svn commit: r366360 - head/japanese/xyaku

Alexey Dokuchaev danfe at
Thu Aug 28 06:58:40 UTC 2014

On Thu, Aug 28, 2014 at 08:55:04AM +0200, John Marino wrote:
> Actually, thinking about this, what I said isn't really true.  I don't
> always use "@"  for known freebsd users.  However, the PR number is
> provided and people can look it all the information there.  The
> "submitted by" is courtesy information.  Frankly I can omit the line
> completely.  Only the PR is actually required.

It's funny that I tend to do the same. ;-)  If I can find a clear and nice
way to give credit (e.g. PR came from a committer or I know the full name)
I will likely do it; if it came from anonymous (sole email counts as such
as well) leaving PR number alone is preferred.


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