svn commit: r328403 - head/Mk

Marcus von Appen mva at
Thu Sep 26 18:27:02 UTC 2013

Author: mva
Date: Thu Sep 26 18:27:02 2013
New Revision: 328403

  - Introduce a new port Makefile knob PYDISTUTILS_AUTOPLIST.
    This will cause the ports framework to create the plist automatically
    for distutils-based ports. All files installed via Python's distutils
    mechanisms (either the traditional distutils or easy_install) will be
    automtically added to the package list, regardless of the Python
    version. It is somewhat similar to the RUBYGEM_AUTOPLIST knob.
  - Introduce a new port Makefile knob PYTHON_PY3K_PLIST_HACK.
    This automatically replaces .pyc and .pyo package list entries with
    the relevant __pycache__ entries for Python 3.x. It should only be
    used for ports, which do not use one of Python's default package
    installation mechanisms and which are guaranteed to work with any
    python version.


Modified: head/Mk/
--- head/Mk/	Thu Sep 26 18:23:42 2013	(r328402)
+++ head/Mk/	Thu Sep 26 18:27:02 2013	(r328403)
@@ -94,16 +94,16 @@ Python_Include_MAINTAINER=	python at FreeBS
 #					- Version of the default python2 binary in your ${PATH}, in
 #					  the format "python2.7". Set this in your /etc/make.conf
 #					  in case you want to use a specific version as a default.
-#					  Note that PYTHON_DEFAULT_VERSION always will have precedence
-#					  before this value, if it matches "python2*"
+#					  Note that PYTHON_DEFAULT_VERSION always will have
+#					  precedence before this value, if it matches "python2*"
 #					  default: python2.7
 #					- Version of the default python3 binary in your ${PATH}, in
 #					  the format "python3.2". Set this in your /etc/make.conf
 #					  in case you want to use a specific version as a default.
-#					  Note that PYTHON_DEFAULT_VERSION always will have precedence
-#					  before this value, if it matches "python3*"
+#					  Note that PYTHON_DEFAULT_VERSION always will have
+#					  precedence before this value, if it matches "python3*"
 #					  default: python3.3
 # PYTHON_MAJOR_VER	- Python version major number. 2 for python-2.x,
@@ -139,6 +139,17 @@ Python_Include_MAINTAINER=	python at FreeBS
 # PYSETUP			- Name of the setup script used by the distutils package.
 #					  default:
+#					- Generate the packaging list for distutils based ports
+#					  (including easy_install) automatically.
+#					- Automatically replaces .pyc and .pyo package list entries
+#					  with the relevant __pycache__ entries for Python 3.x.
+#					  This should only be used for ports, which do not use one
+#					  of Python's default package installation mechanisms and
+#					  which are guaranteed to work with any python version.
 #					- Internal name in the distutils for egg-info.
 #					  default: ${PORTNAME}
 .if !defined(PYDISTUTILS_NOEGGINFO) && \
 	(defined(INSTALLS_EGGINFO) ||	\
 		(defined(USE_PYDISTUTILS) && \
 		 ${USE_PYDISTUTILS} != "easy_install")) && \
 . endfor
+add-plist-post:	add-plist-pymod
+	{ ${ECHO_CMD} "#mtree"; ${CAT} ${MTREE_FILE}; } | ${TAR} tf - | \
+		${SED} '/^\.$$/d' > ${WRKDIR}/.localmtree
+	${ECHO_CMD} "${_RELSITELIBDIR}" >> ${WRKDIR}/.localmtree
+	${SED} 's|^${PREFIX}/||' ${_PYTHONPKGLIST} | ${SORT} >> ${TMPPLIST}
+	${SED} -e 's|^${PREFIX}/\(.*\)/\(.*\)|\1|' ${_PYTHONPKGLIST} | \
+		while read line; do \
+			${GREP} -qw "^$${line}$$" ${WRKDIR}/.localmtree || { \
+				[ -n "$${line}" ] && \
+					${ECHO_CMD} "@unexec rmdir $${line} 2>/dev/null || true"; \
+			}; \
+		done | ${SORT} | uniq | ${SORT} -r >> ${TMPPLIST}
+.if ${PYTHON_REL} >= 320 && defined(PYTHON_PY3K_PLIST_HACK)
+# When Python version is 3.2+ we rewrite all the filenames
+# of TMPPLIST that end with .py[co], so that they conform
+# to PEP 3147 (see
+PYMAGICTAG=		${PYTHON_CMD} -c 'import imp; print(imp.get_tag())'
+	@${AWK} '\
+		/\.py[co]$$/ && !($$0 ~ "/" pc "/") {id = match($$0, /\/[^\/]+\.py[co]$$/); if (id != 0) {d = substr($$0, 1, RSTART - 1); dirs[d] = 1}; sub(/\.py[co]$$/,  "." mt "&"); sub(/[^\/]+\.py[co]$$/, pc "/&"); print; next} \
+		/^@dirrm / {d = substr($$0, 8); if (d in dirs) {print $$0 "/" pc}; print $$0; next} \
+		{print} \
+		END {if (sp in dirs) {print "@dirrm " sp "/" pc}} \
+		' \
+		pc="__pycache__" mt="$$(${PYMAGICTAG})" sp="${PYTHON_SITELIBDIR:S,${PYTHONBASE}/,,g}" \
+		${TMPPLIST} > ${TMPPLIST}.pyc_tmp
+	@${MV} ${TMPPLIST}.pyc_tmp ${TMPPLIST}
+.endif # ${PYTHON_REL} >= 320 && defined(PYTHON_PY3K_PLIST_HACK)
+.endif # defined(PYDISTUTILS_AUTOPLIST) && defined(USE_PYDISTUTILS)
 # Fix for programs that build python from a GNU auto* environment

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