svn commit: r43702 - head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/disks

Dru Lavigne dru at
Thu Jan 30 22:34:34 UTC 2014

Author: dru
Date: Thu Jan 30 22:34:33 2014
New Revision: 43702

  Last pass through this chapter.
  Rename Amanda to Third-Party Backup Utilities.
  Add some examples of utils. This section is light-weight and could probably use another paragraph or two.
  Rename Emergency Repair Procedure to Emergency Recovery.
  Tighten up this section and put the emphasis on the newer installation media option as opposed to the older livefs option.
  Make editorial note to close PR48101 in 06/15 when 8.4 is EOl'd.
  Sponsored by: iXsystems


Modified: head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/disks/chapter.xml
--- head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/disks/chapter.xml	Thu Jan 30 22:29:47 2014	(r43701)
+++ head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/disks/chapter.xml	Thu Jan 30 22:34:33 2014	(r43702)
@@ -1682,7 +1682,7 @@ cd0: Attempt to query device size failed
       <para>When using <command>dump</command>, be aware that some quirks remain from its
 	early days in Version 6 of AT&T &unix;,circa 1975.  The
 	default parameters assume a backup to a 9-track tape, rather than
-	to another media or the high-density tapes available today.
+	to another type of media or to the high-density tapes available today.
 	These defaults must be overridden on the command line.</para>
@@ -1828,156 +1828,81 @@ cd0: Attempt to query device size failed
     <sect2 xml:id="backups-programs-amanda">
-      <title><application>Amanda</application></title>
+      <title>Third-Party Backup Utilities</title>
 	<primary>backup software</primary>
-	<secondary><application>Amanda</application></secondary>
-      </indexterm>
-      <indexterm>
-	<primary><application>Amanda</application></primary>
-      <!-- Remove link until <port> tag is available -->
-      <para><application>Amanda</application> (Advanced Maryland
-	Network Disk Archiver) is a client/server backup system,
-	rather than a single program.  An
-	<application>Amanda</application> server will backup to a
-	single tape drive any number of computers that have
-	<application>Amanda</application> clients and a network
-	connection to the <application>Amanda</application> server.  A
-	common problem at sites with a number of large disks is that
-	the length of time required to backup to data directly to tape
-	exceeds the amount of time available for the task.
-	<application>Amanda</application> solves this problem by using
-	a <quote>holding disk</quote> to backup several file systems
-	at the same time.  <application>Amanda</application> creates
-	<quote>archive sets</quote>: a group of tapes used over a
-	period of time to create full backups of all the file systems
-	listed in <application>Amanda</application>'s configuration
-	file.  The <quote>archive set</quote> also contains nightly
-	incremental, or differential, backups of all the file systems.
-	Restoring a damaged file system requires the most recent full
-	backup and the incremental backups.</para>
-      <para>The configuration file provides fine grained control of
-	backups and the network traffic that
-	<application>Amanda</application> generates.
-	<application>Amanda</application> will use any of the above
-	backup programs to write the data to tape.
-	<application>Amanda</application> is not installed by
-	but is available as either a port or package.</para>
+      <para>The &os; Ports Collection provides many third-party
+	utilities which can be used to schedule the creation of
+	backups.  Many of these applications are client/server based
+	and can be used to automate the backups of a single system or
+	all of the computers in a network.</para>
+      <para>Popular utilities include
+	<application>Amanda</application>, 
+	<application>Bacula</application>,
+	<application>rsync</application>, and
+	<application>duplicity</application>.
+	</para>
-      <title>Emergency Restore Procedure</title>
-      <sect3>
-	<title>Before the Disaster</title>
+      <title>Emergency Recovery</title>
-	<para>There are four steps which should be performed in
-	  preparation for any disaster that may occur.</para>
+	<para>In addition to regular backups, it is recommended to
+	  perform the following steps as part of an emergency 
+	  preparedness plan.</para>
-	<para>First, print the bsdlabel of each disk using a command
-	  such as <command>bsdlabel da0 | lpr</command>.  Also print a
-	  copy of <filename>/etc/fstab</filename> and all boot
-	  messages.</para>
+	<para>Create a print copy of the output of the following
+	  commands:</para>
+	<itemizedlist>
+	  <listitem> 
+	    <para><command>gpart show</command></para>
+	  </listitem>
+	  <listitem>
+	    <para><command>more /etc/fstab</command></para>
+	  </listitem>
+	  <listitem>
+	    <para><command>dmesg</command></para>
+	  </listitem>
+	</itemizedlist>
 	<indexterm><primary>livefs CD</primary></indexterm>
-	<para>Second, burn a <quote>livefs</quote> CD.  This CD
-	  contains support for booting into a &os;
-	  <quote>livefs</quote> rescue mode, allowing the user to
-	  perform many tasks like running &man.dump.8;,
-	  &man.restore.8;, &man.fdisk.8;, &man.bsdlabel.8;,
-	  &man.newfs.8;, &man.mount.8;, and more.  The livefs CD image
-	  for &os;/&arch.i386; &rel2.current;-RELEASE is
-	  available from <uri
-	    xlink:href=";/ISO-IMAGES/&rel2.current;/&os;-&rel2.current;-RELEASE-&arch.i386;-livefs.iso">;/ISO-IMAGES/&rel2.current;/&os;-&rel2.current;-RELEASE-&arch.i386;-livefs.iso</uri>.</para>
+	<para>Store this printout and a copy of the installation media
+	  in a secure location.  Should an emergency restore be
+	  needed, boot into the installation media and select
+	  <literal>Live CD</literal> to access a rescue shell.  This
+	  rescue mode can be used to view the current state of the
+	  system, and if needed, to  reformat disks and restore data
+	  from backups.</para>
-	  <para>Livefs CD images are not available for
-	    &os; &rel.current;-RELEASE and later.  In addition to
-	    the CD-ROM installation images, flash drive installation
-	    images may be used to recover a system.  The
-	    <quote>memstick</quote> image for
-	    &os;/&arch.i386; &rel.current;-RELEASE is available
-	    from <uri
-	      xlink:href=";/&arch.i386;/ISO-IMAGES/&rel.current;/&os;-&rel.current;-RELEASE-&arch.i386;-memstick.img">;/&arch.i386;/ISO-IMAGES/&rel.current;/&os;-&rel.current;-RELEASE-&arch.i386;-memstick.img</uri>.</para>
+	  <para>The installation media
+	    for &os;/&arch.i386; &rel2.current;-RELEASE does not
+	    include a rescue shell.  For this version, instead 
+	    download and burn a Livefs CD image from <uri
+	      xlink:href=";/ISO-IMAGES/&rel2.current;/&os;-&rel2.current;-RELEASE-&arch.i386;-livefs.iso">;/ISO-IMAGES/&rel2.current;/&os;-&rel2.current;-RELEASE-&arch.i386;-livefs.iso</uri>.</para>   
-	<para>Third, create backup tapes regularly.  Any changes that
-	  made after the last backup may be irretrievably lost.
-	  Write-protect the backup media.</para>
-	<para>Fourth, test the <quote>livefs</quote> CD and the
+	<para>Next, test the rescue shell and the
 	  backups.  Make notes of the procedure.  Store these notes
-	  with the CD, the printouts, and the backups.  These notes
+	  with the media, the printouts, and the backups.  These notes
 	  may prevent the inadvertent destruction of the backups while
 	  under the stress of performing an emergency
-	<para>For an added measure of security, store an extra
-	  <quote>livefs</quote> CD and the latest backup at a
-	  remote location, where a remote location is
-	  <emphasis>not</emphasis> the basement of the same building.
-	  A remote location should be physically separated from the
+	<para>For an added measure of security, store the latest backup at a
+	  remote location which is
+	  physically separated from the
 	  computers and disk drives by a significant distance.</para>
-      </sect3>
-      <sect3>
-	<title>After the Disaster</title>
-	<para>First, determine if the hardware survived.  Thanks
-	  to regular, off-site backups, there is no need to worry
-	  about the software.</para>
-	<para>If the hardware has been damaged, the parts should be
-	  replaced before attempting to use the computer.</para>
-	<para>If the hardware is okay, insert the
-	  <quote>livefs</quote> CD and boot the computer.  The
-	  original install menu will be displayed on the screen.
-	  Select the correct country, then choose
-	  <guimenuitem>Fixit -- Repair mode with CD-ROM/DVD/floppy or
-	  start a shell.</guimenuitem> then select
-	  <guimenuitem>CD-ROM/DVD -- Use the live file system
-	  CD-ROM/DVD</guimenuitem>.
-	  <command>restore</command> and the other needed programs
-	  are located in <filename>/mnt2/rescue</filename>.</para>
-	<para>Recover each file system separately.</para>
-	<indexterm>
-	  <primary><command>mount</command></primary>
-	</indexterm>
-	<indexterm><primary>root partition</primary></indexterm>
-	<indexterm>
-	  <primary><command>bsdlabel</command></primary>
-	</indexterm>
-	<indexterm>
-	  <primary><command>newfs</command></primary>
-	</indexterm>
-	<para>Try to <command>mount</command> the root partition
-	  of the first disk using <command>mount /dev/da0a
-	    /mnt</command>.  If the bsdlabel was damaged, use
-	  <command>bsdlabel</command> to re-partition and label the
-	  disk to match the label that was printed and saved.  Use
-	  <command>newfs</command> to re-create the file systems.
-	  Re-mount the root partition of the disk read-write using
-	  <command>mount -u -o rw /mnt</command>.  Use the backups
-	  to recover the data for this file system.  Unmount the file
-	  system with <command>umount /mnt</command>.  Repeat for each
-	  file system that was damaged.</para>
-	<para>Once the system is running, backup the data onto new
-	  media as whatever caused the crash or data loss may strike
-	  again.  Another hour spent now may save further distress
-	  later.</para>
-      </sect3>

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