svn commit: r351712 - in branches/2014Q2/net/ss5: . files

John Marino marino at
Mon Apr 21 20:47:52 UTC 2014

Author: marino
Date: Mon Apr 21 20:47:50 2014
New Revision: 351712

  MFH: r351699
  net/ss5: Fix on clang, DragonFly, and support stage
  I estimated it would take me 15 minutes to incorporate the PR, but boy
  was I wrong.  After several HOURS I finally got this port staged,
  building on FreeBSD 10+, DragonFly too, and fix accomplished the
  intent of the PR (don't clobber conf files, less noisy).
  Staging revealed the original port was installing undocumented files.
  Clang was having issues with the "inline" directives and I could only
  get it to build on clang by removing them (this doesn't mean the
  functions won't be inlined, nor does the directive mean that it will.)
  Anyway -- a gift.  I wouldn't have done this had I know how much work
  it was going to be.  I also should have overwritten the install
  target instead of patch the vendor Makefile, that would have been a
  lot easier and faster.
  PR:		ports/176676
  Submitted by:	Lawrence Chen
  Approved by:	maintainer (Raffaele DeLorenzo)
  Other work by:	marino
  Approved by:	portmgr (Antoine)

     - copied unchanged from r351699, head/net/ss5/files/patch-configure
     - copied unchanged from r351699, head/net/ss5/files/patch-include_SS5Debug.h
     - copied unchanged from r351699, head/net/ss5/files/patch-include_SS5Server.h
     - copied unchanged from r351699, head/net/ss5/files/patch-src-SS5Server.c
Directory Properties:
  branches/2014Q2/   (props changed)

Modified: branches/2014Q2/net/ss5/Makefile
--- branches/2014Q2/net/ss5/Makefile	Mon Apr 21 20:27:38 2014	(r351711)
+++ branches/2014Q2/net/ss5/Makefile	Mon Apr 21 20:47:50 2014	(r351712)
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 CATEGORIES=	net security
@@ -22,26 +23,20 @@ CONFIGURE_ARGS=	--with-binpathbase=${PRE
-MAN1=		ss5.1 ss5srv.1
-MAN5=		ss5.conf.5 ss5.pam.5 ss5.passwd.5 ss5.ha.5 ss5_gss.5 ss5_supa.5
-NO_STAGE=	yes
 	@${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's,/usr/local,${PREFIX},g' ${WRKSRC}/
 	@${REINPLACE_CMD} -e 's,/usr/local/etc/opt/ss5,${PREFIX}/etc/ss5,' \
-#	${TOUCH} ${PREFIX}/etc/ss5/ss5.ha.default
-#.if !exists(${PREFIX}/etc/ss5/ss5.ha)
-#	${TOUCH} ${PREFIX}/etc/ss5/ss5.ha
-	${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/conf/examples/ss5.ha ${PREFIX}/etc/${PORTNAME}/ss5.ha.default
-	if [ ! -f ${PREFIX}/etc/${PORTNAME}.ha ]; then \
-		${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/conf/examples/ss5.ha ${PREFIX}/etc/${PORTNAME}/ss5.ha ; \
-	fi
+	${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/conf/ss5.conf \
+		${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/etc/ss5/ss5.conf.sample
+	${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/conf/ss5.ha \
+		${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/etc/ss5/ss5.ha.sample
+	${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/conf/ss5.passwd \
+		${STAGEDIR}${PREFIX}/etc/ss5/ss5.passwd.sample
 .include <>

Modified: branches/2014Q2/net/ss5/files/
--- branches/2014Q2/net/ss5/files/	Mon Apr 21 20:27:38 2014	(r351711)
+++ branches/2014Q2/net/ss5/files/	Mon Apr 21 20:47:50 2014	(r351712)
@@ -1,33 +1,54 @@
----	2009-07-17 18:03:01.000000000 -0300
-+++	2011-05-11 15:16:05.000000000 -0300
-@@ -10,6 +10,11 @@
+---	2009-07-17 16:03:01.000000000 -0500
+@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
+ SUBDIRS=src modules
+-dst_dir   = ${prefix}
+-OS        = @OS@
++dst_dir   = ${DESTDIR}${prefix}
++OS        = FreeBSD
+ lib_path_base   = @lib_path_base@
+ conf_path_base  = @conf_path_base@
+ bin_path_base   = @bin_path_base@
+@@ -10,7 +10,9 @@ man_path_base   = @man_path_base@
  log_path_base   = @log_path_base@
  trc_path_base   = @trc_path_base@
-+ss5_pam         = ${PREFIX}/etc/pam.d/ss5
-+ss5_share       = ${DATADIR}
-+ss5_examples    = ${EXAMPLESDIR}
-+ss5_man         = ${MANPREFIX}/man
- CC = gcc
+-CC = gcc
++ss5_share       = ${DESTDIR}${DATADIR}
++ss5_examples    = ${DESTDIR}${EXAMPLESDIR}
++ss5_man         = ${DESTDIR}${MANPREFIX}/man
-@@ -41,10 +46,21 @@
+@@ -32,19 +34,26 @@ src ::
+ .PHONY : install
+ install:
+-	@( if [ ! -d $(dst_dir)$(log_path_base) ]; then mkdir -p $(dst_dir)$(log_path_base); fi )
+-	@( if [ ! -d $(dst_dir)$(trc_path_base) ]; then mkdir -p $(dst_dir)$(trc_path_base); fi )
+-	@( if [ ! -d $(dst_dir)$(bin_path_base) ]; then mkdir -p $(dst_dir)$(bin_path_base); fi )
+-	@( cp src/ss5 $(dst_dir)$(bin_path_base)/ )
+-	@( cp src/ss5srv $(dst_dir)$(bin_path_base)/ )
++	cp src/ss5 $(dst_dir)$(bin_path_base)/
++	cp src/ss5srv $(dst_dir)$(bin_path_base)/
  	@( if [ ! -d $(dst_dir)$(lib_path_base)/ss5 ]; then mkdir -p $(dst_dir)$(lib_path_base)/ss5; fi )
- 	@( find modules -name *.so -exec cp {} $(dst_dir)$(lib_path_base)/ss5/ \; )
+-	@( find modules -name *.so -exec cp {} $(dst_dir)$(lib_path_base)/ss5/ \; )
 -	@( cp modules/mod_statistics/statmgr.cgi $(dst_dir)$(lib_path_base)/ss5/ )
 -	@( cp modules/mod_balance/balamgr.cgi $(dst_dir)$(lib_path_base)/ss5/ )
 -	@( cp modules/mod_statistics/SS5Logo.jpg $(dst_dir)$(lib_path_base)/ss5/ )
 -	@( cp modules/mod_balance/SS5Logo.jpg $(dst_dir)$(lib_path_base)/ss5/ )
++	find modules -name *.so -exec cp {} $(dst_dir)$(lib_path_base)/ss5/ \;
 +	@( if [ ! -d $(ss5_share) ] && [ $(OS) = "FreeBSD" ]; then mkdir -p $(ss5_share); fi )
-+	@( if [ $(OS) = "FreeBSD" ]; then \
++	if [ $(OS) = "FreeBSD" ]; then \
 +	 cp modules/mod_statistics/statmgr.cgi $(ss5_share)/ ; \
 +	 cp modules/mod_balance/balamgr.cgi $(ss5_share)/ ; \
 +	 cp modules/mod_statistics/SS5Logo.jpg $(ss5_share)/ ; \
 +	 cp modules/mod_balance/SS5Logo.jpg $(ss5_share)/ ; \
-+	fi )
++	fi
 +	@( if [ $(OS) = "Linux" ] || [ $(OS) = "SunOS" ]; then \
 +	 cp modules/mod_statistics/statmgr.cgi $(dst_dir)$(lib_path_base)/ss5/ ; \
@@ -38,7 +59,7 @@
  	@( if [ $(OS) = "Linux" ]; then \
  	if [ ! -d $(dst_dir)/etc/rc.d/init.d ]; then mkdir -p $(dst_dir)/etc/rc.d/init.d; fi ; \
-@@ -67,10 +83,6 @@
+@@ -67,47 +76,52 @@ install:
  	if [ ! -f $(dst_dir)/etc/init.d/ss5 ]; then cp conf/ss5.init $(dst_dir)/etc/init.d/ss5; \
  	else cp conf/ss5.init $(dst_dir)/etc/init.d/ss5.rpmnew ; fi ; \
          fi )
@@ -48,11 +69,13 @@
 -        fi )
  	@( if [ ! -d $(dst_dir)$(doc_path_base)/ss5 ]; then mkdir -p $(dst_dir)$(doc_path_base)/ss5; fi )
- 	@( cp License $(dst_dir)$(doc_path_base)/ss5 )
-@@ -80,32 +92,47 @@
- 	@( cp modules/mod_balance/README.balamgr $(dst_dir)$(doc_path_base)/ss5 )
- 	@( if [ ! -d $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man1 ]; then mkdir -p $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man1; fi )
+-	@( cp License $(dst_dir)$(doc_path_base)/ss5 )
+-	@( cp -r doc/ldap/* $(dst_dir)$(doc_path_base)/ss5 )
+-	@( cp -r doc/pam/* $(dst_dir)$(doc_path_base)/ss5 )
+-	@( cp modules/mod_statistics/README.statmgr $(dst_dir)$(doc_path_base)/ss5 )
+-	@( cp modules/mod_balance/README.balamgr $(dst_dir)$(doc_path_base)/ss5 )
+-	@( if [ ! -d $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man1 ]; then mkdir -p $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man1; fi )
 -	@( cp man/$(OS)/ss5.1* $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man1 )
 -	@( cp man/$(OS)/ss5srv.1* $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man1 )
 -	@( if [ ! -d $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5 ]; then mkdir -p $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5; fi )
@@ -62,36 +85,46 @@
 -	@( cp man/$(OS)/ss5.conf.5* $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5 )
 -	@( cp man/$(OS)/ss5_gss.5* $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5 )
 -	@( cp man/$(OS)/ss5_supa.5* $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5 )
-+	@( if [ $(OS) = "FreeBSD" ] && [ ! -d $(ss5_man)/man1 ]; then mkdir -p $(ss5_man)/man1; fi )
-+	@( if [ $(OS) = "FreeBSD" ]; then cp man/$(OS)/ss5.1* $(ss5_man)/man1/; \
-+	 else cp man/$(OS)/ss5.1* $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man1/; fi )
-+	@( if [ $(OS) = "FreeBSD" ]; then cp man/$(OS)/ss5srv.1* $(ss5_man)/man1/; \
-+	 else cp man/$(OS)/ss5srv.1* $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man1/; fi )
-+	@( if [ ! -d $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5 ]; then mkdir -p $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/; fi )
-+	@( if [ $(OS) = "FreeBSD" ] && [ ! -d $(ss5_man)/man5 ]; then mkdir -p $(ss5_man)/man5; fi )
-+	@( if [ $(OS) = "FreeBSD" ]; then cp man/$(OS)/ss5.passwd.5* $(ss5_man)/man5/; \
-+	 else cp man/$(OS)/ss5.passwd.5* $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/; fi )
-+	@( if [ $(OS) = "FreeBSD" ]; then cp man/$(OS)/ss5.ha.5* $(ss5_man)/man5/; \
-+	 else cp man/$(OS)/ss5.ha.5* $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/; fi )
-+	@( if [ $(OS) = "FreeBSD" ]; then cp man/$(OS)/ss5.pam.5* $(ss5_man)/man5/; \
-+	 else cp man/$(OS)/ss5.pam.5* $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/; fi )
-+	@( if [ $(OS) = "FreeBSD" ]; then cp man/$(OS)/ss5.conf.5* $(ss5_man)/man5/; \
-+	 else cp man/$(OS)/ss5.conf.5* $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/; fi )
-+	@( if [ $(OS) = "FreeBSD" ]; then cp man/$(OS)/ss5_gss.5* $(ss5_man)/man5/; \
-+	 else cp man/$(OS)/ss5_gss.5* $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/; fi )
-+	@( if [ $(OS) = "FreeBSD" ]; then cp man/$(OS)/ss5_supa.5* $(ss5_man)/man5/; \
-+	 else cp man/$(OS)/ss5_supa.5* $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/; fi )
- 	@( if [ ! -d $(dst_dir)$(conf_path_base) ]; then mkdir -p $(dst_dir)$(conf_path_base); fi )
- 	@( if [ ! -d $(dst_dir)$(conf_path_base)/ss5 ]; then mkdir -p $(dst_dir)$(conf_path_base)/ss5; fi )
- 	@( if [ ! -f $(dst_dir)$(conf_path_base)/ss5/ss5.conf ]; then cp conf/ss5.conf $(dst_dir)$(conf_path_base)/ss5; \
- 	else cp conf/ss5.conf $(dst_dir)$(conf_path_base)/ss5/ss5.conf.rpmnew ; fi )
+-	@( if [ ! -d $(dst_dir)$(conf_path_base) ]; then mkdir -p $(dst_dir)$(conf_path_base); fi )
+-	@( if [ ! -d $(dst_dir)$(conf_path_base)/ss5 ]; then mkdir -p $(dst_dir)$(conf_path_base)/ss5; fi )
+-	@( if [ ! -f $(dst_dir)$(conf_path_base)/ss5/ss5.conf ]; then cp conf/ss5.conf $(dst_dir)$(conf_path_base)/ss5; \
+-	else cp conf/ss5.conf $(dst_dir)$(conf_path_base)/ss5/ss5.conf.rpmnew ; fi )
 -	@( if [ ! -f $(dst_dir)$(conf_path_base)/ss5/ss5.ha ]; then cp conf/ss5.ha $(dst_dir)$(conf_path_base)/ss5; \
 -	else cp conf/ss5.ha $(dst_dir)$(conf_path_base)/ss5/ss5.ha.rpmnew ; fi )
 -	@( if [ ! -f $(dst_dir)$(conf_path_base)/ss5/ss5.passwd ]; then cp conf/ss5.passwd $(dst_dir)$(conf_path_base)/ss5; \
 -	else cp conf/ss5.passwd $(dst_dir)$(conf_path_base)/ss5/ss5.passwd.rpmnew ; fi )
-+	@( if [ ! -f $(dst_dir)$(conf_path_base)/ss5/ss5.ha ]; then cp conf/ss5.ha $(dst_dir)$(conf_path_base)/ss5; fi )
-+	@( if [ ! -f $(dst_dir)$(conf_path_base)/ss5/ss5.passwd ]; then cp conf/ss5.passwd $(dst_dir)$(conf_path_base)/ss5; fi )
++	cp License $(dst_dir)$(doc_path_base)/ss5
++	cp -r doc/ldap/README.ldap $(dst_dir)$(doc_path_base)/ss5
++	cp -r doc/pam/README.pam $(dst_dir)$(doc_path_base)/ss5
++	cp modules/mod_statistics/README.statmgr $(dst_dir)$(doc_path_base)/ss5
++	cp modules/mod_balance/README.balamgr $(dst_dir)$(doc_path_base)/ss5
++	if [ $(OS) = "FreeBSD" ]; then \
++	 cp man/$(OS)/ss5.1* $(ss5_man)/man1/; \
++	 cp man/$(OS)/ss5srv.1* $(ss5_man)/man1/; \
++	 cp man/$(OS)/ss5.passwd.5* $(ss5_man)/man5/; \
++	 cp man/$(OS)/ss5.ha.5* $(ss5_man)/man5/; \
++	 cp man/$(OS)/ss5.pam.5* $(ss5_man)/man5/; \
++	 cp man/$(OS)/ss5.conf.5* $(ss5_man)/man5/; \
++	 cp man/$(OS)/ss5_gss.5* $(ss5_man)/man5/; \
++	 cp man/$(OS)/ss5_supa.5* $(ss5_man)/man5/; \
++	else \
++	 cp man/$(OS)/ss5.1* $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man1/; \
++	 cp man/$(OS)/ss5srv.1* $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man1/; \
++	 cp man/$(OS)/ss5.passwd.5* $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/; \
++	 cp man/$(OS)/ss5.ha.5* $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/; \
++	 cp man/$(OS)/ss5.pam.5* $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/; \
++	 cp man/$(OS)/ss5.conf.5* $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/; \
++	 cp man/$(OS)/ss5_gss.5* $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/; \
++	 cp man/$(OS)/ss5_supa.5* $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/; \
++	fi
++	if [ ! -d $(dst_dir)$(conf_path_base) ]; then mkdir -p $(dst_dir)$(conf_path_base); fi
++	if [ ! -d $(dst_dir)$(conf_path_base)/ss5 ]; then mkdir -p $(dst_dir)$(conf_path_base)/ss5; fi
++	if [ ! -f $(dst_dir)$(conf_path_base)/ss5/ss5.conf ]; then cp conf/ss5.conf $(dst_dir)$(conf_path_base)/ss5; fi
++	if [ ! -f $(dst_dir)$(conf_path_base)/ss5/ss5.ha ]; then cp conf/ss5.ha $(dst_dir)$(conf_path_base)/ss5; fi
++	if [ ! -f $(dst_dir)$(conf_path_base)/ss5/ss5.passwd ]; then cp conf/ss5.passwd $(dst_dir)$(conf_path_base)/ss5; fi
 -	@( if [ $(OS) = "Linux" ] || [ $(OS) = "FreeBSD" ]; then \
 +	@( if [ $(OS) = "Linux" ]; then \
@@ -102,84 +135,12 @@
  	if [ ! -f $(dst_dir)/etc/pam.d/ss5 ]; then cp doc/pam/examples/ss5.pam $(dst_dir)/etc/pam.d/ss5; \
  	else cp doc/pam/examples/ss5.pam $(dst_dir)/etc/pam.d/ss5.rpmnew ; fi ; \
          fi )
-+	@( if [ $(OS) = "FreeBSD" ]; then \
-+	if [ ! -d $(ss5_examples) ]; then mkdir -p $(ss5_examples); fi; \
-+	if [ ! -f $(ss5_examples) ]; then cp doc/pam/examples/ss5.pam $(ss5_examples); \
-+	 cp doc/ldap/examples/* $(ss5_examples); \
-+	 rm -rf /usr/local/share/doc/ss5/examples/; \
-+	  fi; \
-+	fi )
- 	@( if [ ! -d $(dst_dir)/var/run/ss5 ]; then mkdir -p $(dst_dir)/var/run/ss5; fi )
-@@ -122,40 +149,68 @@
- 	@( if [ -d $(dst_dir)$(doc_path_base)/ss5 ]; then rm -rf $(dst_dir)$(doc_path_base)/ss5; fi )
++	if [ $(OS) = "FreeBSD" ]; then \
++	   mkdir -p $(ss5_examples); \
++	   cp doc/ldap/examples/* doc/pam/examples/ss5.pam $(ss5_examples); \
++	fi
- 	@( if [ -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man1/ss5.1 ]; then rm -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man1/ss5.1; fi )
-+	@( if [ -f $(ss5_man)/man1/ss5.1 ]; then rm -f $(ss5_man)/man1/ss5.1; fi )
- 	@( if [ -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man1/ss5srv.1 ]; then rm -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man1/ss5srv.1; fi )
-+	@( if [ -f $(ss5_man)/man1/ss5srv.1 ]; then rm -f $(ss5_man)/man1/ss5srv.1; fi )
- 	@( if [ -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5.passwd.5 ]; then rm -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5.passwd.5; fi )
-+	@( if [ -f $(ss5_man)/man5/ss5.passwd.5 ]; then rm -f $(ss5_man)/man5/ss5.passwd.5; fi )
- 	@( if [ -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5.ha.5 ]; then rm -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5.ha.5; fi )
-+	@( if [ -f $(ss5_man)/man5/ss5.ha.5 ]; then rm -f $(ss5_man)/man5/ss5.ha.5; fi )
- 	@( if [ -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5.conf.5 ]; then rm -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5.conf.5; fi )
-+	@( if [ -f $(ss5_man)/man5/ss5.conf.5 ]; then rm -f $(ss5_man)/man5/ss5.conf.5; fi )
- 	@( if [ -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5.pam.5 ]; then rm -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5.pam.5; fi )
-+	@( if [ -f $(ss5_man)/man5/ss5.pam.5 ]; then rm -f $(ss5_man)/man5/ss5.pam.5; fi )
- 	@( if [ -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5_gss.5 ]; then rm -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5_gss.5; fi )
-+	@( if [ -f $(ss5_man)/man5/ss5_gss.5 ]; then rm -f $(ss5_man)/man5/ss5_gss.5; fi )
- 	@( if [ -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5_supa.5 ]; then rm -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5_supa.5; fi )
-+	@( if [ -f $(ss5_man)/man5/ss5_supa.5 ]; then rm -f $(ss5_man)/man5/ss5_supa.5; fi )
- 	@( if [ -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man1/ss5.1.gz ]; then rm -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man1/ss5.1.gz; fi )
-+	@( if [ -f $(ss5_man)/man1/ss5.1.gz ]; then rm -f $(ss5_man)/man1/ss5.1.gz; fi )
- 	@( if [ -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man1/ss5srv.1.gz ]; then rm -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man1/ss5srv.1.gz; fi )
-+	@( if [ -f $(ss5_man)/man1/ss5srv.1.gz ]; then rm -f $(ss5_man)/man1/ss5srv.1.gz; fi )
- 	@( if [ -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5.passwd.5.gz ]; then rm -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5.passwd.5.gz; fi )
-+	@( if [ -f $(ss5_man)/man5/ss5.passwd.5.gz ]; then rm -f $(ss5_man)/man5/ss5.passwd.5.gz; fi )
- 	@( if [ -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5.ha.5.gz ]; then rm -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5.ha.5.gz; fi )
-+	@( if [ -f $(ss5_man)/man5/ss5.ha.5.gz ]; then rm -f $(ss5_man)/man5/ss5.ha.5.gz; fi )
- 	@( if [ -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5.conf.5.gz ]; then rm -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5.conf.5.gz; fi )
-+	@( if [ -f $(ss5_man)/man5/ss5.conf.5.gz ]; then rm -f $(ss5_man)/man5/ss5.conf.5.gz; fi )
- 	@( if [ -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5.pam.5.gz ]; then rm -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5.pam.5.gz; fi )
-+	@( if [ -f $(ss5_man)/man5/ss5.pam.5.gz ]; then rm -f $(ss5_man)/man5/ss5.pam.5.gz; fi )
- 	@( if [ -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5_gss.5.gz ]; then rm -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5_gss.5.gz; fi )
-+	@( if [ -f $(ss5_man)/man5/ss5_gss.5.gz ]; then rm -f $(ss5_man)/man5/ss5_gss.5.gz; fi )
- 	@( if [ -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5_supa.5.gz ]; then rm -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5_supa.5.gz; fi )
-+	@( if [ -f $(ss5_man)/man5/ss5_supa.5.gz ]; then rm -f $(ss5_man)/man5/ss5_supa.5.gz; fi )
- 	@( if [ -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man1/ss5.1.bz2 ]; then rm -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man1/ss5.1.bz2; fi )
-+	@( if [ -f $(ss5_man)/man1/ss5.1.bz2 ]; then rm -f $(ss5_man)/man1/ss5.1.bz2; fi )
- 	@( if [ -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man1/ss5srv.1.bz2 ]; then rm -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man1/ss5srv.1.bz2; fi )
-+	@( if [ -f $(ss5_man)/man1/ss5srv.1.bz2 ]; then rm -f $(ss5_man)/man1/ss5srv.1.bz2; fi )
- 	@( if [ -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5.passwd.5.bz2 ]; then rm -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5.passwd.5.bz2; fi )
-+	@( if [ -f $(ss5_man)/man5/ss5.passwd.5.bz2 ]; then rm -f $(ss5_man)/man5/ss5.passwd.5.bz2; fi )
- 	@( if [ -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5.ha.5.bz2 ]; then rm -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5.ha.5.bz2; fi )
-+	@( if [ -f $(ss5_man)/man5/ss5.ha.5.bz2 ]; then rm -f $(ss5_man)/man5/ss5.ha.5.bz2; fi )
- 	@( if [ -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5.conf.5.bz2 ]; then rm -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5.conf.5.bz2; fi )
-+	@( if [ -f $(ss5_man)/man5/ss5.conf.5.bz2 ]; then rm -f $(ss5_man)/man5/ss5.conf.5.bz2; fi )
- 	@( if [ -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5.pam.5.bz2 ]; then rm -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5.pam.5.bz2; fi )
-+	@( if [ -f $(ss5_man)/man5/ss5.pam.5.bz2 ]; then rm -f $(ss5_man)/man5/ss5.pam.5.bz2; fi )
- 	@( if [ -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5_gss.5.bz2 ]; then rm -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5_gss.5.bz2; fi )
-+	@( if [ -f $(ss5_man)/man5/ss5_gss.5.bz2 ]; then rm -f $(ss5_man)/man5/ss5_gss.5.bz2; fi )
- 	@( if [ -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5_supa.5.bz2 ]; then rm -f $(dst_dir)$(man_path_base)/man5/ss5_supa.5.bz2; fi )
-+	@( if [ -f $(ss5_man)/man5/ss5_supa.5.bz2 ]; then rm -f $(ss5_man)/man5/ss5_supa.5.bz2; fi )
+-	@( if [ ! -d $(dst_dir)/var/run/ss5 ]; then mkdir -p $(dst_dir)/var/run/ss5; fi )
- 	@( if [ -d $(dst_dir)$(conf_path_base)/ss5 ]; then rm -rf $(dst_dir)$(conf_path_base)/ss5; fi )
--	@( if [ $(OS) = "Linux" ] || [ $(OS) = "FreeBSD" ]; then \
-+	@( if [ $(OS) = "Linux" ]; then \
- 	if [ -f $(dst_dir)/etc/pam.d/ss5 ]; then rm -f $(dst_dir)/etc/pam.d/ss5; fi ; \
-         fi )
-+	@( if [ $(OS) = "FreeBSD" ]; then \
-+	if [ -d $(ss5_examples) ]; then rm -rf $(ss5_examples); fi ; \
-+	fi )
- 	@( if [ $(OS) = "Linux" ] || [ $(OS) = "FreeBSD" ]; then \
--	if [ -f $(dst_dir)$(boot_path_base)/ss5 ]; then rm -f $(dst_dir)$(boot_path_base)/ss5; fi; \
-+	if [ -f $(dst_dir)$(boot_path_base)/ss5 ]; then rm -rf $(dst_dir)$(boot_path_base)/ss5; fi; \
-         fi )
- 	@( if [ $(OS) = "Linux" ]; then \
+ .PHONY : uninstall

Copied: branches/2014Q2/net/ss5/files/patch-configure (from r351699, head/net/ss5/files/patch-configure)
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ branches/2014Q2/net/ss5/files/patch-configure	Mon Apr 21 20:47:50 2014	(r351712, copy of r351699, head/net/ss5/files/patch-configure)
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+--- configure.orig	2009-07-17 16:03:06.000000000 -0500
++++ configure
+@@ -1843,7 +1843,7 @@ ac_compiler_gnu=$ac_cv_c_compiler_gnu
+ ac_config_headers="$ac_config_headers include/config.h"
+-OS=`uname -s`
+ if test "$OS" = "FreeBSD"; then
+    lib_path_base="/usr/local/lib"
+@@ -6430,8 +6430,8 @@ if test "$OS" = "SunOS"; then
+    LIBS="-lsocket -lnsl -lssl -ldl -lldap -lpam"
+ fi;
+ if test "$OS" = "FreeBSD"; then
+-   CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -DFREEBSD -pthread -export-dynamic -I/usr/local/include"
+-   LIBS="-lpam -lldap -lc -L /usr/local/lib"
++   CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -DFREEBSD -pthread -I/usr/local/include"
++   LIBS="-lpam -lcrypto -lldap -lc -L /usr/local/lib -Wl,-export-dynamic"
+    CPP="g++"
+ fi;

Copied: branches/2014Q2/net/ss5/files/patch-include_SS5Debug.h (from r351699, head/net/ss5/files/patch-include_SS5Debug.h)
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ branches/2014Q2/net/ss5/files/patch-include_SS5Debug.h	Mon Apr 21 20:47:50 2014	(r351712, copy of r351699, head/net/ss5/files/patch-include_SS5Debug.h)
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+--- include/SS5Debug.h.orig	2009-08-02 01:58:07.000000000 -0500
++++ include/SS5Debug.h
+@@ -19,37 +19,37 @@
+ #ifndef SS5DEBUG_H
+ #define SS5DEBUG_H 1
+-inline void
+   S5DebugMethodInfo( 	pid_t pid,
+                         struct _SS5ClientInfo ci
+ );
+-inline void
+   S5DebugAuthInfo(	pid_t pid,
+                         struct _SS5ClientInfo ci
+ );
+-inline void
+   S5DebugRequestInfo( 	pid_t pid,
+                         struct _SS5RequestInfo ri
+ );
+-inline void
+  S5DebugUdpRequestInfo( pid_t pid,
+                         struct _SS5RequestInfo ri
+ );
+-inline void
+   S5DebugUpstreamInfo(	pid_t pid,
+                         struct _SS5RequestInfo ri
+ );
+-inline void
+   S5DebugFacilities( 	pid_t pid,
+                         struct _SS5Facilities fa
+ );
+-inline void
+   S5DebugStatistics( 	pid_t pid
+ );

Copied: branches/2014Q2/net/ss5/files/patch-include_SS5Server.h (from r351699, head/net/ss5/files/patch-include_SS5Server.h)
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ branches/2014Q2/net/ss5/files/patch-include_SS5Server.h	Mon Apr 21 20:47:50 2014	(r351712, copy of r351699, head/net/ss5/files/patch-include_SS5Server.h)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- include/SS5Server.h.orig	2009-08-02 01:58:07.000000000 -0500
++++ include/SS5Server.h
+@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ UINT
+   S5ServerClose(	int exitcode
+ );
+-inline UINT
+   S5ChildClose(		int exitcode,
+                         UINT childSocket,
+ 			struct _SS5ClientInfo *ci

Copied: branches/2014Q2/net/ss5/files/patch-src-SS5Server.c (from r351699, head/net/ss5/files/patch-src-SS5Server.c)
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ branches/2014Q2/net/ss5/files/patch-src-SS5Server.c	Mon Apr 21 20:47:50 2014	(r351712, copy of r351699, head/net/ss5/files/patch-src-SS5Server.c)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- src/SS5Server.c.orig	2009-08-02 01:57:19.000000000 -0500
++++ src/SS5Server.c	2013-03-05 19:49:44.744425659 -0600
+@@ -44,6 +44,8 @@
+   SS5SocksOpt.PreforkProcesses = 1;
+   SS5SocksOpt.PropagateKey     = 0;
+   SS5SocksOpt.Role             = ALONE;
++  SS5SocksOpt.SyslogFa         = LOG_LOCAL6;
++  SS5SocksOpt.SyslogLe         = LOG_ERR;
+   S5Radius.AuthPort            = RADIUS_AUTH_PORT;
+   S5Radius.AcctPort            = RADIUS_ACCT_PORT;

Modified: branches/2014Q2/net/ss5/pkg-plist
--- branches/2014Q2/net/ss5/pkg-plist	Mon Apr 21 20:27:38 2014	(r351711)
+++ branches/2014Q2/net/ss5/pkg-plist	Mon Apr 21 20:47:50 2014	(r351712)
@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
- at unexec if cmp -s %D/etc/ss5/ss5.ha %D/etc/ss5/ss5.ha.default; then rm -f %D/etc/ss5/ss5.ha; fi
- at exec if [ ! -f %D/etc/ss5/ss5.ha ]; then cp %B/%f %D/etc/ss5/ss5.ha; fi
+ at sample etc/ss5/ss5.ha.sample
+ at sample etc/ss5/ss5.conf.sample
+ at sample etc/ss5/ss5.passwd.sample
@@ -14,6 +12,14 @@ lib/ss5/
@@ -27,6 +33,8 @@ sbin/ss5srv
+ at exec mkdir -p /var/run/ss5
+ at unexec rmdir >/dev/null 2>&1 /var/log/ss5 || :
 @dirrm %%DATADIR%%
 @dirrm %%DOCSDIR%%
 @dirrm %%EXAMPLESDIR%%

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