quarterly branches and transition to post-pkg_* [was: svn commit: r364739 - in head: . sysutils sysu [...]
John Marino
freebsd.contact at marino.st
Fri Aug 15 08:34:09 UTC 2014
On 8/15/2014 10:28, Mathieu Arnold wrote:
> +--On 15 août 2014 10:22:37 +0200 John Marino <freebsd.contact at marino.st>
> wrote:
> | FYI, for pkgsrc, individual commiters don't do this. They make a
> | request and a dedicated (small) team handles the backport. Nobody
> | touches a quarterly except for them.
> That's what should be done, but the ports-secteam is yet to take on this
> job.
This all feeds back into my original assertion about quarterlies.
It seems like there is a near-term goal to move regular users to
quarterlies, but without portsnap support and without uniform and
quality updates, nobody is going to use it. If people are serious about
quarterlies, it needs serious support which it doesn't have right now.
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