svn commit: r50109 - user/gjb/releng-rewrite/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/freebsd-releng

Glen Barber gjb at
Thu Mar 30 20:33:00 UTC 2017

Author: gjb
Date: Thu Mar 30 20:32:59 2017
New Revision: 50109

  Document post-release wrap-up tasks.
  Sponsored by:	The FreeBSD Foundation


Modified: user/gjb/releng-rewrite/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/freebsd-releng/article.xml
--- user/gjb/releng-rewrite/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/freebsd-releng/article.xml	Thu Mar 30 19:20:40 2017	(r50108)
+++ user/gjb/releng-rewrite/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/freebsd-releng/article.xml	Thu Mar 30 20:32:59 2017	(r50109)
@@ -357,6 +357,28 @@
     <title>Wrapping up the Release Cycle</title>
     <para>This section describes general post-release tasks.</para>
+    <sect2 xml:id="releng-wrapup-en">
+      <title>Post-Release Errata Notices</title>
+      <para>As the release cycle approaches conclusion, it is common
+	to have several <acronym>EN</acronym> (Errata Notice)
+	candidates to address issues that were discovered late in the
+	cycle.  Following the release, the &; and the
+	&team.secteam; revisit changes that were not approved prior to
+	the final release, and depending on the scope of the change in
+	question, may issue an <acronym>EN</acronym>.</para>
+    </sect2>
+    <sect2 xml:id="releng-wrapup-handoff">
+      <title>Handoff to the &team.secteam;</title>
+      <para>Roughly two weeks following the release, the Release
+	Engineer updates <filename>svnadmin/conf/approvers</filename>
+	changing the approver column from <literal>re</literal> to
+	<literal>(so|security-officer)</literal> for the
+	&branch.relengx; branch.</para>
+    </sect2>

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