svn commit: r52891 - head/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/fonts

Benedict Reuschling bcr at
Sat Mar 23 04:50:03 UTC 2019

Author: bcr
Date: Sat Mar 23 04:50:01 2019
New Revision: 52891

  Cleanup a couple of igor warnings.
  This file had a lot of long lines in it as well as redundant markup with
  words. A few capitalizations were also fixed, except a few where it would
  obscure the original meaning like groff.


Modified: head/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/fonts/article.xml
--- head/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/fonts/article.xml	Sat Mar 23 02:02:12 2019	(r52890)
+++ head/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/fonts/article.xml	Sat Mar 23 04:50:01 2019	(r52891)
@@ -23,14 +23,21 @@
      updated to reflect changes in FreeBSD system configuration
      files by Mark Ovens <mark at> 27/5/00
-<article xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" version="5.0" xml:lang="en">
-  <info><title>Fonts and FreeBSD</title><subtitle>A Tutorial</subtitle>
+<article xmlns=""
+  xmlns:xlink="" version="5.0"
+  xml:lang="en">
+  <info>
+    <title>Fonts and FreeBSD</title>
+    <subtitle>A Tutorial</subtitle>
-      <author><personname><firstname>Dave</firstname><surname>Bodenstab</surname></personname><affiliation>
+      <author>
+	<personname>
+	  <firstname>Dave</firstname>
+	  <surname>Bodenstab</surname>
+	</personname>
+	<affiliation>
 	    <email>imdave at</email>
@@ -54,10 +61,12 @@
       <para>This document contains a description of the various font
 	files that may be used with FreeBSD and the syscons driver,
-	<application>X11</application>, <application>Ghostscript</application>
-	and <application>Groff</application>.  Cookbook examples are provided
-	for switching the syscons display to 80x60 mode, and for using
-	type 1 fonts with the above application programs.</para>
+	<application>X11</application>,
+	<application>Ghostscript</application> and
+	<application>Groff</application>.  Cookbook examples are
+	provided for switching the syscons display to 80x60 mode, and
+	for using type 1 fonts with the above application
+	programs.</para>
@@ -73,14 +82,15 @@
   <sect1 xml:id="terminology">
-    <title>Basic terminology</title>
+    <title>Basic Terminology</title>
     <para>There are many different font formats and associated font
       file suffixes.  A few that will be addressed here are:</para>
-	<term><filename>.pfa</filename>, <filename>.pfb</filename></term>
+	<term>
+	  <filename>.pfa</filename>, <filename>.pfb</filename></term>
 	  <para>&postscript; type 1 fonts.  The
@@ -126,7 +136,10 @@
-	<term><filename>.fon</filename>, <filename>.fnt</filename></term>
+	<term>
+	  <filename>.fon</filename>,
+	  <filename>.fnt</filename>
+	</term>
 	  <para>Bitmapped screen fonts</para>
@@ -134,7 +147,7 @@
-    <para>The <filename>.fot</filename> file is used by &windows; as
+    <para>The <filename>.fot</filename> is used by &windows; as
       sort of a symbolic link to the actual &truetype; font
       (<filename>.ttf</filename>) file.  The <filename>.fon</filename>
       font files are also used by Windows.  I know of no way to use
@@ -142,7 +155,7 @@
   <sect1 xml:id="font-formats">
-    <title>What font formats can I use?</title>
+    <title>What Font Formats Can I Use?</title>
     <para>Which font file format is useful depends on the application
       being used.  FreeBSD by itself uses no fonts.  Application
@@ -225,16 +238,16 @@
       they chose this suffix.  Therefore, it is likely that files with
       this suffix are not all the same format; specifically, the
       <filename>.fnt</filename> files used by syscons under FreeBSD
-      may not be the same format as a <filename>.fnt</filename> file
-      one encounters in the &ms-dos;/&windows; environment.  I have not
+      may not be the same format as a <filename>.fnt</filename> one
+      encounters in the &ms-dos;/&windows; environment.  I have not
       made any attempt at using other <filename>.fnt</filename> files
       other than those provided with FreeBSD.</para>
   <sect1 xml:id="virtual-console">
-    <title>Setting a virtual console to 80x60 line mode</title>
+    <title>Setting a Virtual Console to 80x60 Line Mode</title>
-    <para>First, an 8x8 font must be loaded. To do this,
+    <para>First, an 8x8 font must be loaded.  To do this,
       <filename>/etc/rc.conf</filename> should contain the
       line (change the font name to an appropriate one for
       your locale):</para>
@@ -252,40 +265,43 @@
     <para>Various screen-oriented programs, such as &;, must
       be able to determine the current screen dimensions.  As this is
-      achieved this through <command>ioctl</command> calls to the console
-      driver (such as &man.syscons.4;) they will correctly determine the new
-      screen dimensions.</para>
+      achieved this through <command>ioctl</command> calls to the
+      console driver (such as &man.syscons.4;) they will correctly
+      determine the new screen dimensions.</para>
     <para>To make this more seamless, one can embed these commands in
       the startup scripts so it takes place when the system boots.
-      To do this is add this line to <filename>/etc/rc.conf</filename>
-    </para>
+      To do this is add this line to
+      <filename>/etc/rc.conf</filename>.</para>
-	<informalexample>
-	  <programlisting>allscreens_flags="VGA_80x60"	# Set this vidcontrol mode for all virtual screens
-	  </programlisting>
-	</informalexample>
+    <informalexample>
+      <programlisting>allscreens_flags="VGA_80x60"	# Set this vidcontrol mode for all virtual screens</programlisting>
+    </informalexample>
     <para>References: &man.rc.conf.5;, &man.vidcontrol.1;.</para>
   <sect1 xml:id="type1-fonts-x11">
-    <title>Using type 1 fonts with <application>X11</application></title>
+    <title>Using Type 1 Fonts with
+      <application>X11</application></title>
-    <para><application>X11</application> can use either the <filename>.pfa</filename> or the
-      <filename>.pfb</filename> format fonts.  The <application>X11</application> fonts are
-      located in various subdirectories under
+    <para><application>X11</application> can use either the
+      <filename>.pfa</filename> or the
+      <filename>.pfb</filename> format fonts.  The
+      <application>X11</application> fonts are located in various
+      subdirectories under
       <filename>/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts</filename>.  Each font file
-      is cross referenced to its <application>X11</application> name by the contents of the
-      <filename>fonts.dir</filename> file in each directory.</para>
+      is cross referenced to its <application>X11</application> name
+      by the contents of <filename>fonts.dir</filename> in each
+      directory.</para>
-    <para>There is already a directory named <filename>Type1</filename>.  The
-      most straight forward way to add a new font is to put it into
-      this directory.  A better way is to keep all new fonts in a
-      separate directory and use a symbolic link to the additional
-      font.  This allows one to more easily keep track of ones fonts
-      without confusing them with the fonts that were originally
-      provided.  For example:</para>
+    <para>There is already a directory named
+      <filename>Type1</filename>.  The most straight forward way to
+      add a new font is to put it into this directory.  A better way
+      is to keep all new fonts in a separate directory and use a
+      symbolic link to the additional font.  This allows one to more
+      easily keep track of ones fonts without confusing them with the
+      fonts that were originally provided.  For example:</para>
       <screen><lineannotation>Create a directory to contain the font files</lineannotation>
@@ -302,9 +318,10 @@
 &prompt.user; <userinput>echo showboat - InfoMagic CICA, Dec 1994, /fonts/atm/showboat >>INDEX</userinput></screen>
-    <para>Now, to use a new font with <application>X11</application>, one must make the font file
-      available and update the font name files.  The <application>X11</application> font names
-      look like:</para>
+    <para>Now, to use a new font with <application>X11</application>,
+      one must make the font file available and update the font name
+      files.  The <application>X11</application> font names look
+      like:</para>
@@ -395,7 +412,9 @@ end readonly def
-	  <para><emphasis remap="bf">r</emphasis>oman, <emphasis remap="bf">i</emphasis>talic, <emphasis remap="bf">o</emphasis>blique, etc.  Since the
+	  <para><emphasis remap="bf">r</emphasis>oman, <emphasis
+	      remap="bf">i</emphasis>talic, <emphasis
+	      remap="bf">o</emphasis>blique, etc.  Since the
 	    <emphasis>ItalicAngle</emphasis> is zero,
 	    <emphasis>roman</emphasis> will be used.</para>
@@ -433,9 +452,9 @@ end readonly def
     <para>All of these names are arbitrary, but one should strive to
       be compatible with the existing conventions.  A font is
-      referenced by name with possible wild cards by an <application>X11</application> program,
-      so the name chosen should make some sense.  One might begin by
-      simply using
+      referenced by name with possible wild cards by an
+      <application>X11</application> program, so the name chosen
+      should make some sense.  One might begin by simply using
@@ -477,19 +496,23 @@ showboat.pfb -type1-showboat-medium-r-normal-decorativ
     <para>References: &man.xfontsel.1;, &man.xset.1;, <citetitle>The X
-	Windows System in a Nutshell</citetitle>, <link xlink:href="">O'Reilly &
+	Windows System in a Nutshell</citetitle>, <link
+	xlink:href="">O'Reilly &
   <sect1 xml:id="type1-fonts-ghostscript">
-    <title>Using type 1 fonts with Ghostscript</title>
+    <title>Using Type 1 Fonts with Ghostscript</title>
-    <para><application>Ghostscript</application> references a font via its <filename>Fontmap</filename>
-      file.  This must be modified in a similar way to the <application>X11</application>
-      <filename>fonts.dir</filename> file. <application>Ghostscript</application> can use either
-      the <filename>.pfa</filename> or the <filename>.pfb</filename>
+    <para><application>Ghostscript</application> references a font via
+      its <filename>Fontmap</filename>.  This must be modified in
+      a similar way to the <application>X11</application>
+      <filename>fonts.dir</filename>.
+      <application>Ghostscript</application> can use either the
+      <filename>.pfa</filename> or the <filename>.pfb</filename>
       format fonts.  Using the font from the previous example, here is
-      how to use it with <application>Ghostscript</application>:</para>
+      how to use it with
+      <application>Ghostscript</application>:</para>
       <screen><lineannotation>Put the font in Ghostscript's font directory</lineannotation>
@@ -526,19 +549,23 @@ GS><userinput>quit</userinput></screen>
   <sect1 xml:id="type1-fonts-groff">
-    <title>Using type 1 fonts with Groff</title>
+    <title>Using Type 1 Fonts with Groff</title>
-    <para>Now that the new font can be used by both <application>X11</application> and
-      <application>Ghostscript</application>, how can one use the new font
-	with <application>groff</application>? First of
+    <para>Now that the new font can be used by both
+      <application>X11</application> and
+      <application>Ghostscript</application>, how can one use the new
+      font with <application>groff</application>? First of
       all, since we are dealing with type 1 &postscript; fonts, the
-      <application>groff</application> device that is applicable is the <emphasis>ps</emphasis>
-      device.  A font file must be created for each font that <application>groff</application>
-      can use.  A <application>groff</application> font name is just a file in
+      <application>groff</application> device that is applicable is
+      the <emphasis>ps</emphasis>
+      device.  A font file must be created for each font that
+      <application>groff</application> can use.  A
+      <application>groff</application> font name is just a file in
       <filename>/usr/share/groff_font/devps</filename>.  With our
       example, the font file could be
       <filename>/usr/share/groff_font/devps/SHOWBOAT</filename>.  The
-      file must be created using tools provided by <application>groff</application>.</para>
+      file must be created using tools provided by
+      <application>groff</application>.</para>
     <para>The first tool is <command>afmtodit</command>.  This is not
       normally installed, so it must be retrieved from the source
@@ -554,9 +581,9 @@ GS><userinput>quit</userinput></screen>
-    <para>This tool will create the <application>groff</application> font file from the metrics
-      file (<filename>.afm</filename> suffix.) Continuing with our
-      example:</para>
+    <para>This tool will create the <application>groff</application>
+      font file from the metrics file (<filename>.afm</filename>
+      suffix.) Continuing with our example:</para>
       <screen><lineannotation>Many .afm files are in Mac format… ^M delimited lines
@@ -573,25 +600,25 @@ We need to convert them to &unix; style ^J delimited l
     <para>The font can now be referenced with the name
-    <para>If <application>Ghostscript</application> is used to drive the printers on the system,
-      then nothing more needs to be done.  However, if true &postscript;
-      printers are used, then the font must be downloaded to the
-      printer in order for the font to be used (unless the printer
-      happens to have the showboat font built in or on an accessible
-      font disk.) The final step is to create a downloadable font.
-      The <command>pfbtops</command> tool is used to create the
-      <filename>.pfa</filename> format of the font, and the
-      <filename>download</filename> file is modified to reference the new
-      font.  The <filename>download</filename> file must reference the
-      internal name of the font.  This can easily be determined from
-      the groff font file as illustrated:</para>
+    <para>If <application>Ghostscript</application> is used to drive
+      the printers on the system, then nothing more needs to be done.
+      However, if true &postscript; printers are used, then the font
+      must be downloaded to the printer in order for the font to be
+      used (unless the printer happens to have the showboat font built
+      in or on an accessible font disk.) The final step is to create
+      a downloadable font.  The <command>pfbtops</command> tool is
+      used to create the <filename>.pfa</filename> format of the font,
+      and <filename>download</filename> is modified to
+      reference the new font.  The <filename>download</filename>
+      must reference the internal name of the font.  This can easily
+      be determined from the groff font file as illustrated:</para>
       <screen><lineannotation>Create the .pfa font file</lineannotation>
 &prompt.user; <userinput>pfbtops /usr/local/share/fonts/type1/showboat.pfb >showboat.pfa</userinput></screen>
-    <para>Of course, if the <filename>.pfa</filename> file is already
+    <para>Of course, if <filename>.pfa</filename> is already
       available, just use a symbolic link to reference it.</para>
@@ -652,7 +679,7 @@ EOF</userinput>
   <sect1 xml:id="convert-truetype">
-    <title>Converting TrueType fonts to a groff/PostScript format for
+    <title>Converting TrueType Fonts to a groff/PostScript Format For
     <para>This potentially requires a bit of work, simply because it
@@ -668,12 +695,13 @@ EOF</userinput>
 	    allows conversion of a TrueType font to an ascii font
 	    metric (<filename>.afm</filename>) file.</para>
-	  <para>Currently available at <uri xlink:href=""></uri>.
+	  <para>Currently available at <uri
+	      xlink:href=""></uri>.
 	    Note: These files are PostScript programs and must be
-	    downloaded to disk by holding down the
-	    <keycap>Shift</keycap> key when clicking on the link.
-	    Otherwise, your browser may try to launch
-	    <application>ghostview</application> to view them.</para>
+	    downloaded to disk by holding down <keycap>Shift</keycap>
+	    when clicking on the link.  Otherwise, your browser may
+	    try to launch <application>ghostview</application> to view
+	    them.</para>
 	  <para>The files of interest are:</para>
@@ -697,10 +725,10 @@ EOF</userinput>
 	    upper case, so any renaming must be consistent with this.
 	    (Actually, <filename>GS_TTF.PS</filename> and
 	    <filename>PFS2AFM.PS</filename> are supposedly part of the
-	    <application>Ghostscript</application> distribution, but it is just as easy to use
-	    these as an isolated utility.  FreeBSD does not seem to
-	    include the latter.) You also may want to have these
-	    installed to
+	    <application>Ghostscript</application> distribution, but
+	    it is just as easy to use these as an isolated utility.
+	    FreeBSD does not seem to include the latter.) You also may
+	    want to have these installed to
@@ -709,13 +737,14 @@ EOF</userinput>
-	  <para>Creates font files for use with <application>groff</application> from ascii font
-	    metrics file.  This usually resides in the directory,
+	  <para>Creates font files for use with
+	    <application>groff</application> from ascii font metrics
+	    file.  This usually resides in the directory,
 	    <filename>/usr/src/contrib/groff/afmtodit</filename>, and
 	    requires some work to get going.</para>
-	    <para> If you are paranoid about working in the
+	    <para>If you are paranoid about working in the
 	      <filename>/usr/src</filename> tree, simply copy the
 	      contents of the above directory to a work
@@ -740,21 +769,20 @@ EOF</userinput>
-	<para>Create the <filename>.afm</filename> file by
-	  typing:</para>
+	<para>Create <filename>.afm</filename> by typing:</para>
 	<screen><prompt>%</prompt> <userinput>gs -dNODISPLAY -q -- <replaceable>TTF_name</replaceable> <replaceable>PS_font_name</replaceable> <replaceable>AFM_name</replaceable></userinput></screen>
 	<para>Where, <replaceable>TTF_name</replaceable> is your
 	  TrueType font file, <replaceable>PS_font_name</replaceable>
-	  is the file name for the <filename>.pfa</filename> file,
+	  is the file name for <filename>.pfa</filename>,
 	  <replaceable>AFM_name</replaceable> is the name you wish for
-	  the <filename>.afm</filename> file.  If you do not specify
+	  <filename>.afm</filename>.  If you do not specify
 	  output file names for the <filename>.pfa</filename> or
 	  <filename>.afm</filename> files, then default names will be
 	  generated from the TrueType font file name.</para>
-	<para>This also produces a <filename>.pfa</filename> file, the
+	<para>This also produces a <filename>.pfa</filename>, the
 	  ascii PostScript font metrics file
 	  (<filename>.pfb</filename> is for the binary form).  This
 	  will not be needed, but could (I think) be useful for a
@@ -781,7 +809,8 @@ Converting 3of9.ttf to A.pfa and B.afm.</screen>
-	<para>Create the <application>groff</application> PostScript file:</para>
+	<para>Create the <application>groff</application> PostScript
+	  file:</para>
 	<para>Change directories to
 	  <filename>/usr/share/groff_font/devps</filename> so as to
@@ -802,11 +831,11 @@ Converting 3of9.ttf to A.pfa and B.afm.</screen>
 	  used from that command, as well as the name that
 	  &man.groff.1; will use for references to this font.  For
 	  example, assuming you used the first
-	  <command></command> command above, then the 3of9
+	  <command></command> above, then the 3of9
 	  Barcode font can be created using the command:</para>
 	<screen><prompt>%</prompt> <userinput>afmtodit -d DESC -e text.enc 3of9.afm generate/textmap 3of9</userinput></screen>
 	<para>Ensure that the resulting
 	  <replaceable>PS_font_name</replaceable> file (e.g.,
 	  <filename>3of9</filename> in the example above) is located
@@ -817,7 +846,7 @@ Converting 3of9.ttf to A.pfa and B.afm.</screen>
 	<para>Note that if <filename></filename> assigns a
 	  font name using the one it finds in the TrueType font file
 	  and you want to use a different name, you must edit the
-	  <filename>.afm</filename> file prior to running
+	  <filename>.afm</filename> prior to running
 	  <command>afmtodit</command>.  This name must also match the
 	  one used in the Fontmap file if you wish to pipe
 	  &man.groff.1; into &;.</para>
@@ -826,7 +855,7 @@ Converting 3of9.ttf to A.pfa and B.afm.</screen>
   <sect1 xml:id="truetype-for-other-programs">
-    <title>Can TrueType fonts be used with other programs?</title>
+    <title>Can TrueType Fonts be Used with Other Programs?</title>
     <para>The TrueType font format is used by Windows, Windows 95, and
       Mac's.  It is quite popular and there are a great number of
@@ -834,38 +863,43 @@ Converting 3of9.ttf to A.pfa and B.afm.</screen>
     <para>Unfortunately, there are few applications that I am aware of
       that can use this format: <application>Ghostscript</application>
-	and <application>Povray</application> come to mind.
-      <application>Ghostscript's</application> support, according to the documentation, is
-      rudimentary and the results are likely to be inferior to type 1
-      fonts. <application>Povray</application> version 3 also has the ability to use TrueType
-      fonts, but I rather doubt many people will be creating documents
-      as a series of raytraced pages :-).</para>
+      and <application>Povray</application> come to mind.
+      <application>Ghostscript's</application> support, according to
+      the documentation, is rudimentary and the results are likely to
+      be inferior to type 1 fonts.  <application>Povray</application>
+      version 3 also has the ability to use TrueType fonts, but I
+      rather doubt many people will be creating documents as a series
+      of raytraced pages :-).</para>
-    <para>This rather dismal situation may soon change.  The <link xlink:href="">FreeType Project</link> is
-      currently developing a useful set of FreeType tools:</para>
+    <para>This rather dismal situation may soon change.  The <link
+	xlink:href="">FreeType Project</link>
+      is currently developing a useful set of FreeType tools:</para>
-	<para>The <command>xfsft</command> font server for <application>X11</application> can
-	  serve TrueType fonts in addition to regular fonts.  Though
-	  currently in beta, it is said to be quite usable.  See
-	  <link xlink:href="">Juliusz
-	    Chroboczek's page</link> for further information.
-	  Porting instructions for FreeBSD can be found at <link xlink:href="">Stephen
+	<para>The <command>xfsft</command> font server for
+	  <application>X11</application> can serve TrueType fonts in
+	  addition to regular fonts.  Though currently in beta, it is
+	  said to be quite usable.  See <link
+	    xlink:href="">Juliusz
+	    Chroboczek's page</link> for further information.  Porting
+	  instructions for FreeBSD can be found at <link
+	    xlink:href="">Stephen
 	    Montgomery's software page</link>.</para>
-	<para><application>xfstt</application> is another font server for
-		<application>X11</application>,
-	  available under <uri xlink:href=""></uri>.</para>
+	<para><application>xfstt</application> is another font server
+	  for <application>X11</application>, available under <uri
+	    xlink:href=""></uri>.</para>
 	<para>A program called <command>ttf2bdf</command> can produce
 	  BDF files suitable for use in an X environment from TrueType
-	  files.  Linux binaries are said to be available from <uri xlink:href=""></uri>.</para>
+	  files.  Linux binaries are said to be available from <uri
+	    xlink:href=""></uri>.</para>
@@ -875,7 +909,7 @@ Converting 3of9.ttf to A.pfa and B.afm.</screen>
   <sect1 xml:id="obtaining-additional-fonts">
-    <title>Where can additional fonts be obtained?</title>
+    <title>Where Can Additional Fonts be Obtained?</title>
     <para>Many fonts are available on the Internet.  They are either
       entirely free, or are share-ware.  In addition many fonts are
@@ -884,7 +918,7 @@ Converting 3of9.ttf to A.pfa and B.afm.</screen>
   <sect1 xml:id="additional-questions">
-    <title>Additional questions</title>
+    <title>Additional Questions</title>
@@ -892,14 +926,15 @@ Converting 3of9.ttf to A.pfa and B.afm.</screen>
-	<para>Can one generate the <filename>.afm</filename> file from
+	<para>Can one generate the <filename>.afm</filename> from
 	  a <filename>.pfa</filename> or
-	<para>How to generate the <application>groff</application> character mapping files for
-	  PostScript fonts with non-standard character names?</para>
+	<para>How to generate the <application>groff</application>
+	  character mapping files for PostScript fonts with
+	  non-standard character names?</para>
@@ -909,7 +944,8 @@ Converting 3of9.ttf to A.pfa and B.afm.</screen>
 	<para>It would be good to have examples of using TrueType
-	  fonts with <application>Povray</application> and <application>Ghostscript</application>.</para>
+	  fonts with <application>Povray</application> and
+	  <application>Ghostscript</application>.</para>

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