@ -3,17 +3,20 @@
 PORTNAME=	simpleparse
 CATEGORIES=	devel python
 MAINTAINER=	ports at
-COMMENT=	Python EBNF parser generator for use with mx.TextTools
+COMMENT=	Python EBNF parser generator (with mx.TextTools derivative)
-RUN_DEPENDS=	${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}mx-base>0:${PORTSDIR}/lang/py-mx-base
+# This one is only needed because of mx.DateTime
 USES=		python:2
-USE_PYTHON=	distutils autoplist
+USE_PYTHON=	autoplist distutils
 .include <>

Modified: head/devel/py-simpleparse/pkg-descr
--- head/devel/py-simpleparse/pkg-descr	Thu Dec 18 14:02:00 2014	(r374904)
+++ head/devel/py-simpleparse/pkg-descr	Thu Dec 18 14:54:12 2014	(r374905)
@@ -1,18 +1,19 @@
-SimpleParse is a BSD-licensed Python package providing a simple parser
-generator for use with the mxTextTools text-tagging engine. SimpleParse allows
-you to generate tagging tables for use with the text-tagging engine directly
-from your EBNF grammar.
+SimpleParse is a BSD-licensed Python package providing a simple and fast parser
+generator using a modified version of the mxTextTools text-tagging engine.
+SimpleParse allows you to generate parsers directly from your EBNF grammar.
-Unlike most parser generators, SimpleParse generates single-pass parsers
-(there is no distinct tokenization stage), an approach taken from the
-predecessor project ( which attempted to create "autonomously parsing
-regex objects". The resulting parsers are not as generalized as those created
-by, for instance, the Earley algorithm, but they do tend to be useful for the
-parsing of computer file formats and the like (as distinct from natural
-language and similar "hard" parsing problems).
+Unlike most parser generators, SimpleParse generates single-pass parsers (there
+is no distinct tokenization stage), an approach taken from the predecessor
+project ( which attempted to create "autonomously parsing regex
+objects". The resulting parsers are not as generalized as those created by, for
+instance, the Earley algorithm, but they do tend to be useful for the parsing
+of computer file formats and the like (as distinct from natural language and
+similar "hard" parsing problems).
-In addition to the parser generator, the SimpleParse project includes a
-sub-project to create a modified version of the mxTextTools engine which
-reorganizes the code to allow for certain common EBNF constructs.
+As of version 2.1.0 the SimpleParse project includes a patched copy of the
+mxTextTools tagging library with the non-recursive rewrite of the core parsing
+loop.  This means that you will need to build the extension module to use
+SimpleParse, but the effect is to provide a uniform parsing platform where all
+of the features of a give SimpleParse version are always available.

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