svn commit: r318777 - head/audio/libvorbis

Alexey Dokuchaev danfe at
Thu May 23 01:50:15 UTC 2013

On Wed, May 22, 2013 at 09:19:52PM +0100, Chris Rees wrote:
> You are quite right.
> There is some discussion about whether to, or not, but the main
> suggestion is that docs that require *building* would probably benefit
> from this option.
> I have some time set aside soon to clarify some stuff in the PH, so
> I'd like to get some consensus about this.
> Personally I think adding DOCS to OPTIONS_DEFINE at all under most
> circumstances is a bad idea, but it appears I'm in a minority here.

I would say that you're right in your desire to get rid of annoying one-item
dialogs with DOCS only option; but the solution would be not to drop them
from OPTIONS_DEFINE, but have a mechanism in bmp that would inhibit dialog
when OPTIONS_DEFINE includes only so-called "global" knobs (DOCS, EXAMPLES,
NLS, IPV6).  This mechanism should be conditional on user's setting inside
/etc/make.conf; maybe it should even eat a list of knobs user does not want
to see in dialog (e.g. always install NLS bits, but ask for DOCS).

This way every port would consistently list all options it supports in the
OPTIONS_DEFINE; global options would finally become truly globally settable
via /etc/make.conf due to centralized handling of them (right now there is
unwanted diversity because some of us list DOCS in OPTIONS_DEFINE, and some
do not); and we would finally stop arguing about it. ;-)

All it takes is just someone(tm) with enough free time to implement this.


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