svn commit: r51721 - in head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook: special uses

Tobias Kortkamp tobik at
Fri May 25 14:38:44 UTC 2018

Author: tobik (ports committer)
Date: Fri May 25 14:38:42 2018
New Revision: 51721

  Document USES=cargo in the Porter's Handbook
  PR:		227585
  Submitted by:	tobik
  Reported by:	0mp
  Reviewed by:	mat, 0mp
  Approved by:	mat
  Differential Revision:


Modified: head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook/special/chapter.xml
--- head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook/special/chapter.xml	Fri May 25 00:02:11 2018	(r51720)
+++ head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook/special/chapter.xml	Fri May 25 14:38:42 2018	(r51721)
@@ -815,6 +815,345 @@ CMAKE_OFF=	VAR3</programlisting>
 	<literal>env.Append</literal> and
+    <sect2 xml:id="using-cargo">
+      <title>Using <command>cargo</command></title>
+      <para>For ports that use <application>Cargo</application>,
+	define <literal>USES=cargo</literal>.</para>
+      <table frame="none" xml:id="using-cargo-user-variables">
+	<title>Variables the Users Can Define for
+	  <command>cargo</command> Builds</title>
+	<tgroup cols="2">
+	  <thead>
+	    <row>
+	      <entry>Variable</entry>
+	      <entry>Default</entry>
+	      <entry>Description</entry>
+	    </row>
+	  </thead>
+	  <tbody>
+	    <row>
+	      <entry><varname>CARGO_CRATES</varname></entry>
+	      <entry></entry>
+	      <entry>List of crates the port depends on.  Each entry
+		needs to have a format like
+		<literal>cratename-semver</literal> for example,
+		<literal>libc-0.2.40</literal>.  Port maintainers can
+		generate this list from
+		<filename>Cargo.lock</filename> using
+		<command>make cargo-crates</command>.  Manually
+		bumping crate versions is possible but be mindful of
+		transitive dependencies.</entry>
+	    </row>
+	    <row>
+	      <entry><varname>CARGO_FEATURES</varname></entry>
+	      <entry></entry>
+	      <entry>List of application features to build (space
+		separated list).</entry>
+	    </row>
+	    <row>
+	      <entry><varname>CARGO_CARGOTOML</varname></entry>
+	      <entry><literal>${WRKSRC}/Cargo.toml</literal></entry>
+	      <entry>The path to the <filename>Cargo.toml</filename>
+		to use.</entry>
+	    </row>
+	    <row>
+	      <entry><varname>CARGO_CARGOLOCK</varname></entry>
+	      <entry><literal>${WRKSRC}/Cargo.lock</literal></entry>
+	      <entry>The path to the <filename>Cargo.lock</filename>
+		to use for <command>make cargo-crates</command>.  It
+		is possible to specify more than one lock file when
+		necessary.</entry>
+	    </row>
+	    <row>
+	      <entry><varname>CARGO_ENV</varname></entry>
+	      <entry></entry>
+	      <entry>A list of environment variables to pass to Cargo
+		similar to <varname>MAKE_ENV</varname>.</entry>
+	    </row>
+	    <row>
+	      <entry><varname>RUSTFLAGS</varname></entry>
+	      <entry></entry>
+	      <entry>Flags to pass to the Rust compiler.</entry>
+	    </row>
+	    <row>
+	      <entry><varname>CARGO_CONFIGURE</varname></entry>
+	      <entry><literal>yes</literal></entry>
+	      <entry>Use the default
+		<buildtarget>do-configure</buildtarget>.</entry>
+	    </row>
+	    <row>
+	      <entry><varname>CARGO_UPDATE_ARGS</varname></entry>
+	      <entry></entry>
+	      <entry>Extra arguments to pass to Cargo during the
+		configure phase.  Valid arguments can be looked up
+		with <command>cargo update --help</command>.</entry>
+	    </row>
+	    <row>
+	      <entry><varname>CARGO_BUILDDEP</varname></entry>
+	      <entry><literal>yes</literal></entry>
+	      <entry>Add a build dependency on
+		<package role="port">lang/rust</package>.</entry>
+	    </row>
+	    <row>
+	      <entry><varname>CARGO_CARGO_BIN</varname></entry>
+	      <entry><literal>${LOCALBASE}/bin/cargo</literal></entry>
+	      <entry>Location of the <command>cargo</command>
+		binary.</entry>
+	    </row>
+	    <row>
+	      <entry><varname>CARGO_BUILD</varname></entry>
+	      <entry><literal>yes</literal></entry>
+	      <entry>Use the default
+		<buildtarget>do-build</buildtarget>.</entry>
+	    </row>
+	    <row>
+	      <entry><varname>CARGO_BUILD_ARGS</varname></entry>
+	      <entry></entry>
+	      <entry>Extra arguments to pass to Cargo during the
+		build phase.  Valid arguments can be looked up with
+		<command>cargo build --help</command>.</entry>
+	    </row>
+	    <row>
+	      <entry><varname>CARGO_INSTALL</varname></entry>
+	      <entry><literal>yes</literal></entry>
+	      <entry>Use the default
+		<buildtarget>do-install</buildtarget>.</entry>
+	    </row>
+	    <row>
+	      <entry><varname>CARGO_INSTALL_ARGS</varname></entry>
+	      <entry></entry>
+	      <entry>Extra arguments to pass to Cargo during the
+		install phase.  Valid arguments can be looked up with
+		<command>cargo install --help</command>.</entry>
+	    </row>
+	    <row>
+	      <entry><varname>CARGO_TEST</varname></entry>
+	      <entry><literal>yes</literal></entry>
+	      <entry>Use the default
+		<buildtarget>do-test</buildtarget>.</entry>
+	    </row>
+	    <row>
+	      <entry><varname>CARGO_TEST_ARGS</varname></entry>
+	      <entry></entry>
+	      <entry>Extra arguments to pass to Cargo during the test
+		phase.  Valid arguments can be looked up with
+		<command>cargo test --help</command>.</entry>
+	    </row>
+	    <row>
+	      <entry><varname>CARGO_TARGET_DIR</varname></entry>
+	      <entry><literal>${WRKDIR}/target</literal></entry>
+	      <entry>Location of the cargo output directory.</entry>
+	    </row>
+	    <row>
+	      <entry><varname>CARGO_DIST_SUBDIR</varname></entry>
+	      <entry><filename>rust/crates</filename></entry>
+	      <entry>Directory relative to <varname>DISTDIR</varname>
+		where the crate distribution files will be
+		stored.</entry>
+	    </row>
+	    <row>
+	      <entry><varname>CARGO_VENDOR_DIR</varname></entry>
+	      <entry><literal>${WRKSRC}/cargo-crates</literal></entry>
+	      <entry>Location of the vendor directory where
+		all crates will be extracted to.  Try to keep this
+		under <varname>PATCH_WRKSRC</varname>, so that
+		patches can be applied easily.</entry>
+	    </row>
+	    <row>
+	      <entry><varname>CARGO_USE_GITHUB</varname></entry>
+	      <entry><literal>no</literal></entry>
+	      <entry>Enable fetching of crates locked to specific Git
+		commits on GitHub via <varname>GH_TUPLE</varname>.
+		This will try to patch both
+		<filename>Cargo.lock</filename> and
+		<filename>Cargo.toml</filename> to point to the
+		offline sources instead of fetching them from a
+		Git repository during the build.  Use with caution
+		as transitive Git dependencies are not resolved and
+		patched correctly.</entry>
+	    </row>
+	    <row>
+	      <entry><varname>CARGO_GH_CARGOTOML</varname></entry>
+	      <entry><literal>${CARGO_CARGOTOML}</literal></entry>
+	      <entry>List of <filename>Cargo.toml</filename> that
+		will be patched when using
+		<varname>CARGO_USE_GITHUB</varname>.</entry>
+	    </row>
+	  </tbody>
+	</tgroup>
+      </table>
+      <example xml:id="cargo-ex1">
+	<title>Creating a Port for a Simple Rust Application</title>
+	<para>Creating a Cargo based port is a three stage process.
+	  First we need to provide a ports template that fetches the
+	  application distribution file:</para>
+	<programlisting>PORTNAME=	tokei
+MAINTAINER=	tobik at
+COMMENT=	Display statistics about your code
+USES=		cargo
+GH_ACCOUNT=	Aaronepower
+.include <></programlisting>
+	<para>Generate an initial
+	  <filename>distinfo</filename>:</para>
+	<screen>&prompt.user; <userinput>make makesum</userinput>
+=> Aaronepower-tokei-v7.0.2_GH0.tar.gz doesn't seem to exist in /usr/ports/distfiles/.
+=> Attempting to fetch
+fetch: size of remote file is not known
+Aaronepower-tokei-v7.0.2_GH0.tar.gz                     45 kB  239 kBps 00m00s</screen>
+	<para>Now the distribution file is ready to use and we can go
+	  ahead and extract crate dependencies from the bundled
+	  <filename>Cargo.lock</filename>:</para>
+	<screen>&prompt.user; <userinput>make cargo-crates</userinput>
+CARGO_CRATES=   aho-corasick-0.6.4 \
+                ansi_term-0.11.0 \
+                arrayvec-0.4.7 \
+                atty-0.2.9 \
+                bitflags-1.0.1 \
+                byteorder-1.2.2 \
+                [...]</screen>
+	<para>The output of this command needs to be pasted directly
+	  into the Makefile:</para>
+	<programlisting>PORTNAME=	tokei
+MAINTAINER=	tobik at
+COMMENT=	Display statistics about your code
+USES=		cargo
+GH_ACCOUNT=	Aaronepower
+CARGO_CRATES=   aho-corasick-0.6.4 \
+                ansi_term-0.11.0 \
+                arrayvec-0.4.7 \
+                atty-0.2.9 \
+                bitflags-1.0.1 \
+                byteorder-1.2.2 \
+                [...]
+.include <></programlisting>
+	<para><filename>distinfo</filename> needs to be regenerated to
+	  contain all the crate distribution files:</para>
+	<screen>&prompt.user; <userinput>make makesum</userinput>
+=> rust/crates/aho-corasick-0.6.4.tar.gz doesn't seem to exist in /usr/ports/distfiles/.
+=> Attempting to fetch
+rust/crates/aho-corasick-0.6.4.tar.gz         100% of   24 kB 6139 kBps 00m00s
+=> rust/crates/ansi_term-0.11.0.tar.gz doesn't seem to exist in /usr/ports/distfiles/.
+=> Attempting to fetch
+rust/crates/ansi_term-0.11.0.tar.gz           100% of   16 kB   21 MBps 00m00s
+=> rust/crates/arrayvec-0.4.7.tar.gz doesn't seem to exist in /usr/ports/distfiles/.
+=> Attempting to fetch
+rust/crates/arrayvec-0.4.7.tar.gz             100% of   22 kB 3237 kBps 00m00s
+=> rust/crates/atty-0.2.9.tar.gz doesn't seem to exist in /usr/ports/distfiles/.
+=> Attempting to fetch
+rust/crates/atty-0.2.9.tar.gz                 100% of 5898  B   81 MBps 00m00s
+=> rust/crates/bitflags-1.0.1.tar.gz doesn't seem to exist in /usr/ports/distfiles/.
+	<para>The working directory currently only contains the
+	  application sources we extracted as part of the
+	  <command>make cargo-crates</command> step.  Before
+	  attempting to build the port the working directory
+	  must be cleaned, so that the crate sources can be
+	  extracted into <varname>CARGO_VENDOR_DIR</varname>:</para>
+	<screen>&prompt.user; <userinput>make clean</userinput>
+===> Cleaning for tokei-7.0.2</screen>
+	<para>The port is now ready for a test build and further
+	  adjustments like creating a plist, writing a description,
+	  adding license information, options, etc. as normal.</para>
+      </example>
+      <example xml:id="cargo-ex2">
+	<title>Enabling Additional Application Features</title>
+	<para>Some applications define additional features in their
+	  <filename>Cargo.toml</filename>.  They can be compiled in
+	  by setting <varname>CARGO_FEATURES</varname> in the
+	  port.</para>
+	<para>Here we enable Tokei's <literal>json</literal> and
+	  <literal>yaml</literal> features:</para>
+	<programlisting>CARGO_FEATURES=	json yaml</programlisting>
+      </example>
+      <example xml:id="cargo-ex3">
+	<title>Listing Crate Licenses</title>
+	<para>Crates have their own licenses.  It is important to
+	  know what they are when adding a <varname>LICENSE</varname>
+	  block to the port (see <xref linkend="licenses" />).  The
+	  helper target
+	  <buildtarget>cargo-crates-licenses</buildtarget> will try
+	  to list all the licenses of all crates defined in
+	  <varname>CARGO_CRATES</varname>.</para>
+	<screen>&prompt.user; <userinput>make cargo-crates-licenses</userinput>
+aho-corasick-0.6.4  Unlicense/MIT
+ansi_term-0.11.0    MIT
+arrayvec-0.4.7      MIT/Apache-2.0
+atty-0.2.9          MIT
+bitflags-1.0.1      MIT/Apache-2.0
+byteorder-1.2.2     Unlicense/MIT
+	<note>
+	  <para>The license names
+	    <command>make cargo-crates-licenses</command> outputs are
+	    SPDX 2.1 licenses expression which do not match the
+	    license names defined in the ports framework.  They need
+	    to be translated to the names from
+	    <xref linkend="licenses-license-list" />.</para>
+	</note>
+      </example>
+    </sect2>
   <sect1 xml:id="using-autotools">

Modified: head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook/uses/chapter.xml
--- head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook/uses/chapter.xml	Fri May 25 00:02:11 2018	(r51720)
+++ head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook/uses/chapter.xml	Fri May 25 14:38:42 2018	(r51721)
@@ -236,6 +236,17 @@
+  <sect1 xml:id="uses-cargo">
+    <title><literal>cargo</literal></title>
+    <para>Possible arguments: (none)</para>
+    <para>Uses Cargo for configuring, building, and testing.
+      It can be used to port Rust applications that use the Cargo
+      build system. For more information see <xref
+        linkend="using-cargo" />.</para>
+  </sect1>
   <sect1 xml:id="uses-charsetfix">

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