svn commit: r327440 - in head/irc/hexchat: . files

Koop Mast kwm at
Tue Sep 17 08:25:48 UTC 2013

On 17-9-2013 9:51, Rusmir Dusko wrote:
>> On 16-9-2013 22:55, Rusmir Dusko wrote:
>>>    CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--enable-spell=none
>>>    .endif
>>> +RUN_DEPENDS+=aspell:${PORTSDIR}/textproc/en-aspell
>>> +.endif
>>> +
>>>    CONFIGURE_ARGS+=--enable-spell=static
>>>    .endif
>> Shouldn't this be textproc/aspell ? The aspell binary is in that port
>> and en-aspell only has EN dictionaries etc.
> For test I have deleted all aspell Ports
> pkg info | grep aspell
> nothing
> /usr/ports/textproc/aspell/ ; make reinstall
> pkg info | grep aspell
> aspell-              Spelling checker with better suggestion logic than ispell
> pkg delete -f aspell-
> Also is needed to install textproc/en-aspell which install textproc/aspell
> /usr/ports/textproc/en-aspell ; make reinstall
> pkg info | grep aspell
> aspell-              Spelling checker with better suggestion logic than ispell
> en-aspell-7.1.0_1              Aspell English dictionaries
Fair enough if you want to install a dictionairy, I'm of the opinion 
that the uses needs to have the choice which dictionaries he wants to 
But my point is that the RUN_DEPEND line is wrong. The aspell binary is 
in the aspell port not en-aspell. If you want to depend on en-aspell you 
need to either check for a file from the en-aspell plist
or check for the package


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