svn commit: r41332 - in projects/xml-tools/share: mk xml xsl

Gabor Kovesdan gabor at
Mon Apr 1 08:16:11 UTC 2013

Author: gabor
Date: Mon Apr  1 08:16:09 2013
New Revision: 41332

  - Remove some further unused leftovers
  - Make sure printed docs generated with DSSSL always use .eps images
  - And XSLT-based output always uses .png
  - Fix image conversion


Modified: projects/xml-tools/share/mk/
--- projects/xml-tools/share/mk/	Sun Mar 31 21:35:32 2013	(r41331)
+++ projects/xml-tools/share/mk/	Mon Apr  1 08:16:09 2013	(r41332)
@@ -125,6 +125,9 @@ EPS2PNM_RES?=	100
 		-g`${EPSGEOM} -geom ${EPSGEOMOPTS} ${.TARGET:S/.png$/.eps/}` - \
 		| ${PNMTOPNG} > ${.TARGET}
+	${PIC2PS} ${.ALLSRC} > ${.TARGET}
 # When ghostscript built with A4=yes is used, ps2epsi's paper size also
 # becomes the A4 size.  However, the ps2epsi fails to convert grops(1)
 # outputs, which is the letter size, and we cannot change ps2epsi's paper size
@@ -166,7 +169,7 @@ ${_curimage}: ${_curimage:S/.png/.eps/}
 		| ${PNMTOPNG} > ${.TARGET}
-.for _curimage in ${_IMAGES_EPS:S/.png$/.eps/}
+.for _curimage in ${_IMAGES_PNG:S/.png$/.eps/}
 ${_curimage}: ${_curimage:S/.eps$/.png/}

Modified: projects/xml-tools/share/xml/freebsd-print.dsl
--- projects/xml-tools/share/xml/freebsd-print.dsl	Sun Mar 31 21:35:32 2013	(r41331)
+++ projects/xml-tools/share/xml/freebsd-print.dsl	Mon Apr  1 08:16:09 2013	(r41332)
@@ -3,10 +3,6 @@
 <!DOCTYPE style-sheet PUBLIC "-//James Clark//DTD DSSSL Style Sheet//EN" [
 <!ENTITY % output.rtf.images 	"IGNORE">
 <!ENTITY % output.print 	"IGNORE">
-<!ENTITY % output.print.pdf 	"IGNORE">
-<!ENTITY % output.print.justify	"IGNORE">
-<!ENTITY % output.print.twoside	"IGNORE">
-<!ENTITY % output.print.niceheaders	"IGNORE">
@@ -28,310 +24,6 @@
-      <!-- Two-sided Print output ....................................... -->
-      <![ %output.print.twoside; [
-      ;; From an email by Ian Castle to the DocBook-apps list
-      (define ($component$)
-        (make simple-page-sequence
-          page-n-columns: %page-n-columns%
-          page-number-restart?: (or %page-number-restart%
-;			      (book-start?)
-				    (first-chapter?))
-          page-number-format: ($page-number-format$)
-          use: default-text-style
-          left-header:   ($left-header$)
-          center-header: ($center-header$)
-          right-header:  ($right-header$)
-          left-footer:   ($left-footer$)
-          center-footer: ($center-footer$)
-          right-footer:  ($right-footer$)
-          start-indent: %body-start-indent%
-          input-whitespace-treatment: 'collapse
-          quadding: %default-quadding%
-          (make sequence
-	    ($component-title$)
-	    (process-children))
-          (make-endnotes)))
-      ;; From an email by Ian Castle to the DocBook-apps list
-      (define (first-part?)
-        (let* ((book (ancestor (normalize "book")))
-	       (nd   (ancestor-member (current-node)
-				      (append
-				       (component-element-list)
-				       (division-element-list))))
-	       (bookch (children book)))
-        (let loop ((nl bookch))
-	  (if (node-list-empty? nl)
-	      #f
-	      (if (equal? (gi (node-list-first nl)) (normalize "part"))
-		  (if (node-list=? (node-list-first nl) nd)
-		      #t
-		      #f)
-		  (loop (node-list-rest nl)))))))
-      ;; From an email by Ian Castle to the DocBook-apps list
-      (define (first-chapter?)
-      ;; Returns #t if the current-node is in the first chapter of a book
-        (if (has-ancestor-member? (current-node) (division-element-list))
-          #f
-         (let* ((book (ancestor (normalize "book")))
-                (nd   (ancestor-member (current-node)
-				       (append (component-element-list)
-					       (division-element-list))))
-		(bookch (children book))
-		(bookcomp (expand-children bookch (list (normalize "part")))))
-	   (let loop ((nl bookcomp))
-	     (if (node-list-empty? nl)
-		 #f
-		 (if (equal? (gi (node-list-first nl)) (normalize "chapter"))
-		     (if (node-list=? (node-list-first nl) nd)
-			 #t
-			 #f)
-		     (loop (node-list-rest nl))))))))
-      ; By default, the Part I title page will be given a roman numeral,
-      ; which is wrong so we have to fix it
-      (define (part-titlepage elements #!optional (side 'recto))
-        (let ((nodelist (titlepage-nodelist
-			 (if (equal? side 'recto)
-			     (part-titlepage-recto-elements)
-			     (part-titlepage-verso-elements))
-			 elements))
-	      ;; partintro is a special case...
-	      (partintro (node-list-first
-			  (node-list-filter-by-gi elements (list (normalize "partintro"))))))
-          (if (part-titlepage-content? elements side)
-	      (make simple-page-sequence
-		page-n-columns: %titlepage-n-columns%
-		;; Make sure that page number format is correct.
-		page-number-format: ($page-number-format$)
-		;; Make sure that the page number is set to 1 if this is the first part
-		;; in the book
-		page-number-restart?: (first-part?)
-		input-whitespace-treatment: 'collapse
-		use: default-text-style
-		;; This hack is required for the RTF backend. If an
-		;; external-graphic is the first thing on the page,
-		;; RTF doesn't seem to do the right thing (the graphic
-		;; winds up on the baseline of the first line of the
-		;; page, left justified).  This "one point rule" fixes
-		;; that problem.
-		(make paragraph
-		  line-spacing: 1pt
-		  (literal ""))
-		(let loop ((nl nodelist) (lastnode (empty-node-list)))
-		  (if (node-list-empty? nl)
-		      (empty-sosofo)
-		      (make sequence
-			(if (or (node-list-empty? lastnode)
-				(not (equal? (gi (node-list-first nl))
-					     (gi lastnode))))
-			    (part-titlepage-before (node-list-first nl) side)
-			    (empty-sosofo))
-			(cond
-			 ((equal? (gi (node-list-first nl)) (normalize "subtitle"))
-			  (part-titlepage-subtitle (node-list-first nl) side))
-			 ((equal? (gi (node-list-first nl)) (normalize "title"))
-			  (part-titlepage-title (node-list-first nl) side))
-			 (else
-			  (part-titlepage-default (node-list-first nl) side)))
-			(loop (node-list-rest nl) (node-list-first nl)))))
-		(if (and %generate-part-toc%
-			 %generate-part-toc-on-titlepage%
-			 (equal? side 'recto))
-		    (make display-group
-		      (build-toc (current-node)
-				 (toc-depth (current-node))))
-		    (empty-sosofo))
-		;; PartIntro is a special case
-		(if (and (equal? side 'recto)
-			 (not (node-list-empty? partintro))
-			 %generate-partintro-on-titlepage%)
-		    ($process-partintro$ partintro #f)
-		    (empty-sosofo)))
-	      (empty-sosofo))))
-      ]]>
-      <!-- Print with justification ..................................... -->
-      <![ %output.print.justify; [
-        (define %default-quadding%
-          'justify)
-        (define %hyphenation%
-          #t)
-        ;; The url.sty package is making all of the links purple/pink.
-        ;; Someone please fix this!
-        (define (urlwrap)
-          (let ((%factor% (if %verbatim-size-factor%
-			      %verbatim-size-factor%
-			      1.0)))
-          (make sequence
-	    font-family-name: %mono-font-family%
-	    font-size: (* (inherited-font-size) %factor%)
-	    (make formatting-instruction data:
-		  (string-append
-		   "\\url|"
-		   (data (current-node))
-		   "|")))))
-        (define (pathwrap)
-          (let ((%factor% (if %verbatim-size-factor%
-			      %verbatim-size-factor%
-			      1.0)))
-          (make sequence
-	    font-family-name: %mono-font-family%
-	    font-size: (* (inherited-font-size) %factor%)
-	    (make formatting-instruction data:
-		  (string-append
-		   "\\path|"
-		   (data (current-node))
-		   "|")))))
-        ;; Some others may check the value of %hyphenation% and be
-        ;; specified below
-;        (element email
-;          (make sequence
-;            (literal "<")
-;            (urlwrap)
-;            (literal ">")))
-        (element filename
-	    (pathwrap))
-        (element varname
-	    (pathwrap))
-      ]]>
-      <![ %output.print.niceheaders; [
-      (define niceheader-rule-spacebefore (* (HSIZE 5) %head-before-factor%))
-      (define niceheader-rule-spaceafter 0pt)
-      (define ($component-title$)
-	(let* ((info (cond
-		((equal? (gi) (normalize "appendix"))
-		 (select-elements (children (current-node)) (normalize "docinfo")))
-		((equal? (gi) (normalize "article"))
-		 (node-list-filter-by-gi (children (current-node))
-					 (list (normalize "artheader")
-					       (normalize "articleinfo"))))
-		((equal? (gi) (normalize "bibliography"))
-		 (select-elements (children (current-node)) (normalize "docinfo")))
-		((equal? (gi) (normalize "chapter"))
-		 (select-elements (children (current-node)) (normalize "docinfo")))
-		((equal? (gi) (normalize "dedication"))
-		 (empty-node-list))
-		((equal? (gi) (normalize "glossary"))
-		 (select-elements (children (current-node)) (normalize "docinfo")))
-		((equal? (gi) (normalize "index"))
-		 (select-elements (children (current-node)) (normalize "docinfo")))
-		((equal? (gi) (normalize "preface"))
-		 (select-elements (children (current-node)) (normalize "docinfo")))
-		((equal? (gi) (normalize "reference"))
-		 (select-elements (children (current-node)) (normalize "docinfo")))
-		((equal? (gi) (normalize "setindex"))
-		 (select-elements (children (current-node)) (normalize "docinfo")))
-		(else
-		 (empty-node-list))))
-	 (exp-children (if (node-list-empty? info)
-			   (empty-node-list)
-			   (expand-children (children info)
-					    (list (normalize "bookbiblio")
-						  (normalize "bibliomisc")
-						  (normalize "biblioset")))))
-	 (parent-titles (select-elements (children (current-node)) (normalize "title")))
-	 (info-titles   (select-elements exp-children (normalize "title")))
-	 (titles        (if (node-list-empty? parent-titles)
-			    info-titles
-			    parent-titles))
-	 (subtitles     (select-elements exp-children (normalize "subtitle"))))
-    (make sequence
-      (make paragraph
-	font-family-name: %title-font-family%
-	font-weight: 'bold
-	font-size: (HSIZE 4)
-	line-spacing: (* (HSIZE 4) %line-spacing-factor%)
-	space-before: (* (HSIZE 4) %head-before-factor%)
-	start-indent: 0pt
-	first-line-start-indent: 0pt
-	quadding: %component-title-quadding%
-	heading-level: (if %generate-heading-level% 1 0)
-	keep-with-next?: #t
-	(if (string=? (element-label) "")
-	    (empty-sosofo)
-	    (literal (gentext-element-name-space (current-node))
-		     (element-label)
-		     (gentext-label-title-sep (gi)))))
-      (make paragraph
-	font-family-name: %title-font-family%
-	font-weight: 'bold
-	font-posture: 'italic
-	font-size: (HSIZE 6)
-	line-spacing: (* (HSIZE 6) %line-spacing-factor%)
-;	space-before: (* (HSIZE 5) %head-before-factor%)
-	start-indent: 0pt
-	first-line-start-indent: 0pt
-	quadding: %component-title-quadding%
-	heading-level: (if %generate-heading-level% 1 0)
-	keep-with-next?: #t
-	(if (node-list-empty? titles)
-	    (element-title-sosofo) ;; get a default!
-	    (with-mode component-title-mode
-	      (make sequence
-		(process-node-list titles)))))
-      (make paragraph
-	font-family-name: %title-font-family%
-	font-weight: 'bold
-	font-posture: 'italic
-	font-size: (HSIZE 3)
-	line-spacing: (* (HSIZE 3) %line-spacing-factor%)
-	space-before: (* 0.5 (* (HSIZE 3) %head-before-factor%))
-	space-after: (* (HSIZE 4) %head-after-factor%)
-	start-indent: 0pt
-	first-line-start-indent: 0pt
-	quadding: %component-subtitle-quadding%
-	keep-with-next?: #t
-	(with-mode component-title-mode
-	  (make sequence
-	    (process-node-list subtitles))))
-      (if (equal? (gi) (normalize "index"))
-	(empty-sosofo)
-	(make rule
-	  length: %body-width%
-	  display-alignment: 'start
-	  space-before: niceheader-rule-spacebefore
-	  space-after: niceheader-rule-spaceafter
-	  line-thickness: 0.5pt)))))
-      (element authorgroup
-        (empty-sosofo))
-      ]]>
       <!-- Print only ................................................... -->
       <![ %output.print; [
         (define withpgpkeys
@@ -470,18 +162,10 @@
                        (notation (attribute-string (normalize "format") objdata)))
                   (node-list-first nl)))))
-        ;; When selecting a filename to use, don't append the default
-        ;; extension, instead, just use the bare filename, and let TeX
-        ;; work it out.  jadetex will use the .eps file, while pdfjadetex
-        ;; will use the .png file automatically.
-        (define (graphic-file filename)
-          (let ((ext (file-extension filename)))
-            (if (or tex-backend   ;; TeX can work this out itself
-                    (not filename)
-                    (not %graphic-default-extension%)
-                    (member ext %graphic-extensions%))
-                 filename
-                 (string-append filename "." %graphic-default-extension%))))
+        ;; Printed formats always use .eps images.
+        (define %graphic-default-extension%
+          "eps")
         ;; Including bitmaps in the PS and PDF output tends to scale them
         ;; horribly.  The solution is to scale them down by 50%.
@@ -700,10 +384,6 @@
 						    (process-node-list c)))))))))))
-      <![ %output.print.pdf; [
-      ]]>

Modified: projects/xml-tools/share/xml/freebsd.dtd
--- projects/xml-tools/share/xml/freebsd.dtd	Sun Mar 31 21:35:32 2013	(r41331)
+++ projects/xml-tools/share/xml/freebsd.dtd	Mon Apr  1 08:16:09 2013	(r41332)
@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
 <!ENTITY % output.html  "IGNORE">    <!-- HTML output is being generated   -->
 <!ENTITY % output.html.images "IGNORE"> <!-- HTML with images -->
 <!ENTITY % output.print "IGNORE">    <!-- Print output is being generated  -->
-<!ENTITY % output.print.pdf "IGNORE"> <!-- PDF output -->
 <!-- ..................................................................... -->
 <!-- Entities for element classes and mixtures ........................... -->

Modified: projects/xml-tools/share/xml/freebsd45.dtd
--- projects/xml-tools/share/xml/freebsd45.dtd	Sun Mar 31 21:35:32 2013	(r41331)
+++ projects/xml-tools/share/xml/freebsd45.dtd	Mon Apr  1 08:16:09 2013	(r41332)
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
 <!ENTITY % output.html  "IGNORE">    <!-- HTML output is being generated   -->
 <!ENTITY % output.html.images "IGNORE"> <!-- HTML with images -->
 <!ENTITY % output.print "IGNORE">    <!-- Print output is being generated  -->
-<!ENTITY % output.print.pdf "IGNORE"> <!-- PDF output -->
 <!--  XXX: Jade is given a totally parsed document with XML tools
       so it does not need to pull in entity sets and catalogs

Modified: projects/xml-tools/share/xsl/freebsd-common.xsl
--- projects/xml-tools/share/xsl/freebsd-common.xsl	Sun Mar 31 21:35:32 2013	(r41331)
+++ projects/xml-tools/share/xsl/freebsd-common.xsl	Mon Apr  1 08:16:09 2013	(r41332)
@@ -19,4 +19,6 @@
   <xsl:param name="section.label.includes.component.label" select="1"/>
   <xsl:param name="generate.index" select="0"/>
+  <xsl:param name="graphic.default.extension">png</xsl:param>

Modified: projects/xml-tools/share/xsl/freebsd-fo.xsl
--- projects/xml-tools/share/xsl/freebsd-fo.xsl	Sun Mar 31 21:35:32 2013	(r41331)
+++ projects/xml-tools/share/xsl/freebsd-fo.xsl	Mon Apr  1 08:16:09 2013	(r41332)
@@ -16,15 +16,6 @@
   <!-- Redefine variables, and replace templates as necessary here -->
-  <xsl:param name="freebsd.output.print"
-             select="'0'"/>
-  <xsl:param name="freebsd.output.print.pdf"
-             select="'0'"/>
-  <xsl:param name="freebsd.output.print.justify"
-             select="'0'"/>
-  <xsl:param name="freebsd.output.print.twoside"
-             select="'0'"/>
   <!-- FO specific customisation goes here -->
   <xsl:param name="use.extensions" select="1"/>

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