svn commit: r47040 - head/en_US.ISO8859-1/htdocs/news/status

Warren Block wblock at
Wed Jul 22 14:44:18 UTC 2015

Author: wblock
Date: Wed Jul 22 14:44:17 2015
New Revision: 47040

  Editing of latest reports.


Modified: head/en_US.ISO8859-1/htdocs/news/status/report-2015-04-2015-06.xml
--- head/en_US.ISO8859-1/htdocs/news/status/report-2015-04-2015-06.xml	Wed Jul 22 10:48:14 2015	(r47039)
+++ head/en_US.ISO8859-1/htdocs/news/status/report-2015-04-2015-06.xml	Wed Jul 22 14:44:17 2015	(r47040)
@@ -3034,7 +3034,7 @@
 	existing code.  The compiler and the C library can effectively
 	detect a set of common programming mistakes.</p>
-      <p>The current status is that a mixed version of the NetBSD and
+      <p>A mixed version of the NetBSD and
 	Android implementations has been ported and is currently
 	undergoing heavy testing.  On &os;, this code has already
 	found two small bugs.  On the other hand, the &os; codebase
@@ -3056,7 +3056,7 @@
 	<p>Documentation: the framework is relatively popular on GNU
-	  libc but we still have to work on better documentation.</p>
+	  <tt>libc</tt> but we still have to work on better documentation.</p>
@@ -3092,16 +3092,16 @@
-      <p>Overall, the members of the graphics team were lacking spare
-	time during this quarter.  Thus, only few things could be
+      <p>The members of the graphics team were lacking spare
+	time during this quarter, and only few things could be
       <p>Our ports development tree still holds an update to Mesa 10.6
-	(it was 10.5 in the previous quarterly report) along with many
-	cleanups and bugfixes.  Initially, we planned to commit it in
-	early July, just after FreeBSD 8.4-RELEASE EOL, but this EOL
+	along with many cleanups and bug fixes.  (It was 10.5 in the
+	previous quarterly report.)  Initially, we planned to commit
+	it in early July, just after the &os; 8.4-RELEASE end-of-life date, but the EOL
 	was delayed to the 31st of July.  Therefore, we will send a
-	Call For Testers near the end of July so the update can be
+	Call For Testers near the end of July, with the update to be
 	committed in early August.  Of course, the update can still be
 	obtained and tested directly from the Ports development tree
 	by using the <tt>mesa-next</tt> branch.</p>
@@ -3120,7 +3120,7 @@
       <p>Recently, the website hosting our blog has been down
 	frequently.  It is again the case at the time of this
-	writing).  We could export the data the last time it was up,
+	writing.  We exported the data the last time it was up,
 	so we will probably move to another system.  Of course, the
 	URL will change as well.</p>

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