svn commit: r307612 - in head/misc/astrolog: . files

Eygene Ryabinkin rea at
Thu Nov 22 05:49:20 UTC 2012

Wed, Nov 21, 2012 at 09:53:12AM -0600, Bryan Drewery wrote:
> I agree. Splitting logically-grouped changes out into multiple patches
> is confusing, especially to future maintainers.
> IMHO this should not be a hard rule, but a suggestion if ordering is
> problematic.

Yes, but current porter guidelines say "Each patch you wish to apply
should be saved into a file named patch-* where * indicates the
pathname of the file that is patched, such as patch-Imakefile or
patch-src-config.h" and "To make fixes and upgrades easier, you should
avoid having more than one patch fix the same file (e.g., patch-file
and patch-file2 both changing WRKSRC/foobar.c)",

 a. if SHOULD is as per RFC 2119, then it means that the recommended
    way is to have per-file patches and the other ways should be used
    with the great care;

 b. "make fixes and upgrades easier" concern only the short-term
    easiness (if at all), in the long term it has just the opposite
    effect for non-trivial patches.

I think I'll try to come up with the patch for the handbook and will
post it to the wider list for comments.
Eygene Ryabinkin                                        ,,,^..^,,,
[ Life's unfair - but root password helps!           | ]
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