svn commit: r46895 - head/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/leap-seconds

Warren Block wblock at
Mon Jun 29 16:41:42 UTC 2015

Author: wblock
Date: Mon Jun 29 16:41:41 2015
New Revision: 46895

  Whitespace-only fixes, translators please ignore.


Modified: head/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/leap-seconds/article.xml
--- head/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/leap-seconds/article.xml	Mon Jun 29 15:32:11 2015	(r46894)
+++ head/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/leap-seconds/article.xml	Mon Jun 29 16:41:41 2015	(r46895)
@@ -21,9 +21,9 @@
     <para>As of this writing, the next leap second will occur at
-      2015-Jun-30 23:59:60 UTC.  This leap second will occur during
-      a business day for North and South
-      America and the Asia/Pacific region.</para>
+      2015-Jun-30 23:59:60 UTC.  This leap second will occur during a
+      business day for North and South America and the Asia/Pacific
+      region.</para>
     <para>Leap seconds are announced by <link
@@ -104,16 +104,16 @@
     <screen>&prompt.user; <userinput>ntpq -c 'rv 0 leap'</userinput></screen>
     <para>Output that includes <literal>leap_add_sec</literal>
-      indicates proper support of the leap second.  Before the 24 hours
-      leading up to the leap second, or after the leap second has
-      passed, <literal>leap_none</literal> will be shown.</para>
+      indicates proper support of the leap second.  Before the 24
+      hours leading up to the leap second, or after the leap second
+      has passed, <literal>leap_none</literal> will be shown.</para>
   <sect1 xml:id="leapseconds-conclusion">
-    <para>In practice, leap seconds are usually not a problem on &os;.  We
-      hope that this overview helps clarify what to expect and how to
-      make the leap second event proceed more smoothly.</para>
+    <para>In practice, leap seconds are usually not a problem on &os;.
+      We hope that this overview helps clarify what to expect and how
+      to make the leap second event proceed more smoothly.</para>

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