svn commit: r52180 - head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook/makefiles

Mathieu Arnold mat at
Mon Aug 27 10:30:09 UTC 2018

Author: mat
Date: Mon Aug 27 10:30:07 2018
New Revision: 52180

  Add a warning about the effect of some permissions.
  Reviewed by:	adamw
  Differential Revision:


Modified: head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook/makefiles/chapter.xml
--- head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook/makefiles/chapter.xml	Mon Aug 27 05:32:57 2018	(r52179)
+++ head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook/makefiles/chapter.xml	Mon Aug 27 10:30:07 2018	(r52180)
@@ -5174,6 +5174,21 @@ LICENSE_FILE=	${WRKSRC}/COPYING</programlisting>
 	not present, it is considered to be a
+      <warning>
+	<para>Some missing permissions will prevent a port (and all
+	  ports depending on it) from being usable by package
+	  users:</para>
+	<para>A port without the <literal>auto-accept</literal>
+	  permission will never be be built and all the ports
+	  depending on it will be ignored.</para>
+	<para>A port without the <literal>pkg-mirror</literal>
+	  permission will be removed, as well as all the ports
+	  depending on it, after the build and they will ever end up
+	  being distributed.</para>
+      </warning>
       <example xml:id="licenses-license_perms-ex1">
 	<title>Nonstandard License</title>

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