svn commit: r47058 - head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook/uses

Mathieu Arnold mat at
Thu Jul 23 15:05:29 UTC 2015

Author: mat
Date: Thu Jul 23 15:05:28 2015
New Revision: 47058

  Reindent/rewrap the USES chapter.  Translators can ignore.
  Approved by:	wblock (mentor, implicit)
  Sponsored by:	Absolight


Modified: head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook/uses/chapter.xml
--- head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook/uses/chapter.xml	Thu Jul 23 15:05:19 2015	(r47057)
+++ head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook/uses/chapter.xml	Thu Jul 23 15:05:28 2015	(r47058)
@@ -69,617 +69,581 @@
-	<sect1 xml:id="uses-ada">
-	  <title><literal>ada</literal></title>
+  <sect1 xml:id="uses-ada">
+    <title><literal>ada</literal></title>
-	  <para>Possible arguments: (none), <literal>47</literal>, <literal>49</literal>,
-	    <literal>5</literal></para>
+    <para>Possible arguments: (none), <literal>47</literal>,
+      <literal>49</literal>, <literal>5</literal></para>
-	  <para>Depends on an <application>Ada</application>-capable
-	    compiler, and sets <varname>CC</varname> accordingly.
-	    Defaults to a <application>gcc</application> 4.9 based
-	    compiler, use <literal>:47</literal> to use the older
-	    <application>gcc</application> 4.7 based one and
-	    <literal>:5</literal> to use the newer
-	    <application>gcc</application> 5 based one.</para>
-	</sect1>
-	<sect1 xml:id="uses-autoreconf">
-	  <title><literal>autoreconf</literal></title>
-	  <para>Possible arguments: (none), <literal>build</literal></para>
-	  <para>Runs <command>autoreconf</command>.  It encapsulates
-	    the <command>aclocal</command>,
-	    <command>autoconf</command>,
-	    <command>autoheader</command>,
-	    <command>automake</command>, <command>autopoint</command>,
-	    and <command>libtoolize</command> commands.  Each command
-	    applies to
-	    <filename>${CONFIGURE_WRKSRC}/</filename> or
-	    its old name,
-	    <filename>${CONFIGURE_WRKSRC}/</filename>.  If
-	    <filename></filename> defines subdirectories
-	    with their own <filename></filename> using
-	    <literal>AC_CONFIG_SUBDIRS</literal>,
-	    <command>autoreconf</command> will recursively update
-	    those as well.  The <literal>:build</literal> argument
-	    only adds build time dependencies on those tools but does
-	    not run <command>autoreconf</command>.</para>
-	</sect1>
-	<sect1 xml:id="uses-blaslapack">
-	  <title><literal>blaslapack</literal></title>
-	  <para>Possible arguments: (none), <literal>atlas</literal>,
-	    <literal>netlib</literal> (default),
-	    <literal>gotoblas</literal>,
-	    <literal>openblas</literal></para>
-	  <para>Adds dependencies on Blas / Lapack libraries.</para>
-	</sect1>
-	<sect1 xml:id="uses-bison">
-	  <title><literal>bison</literal></title>
-	  <para>Possible arguments: (none), <literal>build</literal>,
-	    <literal>run</literal>, <literal>both</literal></para>
-	  <para>Uses <package role="port">devel/bison</package>
-	    By default, with no arguments or with the
-	    <literal>build</literal> argument, it implies
-	    <command>bison</command> is a build-time dependency,
-	    <literal>run</literal> implies a run-time dependency, and
-	    <literal>both</literal> implies both run-time and
-	    build-time dependencies.</para>
-	</sect1>
-	<sect1 xml:id="uses-charsetfix">
-	  <title><literal>charsetfix</literal></title>
-	  <para>Possible arguments: (none)</para>
-	  <para>Prevents the port from installing
-	    <filename>charset.alias</filename>.  This must be
-	    installed only by
-	    <package role="port">converters/libiconv</package>.
-	    <varname>CHARSETFIX_MAKEFILEIN</varname> can be set to a
-	    path relative to <varname>WRKSRC</varname> if
-	    <filename>charset.alias</filename> is not installed by
-	    <filename>${WRKSRC}/</filename>.</para>
-	</sect1>
-	<sect1 xml:id="uses-cmake">
-	  <title><literal>cmake</literal></title>
-	  <para>Possible arguments: (none), <literal>outsource</literal>,
-	    <literal>run</literal></para>
-	  <para>Uses <application>CMake</application> for configuring
-	    and building.  With the <literal>outsource</literal>
-	    argument, an out-of-source build will be performed.  With
-	    the <literal>run</literal> argument, a run-time dependency
-	    is registered.  For more information see
-	    <xref linkend="using-cmake"/>.</para>
-	</sect1>
-	<sect1 xml:id="uses-compiler">
-	  <title><literal>compiler</literal></title>
-	  <para>Possible arguments: (none), <literal>c++0x</literal>,
-	    <literal>c++11-lang</literal>,
-	    <literal>gcc-c++11-lib</literal>,
-	    <literal>c++11-lib</literal>, <literal>c11</literal>,
-	    <literal>openmp</literal>, <literal>nestedfct</literal>,
-	    <literal>features</literal></para>
-	  <para>Determines which compiler to use based on any given
-	    wishes.  Use <literal>c++11-lang</literal> if the port
-	    needs a C++11-capable compiler,
-	    <literal>gcc-c++11-lib</literal> if the port needs the
-	    <command>g++</command> compiler with a C++11 library, and
-	    <literal>c++11-lib</literal> if the port also needs a
-	    C++11-ready standard library.  If the port needs a
-	    compiler understanding C++0X, C11, OpenMP, or nested
-	    functions, the corresponding parameters can be used.  Use
-	    <literal>features</literal> to request a list of features
-	    supported by the default compiler.  After including
-	    <filename></filename> the port can inspect
-	    the results using these variables:</para>
-	    <itemizedlist>
-	      <listitem>
-		<para><varname>COMPILER_TYPE</varname>: the default
-		  compiler on the system, either gcc or clang</para>
-	      </listitem>
-	      <listitem>
-		<para><varname>ALT_COMPILER_TYPE</varname>: the
-		  alternative compiler on the system, either gcc or
-		  clang.  Only set if two compilers are present in the
-		  base system.</para>
-	      </listitem>
-	      <listitem>
-		<para><varname>COMPILER_VERSION</varname>: the first
-		  two digits of the version of the default
-		  compiler.</para>
-	      </listitem>
-	      <listitem>
-		<para><varname>ALT_COMPILER_VERSION</varname>: the
-		  first two digits of the version of the alternative
-		  compiler, if present.</para>
-	      </listitem>
-	      <listitem>
-		<para><varname>CHOSEN_COMPILER_TYPE</varname>: the
-		  chosen compiler, either gcc or clang</para>
-	      </listitem>
-	      <listitem>
-		<para><varname>COMPILER_FEATURES</varname>: the
-		  features supported by the default compiler.  It
-		  currently lists the C++ library.</para>
-	      </listitem>
-	    </itemizedlist>
-	</sect1>
-	<sect1 xml:id="uses-cpe">
-	  <title><literal>cpe</literal></title>
-	  <para>Possible arguments: (none)</para>
-	  <para>
-	    Include Common Platform Enumeration
-	    (<acronym>CPE</acronym>) information in package manifest
-	    as a <acronym>CPE</acronym> 2.3 formatted string.  See the
-	    <link
-	      xlink:href=""><acronym>CPE</acronym>
-	      specification</link> for details.  To add
-	    <acronym>CPE</acronym> information to a port, follow these
-	    steps:</para>
-	    <procedure>
-	      <step>
-		<para>Search for the official CPE para for the
-		  software product either by using the NVD's <link
-		    xlink:href=""><acronym>CPE</acronym>
-		    search engine</link> or in the <link
-		    xlink:href="">official
-		    <acronym>CPE</acronym> dictionary</link> (warning,
-		  very large <acronym>XML</acronym> file).
-		  <emphasis>Do not ever make up <acronym>CPE</acronym>
-		    data.</emphasis></para>
-	      </step>
-	      <step>
-		<para>Add <literal>cpe</literal> to
-		  <varname>USES</varname> and compare the result of
-		  <command>make -V CPE_STR</command> to the
-		  <acronym>CPE</acronym> dictionary para.  Continue
-		  one step at a time until <command>make -V
-		    CPE_STR</command> is correct.</para>
-	      </step>
-	      <step>
-		<para>If the product name (second field, defaults to
-		  <varname>PORTNAME</varname>) is incorrect, define
-		  <varname>CPE_PRODUCT</varname>.</para>
-	      </step>
-	      <step>
-		<para>If the vendor name (first field, defaults to
-		  <varname>CPE_PRODUCT</varname>) is incorrect, define
-		  <varname>CPE_VENDOR</varname>.</para>
-	      </step>
-	      <step>
-		<para>If the version field (third field, defaults to
-		  <varname>PORTVERSION</varname>) is incorrect, define
-		  <varname>CPE_VERSION</varname>.</para>
-	      </step>
-	      <step>
-		<para>If the update field (fourth field, defaults to
-		  empty) is incorrect, define
-		  <varname>CPE_UPDATE</varname>.</para>
-	      </step>
-	      <step>
-		<para>If it is still not correct, check
-		  <filename>Mk/Uses/</filename> for additional
-		  details, or contact the &a.ports-secteam;.</para>
-	      </step>
-	      <step>
-		<para>Derive as much as possible of the
-		  <acronym>CPE</acronym> name from existing variables
-		  such as <varname>PORTNAME</varname> and
-		  <varname>PORTVERSION</varname>.  Use variable
-		  modifiers to extract the relevant portions from
-		  these variables rather than hardcoding the
-		  name.</para>
-	      </step>
-	      <step>
-		<para><emphasis>Always</emphasis> run <command>make -V
-		    CPE_STR</command> and check the output before
-		  committing anything that changes
-		  <varname>PORTNAME</varname> or
-		  <varname>PORTVERSION</varname> or any other variable
-		  which is used to derive
-		  <varname>CPE_STR</varname>.</para>
-	      </step>
-	    </procedure>
-	</sect1>
-	<sect1 xml:id="uses-cran">
-	  <title><literal>cran</literal></title>
-	  <para>Possible arguments: (none), <literal>auto-plist</literal></para>
-	  <para>Uses the Comprehensive R Archive Network.  Specify
-	    <varname>auto-plist</varname> to automatically generate
-	    <filename>pkg-plist</filename>.</para>
-	</sect1>
-	<sect1 xml:id="uses-desktop-file-utils">
-	  <title><literal>desktop-file-utils</literal></title>
-	  <para>Possible arguments: (none)</para>
-	  <para>Uses
-	    <application>update-desktop-database</application> from
-	    <package role="port">devel/desktop-file-utils</package>.
-	    An extra post-install step will be run without interfering
-	    with any post-install steps already in the port
-	    <filename>Makefile</filename>.  A line with <link
-	      linkend="plist-keywords-desktop-file-utils"><literal>@desktop-file-utils</literal></link>
-	    will be added to the plist.</para>
-	</sect1>
-	<sect1 xml:id="uses-desthack">
-	  <title><literal>desthack</literal></title>
-	  <para>Possible arguments: (none)</para>
-	  <para>Changes the behavior of GNU configure to properly
-	    support <varname>DESTDIR</varname> in case the original
-	    software does not.</para>
-	</sect1>
-	<sect1 xml:id="uses-display">
-	  <title><literal>display</literal></title>
-	  <para>Possible arguments: (none), ARGS</para>
-	  <para>Set up a virtual display environment.  If the
-	    environment variable <varname>DISPLAY</varname> is not
-	    set, then <application>Xvfb</application> is added as a
-	    build dependency, and <varname>CONFIGURE_ENV</varname> is
-	    extended with the port number of the currently running
-	    instance of <application>Xvfb</application>.  The
-	    <literal>ARGS</literal> parameter defaults to
-	    <literal>install</literal> and controls the phase around
-	    which to start and stop the virtual display.</para>
-	</sect1>
-	<sect1 xml:id="uses-dos2unix">
-	  <title><literal>dos2unix</literal></title>
-	  <para>Possible arguments: (none)</para>
-	  <para>The port has files with line endings in
-	    <acronym>DOS</acronym> format which need to be converted.
-	    Three variables can be set to control which files will be
-	    converted.  The default is to convert
-	    <emphasis>all</emphasis> files, including binaries.  See
-	    <xref linkend="slow-patch-automatic-replacements"/> for
-	    examples.</para>
-	    <itemizedlist>
-	      <listitem>
-		<para><varname>DOS2UNIX_REGEX</varname>: match file
-		  names based on a regular expression.</para>
-	      </listitem>
-	      <listitem>
-		<para><varname>DOS2UNIX_FILES</varname>: match literal
-		  file names.</para>
-	      </listitem>
-	      <listitem>
-		<para><varname>DOS2UNIX_GLOB</varname>: match file
-		  names based on a glob pattern.</para>
-	      </listitem>
-	    </itemizedlist>
-	</sect1>
-	<sect1 xml:id="uses-drupal">
-	  <title><literal>drupal</literal></title>
-	  <para>Possible arguments: <literal>6</literal>, <literal>7</literal>,
-	    <literal>module</literal>,
-	    <literal>theme</literal></para>
-	  <para>Automate installation of a port that is a
-	    <application>Drupal</application>
-	    theme or module.  Use with the version of Drupal that the
-	    port is expecting.  For example,
-	    <literal>USES=drupal:6,module</literal> says that this
-	    port creates a Drupal 6 module.  A Drupal 7 theme can be
-	    specified with
-	    <literal>USES=drupal:7,theme</literal>.</para>
-	</sect1>
-	<sect1 xml:id="uses-execinfo">
-	  <title><literal>execinfo</literal></title>
-	  <para>Possible arguments: (none)</para>
-	  <para>Add a library dependency on <package
-	      role="port">devel/libexecinfo</package> if
-	    <filename></filename> is not present in the
-	    base system.</para>
-	</sect1>
-	<sect1 xml:id="uses-fakeroot">
-	  <title><literal>fakeroot</literal></title>
-	  <para>Possible arguments: (none)</para>
-	  <para>Changes some default behaviour of build systems to
-	    allow installing as a user.  See <link
-	      xlink:href=""/> for
-	    more information on <command>fakeroot</command>.</para>
-	</sect1>
-	<sect1 xml:id="uses-fam">
-	  <title><literal>fam</literal></title>
-	  <para>Possible arguments: (none), fam, gamin</para>
-	  <para>Uses a File Alteration Monitor as a library
-	    dependency, either
-	    <package role="port">devel/fam</package> or
-	    <package role="port">devel/gamin</package>.  End users can
-	    set WITH_FAM_SYSTEM to specify their preference.</para>
-	</sect1>
-	<sect1 xml:id="uses-fmake">
-	  <title><literal>fmake</literal></title>
-	  <para>Possible arguments: (none)</para>
-	  <para>Uses <package role="port">devel/fmake</package> as a
-	    build-time dependency.</para>
-	</sect1>
-	<sect1 xml:id="uses-fonts">
-	  <title><literal>fonts</literal></title>
-	  <para>Possible arguments: (none)</para>
-	  <para>Adds a runtime dependency on tools needed to register
-	    fonts, and add an <literal><link
-		linkend="plist-keywords-fcfontsdir">@fcfontsdir</link>
-	      ${FONTSDIR}</literal> para to the plist.
-	    <varname>FONTSDIR</varname> defaults to
-	    <filename>${PREFIX}/lib/X11/fonts/${FONTNAME}</filename>
-	    and <varname>FONTNAME</varname> to
-	    <literal>${PORTNAME}</literal>.</para>
-	</sect1>
-	<sect1 xml:id="uses-fortran">
-	  <title><literal>fortran</literal></title>
-	  <para>Possible arguments: <literal>gcc</literal> (default),
-	    <literal>ifort</literal></para>
-	  <para>Uses the Fortran compiler from either GNU or
-	    Intel.</para>
-	</sect1>
-	<sect1 xml:id="uses-fuse">
-	  <title><literal>fuse</literal></title>
-	  <para>Possible arguments: (none)</para>
-	  <para>The port will depend on the FUSE library and handle
-	    the dependency on the kernel module depending on the
-	    version of &os;.</para>
-	</sect1>
-	<sect1 xml:id="uses-gecko">
-	  <title><literal>gecko</literal></title>
-	  <para>Possible arguments: <literal>libxul</literal> (default),
-	    <literal>firefox</literal>, <literal>seamonkey</literal>,
-	    <literal>thunderbird</literal>, <literal>build</literal>,
-	    <literal><replaceable>XY</replaceable></literal>,
-	    <literal><replaceable>XY</replaceable>+</literal></para>
-	  <para>Add a dependency on different
-	    <application>gecko</application> based applications.  If
-	    <literal>libxul</literal> is used, it is the only argument
-	    allowed.  When the argument is not
-	    <literal>libxul</literal>, the <literal>firefox</literal>,
-	    <literal>seamonkey</literal>, or
-	    <literal>thunderbird</literal> arguments can be used,
-	    along with optional <literal>build</literal> and
-	    <literal><replaceable>XY</replaceable></literal>/<literal><replaceable>XY</replaceable>+</literal>
-	    version
-	    arguments.</para>
-	</sect1>
-	<sect1 xml:id="uses-gettext">
-	  <title><literal>gettext</literal></title>
-	  <para>Possible arguments: (none)</para>
-	  <para>Deprecated.  Will include both <link
-	      linkend="uses-gettext-runtime"><literal>gettext-runtime</literal></link>
-	    and <link
-	      linkend="uses-gettext-tools"><literal>gettext-tools</literal></link>.</para>
-	</sect1>
-	<sect1 xml:id="uses-gettext-runtime">
-	  <title><literal>gettext-runtime</literal></title>
-	  <para>Possible arguments: (none), <literal>lib</literal> (default),
-	    <literal>build</literal>, <literal>run</literal></para>
-	  <para>Uses <package
-	      role="port">devel/gettext-runtime</package>.  By
-	    default, with no arguments or with the
-	    <literal>lib</literal> argument, implies a library
-	    dependency on <filename></filename>.
-	    <literal>build</literal> and <literal>run</literal>
-	    implies, respectively a build-time and a run-time
-	    dependency on <filename>gettext</filename>.</para>
-	</sect1>
-	<sect1 xml:id="uses-gettext-tools">
-	  <title><literal>gettext-tools</literal></title>
-	  <para>Possible arguments: (none), <literal>build</literal> (default),
-	    <literal>run</literal></para>
-	  <para>Uses <package
-	      role="port">devel/gettext-tools</package>.  By default,
-	    with no argument, or with the <literal>build</literal>
-	    argument, a build time dependency on
-	    <filename>msgfmt</filename> is registered.  With the
-	    <literal>run</literal> argument, a run-time dependency is
-	    registered.</para>
-	</sect1>
-	<sect1 xml:id="uses-ghostscript">
-	  <title><literal>ghostscript</literal></title>
-	  <para>Possible arguments: <replaceable>X</replaceable>,
-	    <literal>build</literal>, <literal>run</literal>,
-	    <literal>nox11</literal></para>
-	  <para>A specific version
-	    <replaceable>X</replaceable> can be
-	    used.  Possible versions are <literal>7</literal>,
-	    <literal>8</literal>, <literal>9</literal> (default), and
-	    <literal>agpl</literal>.
-	    <literal>nox11</literal> indicates that the
-	    <literal>-nox11</literal> version of the port is required.
-	    <literal>build</literal> and <literal>run</literal> add
-	    build- and run-time dependencies on
-	    <application>Ghostscript</application>.  The default is both
-	    build- and run-time dependencies.</para>
-	</sect1>
-	<sect1 xml:id="uses-gmake">
-	  <title><literal>gmake</literal></title>
-	  <para>Possible arguments: (none), <literal>lite</literal></para>
-	  <para>Uses <package role="port">devel/gmake</package>, or
-	    <package role="port">devel/gmake-lite</package> if the
-	    <literal>lite</literal> argument is used, as a
-	    build-time dependency and sets up the environment to use
-	    <command>gmake</command> as the default
-	    <command>make</command> for the build.</para>
-	</sect1>
-	<sect1 xml:id="uses-gperf">
-	  <title><literal>gperf</literal></title>
-	  <para>Possible arguments: (none)</para>
-	  <para>Add a buildtime dependency on <package
-	      role="port">devel/gperf</package> if
-	    <command>gperf</command> is not present in the base
-	    system.</para>
-	</sect1>
-	<sect1 xml:id="uses-gssapi">
-	  <title><literal>gssapi</literal></title>
-	  <para>Possible arguments: (none), <literal>base</literal> (default),
-	    <literal>heimdal</literal>, <literal>mit</literal>,
-	    <literal>flags</literal>,
-	    <literal>bootstrap</literal></para>
-	    <para>Handle dependencies needed by consumers of the
-	      <acronym>GSS-API</acronym>.  Only libraries that provide
-	      the <application>Kerberos</application> mechanism are
-	      available.  By default, or set to
-	      <literal>base</literal>, the <acronym>GSS-API</acronym>
-	      library from the base system is used.  Can also be set
-	      to <literal>heimdal</literal> to use
-	      <package role="port">security/heimdal</package>, or
-	      <literal>mit</literal> to use
-	      <package role="port">security/krb5</package>.</para>
-	    <para>When the local <application>Kerberos</application>
-	      installation is not in <varname>LOCALBASE</varname>, set
-	      <varname>HEIMDAL_HOME</varname> (for
-	      <literal>heimdal</literal>) or
-	      <varname>KRB5_HOME</varname> (for
-	      <literal>krb5</literal>) to the location of the
-	      <application>Kerberos</application> installation.</para>
-	    <para>These variables are exported for the ports to
-	      use:</para>
-	    <itemizedlist>
-	      <listitem>
-		<para><varname>GSSAPIBASEDIR</varname></para>
-	      </listitem>
-	      <listitem>
-		<para><varname>GSSAPICPPFLAGS</varname></para>
-	      </listitem>
-	      <listitem>
-		<para><varname>GSSAPIINCDIR</varname></para>
-	      </listitem>
-	      <listitem>
-		<para><varname>GSSAPILDFLAGS</varname></para>
-	      </listitem>
-	      <listitem>
-		<para><varname>GSSAPILIBDIR</varname></para>
-	      </listitem>
-	      <listitem>
-		<para><varname>GSSAPILIBS</varname></para>
-	      </listitem>
-	      <listitem>
-		<para><varname>GSSAPI_CONFIGURE_ARGS</varname></para>
-	      </listitem>
-	    </itemizedlist>
-	    <para>The <literal>flags</literal> option can be given
-	      alongside <literal>base</literal>,
-	      <literal>heimdal</literal>, or <literal>mit</literal> to
-	      automatically add <varname>GSSAPICPPFLAGS</varname>,
-	      <varname>GSSAPILDFLAGS</varname>, and
-	      <varname>GSSAPILIBS</varname> to
-	      <varname>CFLAGS</varname>, <varname>LDFLAGS</varname>,
-	      and <varname>LDADD</varname>, respectively.  For
-	      example, use <literal>base,flags</literal>.</para>
-	    <para>The <literal>bootstrap</literal> option is a special
-	      prefix only for use by
-	      <package role="port">security/krb5</package> and
-	      <package role="port">security/heimdal</package>.  For
-	      example, use <literal>bootstrap,mit</literal>.</para>
+    <para>Depends on an <application>Ada</application>-capable
+      compiler, and sets <varname>CC</varname> accordingly.  Defaults
+      to a <application>gcc</application> 4.9 based compiler, use
+      <literal>:47</literal> to use the older
+      <application>gcc</application> 4.7 based one and
+      <literal>:5</literal> to use the newer
+      <application>gcc</application> 5 based one.</para>
+  </sect1>
+  <sect1 xml:id="uses-autoreconf">
+    <title><literal>autoreconf</literal></title>
+    <para>Possible arguments: (none), <literal>build</literal></para>
+    <para>Runs <command>autoreconf</command>.  It encapsulates the
+      <command>aclocal</command>, <command>autoconf</command>,
+      <command>autoheader</command>, <command>automake</command>,
+      <command>autopoint</command>, and <command>libtoolize</command>
+      commands.  Each command applies to
+      <filename>${CONFIGURE_WRKSRC}/</filename> or its old
+      name, <filename>${CONFIGURE_WRKSRC}/</filename>.  If
+      <filename></filename> defines subdirectories with
+      their own <filename></filename> using
+      <literal>AC_CONFIG_SUBDIRS</literal>,
+      <command>autoreconf</command> will recursively update those as
+      well.  The <literal>:build</literal> argument only adds build
+      time dependencies on those tools but does not run
+      <command>autoreconf</command>.</para>
+  </sect1>
+  <sect1 xml:id="uses-blaslapack">
+    <title><literal>blaslapack</literal></title>
+    <para>Possible arguments: (none), <literal>atlas</literal>,
+      <literal>netlib</literal> (default),
+      <literal>gotoblas</literal>, <literal>openblas</literal></para>
+    <para>Adds dependencies on Blas / Lapack libraries.</para>
+  </sect1>
+  <sect1 xml:id="uses-bison">
+    <title><literal>bison</literal></title>
+    <para>Possible arguments: (none), <literal>build</literal>,
+      <literal>run</literal>, <literal>both</literal></para>
+    <para>Uses <package role="port">devel/bison</package> By default,
+      with no arguments or with the <literal>build</literal> argument,
+      it implies <command>bison</command> is a build-time dependency,
+      <literal>run</literal> implies a run-time dependency, and
+      <literal>both</literal> implies both run-time and build-time
+      dependencies.</para>
+  </sect1>
+  <sect1 xml:id="uses-charsetfix">
+    <title><literal>charsetfix</literal></title>
+    <para>Possible arguments: (none)</para>
+    <para>Prevents the port from installing
+      <filename>charset.alias</filename>.  This must be installed only
+      by <package role="port">converters/libiconv</package>.
+      <varname>CHARSETFIX_MAKEFILEIN</varname> can be set to a path
+      relative to <varname>WRKSRC</varname> if
+      <filename>charset.alias</filename> is not installed by
+      <filename>${WRKSRC}/</filename>.</para>
+  </sect1>
+  <sect1 xml:id="uses-cmake">
+    <title><literal>cmake</literal></title>
+    <para>Possible arguments: (none), <literal>outsource</literal>,
+      <literal>run</literal></para>
+    <para>Uses <application>CMake</application> for configuring and
+      building.  With the <literal>outsource</literal> argument, an
+      out-of-source build will be performed.  With the
+      <literal>run</literal> argument, a run-time dependency is
+      registered.  For more information see <xref
+	linkend="using-cmake"/>.</para>
+  </sect1>
+  <sect1 xml:id="uses-compiler">
+    <title><literal>compiler</literal></title>
+    <para>Possible arguments: (none), <literal>c++0x</literal>,
+      <literal>c++11-lang</literal>, <literal>gcc-c++11-lib</literal>,
+      <literal>c++11-lib</literal>, <literal>c11</literal>,
+      <literal>openmp</literal>, <literal>nestedfct</literal>,
+      <literal>features</literal></para>
+    <para>Determines which compiler to use based on any given wishes.
+      Use <literal>c++11-lang</literal> if the port needs a
+      C++11-capable compiler, <literal>gcc-c++11-lib</literal> if the
+      port needs the <command>g++</command> compiler with a C++11
+      library, and <literal>c++11-lib</literal> if the port also needs
+      a C++11-ready standard library.  If the port needs a compiler
+      understanding C++0X, C11, OpenMP, or nested functions, the
+      corresponding parameters can be used.  Use
+      <literal>features</literal> to request a list of features
+      supported by the default compiler.  After including
+      <filename></filename> the port can inspect the
+      results using these variables:</para>
+    <itemizedlist>
+      <listitem>
+	<para><varname>COMPILER_TYPE</varname>: the default compiler
+	  on the system, either gcc or clang</para>
+      </listitem>
+      <listitem>
+	<para><varname>ALT_COMPILER_TYPE</varname>: the alternative
+	  compiler on the system, either gcc or clang.  Only set if
+	  two compilers are present in the base system.</para>
+      </listitem>
+      <listitem>
+	<para><varname>COMPILER_VERSION</varname>: the first two
+	  digits of the version of the default compiler.</para>
+      </listitem>
+      <listitem>
+	<para><varname>ALT_COMPILER_VERSION</varname>: the first two
+	  digits of the version of the alternative compiler, if
+	  present.</para>
+      </listitem>
+      <listitem>
+	<para><varname>CHOSEN_COMPILER_TYPE</varname>: the chosen
+	  compiler, either gcc or clang</para>
+      </listitem>
+      <listitem>
+	<para><varname>COMPILER_FEATURES</varname>: the features
+	  supported by the default compiler.  It currently lists the
+	  C++ library.</para>
+      </listitem>
+    </itemizedlist>
+  </sect1>
+  <sect1 xml:id="uses-cpe">
+    <title><literal>cpe</literal></title>
+    <para>Possible arguments: (none)</para>
+    <para> Include Common Platform Enumeration
+      (<acronym>CPE</acronym>) information in package manifest as a
+      <acronym>CPE</acronym> 2.3 formatted string.  See the <link
+	xlink:href=""><acronym>CPE</acronym>
+	specification</link> for details.  To add
+      <acronym>CPE</acronym> information to a port, follow these
+      steps:</para>
+    <procedure>
+      <step>
+	<para>Search for the official CPE para for the software
+	  product either by using the NVD's <link
+	    xlink:href=""><acronym>CPE</acronym>
+	    search engine</link> or in the <link
+	    xlink:href="">official
+	    <acronym>CPE</acronym> dictionary</link> (warning, very
+	  large <acronym>XML</acronym> file).  <emphasis>Do not ever
+	    make up <acronym>CPE</acronym> data.</emphasis></para>
+      </step>
+      <step>
+	<para>Add <literal>cpe</literal> to <varname>USES</varname>
+	  and compare the result of <command>make -V CPE_STR</command>
+	  to the <acronym>CPE</acronym> dictionary para.  Continue one
+	  step at a time until <command>make -V CPE_STR</command> is
+	  correct.</para>
+      </step>
+      <step>
+	<para>If the product name (second field, defaults to
+	  <varname>PORTNAME</varname>) is incorrect, define
+	  <varname>CPE_PRODUCT</varname>.</para>
+      </step>
+      <step>
+	<para>If the vendor name (first field, defaults to
+	  <varname>CPE_PRODUCT</varname>) is incorrect, define
+	  <varname>CPE_VENDOR</varname>.</para>
+      </step>
+      <step>
+	<para>If the version field (third field, defaults to
+	  <varname>PORTVERSION</varname>) is incorrect, define
+	  <varname>CPE_VERSION</varname>.</para>
+      </step>
+      <step>
+	<para>If the update field (fourth field, defaults to empty) is
+	  incorrect, define <varname>CPE_UPDATE</varname>.</para>
+      </step>
+      <step>
+	<para>If it is still not correct, check
+	  <filename>Mk/Uses/</filename> for additional details,
+	  or contact the &a.ports-secteam;.</para>
+      </step>
+      <step>
+	<para>Derive as much as possible of the <acronym>CPE</acronym>
+	  name from existing variables such as
+	  <varname>PORTNAME</varname> and
+	  <varname>PORTVERSION</varname>.  Use variable modifiers to
+	  extract the relevant portions from these variables rather
+	  than hardcoding the name.</para>
+      </step>
+      <step>
+	<para><emphasis>Always</emphasis> run <command>make -V
+	    CPE_STR</command> and check the output before committing
+	  anything that changes <varname>PORTNAME</varname> or
+	  <varname>PORTVERSION</varname> or any other variable which
+	  is used to derive <varname>CPE_STR</varname>.</para>
+      </step>
+    </procedure>
+  </sect1>
+  <sect1 xml:id="uses-cran">
+    <title><literal>cran</literal></title>
+    <para>Possible arguments: (none),
+      <literal>auto-plist</literal></para>
+    <para>Uses the Comprehensive R Archive Network.  Specify
+      <varname>auto-plist</varname> to automatically generate
+      <filename>pkg-plist</filename>.</para>
+  </sect1>
+  <sect1 xml:id="uses-desktop-file-utils">
+    <title><literal>desktop-file-utils</literal></title>
+    <para>Possible arguments: (none)</para>
+    <para>Uses <application>update-desktop-database</application> from
+      <package role="port">devel/desktop-file-utils</package>.  An
+      extra post-install step will be run without interfering with any
+      post-install steps already in the port
+      <filename>Makefile</filename>.  A line with <link
+	linkend="plist-keywords-desktop-file-utils"><literal>@desktop-file-utils</literal></link>
+      will be added to the plist.</para>
+  </sect1>
+  <sect1 xml:id="uses-desthack">
+    <title><literal>desthack</literal></title>
+    <para>Possible arguments: (none)</para>
+    <para>Changes the behavior of GNU configure to properly support
+      <varname>DESTDIR</varname> in case the original software does
+      not.</para>
+  </sect1>
+  <sect1 xml:id="uses-display">
+    <title><literal>display</literal></title>
+    <para>Possible arguments: (none), ARGS</para>
+    <para>Set up a virtual display environment.  If the environment
+      variable <varname>DISPLAY</varname> is not set, then
+      <application>Xvfb</application> is added as a build dependency,
+      and <varname>CONFIGURE_ENV</varname> is extended with the port
+      number of the currently running instance of
+      <application>Xvfb</application>.  The <literal>ARGS</literal>
+      parameter defaults to <literal>install</literal> and controls
+      the phase around which to start and stop the virtual
+      display.</para>
+  </sect1>
+  <sect1 xml:id="uses-dos2unix">
+    <title><literal>dos2unix</literal></title>
+    <para>Possible arguments: (none)</para>
+    <para>The port has files with line endings in
+      <acronym>DOS</acronym> format which need to be converted.  Three
+      variables can be set to control which files will be converted.
+      The default is to convert <emphasis>all</emphasis> files,
+      including binaries.  See <xref
+	linkend="slow-patch-automatic-replacements"/> for
+      examples.</para>
+    <itemizedlist>
+      <listitem>
+	<para><varname>DOS2UNIX_REGEX</varname>: match file names
+	  based on a regular expression.</para>
+      </listitem>
+      <listitem>
+	<para><varname>DOS2UNIX_FILES</varname>: match literal file
+	  names.</para>
+      </listitem>
+      <listitem>
+	<para><varname>DOS2UNIX_GLOB</varname>: match file names based
+	  on a glob pattern.</para>
+      </listitem>
+    </itemizedlist>
+  </sect1>
+  <sect1 xml:id="uses-drupal">
+    <title><literal>drupal</literal></title>
+    <para>Possible arguments: <literal>6</literal>,
+      <literal>7</literal>, <literal>module</literal>,
+      <literal>theme</literal></para>
+    <para>Automate installation of a port that is a
+      <application>Drupal</application> theme or module.  Use with the
+      version of Drupal that the port is expecting.  For example,
+      <literal>USES=drupal:6,module</literal> says that this port
+      creates a Drupal 6 module.  A Drupal 7 theme can be specified
+      with <literal>USES=drupal:7,theme</literal>.</para>
+  </sect1>
+  <sect1 xml:id="uses-execinfo">
+    <title><literal>execinfo</literal></title>
+    <para>Possible arguments: (none)</para>
+    <para>Add a library dependency on <package
+	role="port">devel/libexecinfo</package> if
+      <filename></filename> is not present in the base
+      system.</para>
+  </sect1>
+  <sect1 xml:id="uses-fakeroot">
+    <title><literal>fakeroot</literal></title>
+    <para>Possible arguments: (none)</para>
+    <para>Changes some default behaviour of build systems to allow
+      installing as a user.  See <link
+	xlink:href=""/> for more
+      information on <command>fakeroot</command>.</para>
+  </sect1>
+  <sect1 xml:id="uses-fam">
+    <title><literal>fam</literal></title>
+    <para>Possible arguments: (none), fam, gamin</para>
+    <para>Uses a File Alteration Monitor as a library dependency,
+      either <package role="port">devel/fam</package> or <package
+	role="port">devel/gamin</package>.  End users can set
+      WITH_FAM_SYSTEM to specify their preference.</para>
+  </sect1>
+  <sect1 xml:id="uses-fmake">
+    <title><literal>fmake</literal></title>
+    <para>Possible arguments: (none)</para>
+    <para>Uses <package role="port">devel/fmake</package> as a
+      build-time dependency.</para>
+  </sect1>
-	    <example>
-	      <title>Typical Use</title>
+  <sect1 xml:id="uses-fonts">
+    <title><literal>fonts</literal></title>
-	      <programlisting>OPTIONS_SINGLE=	GSSAPI
+    <para>Possible arguments: (none)</para>
+    <para>Adds a runtime dependency on tools needed to register fonts,
+      and add an <literal><link
+	  linkend="plist-keywords-fcfontsdir">@fcfontsdir</link>
+	${FONTSDIR}</literal> para to the plist.
+      <varname>FONTSDIR</varname> defaults to
+      <filename>${PREFIX}/lib/X11/fonts/${FONTNAME}</filename> and
+      <varname>FONTNAME</varname> to
+      <literal>${PORTNAME}</literal>.</para>
+  </sect1>
+  <sect1 xml:id="uses-fortran">
+    <title><literal>fortran</literal></title>
+    <para>Possible arguments: <literal>gcc</literal> (default),
+      <literal>ifort</literal></para>


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