svn commit: r319380 - head/math/libtommath

b.f. bf1783 at
Thu May 30 17:47:03 UTC 2013

On 5/30/13, Eitan Adler <eadler at> wrote:
> On 30 May 2013 03:42, Martin Wilke <miwi at> wrote:
>> On May 30, 2013, at 5:17 AM, Eitan Adler <eadler at FreeBSD.ORG> wrote:
>>> On 29 May 2013 17:41, Martin Wilke <miwi at> wrote:
>>>> Author: miwi
>>>> Date: Wed May 29 15:41:00 2013
>>>> New Revision: 319380
>>>> URL:
>>>> Log:
>>>>  - Disable regression test
>>>>  Reported by:  pointyhat building 2(D)-02:56:27
>>> This doesn't really explain what happened here.
>>> Did the regression test fail? Did the tests fail to build? Are there
>>> no regression tests?
>>> If the tests failed are they false positives, or do they indicate
>>> actual problems (where the port should be marked BROKEN)?
>> the regression test hangs without timeout thats why i have disable it.
>> port it self builds fine no reason to mark it broken.
> Do the hangs indicate failure of the test program or failure of the
> actual program?
> If the latter it should be marked BROKEN.

We don't automatically mark ports as BROKEN if they fail to pass a
test -- if we did, a great many more ports would be unavailable,
because most ports don't perform perfectly.  Often test failures are
caused by the conditions in which the tests are run, or are due to
problems in the testsuite, or represent uncommon or minor problems
that should ultimately be fixed, but don't render the port useless in
the meantime.


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