svn commit: r314176 - in head/comms: . ebook2cwgui

Alexey Dokuchaev danfe at
Thu Mar 14 19:14:47 UTC 2013

On Thu, Mar 14, 2013 at 06:49:16PM +0000, Diane Bruce wrote:
> New Revision: 314176
> URL:
> +# $FreeBSD$
> +#

Wrong header format. :(

> +CATEGORIES=	comms hamradio

While `comms' already looks pretty weird for something which is "GUI front
end" as a primary category, `hamradio' looks even more bogus.

> +MAINTAINER=	db at
> +COMMENT=	WxWidgets front end for ebooks2cw

wxWidgets is spelled wrongly; also, "GUI front end for ..." would probably
make a better description.

> +MAN1=		ebook2cwgui.1
> +
> +USE_WX=	yes
> +
> +PLIST_FILES=	bin/ebook2cwgui

Knobs are pooly sorted (USE_WX should be before MAN1, as MAN1 is more package
related, while USE_* guys are more about the build).

> +do-install:
> +	@${INSTALL_SCRIPT} ${WRKSRC}/ebook2cwgui ${PREFIX}/bin/ebook2cwgui
Could be dropped, same name as the source file.

> +	@${INSTALL_DATA} ${WRKSRC}/ebook2cwgui.1 ${MANPREFIX}/man/man1

We do not mute installation commands, btw (also for the above).

> +.if     !defined(NOPORTDOCS)
Bogus whitespace, and PORT_OPTIONS:MDOCS should be checked instead of

> +	@${MKDIR} ${DOCSDIR}
> +.for 	f in README COPYING ChangeLog
Bogus whitespace again.

If target filename is that same as source one, it can be omitted (noted

> +.endfor

COPYING is being installed as docs (which is wrong), but LICENSE is not
being defined?

Also, I would suggest converting `.for .. .endfor' loop into this:



This is quite standard practice throughout the tree, and does not sacrifice
readability while being nicely concise.

> @@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
> +ebook2cwgui is a GUI front end for ebook2cw created in WxWidgets with 

Stray space at EOL.

> +support for both Linux and Windows.

This could probably confuse FreeBSD users. :)

> +Written by Fabian Kurz, DJ1YFK <mail at>

We usually abstain from explicitly crediting author in pkg-descr, but this
point it moot, and I don't have very strong feeling about it.


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