svn commit: r51403 - head/zh_TW.UTF-8/articles/hubs

Ruey-Cherng Yu rcyu at
Sat Feb 3 05:50:23 UTC 2018

Author: rcyu
Date: Sat Feb  3 05:50:22 2018
New Revision: 51403

  Traditional Chinese Translation from Section 1 to Section 3.3
  Submitted by:	WenPin Chao <chaowenpin at>


Modified: head/zh_TW.UTF-8/articles/hubs/article.xml
--- head/zh_TW.UTF-8/articles/hubs/article.xml	Fri Feb  2 16:55:24 2018	(r51402)
+++ head/zh_TW.UTF-8/articles/hubs/article.xml	Sat Feb  3 05:50:22 2018	(r51403)
@@ -1,39 +1,31 @@
 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 <!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//FreeBSD//DTD DocBook XML V5.0-Based Extension//EN" "">
 <article xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" xmlns:its="" version="5.0" xml:lang="zh_TW">
-  <info><title xml:lang="en">Mirroring FreeBSD</title>
+  <info><title>Mirroring FreeBSD</title>
-      <author xml:lang="en"><personname><firstname>Jun</firstname><surname>Kuriyama</surname></personname><affiliation>
-          <address xml:lang="en"><email>kuriyama at</email></address>
-        </affiliation></author>
-      <author xml:lang="en"><personname><firstname>Valentino</firstname><surname>Vaschetto</surname></personname><affiliation>
-          <address xml:lang="en"><email>logo at</email></address>
-        </affiliation></author>
-      <author xml:lang="en"><personname><firstname>Daniel</firstname><surname>Lang</surname></personname><affiliation>
-          <address xml:lang="en"><email>dl at</email></address>
-        </affiliation></author>
-      <author xml:lang="en"><personname><firstname>Ken</firstname><surname>Smith</surname></personname><affiliation>
-	  <address xml:lang="en"><email>kensmith at</email></address>
-	</affiliation></author>
+      <author><personname><firstname>Jun</firstname><surname>Kuriyama</surname></personname><affiliation> <address><email>kuriyama at</email></address> </affiliation></author>
+      <author><personname><firstname>Valentino</firstname><surname>Vaschetto</surname></personname><affiliation> <address><email>logo at</email></address> </affiliation></author>
+      <author><personname><firstname>Daniel</firstname><surname>Lang</surname></personname><affiliation> <address><email>dl at</email></address> </affiliation></author>
+      <author><personname><firstname>Daniel</firstname><surname>Lang</surname></personname><affiliation> <address><email>kensmith at</email></address> </affiliation></author>
     <legalnotice xml:id="trademarks" role="trademarks">
-      <para>FreeBSD 是 FreeBSD基金會的註冊商標</para>
-      <para>許多製造商和經銷商使用一些稱為商標的圖案或文字設計來彰顯自己的產品。 本文中出現的眾多商標,以及 FreeBSD Project 本身廣所人知的商標,後面將以 <quote>™</quote> 或 <quote>®</quote>  符號來標註。</para>
+      <para>FreeBSD 是 FreeBSD基金會的註冊商標.</para>
+      <para>許多製造商和經銷商使用一些稱為商標的圖案或文字設計來彰顯自己的產品.本文中出現的眾多商標,以及 FreeBSD Project 本身廣所人知的商標,後面將以 <quote>™</quote> 或 <quote>®</quote>  符號來標註.</para>
-    <pubdate>$FreeBSD$</pubdate>
+    <pubdate xml:lang="en">$FreeBSD$</pubdate>
-    <releaseinfo>$FreeBSD$</releaseinfo>
+    <releaseinfo xml:lang="en">$FreeBSD$</releaseinfo>
-      <para>這是份還在草稿中的文章,主要是(尤其是給各區網中心管理者的參考)介紹如何 mirror FreeBSD。</para>
+      <para>這是份介紹如何 mirror FreeBSD,主要是針對網路中心管理者或託管於大型資料中心的管理者.</para>
-    <para xml:lang="en">We are not accepting new mirrors at this time.</para>
+    <para>我們目前不接受新Mirror站點的申請.</para>
   <sect1 xml:id="mirror-contact">
@@ -45,220 +37,97 @@
   <sect1 xml:id="mirror-requirements">
-    <title>成為 FreeBSD mirrors 的必備條件</title>
+    <title>FreeBSD mirrors 的需求</title>
     <sect2 xml:id="mirror-diskspace">
-      <title>硬碟空間</title>
-      <para>硬碟空間是最重要的必備條件之一。 Depending on the set of releases, architectures, and degree of completeness you want to mirror, a huge amount of disk space may be consumed. Also keep in mind that <emphasis>official</emphasis> mirrors are probably required to be complete. The web pages should always be mirrored completely. Also note that the numbers stated here are reflecting the current state (at 10.4-RELEASE/11.1-RELEASE). Further development and releases will only increase the required amount. Also make sure to keep some (ca. 10-20%) extra space around just to be sure. Here are some approximate figures:</para>
+      <title>磁碟空間</title>
+      <para>磁碟空間是最為需要. 根據你想要 mirror 的發行版、CPU架構 ,可能會消耗大量的磁碟空間.另外請注意 <emphasis>官方</emphasis> 鏡像站需要完整 mirror。網站內容亦需要完整鏡像。且這裡所述的數字是反應目前版本狀態 (如 10.4-RELEASE/11.1-RELEASE )。而不斷的開發與發行將會增加所需空間。並請務必保留一些 ( 約10-20% ) 額外空間。這裡大約估計如下:</para>
-        <listitem><para xml:lang="en">Full FTP Distribution: 1.4 TB</para></listitem>
-        <listitem><para xml:lang="en">CTM deltas: 10 GB</para></listitem>
-        <listitem><para xml:lang="en">Web pages: 1GB</para></listitem>
+        <listitem><para>完整的作業系統套件 FTP 站所需:1.4 TB</para></listitem>
+        <listitem><para>CTM deltas: 10 GB</para></listitem>
+        <listitem><para>網站: 1GB</para></listitem>
-      <para xml:lang="en">
-        The current disk usage of FTP Distribution can be found at
-	<link xlink:href=""></link>.
-      </para>
+      <para>目前 FTP Distribution 的磁碟使用可在 <link xlink:href=""></link> 找到。</para>
     <sect2 xml:id="mirror-bandwidth">
-      <title>網路頻寬</title>
+      <title>網路連線/頻寬</title>
       <para>當然,你一定要能連上 Internet。 頻寬需求多少,這要看你所想要的 mirror 程度而定。 若只想要 mirror 一部份的 FreeBSD 檔案以作為網站或 intranet 的局部用途, 那麼頻寬需求會明顯比成為公共服務用途的小一些。 若想成為 official mirror 之一的話,那麼頻寬就勢必得增加才夠用。以下,我們僅列出一些估計值以做為參考: </para>
-         <listitem><para xml:lang="en">Local site, no public access: basically no minimum,
-           but < 2 Mbps could make syncing too slow.</para></listitem>
-         <listitem><para xml:lang="en">Unofficial public site: 34 Mbps is probably a good start.</para></listitem>
-         <listitem><para xml:lang="en">Official site: > 100 Mbps is recommended, and your host
-           should be connected as close as possible to your border router.</para></listitem>
+         <listitem><para>本地站台,沒有要公共存取: 基本上沒有最低需求,但是 < 2Mbps 同步將會非常緩慢</para></listitem>
+         <listitem><para>非官方公共站台: 34Mbps 是不錯的開始.</para></listitem>
+         <listitem><para>官方站台: > 100Mbps 是建議值,並且你的主機必須盡可能連接靠近邊界路由器.</para></listitem>
     <sect2 xml:id="mirror-system">
-      <title>系統需求、CPU、RAM</title>
-      <para xml:lang="en">
-        One thing this depends on the expected number of clients,
-        which is determined by the server's policy. It is
-        also affected by the types of services you want to offer.
-        Plain FTP or HTTP services may not require a huge
-        amount of resources. Watch out if you provide
-        rsync. This can have a huge
-        impact on CPU and memory requirements as it is
-        considered a memory hog.
-        The following
-        are just examples to give you a very rough hint.
-      </para>
-      <para xml:lang="en">
-        For a moderately visited site that offers
-        <application>rsync</application>, you might
-        consider a current CPU with around 800MHz - 1 GHz,
-        and at least 512MB RAM. This is probably the
-        minimum you want for an <emphasis>official</emphasis>
-        site.
-      </para>
-      <para xml:lang="en">
-        For a frequently used site you definitely need
-        more RAM (consider 2GB as a good start)
-        and possibly more CPU, which could also mean
-        that you need to go for a SMP system.
-      </para>
-      <para xml:lang="en">
-        You also want to consider a fast disk subsystem.
-        Operations on the SVN repository require a fast
-        disk subsystem (RAID is highly advised). A SCSI
-        controller that has a cache of its own can also
-        speed up things since most of these services incur a
-        large number of small modifications to the disk.
-      </para>
+      <title>系統需求,CPU,RAM</title>
+      <para>這取決於預期的客戶端數量,這是由伺服器的策略決定的。也會受到您提供的服務類型而影響.普通的 FTP 或 HTTP 服務可能不需要大量的資源。注意如果您提供rsync. 這可能會對 CPU 和記憶體的需求產生巨大的影響,因為會消耗大量記憶體。 以下只是給你一個非常粗略的的例子。</para>
+      <para>針對一個較常被瀏覽的網站 <application>rsync</application>,您須考量處理器大約 800Mhz 至 1Ghz,並且安裝最少 512MB RAM,這或許是成為一個 <emphasis>官方</emphasis> 站台的最小需求.</para>
+      <para>為了一個經常使用的網站你絕對需要更多 RAM (2GB是不錯的開始) 並且儘可能有更多 CPU , 這也表示你需要一個 SMP 系統。</para>
+      <para>您也會需要考慮有一個較快的磁碟系統。在管理 SVN repository 需要一個快速的磁碟系統 ( 強烈建議 RAID)。有自己的快取記憶體的 SCSI 控制器也可以加快速度,因為大多數這些服務會對磁碟進行大量的小幅修改。</para>
     <sect2 xml:id="mirror-services">
-      <title xml:lang="en">Services to offer</title>
-      <para xml:lang="en">
-        Every mirror site is required to have a set of core services
-        available. In addition to these required services, there are
-        a number of optional services that
-        server administrators may choose to offer.  This section explains
-        which services you can provide and how to go about implementing them.
-      </para>
+      <title>提供的服務</title>
+      <para>每個鏡像站都需要一有一組可用的核心服務。除了這些所需的服務之外,還有許多伺服器管理員可以選擇提供的選用服務。本節將說明您可以提供哪些服務以及如何實作這些服務。</para>
       <sect3 xml:id="mirror-serv-ftp">
-        <title xml:lang="en">FTP (required for FTP fileset)</title>
-        <para xml:lang="en">
-          This is one of the most basic services, and
-          it is required for each mirror offering public
-          FTP distributions. FTP access must be
-          anonymous, and no upload/download ratios
-          are allowed (a ridiculous thing anyway).
-          Upload capability is not required (and <emphasis>must</emphasis>
-          never be allowed for the FreeBSD file space).
-          Also the FreeBSD archive should be available under
-          the path <filename>/pub/FreeBSD</filename>.
-        </para>
-        <para xml:lang="en">
-          There is a lot of software available which
-          can be set up to allow anonymous FTP
-          (in alphabetical order).</para>
+        <title>FTP (需要提供給FTP檔案集)</title>
+        <para>這是最基本的服務之一。需要為每個鏡像站提供公共的 FTP distributions 。 FTP 存取必須是匿名的, 不允許上傳/下載比率 (這是一件荒謬的事),上傳功能不是必需的 (且<emphasis>必須 </emphasis>絕不允許 FreeBSD 檔案空間)。另外,FreeBSD archive 應該在路徑<filename>/pub/FreeBSD</filename>下。</para>
+        <para>這裡有很多可用的軟體可以架設允許匿名的 FTP 服務 (按字母順序)。</para>
-            <listitem><para xml:lang="en"><command>/usr/libexec/ftpd</command>: FreeBSD's own ftpd
-              can be used. Be sure to read <citerefentry><refentrytitle>ftpd</refentrytitle><manvolnum>8</manvolnum></citerefentry>.</para>
+            <listitem><para><command>/usr/libexec/ftpd</command>: FreeBSD 內建的 ftpd 可以使用。請您參閱 <citerefentry><refentrytitle>ftpd</refentrytitle><manvolnum>8</manvolnum></citerefentry>。</para>
-              <para xml:lang="en"><package>ftp/ncftpd</package>: A commercial package,
-              free for educational use.</para>
+              <para><package>ftp/ncftpd</package>。一個商業軟體套件,免費供教育使用。</para>
-              <para xml:lang="en"><package>ftp/oftpd</package>: An ftpd designed with
-              security as a main focus.</para>
+              <para><package>ftp/oftpd</package>:一個以安全性作為主要考量的 ftpd。</para>
-              <para xml:lang="en"><package>ftp/proftpd</package>: A modular and very flexible ftpd.</para>
+              <para><package>ftp/proftpd</package>:一個模組化且非常有彈性的 ftpd。</para>
-              <para xml:lang="en"><package>ftp/pure-ftpd</package>: Another ftpd developed with
-                security in mind.</para>
+              <para><package>ftp/pure-ftpd</package>: 另一個為安全所設計的 ftpd。</para>
-            <listitem><para xml:lang="en"><package>ftp/twoftpd</package>: As above.</para></listitem>
-            <listitem><para xml:lang="en"><package>ftp/vsftpd</package>: The <quote>very secure</quote> ftpd.</para></listitem>
+            <listitem><para><package>ftp/twoftpd</package>:如上。</para></listitem>
+            <listitem><para><package>ftp/vsftpd</package>:<quote>非常安全的</quote> ftpd。</para></listitem>
-          <para xml:lang="en">FreeBSD's <application>ftpd</application>, <application>proftpd</application>
-          and maybe <application>ncftpd</application>
-          are among the most commonly used FTPds.
-          The others do not have a large userbase among mirror sites.  One
-          thing to consider is that you may need flexibility in limiting
-          how many simultaneous connections are allowed, thus limiting how
-          much network bandwidth and system resources are consumed.
-        </para>
+          <para>FreeBSD 的 <application>ftpd</application>、<application>proftpd</application> 和也許 <application>ncftpd</application> 是最常使用的 FTP 軟體。其他的在鏡像站並沒有大量用戶基礎。需要考慮的一件事情是,您可能需要性地來限制允許同時連線數,從而限制消耗多少網路頻寬和系統資源。</para>
       <sect3 xml:id="mirror-serv-rsync">
-        <title xml:lang="en">Rsync (optional for FTP fileset)</title>
-        <para xml:lang="en">
-          <application>Rsync</application> is often offered for access to the
-          contents of the FTP area of FreeBSD, so other mirror sites can use your system as their source.  The
-          protocol is different from FTP in many ways.
-          It is much more
-          bandwidth friendly, as only differences between files
-          are transferred instead of whole files when they change.
-          <application>Rsync</application> does require a significant amount of memory for
-          each instance. The size depends on the size of
-          the synced module in terms of the number of directories and
-          files. <application>Rsync</application> can use <command>rsh</command> and
-          <command>ssh</command> (now default) as a transport,
-          or use its own protocol for stand-alone access
-          (this is the preferred method for public rsync servers).
-          Authentication, connection limits, and other restrictions
-          may be applied. There is just one software package
-          available:</para>
+        <title>Rsync (給FTP檔案集選用)</title>
+        <para><application>Rsync</application> 通常是用在存取 FreeBSD 系統中的FTP內容,其他的鏡像站可以使用你的系統當作他們的來源。這個協定和 FTP 有很多不同,它比較不那麼消耗頻寬,只有當比對檔案間有變動才傳輸檔案,而不是整個檔案傳完。<application>Rsync</application> 需要較多的記憶體。大小取決於檔案與目錄的數目及同步模組大小。<application>Rsync</application> 可以使用 <command>rsh</command> 和 <command>ssh</command> (現在為預設)來傳輸, 或使用自己的協定單獨存取(這是公共rsync伺服器的首選方法)。可以用認證、連接限制和其他限制。只有一個軟體套件可以用:</para>
-            <listitem><para xml:lang="en"><package>net/rsync</package></para></listitem>
+            <listitem><para><package>net/rsync</package></para></listitem>
       <sect3 xml:id="mirror-serv-http">
-        <title xml:lang="en">HTTP (required for web pages, optional for FTP fileset)</title>
-        <para xml:lang="en">
-          If you want to offer the FreeBSD web pages, you will need
-          to install a web server.
-          You may optionally offer the FTP fileset via HTTP.
-          The choice of web server software is left up to the mirror administrator.
-          Some of the most popular choices are:</para>
+        <title>HTTP(網頁需要,FTP 檔案集則是選用)</title>
+        <para>如果您想提供 FreeBSD 的網頁,您需要安裝一個網頁伺服器。您可以選擇利用 HTTP 提供 FTP 檔案集。網頁伺服器軟體的選擇留給鏡像站管理員選擇。一些最受歡迎的選擇是:</para>
-              <para xml:lang="en"><package>www/apache22</package>:
-                <application>Apache</application> is the most widely
-                deployed web server on the Internet. It is used
-                extensively by the FreeBSD Project.</para>
+              <para><package>www/apache22</package>:<application>Apache</application> 是網際網路上最廣泛使用的網頁伺服器。 它被 FreeBSD 計畫廣泛使用。</para>
-              <para xml:lang="en"><package>www/thttpd</package>:
-                If you are going to be serving a large amount of static content
-                you may find that using an application such as thttpd is more
-                efficient than <application>Apache</application>. It is
-                optimized for excellent performance on FreeBSD.</para>
+              <para><package>www/thttpd</package>:如果您要提供大量的靜態內容,您可能會發現使用諸如 thttpd 之類的應用程式會比 <application>Apache</application> 更有效率。它針對 FreeBSD 的優秀性能進行了最佳化。</para>
-              <para xml:lang="en"><package>www/boa</package>:
-                <application>Boa</application> is another alternative to
-                <application>thttpd</application> and
-                <application>Apache</application>. It should provide
-                considerably better performance than
-                <application>Apache</application> for purely static
-                content. It does not, at the time of this writing,
-                contain the same set of optimizations for FreeBSD that
-                are found in <application>thttpd</application>.</para>
+              <para><package>www/boa</package>:<application>Boa</application> 是 <application>thttpd</application> 和 <application>Apache</application> 外的另一個選擇。對於純粹的靜態網頁,它應該會提供比 <application>Apache</application> 更好的性能。在寫這篇文章的時候,它並不包含像在 <application>thttpd</application> 中一樣針對FreeBSD 做最佳化。</para>
-              <para xml:lang="en"><package>www/nginx</package>:
-                <application>Nginx</application> is a high performance edge web
-                server with a low memory footprint and key features to build
-                a modern and efficient web infrastructure.  Features include
-                a HTTP server, HTTP and mail reverse proxy, caching, load
-                balancing, compression, request throttling, connection
-                multiplexing and reuse, SSL offload and HTTP media
-                streaming.</para>
+              <para><package>www/nginx</package>:<application>Nginx</application> 是一款高性能的最新網頁服務器,具有低記憶體佔用量和關鍵特色,可以構建現代高效率網頁基礎架構,功能包括 HTTP 伺服器,HTTP 和郵件反向代理,快取,負載平衡,壓縮,請求限制(request throtting),連接多工與再利用,SSL 卸載和 HTTP 媒體串流。</para>
   <sect1 xml:id="mirror-howto">
-    <title xml:lang="en">How to Mirror FreeBSD</title>
-    <para xml:lang="en">
-      Ok, now you know the requirements and how to offer
-      the services, but not how to get it. :-)
-      This section explains how to actually mirror
-      the various parts of FreeBSD, what tools to use,
-      and where to mirror from.
-    </para>
+    <title>如何Mirror FreeBSD 站台</title>
+    <para>好,現在你知道硬體需求和如何提供服務,但不知道如何做。:-) 這節將解釋如何實際 mirror FreeBSD 的不同部分,使用哪些工具以及從哪裡 mirror。</para>
     <sect2 xml:id="mirror-ftp-rsync">
-    <title xml:lang="en">Mirroring the FTP site</title>
-      <para xml:lang="en">
-        The FTP area is the largest amount of data that
-        needs to be mirrored. It includes the <emphasis>distribution
-        sets</emphasis> required for network installation, the
-        <emphasis>branches</emphasis> which are actually snapshots
-        of checked-out source trees, the <emphasis>ISO Images</emphasis>
-        to write CD-ROMs with the installation distribution,
-        a live file system, and a snapshot of the ports tree. All of
-        course for various FreeBSD versions, and various architectures.
-      </para>
+    <title>鏡像 FTP 站</title>
+      <para>FTP 部份有最大量的資料需要被 mirror。它包括網路安裝所需的<emphasis>發布集</emphasis>,實際上是原始碼樹快照的<emphasis>分支</emphasis>,可燒錄光碟供安裝系統的<emphasis>ISO映像檔</emphasis> ,一個可 live 開機的檔案系統,以及一個 port tree 的快照。當然,全都有各種 FreeBSD 版本和各種CPU架構。</para>
         <para xml:lang="en">
           The best way to mirror the FTP area is <application>rsync</application>.
           You can install the port <package>net/rsync</package> and then use
@@ -270,17 +139,10 @@
           You may need to hunt around a little bit to find a site
           that allows <application>rsync</application> access.</para>
-            <para xml:lang="en">
-              Since the number of <application>rsync</application>
-              clients will have a significant impact on the server
-              machine, most admins impose limitations on their
-              server. For a mirror, you should ask the site maintainer
-              you are syncing from about their policy, and maybe
-              an exception for your host (since you are a mirror).
-            </para>
+            <para>由於 <application>rsync</application> 客戶端的數量將對伺服器主機產生重大影響,因此大多數管理員會對伺服器負荷加以限制。對於 mirror 站台,您應該詢問您要 mirror 站台的管理人員他們的管理政策,也許需要對您的主機開放例外(因為您是一個 mirror 站)。</para>
-          <para xml:lang="en">A command line to mirror FreeBSD might look like:</para>
-          <screen xml:lang="en"><prompt>%</prompt> <userinput>rsync -vaHz --delete rsync:// /pub/FreeBSD/</userinput></screen>
+          <para>一個需要mirror FreeBSD官網的指令如下:</para>
+          <screen><prompt>%</prompt> <userinput>rsync -vaHz --delete rsync:// /pub/FreeBSD/</userinput></screen>
           <para xml:lang="en">Consult the documentation for <application>rsync</application>,
           which is also available at
           <link xlink:href=""></link>,
@@ -294,36 +156,25 @@
     <sect2 xml:id="mirror-www">
-      <title xml:lang="en">Mirroring the WWW pages</title>
-      <para xml:lang="en">
-	The FreeBSD website should only be mirrored via
-	<application>rsync</application>.</para>
-      <para xml:lang="en">A command line to mirror the FreeBSD web site might look like:</para>
-      <screen xml:lang="en"><prompt>%</prompt> <userinput>rsync -vaHz --delete rsync:// /usr/local/www/</userinput></screen>
+      <title>Mirroring 網頁</title>
+      <para>FreeBSD 網站應只能透過<application>rsync</application>指令來mirror.</para>
+      <para>一個 mirror FreeBSD 網站的指令應該看起像這樣:</para>
+      <screen><prompt>%</prompt> <userinput>rsync -vaHz --delete rsync:// /usr/local/www/</userinput></screen>
    <sect2 xml:id="mirror-pkgs">
-     <title xml:lang="en">Mirroring Packages</title>
-     <para xml:lang="en">Due to very high requirements of bandwidth, storage and
-       adminstration the FreeBSD Project has decided not to allow public
-       mirrors of packages.  For sites with lots of machines, it might
-       be advantagous to run a caching HTTP proxy for the <citerefentry><refentrytitle>pkg</refentrytitle><manvolnum>8</manvolnum></citerefentry>
-       process.  Alternatively specific packages and their dependencies
-       can be fetched by running something like the following:</para>
+     <title>Mirroring 套件</title>
+     <para>由於對頻寬,儲存空間和管理的要求非常高,FreeBSD 計畫決定不允許公眾 mirror 套件. 對於擁有大量伺服主機的網站,建議為 <citerefentry><refentrytitle>pkg</refentrytitle><manvolnum>8</manvolnum></citerefentry> 使用 HTTP proxy 快取可能會有所幫助。或者,您可以使用以下指令獲得套件與相依套件:</para>
-     <screen xml:lang="en"><prompt>%</prompt> <userinput>pkg fetch -d -o <replaceable>/usr/local/mirror</replaceable> <replaceable>vim</replaceable></userinput></screen>
+     <screen><prompt>%</prompt> <userinput>pkg fetch -d -o <replaceable>/usr/local/mirror</replaceable> <replaceable>vim</replaceable></userinput></screen>
-     <para xml:lang="en">Once those packages have been fetched, the repository metadata must be generated by running:</para>
+     <para>一旦這些套件包被下載,就必須執行以下命令來產生套件庫數據:</para>
-     <screen xml:lang="en"><prompt>%</prompt> <userinput>pkg repo <replaceable>/usr/local/mirror</replaceable></userinput></screen>
+     <screen><prompt>%</prompt> <userinput>pkg repo <replaceable>/usr/local/mirror</replaceable></userinput></screen>
-     <para xml:lang="en">Once the packages have been fetched and the metadata for the
-       repository has been generated, serve the packages up to the
-       client machines via HTTP.  For additional information see the
-       man pages for <citerefentry><refentrytitle>pkg</refentrytitle><manvolnum>8</manvolnum></citerefentry>, specifically the <citerefentry><refentrytitle>pkg-repo</refentrytitle><manvolnum>8</manvolnum></citerefentry> page.
-     </para>
+     <para>一旦套件被下載並且已經生成了套件庫的數據,就可以透過 HTTP 協定將套件提供給客戶端機器。有關更多訊息,請參閱 <citerefentry><refentrytitle>pkg</refentrytitle><manvolnum>8</manvolnum></citerefentry> 的 man pages,特別是<citerefentry><refentrytitle>pkg-repo</refentrytitle><manvolnum>8</manvolnum></citerefentry> 頁面。</para>
    <sect2 xml:id="mirror-how-often">
-     <title xml:lang="en">How often should I mirror?</title>
+     <title>我多久應該mirror?</title>
      <para xml:lang="en">
        Every mirror should be updated at a minimum of once per day.
        Certainly a script with locking to prevent multiple runs
@@ -519,17 +370,28 @@
   <sect1 xml:id="mirror-official">
     <title xml:lang="en">Official Mirrors</title>
-    <para> Official mirrors 站為具有下列條件的 mirror 站 </para>
+    <para xml:lang="en">
+      Official mirrors are mirrors that</para>
-          <para>a) 有 DNS entry (通常為 CNAME 紀錄)。 </para>
+          <para xml:lang="en">
+            a) have a <systemitem></systemitem> DNS entry
+            (usually a CNAME).
+          </para>
-          <para> b) 被 FreeBSD 文件列為 offical mirror 站(像是 handbook)。 </para>
+          <para xml:lang="en">
+            b) are listed as an official mirror in the FreeBSD
+               documentation (like handbook).
+          </para>
-      <para> 除了以上述方式來分辨是否為 official mirrors 站之外, Official mirrors 站不一定得為 <emphasis>Tier-1</emphasis>-mirrors 站。 然而,只要是 <emphasis>Tier-1</emphasis>-mirror 站的話,就一定會是 official mirrors 站。 </para>
+      <para xml:lang="en">So far to distinguish official mirrors.
+      Official mirrors are not necessarily <emphasis>Tier-1</emphasis>-mirrors.
+      However you probably will not find a <emphasis>Tier-1</emphasis>-mirror,
+      that is not also official.
+    </para>
     <sect2 xml:id="mirror-official-requirements">
       <title xml:lang="en">Special Requirements for official (tier-1) mirrors</title>
       <para xml:lang="en">

Modified: head/zh_TW.UTF-8/articles/hubs/zh_TW.po
--- head/zh_TW.UTF-8/articles/hubs/zh_TW.po	Fri Feb  2 16:55:24 2018	(r51402)
+++ head/zh_TW.UTF-8/articles/hubs/zh_TW.po	Sat Feb  3 05:50:22 2018	(r51403)
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ msgid ""
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 "Project-Id-Version: \n"
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@@ -15,66 +15,66 @@ msgstr ""
 #. Put one translator per line, in the form NAME <EMAIL>, YEAR1, YEAR2
 msgctxt "_"
 msgid "translator-credits"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "translator-credits"
 #. (itstool) path: info/title
 #: article.translate.xml:4
 msgid "Mirroring FreeBSD"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Mirroring FreeBSD"
 #. (itstool) path: affiliation/address
 #: article.translate.xml:8
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<email>kuriyama at</email>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<email>kuriyama at</email>"
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 #: article.translate.xml:7
 msgid "<personname><firstname>Jun</firstname><surname>Kuriyama</surname></personname><affiliation> <_:address-1/> </affiliation>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<personname><firstname>Jun</firstname><surname>Kuriyama</surname></personname><affiliation> <_:address-1/> </affiliation>"
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 #: article.translate.xml:11
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<email>logo at</email>"
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+msgstr "<email>logo at</email>"
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 #: article.translate.xml:10
 msgid "<personname><firstname>Valentino</firstname><surname>Vaschetto</surname></personname><affiliation> <_:address-1/> </affiliation>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<personname><firstname>Valentino</firstname><surname>Vaschetto</surname></personname><affiliation> <_:address-1/> </affiliation>"
 #. (itstool) path: affiliation/address
 #: article.translate.xml:14
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<email>dl at</email>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<email>dl at</email>"
 #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author
 #: article.translate.xml:13
 msgid "<personname><firstname>Daniel</firstname><surname>Lang</surname></personname><affiliation> <_:address-1/> </affiliation>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<personname><firstname>Daniel</firstname><surname>Lang</surname></personname><affiliation> <_:address-1/> </affiliation>"
 #. (itstool) path: affiliation/address
 #: article.translate.xml:17
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<email>kensmith at</email>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<email>kensmith at</email>"
 #. (itstool) path: authorgroup/author
 #: article.translate.xml:16
 msgid "<personname><firstname>Ken</firstname><surname>Smith</surname></personname><affiliation> <_:address-1/> </affiliation>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<personname><firstname>Daniel</firstname><surname>Lang</surname></personname><affiliation> <_:address-1/> </affiliation>"
 #. (itstool) path: legalnotice/para
 #: article.translate.xml:22
 msgid "FreeBSD is a registered trademark of the FreeBSD Foundation."
-msgstr "FreeBSD 是 FreeBSD基金會的註冊商標"
+msgstr "FreeBSD 是 FreeBSD基金會的註冊商標."
 #. (itstool) path: legalnotice/para
 #: article.translate.xml:24
 msgid "Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in this document, and the FreeBSD Project was aware of the trademark claim, the designations have been followed by the <quote>™</quote> or the <quote>®</quote> symbol."
-msgstr "許多製造商和經銷商使用一些稱為商標的圖案或文字設計來彰顯自己的產品。 本文中出現的眾多商標,以及 FreeBSD Project 本身廣所人知的商標,後面將以 <quote>™</quote> 或 <quote>®</quote>  符號來標註。"
+msgstr "許多製造商和經銷商使用一些稱為商標的圖案或文字設計來彰顯自己的產品.本文中出現的眾多商標,以及 FreeBSD Project 本身廣所人知的商標,後面將以 <quote>™</quote> 或 <quote>®</quote>  符號來標註."
 #. (itstool) path: info/pubdate
 #. (itstool) path: info/releaseinfo
@@ -85,13 +85,14 @@ msgstr "$FreeBSD$"
 #. (itstool) path: abstract/para
 #: article.translate.xml:37
 msgid "An in-progress article on how to mirror FreeBSD, aimed at hub administrators."
-msgstr "這是份還在草稿中的文章,主要是(尤其是給各區網中心管理者的參考)介紹如何 mirror FreeBSD。"
+msgstr "這是份介紹如何 mirror FreeBSD,主要是針對網路中心管理者或託管於大型資料中心的管理者."
 #. (itstool) path: note/para
 #: article.translate.xml:43
 msgid "We are not accepting new mirrors at this time."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "我們目前不接受新Mirror站點的申請."
+# 聯絡方式
 #. (itstool) path: sect1/title
 #: article.translate.xml:47
 msgid "Contact Information"
@@ -105,42 +106,43 @@ msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: sect1/title
 #: article.translate.xml:55
 msgid "Requirements for FreeBSD mirrors"
-msgstr "成為 FreeBSD mirrors 的必備條件"
+msgstr "FreeBSD mirrors 的需求"
 #. (itstool) path: sect2/title
 #: article.translate.xml:57
 msgid "Disk Space"
-msgstr "硬碟空間"
+msgstr "磁碟空間"
 #. (itstool) path: sect2/para
 #: article.translate.xml:58
 msgid "Disk space is one of the most important requirements. Depending on the set of releases, architectures, and degree of completeness you want to mirror, a huge amount of disk space may be consumed. Also keep in mind that <emphasis>official</emphasis> mirrors are probably required to be complete. The web pages should always be mirrored completely. Also note that the numbers stated here are reflecting the current state (at 10.4-RELEASE/11.1-RELEASE). Further development and releases will only increase the required amount. Also make sure to keep some (ca. 10-20%) extra space around just to be sure. Here are some approximate figures:"
-msgstr "硬碟空間是最重要的必備條件之一。 Depending on the set of releases, architectures, and degree of completeness you want to mirror, a huge amount of disk space may be consumed. Also keep in mind that <emphasis>official</emphasis> mirrors are probably required to be complete. The web pages should always be mirrored completely. Also note that the numbers stated here are reflecting the current state (at 10.4-RELEASE/11.1-RELEASE). Further development and releases will only increase the required amount. Also make sure to keep some (ca. 10-20%) extra space around just to be sure. Here are some approximate figures:"
+msgstr "磁碟空間是最為需要. 根據你想要 mirror 的發行版、CPU架構 ,可能會消耗大量的磁碟空間.另外請注意 <emphasis>官方</emphasis> 鏡像站需要完整 mirror。網站內容亦需要完整鏡像。且這裡所述的數字是反應目前版本狀態 (如 10.4-RELEASE/11.1-RELEASE )。而不斷的開發與發行將會增加所需空間。並請務必保留一些 ( 約10-20% ) 額外空間。這裡大約估計如下:"
 #. (itstool) path: listitem/para
 #: article.translate.xml:74
 msgid "Full FTP Distribution: 1.4 TB"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "完整的作業系統套件 FTP 站所需:1.4 TB"
+# CTM deltas: 10GB
 #. (itstool) path: listitem/para
 #: article.translate.xml:75
 msgid "CTM deltas: 10 GB"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "CTM deltas: 10 GB"
 #. (itstool) path: listitem/para
 #: article.translate.xml:76
 msgid "Web pages: 1GB"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "網站: 1GB"
 #. (itstool) path: sect2/para
 #: article.translate.xml:78
 msgid "The current disk usage of FTP Distribution can be found at <link xlink:href=\"\"></link>."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "目前 FTP Distribution 的磁碟使用可在 <link xlink:href=\"\"></link> 找到。"
 #. (itstool) path: sect2/title
 #: article.translate.xml:84
 msgid "Network Connection/Bandwidth"
-msgstr "網路頻寬"
+msgstr "網路連線/頻寬"
 #. (itstool) path: sect2/para
 #: article.translate.xml:85
@@ -150,172 +152,172 @@ msgstr "當然,你一定要能連上 Internet。 頻
 #. (itstool) path: listitem/para
 #: article.translate.xml:96
 msgid "Local site, no public access: basically no minimum, but < 2 Mbps could make syncing too slow."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "本地站台,沒有要公共存取: 基本上沒有最低需求,但是 < 2Mbps 同步將會非常緩慢"
 #. (itstool) path: listitem/para
 #: article.translate.xml:98
 msgid "Unofficial public site: 34 Mbps is probably a good start."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "非官方公共站台: 34Mbps 是不錯的開始."
 #. (itstool) path: listitem/para
 #: article.translate.xml:99
 msgid "Official site: > 100 Mbps is recommended, and your host should be connected as close as possible to your border router."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "官方站台: > 100Mbps 是建議值,並且你的主機必須盡可能連接靠近邊界路由器."
 #. (itstool) path: sect2/title
 #: article.translate.xml:104
 msgid "System Requirements, CPU, RAM"
-msgstr "系統需求、CPU、RAM"
+msgstr "系統需求,CPU,RAM"
 #. (itstool) path: sect2/para
 #: article.translate.xml:105
 msgid "One thing this depends on the expected number of clients, which is determined by the server's policy. It is also affected by the types of services you want to offer. Plain FTP or HTTP services may not require a huge amount of resources. Watch out if you provide rsync. This can have a huge impact on CPU and memory requirements as it is considered a memory hog. The following are just examples to give you a very rough hint."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "這取決於預期的客戶端數量,這是由伺服器的策略決定的。也會受到您提供的服務類型而影響.普通的 FTP 或 HTTP 服務可能不需要大量的資源。注意如果您提供rsync. 這可能會對 CPU 和記憶體的需求產生巨大的影響,因為會消耗大量記憶體。 以下只是給你一個非常粗略的的例子。"
 #. (itstool) path: sect2/para
 #: article.translate.xml:117
 msgid "For a moderately visited site that offers <application>rsync</application>, you might consider a current CPU with around 800MHz - 1 GHz, and at least 512MB RAM. This is probably the minimum you want for an <emphasis>official</emphasis> site."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "針對一個較常被瀏覽的網站 <application>rsync</application>,您須考量處理器大約 800Mhz 至 1Ghz,並且安裝最少 512MB RAM,這或許是成為一個 <emphasis>官方</emphasis> 站台的最小需求."
 #. (itstool) path: sect2/para
 #: article.translate.xml:125
 msgid "For a frequently used site you definitely need more RAM (consider 2GB as a good start) and possibly more CPU, which could also mean that you need to go for a SMP system."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "為了一個經常使用的網站你絕對需要更多 RAM (2GB是不錯的開始) 並且儘可能有更多 CPU , 這也表示你需要一個 SMP 系統。"
 #. (itstool) path: sect2/para
 #: article.translate.xml:131
 msgid "You also want to consider a fast disk subsystem. Operations on the SVN repository require a fast disk subsystem (RAID is highly advised). A SCSI controller that has a cache of its own can also speed up things since most of these services incur a large number of small modifications to the disk."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "您也會需要考慮有一個較快的磁碟系統。在管理 SVN repository 需要一個快速的磁碟系統 ( 強烈建議 RAID)。有自己的快取記憶體的 SCSI 控制器也可以加快速度,因為大多數這些服務會對磁碟進行大量的小幅修改。"
 #. (itstool) path: sect2/title
 #: article.translate.xml:141
 msgid "Services to offer"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "提供的服務"
 #. (itstool) path: sect2/para
 #: article.translate.xml:142
 msgid "Every mirror site is required to have a set of core services available. In addition to these required services, there are a number of optional services that server administrators may choose to offer. This section explains which services you can provide and how to go about implementing them."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "每個鏡像站都需要一有一組可用的核心服務。除了這些所需的服務之外,還有許多伺服器管理員可以選擇提供的選用服務。本節將說明您可以提供哪些服務以及如何實作這些服務。"
 #. (itstool) path: sect3/title
 #: article.translate.xml:150
 msgid "FTP (required for FTP fileset)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "FTP (需要提供給FTP檔案集)"
 #. (itstool) path: sect3/para
 #: article.translate.xml:151
 msgid "This is one of the most basic services, and it is required for each mirror offering public FTP distributions. FTP access must be anonymous, and no upload/download ratios are allowed (a ridiculous thing anyway). Upload capability is not required (and <emphasis>must</emphasis> never be allowed for the FreeBSD file space). Also the FreeBSD archive should be available under the path <filename>/pub/FreeBSD</filename>."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "這是最基本的服務之一。需要為每個鏡像站提供公共的 FTP distributions 。 FTP 存取必須是匿名的, 不允許上傳/下載比率 (這是一件荒謬的事),上傳功能不是必需的 (且<emphasis>必須 </emphasis>絕不允許 FreeBSD 檔案空間)。另外,FreeBSD archive 應該在路徑<filename>/pub/FreeBSD</filename>下。"
 #. (itstool) path: sect3/para
 #: article.translate.xml:162
 msgid "There is a lot of software available which can be set up to allow anonymous FTP (in alphabetical order)."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "這裡有很多可用的軟體可以架設允許匿名的 FTP 服務 (按字母順序)。"
 #. (itstool) path: listitem/para
 #: article.translate.xml:167
 msgid "<command>/usr/libexec/ftpd</command>: FreeBSD's own ftpd can be used. Be sure to read <citerefentry><refentrytitle>ftpd</refentrytitle><manvolnum>8</manvolnum></citerefentry>."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<command>/usr/libexec/ftpd</command>: FreeBSD 內建的 ftpd 可以使用。請您參閱 <citerefentry><refentrytitle>ftpd</refentrytitle><manvolnum>8</manvolnum></citerefentry>。"
 #. (itstool) path: listitem/para
 #: article.translate.xml:171
 msgid "<package>ftp/ncftpd</package>: A commercial package, free for educational use."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<package>ftp/ncftpd</package>。一個商業軟體套件,免費供教育使用。"
 #. (itstool) path: listitem/para
 #: article.translate.xml:175
 msgid "<package>ftp/oftpd</package>: An ftpd designed with security as a main focus."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<package>ftp/oftpd</package>:一個以安全性作為主要考量的 ftpd。"
 #. (itstool) path: listitem/para
 #: article.translate.xml:179
 msgid "<package>ftp/proftpd</package>: A modular and very flexible ftpd."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<package>ftp/proftpd</package>:一個模組化且非常有彈性的 ftpd。"
 #. (itstool) path: listitem/para
 #: article.translate.xml:182
 msgid "<package>ftp/pure-ftpd</package>: Another ftpd developed with security in mind."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<package>ftp/pure-ftpd</package>: 另一個為安全所設計的 ftpd。"
 #. (itstool) path: listitem/para
 #: article.translate.xml:185
 msgid "<package>ftp/twoftpd</package>: As above."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<package>ftp/twoftpd</package>:如上。"
 #. (itstool) path: listitem/para
 #: article.translate.xml:186
 msgid "<package>ftp/vsftpd</package>: The <quote>very secure</quote> ftpd."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<package>ftp/vsftpd</package>:<quote>非常安全的</quote> ftpd。"
 #. (itstool) path: sect3/para
 #: article.translate.xml:188
 msgid "FreeBSD's <application>ftpd</application>, <application>proftpd</application> and maybe <application>ncftpd</application> are among the most commonly used FTPds. The others do not have a large userbase among mirror sites. One thing to consider is that you may need flexibility in limiting how many simultaneous connections are allowed, thus limiting how much network bandwidth and system resources are consumed."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "FreeBSD 的 <application>ftpd</application>、<application>proftpd</application> 和也許 <application>ncftpd</application> 是最常使用的 FTP 軟體。其他的在鏡像站並沒有大量用戶基礎。需要考慮的一件事情是,您可能需要性地來限制允許同時連線數,從而限制消耗多少網路頻寬和系統資源。"
 #. (itstool) path: sect3/title
 #: article.translate.xml:198
 msgid "Rsync (optional for FTP fileset)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Rsync (給FTP檔案集選用)"
 #. (itstool) path: sect3/para
 #: article.translate.xml:199
 msgid "<application>Rsync</application> is often offered for access to the contents of the FTP area of FreeBSD, so other mirror sites can use your system as their source. The protocol is different from FTP in many ways. It is much more bandwidth friendly, as only differences between files are transferred instead of whole files when they change. <application>Rsync</application> does require a significant amount of memory for each instance. The size depends on the size of the synced module in terms of the number of directories and files. <application>Rsync</application> can use <command>rsh</command> and <command>ssh</command> (now default) as a transport, or use its own protocol for stand-alone access (this is the preferred method for public rsync servers). Authentication, connection limits, and other restrictions may be applied. There is just one software package available:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<application>Rsync</application> 通常是用在存取 FreeBSD 系統中的FTP內容,其他的鏡像站可以使用你的系統當作他們的來源。這個協定和 FTP 有很多不同,它比較不那麼消耗頻寬,只有當比對檔案間有變動才傳輸檔案,而不是整個檔案傳完。<application>Rsync</application> 需要較多的記憶體。大小取決於檔案與目錄的數目及同步模組大小。<application>Rsync</application> 可以使用 <command>rsh</command> 和 <command>ssh</command> (現在為預設)來傳輸, 或使用自己的協定單獨存取(這是公共rsync伺服器的首選方法)。可以用認證、連接限制和其他限制。只有一個軟體套件可以用:"
 #. (itstool) path: listitem/para
 #: article.translate.xml:217
 msgid "<package>net/rsync</package>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<package>net/rsync</package>"
 #. (itstool) path: sect3/title
 #: article.translate.xml:221
 msgid "HTTP (required for web pages, optional for FTP fileset)"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "HTTP(網頁需要,FTP 檔案集則是選用)"
 #. (itstool) path: sect3/para
 #: article.translate.xml:222
 msgid "If you want to offer the FreeBSD web pages, you will need to install a web server. You may optionally offer the FTP fileset via HTTP. The choice of web server software is left up to the mirror administrator. Some of the most popular choices are:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "如果您想提供 FreeBSD 的網頁,您需要安裝一個網頁伺服器。您可以選擇利用 HTTP 提供 FTP 檔案集。網頁伺服器軟體的選擇留給鏡像站管理員選擇。一些最受歡迎的選擇是:"
 #. (itstool) path: listitem/para
 #: article.translate.xml:231
 msgid "<package>www/apache22</package>: <application>Apache</application> is the most widely deployed web server on the Internet. It is used extensively by the FreeBSD Project."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<package>www/apache22</package>:<application>Apache</application> 是網際網路上最廣泛使用的網頁伺服器。 它被 FreeBSD 計畫廣泛使用。"
 #. (itstool) path: listitem/para
 #: article.translate.xml:238
 msgid "<package>www/thttpd</package>: If you are going to be serving a large amount of static content you may find that using an application such as thttpd is more efficient than <application>Apache</application>. It is optimized for excellent performance on FreeBSD."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<package>www/thttpd</package>:如果您要提供大量的靜態內容,您可能會發現使用諸如 thttpd 之類的應用程式會比 <application>Apache</application> 更有效率。它針對 FreeBSD 的優秀性能進行了最佳化。"
 #. (itstool) path: listitem/para
 #: article.translate.xml:246
 msgid "<package>www/boa</package>: <application>Boa</application> is another alternative to <application>thttpd</application> and <application>Apache</application>. It should provide considerably better performance than <application>Apache</application> for purely static content. It does not, at the time of this writing, contain the same set of optimizations for FreeBSD that are found in <application>thttpd</application>."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<package>www/boa</package>:<application>Boa</application> 是 <application>thttpd</application> 和 <application>Apache</application> 外的另一個選擇。對於純粹的靜態網頁,它應該會提供比 <application>Apache</application> 更好的性能。在寫這篇文章的時候,它並不包含像在 <application>thttpd</application> 中一樣針對FreeBSD 做最佳化。"
 #. (itstool) path: listitem/para
 #: article.translate.xml:258
 msgid "<package>www/nginx</package>: <application>Nginx</application> is a high performance edge web server with a low memory footprint and key features to build a modern and efficient web infrastructure. Features include a HTTP server, HTTP and mail reverse proxy, caching, load balancing, compression, request throttling, connection multiplexing and reuse, SSL offload and HTTP media streaming."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<package>www/nginx</package>:<application>Nginx</application> 是一款高性能的最新網頁服務器,具有低記憶體佔用量和關鍵特色,可以構建現代高效率網頁基礎架構,功能包括 HTTP 伺服器,HTTP 和郵件反向代理,快取,負載平衡,壓縮,請求限制(request throtting),連接多工與再利用,SSL 卸載和 HTTP 媒體串流。"
 #. (itstool) path: sect1/title
 #: article.translate.xml:272
 msgid "How to Mirror FreeBSD"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "如何Mirror FreeBSD 站台"
 #. (itstool) path: sect1/para
 #: article.translate.xml:273
 msgid "Ok, now you know the requirements and how to offer the services, but not how to get it. :-) This section explains how to actually mirror the various parts of FreeBSD, what tools to use, and where to mirror from."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "好,現在你知道硬體需求和如何提供服務,但不知道如何做。:-) 這節將解釋如何實際 mirror FreeBSD 的不同部分,使用哪些工具以及從哪裡 mirror。"
 #. (itstool) path: sect2/title
 #: article.translate.xml:281
 msgid "Mirroring the FTP site"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "鏡像 FTP 站"
 #. (itstool) path: sect2/para
 #: article.translate.xml:282
 msgid "The FTP area is the largest amount of data that needs to be mirrored. It includes the <emphasis>distribution sets</emphasis> required for network installation, the <emphasis>branches</emphasis> which are actually snapshots of checked-out source trees, the <emphasis>ISO Images</emphasis> to write CD-ROMs with the installation distribution, a live file system, and a snapshot of the ports tree. All of course for various FreeBSD versions, and various architectures."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "FTP 部份有最大量的資料需要被 mirror。它包括網路安裝所需的<emphasis>發布集</emphasis>,實際上是原始碼樹快照的<emphasis>分支</emphasis>,可燒錄光碟供安裝系統的<emphasis>ISO映像檔</emphasis> ,一個可 live 開機的檔案系統,以及一個 port tree 的快照。當然,全都有各種 FreeBSD 版本和各種CPU架構。"
 #. (itstool) path: sect2/para
 #: article.translate.xml:292
@@ -325,19 +327,20 @@ msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: note/para
 #: article.translate.xml:303
 msgid "Since the number of <application>rsync</application> clients will have a significant impact on the server machine, most admins impose limitations on their server. For a mirror, you should ask the site maintainer you are syncing from about their policy, and maybe an exception for your host (since you are a mirror)."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "由於 <application>rsync</application> 客戶端的數量將對伺服器主機產生重大影響,因此大多數管理員會對伺服器負荷加以限制。對於 mirror 站台,您應該詢問您要 mirror 站台的管理人員他們的管理政策,也許需要對您的主機開放例外(因為您是一個 mirror 站)。"
 #. (itstool) path: sect2/para
 #: article.translate.xml:312
 msgid "A command line to mirror FreeBSD might look like:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "一個需要mirror FreeBSD官網的指令如下:"
 #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen
 #: article.translate.xml:313
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<prompt>%</prompt> <userinput>rsync -vaHz --delete rsync:// /pub/FreeBSD/</userinput>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<prompt>%</prompt> <userinput>rsync -vaHz --delete rsync:// /pub/FreeBSD/</userinput>"
+# source text少了一個<link>的標籤,多了一個</link>不知道重不重要?
 #. (itstool) path: sect2/para
 #: article.translate.xml:314
 msgid "Consult the documentation for <application>rsync</application>, which is also available at <link xlink:href=\"\"></link>, about the various options to be used with rsync. If you sync the whole module (unlike subdirectories), be aware that the module-directory (here \"FreeBSD\") will not be created, so you cannot omit the target directory. Also you might want to set up a script framework that calls such a command via <citerefentry><refentrytitle>cron</refentrytitle><manvolnum>8</manvolnum></citerefentry>."
@@ -346,60 +349,60 @@ msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: sect2/title
 #: article.translate.xml:327
 msgid "Mirroring the WWW pages"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Mirroring 網頁"
 #. (itstool) path: sect2/para
 #: article.translate.xml:328
 msgid "The FreeBSD website should only be mirrored via <application>rsync</application>."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "FreeBSD 網站應只能透過<application>rsync</application>指令來mirror."
 #. (itstool) path: sect2/para
 #: article.translate.xml:331
 msgid "A command line to mirror the FreeBSD web site might look like:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "一個 mirror FreeBSD 網站的指令應該看起像這樣:"
 #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen
 #: article.translate.xml:332
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<prompt>%</prompt> <userinput>rsync -vaHz --delete rsync:// /usr/local/www/</userinput>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<prompt>%</prompt> <userinput>rsync -vaHz --delete rsync:// /usr/local/www/</userinput>"
 #. (itstool) path: sect2/title
 #: article.translate.xml:335
 msgid "Mirroring Packages"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "Mirroring 套件"
 #. (itstool) path: sect2/para
 #: article.translate.xml:336
 msgid "Due to very high requirements of bandwidth, storage and adminstration the FreeBSD Project has decided not to allow public mirrors of packages. For sites with lots of machines, it might be advantagous to run a caching HTTP proxy for the <citerefentry><refentrytitle>pkg</refentrytitle><manvolnum>8</manvolnum></citerefentry> process. Alternatively specific packages and their dependencies can be fetched by running something like the following:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "由於對頻寬,儲存空間和管理的要求非常高,FreeBSD 計畫決定不允許公眾 mirror 套件. 對於擁有大量伺服主機的網站,建議為 <citerefentry><refentrytitle>pkg</refentrytitle><manvolnum>8</manvolnum></citerefentry> 使用 HTTP proxy 快取可能會有所幫助。或者,您可以使用以下指令獲得套件與相依套件:"
 #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen
 #: article.translate.xml:343
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<prompt>%</prompt> <userinput>pkg fetch -d -o <replaceable>/usr/local/mirror</replaceable> <replaceable>vim</replaceable></userinput>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<prompt>%</prompt> <userinput>pkg fetch -d -o <replaceable>/usr/local/mirror</replaceable> <replaceable>vim</replaceable></userinput>"
 #. (itstool) path: sect2/para
 #: article.translate.xml:345
 msgid "Once those packages have been fetched, the repository metadata must be generated by running:"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "一旦這些套件包被下載,就必須執行以下命令來產生套件庫數據:"
 #. (itstool) path: sect2/screen
 #: article.translate.xml:347
 #, no-wrap
 msgid "<prompt>%</prompt> <userinput>pkg repo <replaceable>/usr/local/mirror</replaceable></userinput>"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "<prompt>%</prompt> <userinput>pkg repo <replaceable>/usr/local/mirror</replaceable></userinput>"
 #. (itstool) path: sect2/para
 #: article.translate.xml:349
 msgid "Once the packages have been fetched and the metadata for the repository has been generated, serve the packages up to the client machines via HTTP. For additional information see the man pages for <citerefentry><refentrytitle>pkg</refentrytitle><manvolnum>8</manvolnum></citerefentry>, specifically the <citerefentry><refentrytitle>pkg-repo</refentrytitle><manvolnum>8</manvolnum></citerefentry> page."
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "一旦套件被下載並且已經生成了套件庫的數據,就可以透過 HTTP 協定將套件提供給客戶端機器。有關更多訊息,請參閱 <citerefentry><refentrytitle>pkg</refentrytitle><manvolnum>8</manvolnum></citerefentry> 的 man pages,特別是<citerefentry><refentrytitle>pkg-repo</refentrytitle><manvolnum>8</manvolnum></citerefentry> 頁面。"
 #. (itstool) path: sect2/title
 #: article.translate.xml:356
 msgid "How often should I mirror?"
-msgstr ""
+msgstr "我多久應該mirror?"
 #. (itstool) path: sect2/para
 #: article.translate.xml:357
@@ -531,6 +534,7 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "There is one master site for the FTP fileset."
 msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: sect4/title
 #: article.translate.xml:531
 msgid ""
@@ -541,6 +545,8 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "This is the master site for the FTP fileset."
 msgstr ""
+# <systemitem></systemitem> 提供 <application>rsync</application> 存取, 針對 FTP站點提供rsync
+# . 請參閱 <xref linkend="mirror-ftp-rsync"/>.
 #. (itstool) path: sect4/para
 #: article.translate.xml:535
 msgid "<systemitem></systemitem> provides <application>rsync</application> access, in addition to FTP. Refer to <xref linkend=\"mirror-ftp-rsync\"/>."
@@ -556,25 +562,26 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid "Official Mirrors"
 msgstr ""
+# 官方mirror站具有以下條件
 #. (itstool) path: sect1/para
 #: article.translate.xml:552
 msgid "Official mirrors are mirrors that"
-msgstr " Official mirrors 站為具有下列條件的 mirror 站 "
+msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: listitem/para
 #: article.translate.xml:556
 msgid "a) have a <systemitem></systemitem> DNS entry (usually a CNAME)."
-msgstr "a) 有 DNS entry (通常為 CNAME 紀錄)。 "
+msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: listitem/para
 #: article.translate.xml:562
 msgid "b) are listed as an official mirror in the FreeBSD documentation (like handbook)."
-msgstr " b) 被 FreeBSD 文件列為 offical mirror 站(像是 handbook)。 "
+msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: sect1/para
 #: article.translate.xml:569
 msgid "So far to distinguish official mirrors. Official mirrors are not necessarily <emphasis>Tier-1</emphasis>-mirrors. However you probably will not find a <emphasis>Tier-1</emphasis>-mirror, that is not also official."
-msgstr " 除了以上述方式來分辨是否為 official mirrors 站之外, Official mirrors 站不一定得為 <emphasis>Tier-1</emphasis>-mirrors 站。 然而,只要是 <emphasis>Tier-1</emphasis>-mirror 站的話,就一定會是 official mirrors 站。 "
+msgstr ""
 #. (itstool) path: sect2/title
 #: article.translate.xml:575
@@ -651,6 +658,7 @@ msgstr ""
 msgid " - <email>hostmaster at</email> - <link xlink:href=\"\"> (Bandwidth)</link> <link xlink:href=\"\">(FTP processes)</link> <link xlink:href=\"\">(HTTP processes) </link>"
 msgstr ""
+# - <email>mirror at</email> - <link xlink:href="">(Bandwidth)</link> <link xlink:href="">(HTTP and FTP users)</link>
 #. (itstool) path: listitem/para
 #: article.translate.xml:691
 msgid " - <email>mirror at</email> - <link xlink:href=\"\">(Bandwidth)</link> <link xlink:href=\"\">(HTTP and FTP users)</link>"

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