svn commit: r318379 - in head/comms: . gr-osmosdr gr-osmosdr/files
martymac at
Fri May 17 22:30:42 UTC 2013
On Fri, 17 May 2013 14:38:56 +0000, Alexey Dokuchaev wrote
Hi Alexey,
Thanks for your mail.
> Oh, is doxygen being used for documentation, or this port
> actually really needs it for something functional? If it's
> only for docs, can it be made OPTIONal?
This is a mistake. The port does not need it for something functional,
only for building docs, but doc build is not currently enabled. I'll
double-check that and remove this un-needed dependency.
> > +LIB_DEPENDS= gnuradio-core:${PORTSDIR}/comms/gnuradio \
> > + gnuradio-fcd:${PORTSDIR}/comms/gnuradio \
> > + gruel:${PORTSDIR}/comms/gnuradio \
> > + boost_system:${PORTSDIR}/devel/boost-libs \
> > + boost_thread:${PORTSDIR}/devel/boost-libs
> Doubling dependencies of comms/gnuradio and boost-libs looks a
> bit silly; just picking one library per port would be sufficient.
Technically, you are right ; but it has those advantages (and I can't
see any disadvantage) :
- it allows to keep track of what is *really* needed by the software
and, thus, makes package maintenance easier
- if in the future, a dependency does not provide anymore all of its
libraries (e.g. because of a package split or software change), having
explicit dependencies on every single needed library will prevent the
software package from being installed. It will also help diagnose what
is really missing when building the port.
- if I had to choose only one library per dependency, why choosing that
one instead of that other one ? That does not make much sense... I just
don't want that package to be installed : I want it because it provides
that (and that and that)
I have checked the Porter's handbook and could not find advice on that...
> We've been discouraging starting support-type descriptions
> with 'Enable' word, but in this case it also helps to avoid
> starting description with lower-case letter (presuming that
> "rtl-sdr" spelled correctly), so maybe it's OK.
OK, thanks.
Best regards,
Ganael LAPLANCHE <ganael.laplanche at> |
FreeBSD: martymac <martymac at>,
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