svn commit: r317333 - in head/audio/hydrogen: . files
Cy Schubert
Cy.Schubert at
Tue May 7 04:07:51 UTC 2013
In message <201305070404.r47444RM045548 at>, Cy Schubert
> In message <51887205.3080300 at ShaneWare.Biz>, Shane Ambler writes:
> > On 06/05/2013 23:07, Cy Schubert wrote:
> > > Can you please look at PR/177806 and either approve/disapprove the patch
> in
> > > it. If you want my opinion, I prefer to use development ports for anythin
> g
> > > that is not GA. IMO it's always a good idea to leave base ports as stable
> > > as possible. Either way, it's your decision.
> >
> > I am currently looking at 0.9.6-beta3 starting with this patch. While it
> > compiles fine with gcc I'll add some patches to compile with clang
> > before committing. I'm also changing the master site to github which is
> > where development happens now.
> >
> > Initially I didn't consider using the beta for the port which is why I
> > fixed 0.9.5 to keep the port alive. Considering that beta2 was released
> > 11 months ago I'm leaning towards following beta releases for this port.
> >
> > I'm guessing Pietro Cerutti has been using beta2 for a while without any
> > real issues?
> >
> > I'll test it a bit over the next few days and add an update, it may as
> > well be added to this pr.
> Alphas, betas, and other release development or unstable software should
> use -devel.
Cy Schubert <Cy.Schubert at>
FreeBSD UNIX: <cy at> Web:
The need of the many outweighs the greed of the few.
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