svn commit: r351701 - head/Mk/Scripts

Bryan Drewery bdrewery at
Mon Apr 21 18:42:16 UTC 2014

Author: bdrewery
Date: Mon Apr 21 18:42:15 2014
New Revision: 351701

  - Split MTREE check into its own check
  - Split dependency-owned check its own and make into a non-fatal warning.
    This is not black-and-white. Python/Rubygem ports cleanup the lib dir
    for every installed package, and for python/ruby-gems too. This is fine,
    the extensions should not clean them up then; the error is valid here.
    However, there's other frameworks which don't cleanup in the master package
    and yield unexpected results. An example is that php does not cleanup
    etc/php itself. Only extensions do. So if an extension depends on another
    extension it will complain that the dependent extension owns etc/php,
    so we remove from, now it's a leftover. The proper place is in the
    php port itself, but it's unknown how many other cases there are like this.
    So for now make this non-fatal and into a warning.
    This is all mostly moot once pkg auto handles directories anyhow.
  With hat:	portmgr
  Discussed with:	antoine


Modified: head/Mk/Scripts/
--- head/Mk/Scripts/	Mon Apr 21 18:31:10 2014	(r351700)
+++ head/Mk/Scripts/	Mon Apr 21 18:42:15 2014	(r351701)
@@ -275,17 +275,29 @@ sort -u ${WRKDIR}/.plist-dirs-unsorted-n
 # Anything listed in plist and in restricted-dirs is a failure. I.e.,
 # it's owned by a run-time dependency or one of the MTREEs.
-echo "===> Checking for directories owned by dependencies or MTREEs"
-cat ${WRKDIR}/.mtree ${WRKDIR}/.run-depends-dirs | sort -u \
-    >${WRKDIR}/.restricted-dirs
+echo "===> Checking for directories owned by MTREEs"
+cat ${WRKDIR}/.mtree | sort -u >${WRKDIR}/.restricted-dirs
+: >${WRKDIR}/.invalid-plist-mtree
+comm -12 ${WRKDIR}/.plist-dirs-sorted-no-comments ${WRKDIR}/.restricted-dirs \
+    | sort_dfs | sed "${sed_dirs}" \
+    >>${WRKDIR}/.invalid-plist-mtree || :
+if [ -s "${WRKDIR}/.invalid-plist-mtree" ]; then
+	ret=1
+	while read line; do
+		echo "Error: Owned by MTREE: ${line}" >&2
+	done < ${WRKDIR}/.invalid-plist-mtree
+echo "===> Checking for directories handled by dependencies"
+cat ${WRKDIR}/.run-depends-dirs | sort -u >${WRKDIR}/.restricted-dirs
 : >${WRKDIR}/.invalid-plist-dependencies
 comm -12 ${WRKDIR}/.plist-dirs-sorted-no-comments ${WRKDIR}/.restricted-dirs \
     | sort_dfs | sed "${sed_dirs}" \
     >>${WRKDIR}/.invalid-plist-dependencies || :
 if [ -s "${WRKDIR}/.invalid-plist-dependencies" ]; then
-	ret=1
+#	ret=1
 	while read line; do
-		echo "Error: Owned by dependency: ${line}" >&2
+		echo "Warning: Possibly owned by dependency: ${line}" >&2
 	done < ${WRKDIR}/.invalid-plist-dependencies

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