svn commit: r336448 - head/www/firefox

Florian Smeets flo at
Sat Dec 14 14:09:14 UTC 2013

Author: flo
Date: Sat Dec 14 14:09:13 2013
New Revision: 336448

  Bring back Makefile.webplugins, it's still in use.
  This unbreaks INDEX.

     - copied unchanged from r336445, head/www/firefox/Makefile.webplugins

Copied: head/www/firefox/Makefile.webplugins (from r336445, head/www/firefox/Makefile.webplugins)
--- /dev/null	00:00:00 1970	(empty, because file is newly added)
+++ head/www/firefox/Makefile.webplugins	Sat Dec 14 14:09:13 2013	(r336448, copy of r336445, head/www/firefox/Makefile.webplugins)
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+# Created by: Andrew Pantyukhin <infofarmer at>
+# $FreeBSD$
+# MAINTAINER=	gecko at
+# Documentation and examples:
+# Makefile.webplugins will create symlinks automatically for each supported
+# application that supports the webplugins framework.  Also, it will remove
+# these symlinks when the plug-in port is uninstalled.
+# USE_WEBPLUGINS	- Specify a list of applications that this plug-in
+# 			  port supports.  For each of these applications, a
+# 			  symlink will be created in
+# 			  lib/browser_plugins/symlinks.  See
+# 			  WEBPLUGINS_APPS_ALL_* below for the list of
+# 			  supported applications.
+#			  applications)
+# WEBPLUGINS_NAME	- If your port installs files in ${WEBPLUGINS_DIR},
+# 			  then you can tweak WEBPLUGINS_NAME to change the
+# 			  name of the directory
+# 			  (lib/browser_plugins/symlinks/WEBPLUGINS_NAME).
+# WEBPLUGINS_FILES	- The plug-in files that are going to be linked
+#			  in lib/browser_plugins/symlinks/*/. It cannot
+#			  be empty or the port will set IGNORE.
+# WEBPLUGINS_DIR	- The directory where the plug-in file(s) can be
+# 			  found.  Each plug-in file in WEBPLUGINS_FILES
+# 			  must be found in WEBPLUGINS_DIR.  If your port
+# 			  does not install in WEBPLUGINS_DIR, but in its own
+# 			  path, you will need to specify that here or
+# 			  symlinks will be created to non-existent files.
+# The USE_WEBPLUGINS supports wildcards, native, and linux; so you can do any
+# of the following:
+#	USE_WEBPLUGINS=gecko* (Supports gecko18 and gecko19.)
+#	USE_WEBPLUGINS=native (Supports gecko*, opera*, and webkit-gtk2)
+#	USE_WEBPLUGINS=linux (Supports linux-*)
+#	USE_WEBPLUGINS=opera webkit-gtk2
+# Example to add in Makefile and pkg-plist if the plug-in files are installled
+# to WEBPLUGINS_DIR, and if your port does this manually:
+#	Makefile:
+#	------------------------------------------------------
+#	[...]
+# fooplugin.xpi
+#	.include <>
+#	.include "${PORTSDIR}/www/firefox/Makefile.webplugins"
+#	post-install:
+#	.include <>
+#	------------------------------------------------------
+# You do not need to add lib/browser_plugins and lib/browser_plugins/symlinks
+# in pkg-plist, because they will be removed automatically.
+#	pkg-plist:
+#	------------------------------------------------------
+#	[...]
+#	%%WEBPLUGINS_DIR%%/fooplugin.xpi
+#	@dirrmtry %%WEBPLUGINS_DIR%%
+#	------------------------------------------------------
+# Here is what it will look like when it creates the symlinks:
+#	------------------------------------------------------
+#	/usr/local/lib/browser_plugins/symlinks/gecko18/ -> /usr/local/lib/browser_plugins/application/
+#	/usr/local/lib/browser_plugins/symlinks/gecko18/fooplugin.xpi -> /usr/local/lib/browser_plugins/application/fooplugin.xpi
+#	/usr/local/lib/browser_plugins/symlinks/gecko19/ -> /usr/local/lib/browser_plugins/application/
+#	/usr/local/lib/browser_plugins/symlinks/gecko19/fooplugin.xpi -> /usr/local/lib/browser_plugins/application/fooplugin.xpi
+#	------------------------------------------------------
+# If your port uses libtool, and installs any *.a and *.la files, do not add
+# these files to WEBPLUGINS_FILES.  WEBPLUGINS_FILES should be *.so or/and
+# *.xpi ONLY.
+# Example to add in Makefile and pkg-plist if your port installs plug-ins in
+# its own directory, and you need to set WEBPLUGINS_DIR.
+#	Makefile:
+#	------------------------------------------------------
+#	[...]
+#	WEBPLUGINS_DIR=${PREFIX}/lib/application
+# fooplugin.xpi
+#	.include <>
+#	.include "${PORTSDIR}/www/firefox/Makefile.webplugins"
+#	[...]
+#	.include <>
+#	------------------------------------------------------
+# As for the pkg-plist, it should only include the actual files your
+# port installs:
+#	pkg-plist:
+#	------------------------------------------------------
+#	[...]
+#	lib/application/fooplugin.a
+#	lib/application/
+#	lib/application/
+#	lib/application/fooplugin.xpi
+#	@dirrm lib/application
+#	------------------------------------------------------
+# Here is what it will look like when it creates symlinks:
+#	------------------------------------------------------
+#	/usr/local/lib/browser_plugins/symlinks/gecko18/ -> /usr/local/lib/application/
+#	/usr/local/lib/browser_plugins/symlinks/gecko18/fooplugin.xpi -> /usr/local/lib/application/fooplugin.xpi
+#	/usr/local/lib/browser_plugins/symlinks/gecko19/ -> /usr/local/lib/application/
+#	/usr/local/lib/browser_plugins/symlinks/gecko19/fooplugin.xpi -> /usr/local/lib/application/fooplugin.xpi
+#	------------------------------------------------------
+WEBPLUGINS_APPS_ALL_LINUX=	linux-firefox linux-firefox-devel linux-flock \
+							linux-flock-devel linux-mozilla \
+							linux-nvu linux-opera linux-opera-devel \
+							linux-seamonkey linux-seamonkey-devel \
+							linux-sunbird linux-sunbird-devel
+WEBPLUGINS_APPS_ALL_NATIVE=	gecko18 gecko19 opera opera-devel webkit-gtk2
+.if !defined(USE_WEBPLUGINS) || ${USE_WEBPLUGINS} == "yes" || \
+	${USE_WEBPLUGINS} == "*"
+.if !defined(WEBPLUGINS_FILES) || ${WEBPLUGINS_FILES} == "empty" || \
+IGNORE=	can't be installed: WEBPLUGINS_FILES is empty. Please, add plug-in files to it and check www/firefox/Makefile.webplugins for documentation
+.		if !${_TEMP_APP_:C!${_TEMP_USE_:S/*/.*/:S/?/./}!!} || \
+		( ${_TEMP_APP_:Mlinux-*} && ${_TEMP_USE_:Mlinux} ) || \
+		( ${_TEMP_APP_:Nlinux-*} && ${_TEMP_USE_:Mnative} )
+.		endif
+.	endfor
+.	if	${_TEMP_FLAG_}
+.	endif
+WEBPLUGINS_APPS=		${USE_WEBPLUGINS_EXP:S.^.${LOCALBASE}/lib/.:S.$./plugins.:N*opera*:N*gecko*:N*webkit*}
+WEBPLUGINS_LIBDIR=		${LOCALBASE}/lib/browser_plugins
+_Q=	2>/dev/null || true
+	@if [ ! -d ${WEBPLUGINS_DIR} ]; then \
+		${ECHO_CMD}; \
+		${ECHO_CMD} "ERROR: \"${WEBPLUGINS_DIR}\" in WEBPLUGINS_DIR is either a typo or no longer exists. Please, file a bug report to ${MAINTAINER} (maintainer)."; \
+		${ECHO_CMD}; \
+	else \
+		for _f in ${WEBPLUGINS_FILES}; do \
+			if [ ! -f ${WEBPLUGINS_DIR}/$${_f} ]; then \
+				${ECHO_CMD}; \
+				${ECHO_CMD} "ERROR: \"$${_f}\" in WEBPLUGINS_FILES is either a typo or no longer exists. Please, file a bug report to ${MAINTAINER} (maintainer)."; \
+				${ECHO_CMD}; \
+			fi; \
+		done; \
+	fi; \
+	for _d in ${WEBPLUGINS_LINKFARMS}; do \
+		${INSTALL} -d $${_d}; \
+		for _l in ${_LNWF}; do \
+			${LN} -sf $${_l} $${_d}/ ${_Q}; \
+		done; \
+	done; \
+	if [ "${PREFIX}" != "${LOCALBASE}" ]; then \
+		${ECHO_CMD} "@unexec rmdir ${_WLD} ${_Q}" >> ${TMPPLIST}; \
+	fi; \
+	${ECHO_CMD} "@cwd ${LOCALBASE}" >> ${TMPPLIST}; \
+	for _d in ${_WLF}; do \
+		${ECHO_CMD} "@exec ${INSTALL} -d $$_d" >> ${TMPPLIST}; \
+		for _l in ${_LNWF}; do \
+			${ECHO_CMD} "@exec ${LN} -sf $$_l $$_d/ ${_Q}" >> ${TMPPLIST}; \
+		done; \
+		for _f in ${WEBPLUGINS_FILES:S,^,\${_d}/,}; do \
+			${ECHO_CMD} "@unexec ${RM} -f $$_f" >> ${TMPPLIST}; \
+		done; \
+		${ECHO_CMD} "@unexec rmdir $$_d ${_Q}" >> ${TMPPLIST}; \
+	done
+	@${ECHO_CMD} "@unexec rmdir ${_WSD} ${_Q}" >> ${TMPPLIST}
+	@${ECHO_CMD} "@unexec rmdir ${_WLD} ${_Q}" >> ${TMPPLIST}
+post-install: webplugins-post-install

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