svn commit: r44073 - head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/mirrors

Warren Block wblock at
Wed Feb 26 05:41:30 UTC 2014

Author: wblock
Date: Wed Feb 26 05:41:30 2014
New Revision: 44073

  Remove Using CVSup and CVS Tags sections from the Handbook.  Thanks,
  CVS, it was a long road.


Modified: head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/mirrors/chapter.xml
--- head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/mirrors/chapter.xml	Wed Feb 26 04:16:27 2014	(r44072)
+++ head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/mirrors/chapter.xml	Wed Feb 26 05:41:30 2014	(r44073)
@@ -734,1720 +734,6 @@ Certificate information:
-  <sect1 xml:id="cvsup">
-    <title>Using CVSup (Deprecated)</title>
-    <sect2 xml:id="cvsup-intro">
-      <title>Introduction</title>
-      <warning>
-	<para>CVS and <command>cvsup</command> have been deprecated by
-	  the &os; Project.  <link
-	    xlink:href="&url.books.handbook;/svn.html">Subversion</link>
-	  should be used instead.</para>
-      </warning>
-      <para><application>CVSup</application> is a software package for
-	distributing and updating source trees from a master CVS
-	repository on a remote server host.  The &os; sources are
-	maintained in a CVS repository on a central development
-	machine in California.  With <application>CVSup</application>,
-	&os; users can easily keep their own source trees up to
-	date.</para>
-      <para><application>CVSup</application> uses the so-called
-	<emphasis>pull</emphasis> model of updating.  Under the pull
-	model, each client asks the server for updates, if and when
-	they are wanted.  The server waits passively for update
-	requests from its clients.  Thus all updates are instigated by
-	the client.  The server never sends unsolicited updates.
-	Users must either run the <application>CVSup</application>
-	client manually to get an update, or they must set up a
-	<command>cron</command> job to run it automatically on a
-	regular basis.</para>
-      <para>The term <application>CVSup</application>, capitalized
-	just so, refers to the entire software package.  Its main
-	components are the client <command>cvsup</command> which runs
-	on each user's machine, and the server
-	<command>cvsupd</command> which runs at each of the &os;
-	mirror sites.</para>
-      <note>
-	<para>The <application>csup</application> utility is a rewrite
-	  of the <application>CVSup</application> software in C.  Its
-	  biggest advantage is, that it is faster and does not depend
-	  on the Modula-3 language, thus you do not need to install it
-	  as a requirement.  Moreover you can use it out-of-the-box,
-	  since it is included in the base system.  If you decided to
-	  use <application>csup</application>, just skip the steps on
-	  the installation of <application>CVSup</application> and
-	  substitute the references of
-	  <application>CVSup</application> with
-	  <application>csup</application> while following the
-	  remainder of this article.</para>
-      </note>
-    </sect2>
-    <sect2 xml:id="cvsup-install">
-      <title>Installation</title>
-      <para>The easiest way to install
-	<application>CVSup</application> is to use the precompiled
-	<package>net/cvsup</package> package from the &os; <link
-	  linkend="ports">packages collection</link>. If you
-	prefer to build <application>CVSup</application> from source,
-	you can use the <package>net/cvsup</package> port instead.
-	But be forewarned: the <package>net/cvsup</package> port
-	depends on the Modula-3 system, which takes a substantial
-	amount of time and disk space to download and build.</para>
-      <note>
-	<para>If you are going to be using
-	  <application>CVSup</application> on a machine which will not
-	  have <application>&xorg;</application> installed, such as a
-	  server, be sure to use the port which does not include the
-	  <application>CVSup</application> <acronym>GUI</acronym>,
-	  <package>net/cvsup-without-gui</package>.</para>
-      </note>
-    </sect2>
-    <sect2 xml:id="cvsup-config">
-      <title>CVSup Configuration</title>
-      <para><application>CVSup</application>'s operation is controlled
-	by a configuration file called the
-	<filename>supfile</filename>.  There are some sample
-	<filename>supfiles</filename> in the directory <link
-	  xlink:href="file://localhost/usr/share/examples/cvsup/"><filename>/usr/share/examples/cvsup/</filename></link>.</para>
-      <para>The information in a <filename>supfile</filename> answers
-	the following questions for
-	<application>CVSup</application>:</para>
-      <itemizedlist>
-	<listitem>
-	  <para><link linkend="cvsup-config-files">Which files do you
-	      want to receive?</link></para>
-	</listitem>
-	<listitem>
-	  <para><link linkend="cvsup-config-vers">Which versions of
-	      them do you want?</link></para>
-	</listitem>
-	<listitem>
-	  <para><link linkend="cvsup-config-where">Where do you want
-	      to get them from?</link></para>
-	</listitem>
-	<listitem>
-	  <para><link linkend="cvsup-config-dest">Where do you want to
-	      put them on your own machine?</link></para>
-	</listitem>
-	<listitem>
-	  <para><link linkend="cvsup-config-status">Where do you want
-	      to put your status files?</link></para>
-	</listitem>
-      </itemizedlist>
-      <para>In the following sections, we will construct a typical
-	<filename>supfile</filename> by answering each of these
-	questions in turn.  First, we describe the overall structure
-	of a <filename>supfile</filename>.</para>
-      <para>A <filename>supfile</filename> is a text file.  Comments
-	begin with <literal>#</literal> and extend to the end of the
-	line.  Lines that are blank and lines that contain only
-	comments are ignored.</para>
-      <para>Each remaining line describes a set of files that the user
-	wishes to receive.  The line begins with the name of a
-	<quote>collection</quote>, a logical grouping of files defined
-	by the server.  The name of the collection tells the server
-	which files you want.  After the collection name come zero or
-	more fields, separated by white space.  These fields answer
-	the questions listed above.  There are two types of fields:
-	flag fields and value fields.  A flag field consists of a
-	keyword standing alone, e.g., <literal>delete</literal> or
-	<literal>compress</literal>.  A value field also begins with a
-	keyword, but the keyword is followed without intervening white
-	space by <literal>=</literal> and a second word.  For example,
-	<literal>release=cvs</literal> is a value field.</para>
-      <para>A <filename>supfile</filename> typically specifies more
-	than one collection to receive.  One way to structure a
-	<filename>supfile</filename> is to specify all of the relevant
-	fields explicitly for each collection.  However, that tends to
-	make the <filename>supfile</filename> lines quite long, and it
-	is inconvenient because most fields are the same for all of
-	the collections in a <filename>supfile</filename>.
-	<application>CVSup</application> provides a defaulting
-	mechanism to avoid these problems.  Lines beginning with the
-	special pseudo-collection name <literal>*default</literal> can
-	be used to set flags and values which will be used as defaults
-	for the subsequent collections in the
-	<filename>supfile</filename>.  A default value can be
-	overridden for an individual collection, by specifying a
-	different value with the collection itself.  Defaults can also
-	be changed or augmented in mid-supfile by additional
-	<literal>*default</literal> lines.</para>
-      <para>With this background, we will now proceed to construct a
-	<filename>supfile</filename> for receiving and updating the
-	main source tree of
-	<link linkend="current">&os;-CURRENT</link>.</para>
-      <itemizedlist>
-	<listitem>
-	  <para><anchor xml:id="cvsup-config-files"/>Which files do
-	    you want to receive?</para>
-	  <para>The files available via
-	    <application>CVSup</application> are organized into named
-	    groups called <quote>collections</quote>.  The collections
-	    that are available are described in the
-	    <link linkend="cvsup-collec">following section</link>.  In
-	    this example, we wish to receive the entire main source
-	    tree for the &os; system.  There is a single large
-	    collection <literal>src-all</literal> which will give us
-	    all of that.  As a first step toward constructing our
-	    <filename>supfile</filename>, we simply list the
-	    collections, one per line (in this case, only one
-	    line):</para>
-	  <programlisting>src-all</programlisting>
-	</listitem>
-	<listitem>
-	  <para><anchor xml:id="cvsup-config-vers"/>Which version(s)
-	    of them do you want?</para>
-	  <para>With <application>CVSup</application>, you can receive
-	    virtually any version of the sources that ever existed.
-	    That is possible because the
-	    <application>cvsupd</application> server works directly
-	    from the CVS repository, which contains all of the
-	    versions.  You specify which one of them you want using
-	    the <literal>tag=</literal> and <option>date=</option>
-	    value fields.</para>
-	  <warning>
-	    <para>Be very careful to specify any
-	      <literal>tag=</literal> fields correctly.  Some tags are
-	      valid only for certain collections of files.  If you
-	      specify an incorrect or misspelled tag,
-	      <application>CVSup</application> will delete files which
-	      you probably do not want deleted.  In particular, use
-	      <emphasis>only </emphasis> <literal>tag=.</literal> for
-	      the <literal>ports-*</literal> collections.</para>
-	  </warning>
-	  <para>The <literal>tag=</literal> field names a symbolic tag
-	    in the repository.  There are two kinds of tags, revision
-	    tags and branch tags.  A revision tag refers to a specific
-	    revision.  Its meaning stays the same from day to day.  A
-	    branch tag, on the other hand, refers to the latest
-	    revision on a given line of development, at any given
-	    time.  Because a branch tag does not refer to a specific
-	    revision, it may mean something different tomorrow than it
-	    means today.</para>
-	  <para><xref linkend="cvs-tags"/> contains branch tags that
-	    users might be interested in.  When specifying a tag in
-	    <application>CVSup</application>'s configuration file, it
-	    must be preceded with <literal>tag=</literal>
-	    (<literal>RELENG_8</literal> will become
-	    <literal>tag=RELENG_8</literal>).
-	    Keep in mind that only the <literal>tag=.</literal> is
-	    relevant for the Ports Collection.</para>
-	  <warning>
-	    <para>Be very careful to type the tag name exactly as
-	      shown.  <application>CVSup</application> cannot
-	      distinguish between valid and invalid tags.  If you
-	      misspell the tag, <application>CVSup</application> will
-	      behave as though you had specified a valid tag which
-	      happens to refer to no files at all.  It will delete
-	      your existing sources in that case.</para>
-	  </warning>
-	  <para>When you specify a branch tag, you normally receive
-	    the latest versions of the files on that line of
-	    development.  If you wish to receive some past version,
-	    you can do so by specifying a date with the
-	    <option>date=</option> value field.  The &man.cvsup.1;
-	    manual page explains how to do that.</para>
-	  <para>For our example, we wish to receive &os;-CURRENT.  We
-	    add this line at the beginning of our
-	    <filename>supfile</filename>:</para>
-	  <programlisting>*default tag=.</programlisting>
-	  <para>There is an important special case that comes into
-	    play if you specify neither a <literal>tag=</literal>
-	    field nor a <literal>date=</literal> field.  In that case,
-	    you receive the actual RCS files directly from the
-	    server's CVS repository, rather than receiving a
-	    particular version.  Developers generally prefer this mode
-	    of operation.  By maintaining a copy of the repository
-	    itself on their systems, they gain the ability to browse
-	    the revision histories and examine past versions of files.
-	    This gain is achieved at a large cost in terms of disk
-	    space, however.</para>
-	</listitem>
-	<listitem>
-	  <para><anchor xml:id="cvsup-config-where"/>Where do you want
-	    to get them from?</para>
-	  <para>We use the <literal>host=</literal> field to tell
-	    <command>cvsup</command> where to obtain its updates.  Any
-	    of the <link
-	      linkend="cvsup-mirrors">CVSup mirror sites</link> will
-	    do, though you should try to select one that is close to
-	    you in cyberspace.  In this example we will use a
-	    fictional &os; distribution site, <systemitem
-	      class="fqdomainname"></systemitem>:</para>
-	  <programlisting>*default</programlisting>
-	  <para>You will need to change the host to one that actually
-	    exists before running <application>CVSup</application>.
-	    On any particular run of <command>cvsup</command>, you can
-	    override the host setting on the command line, with
-	    <option>-h
-	      <replaceable>hostname</replaceable></option>.</para>
-	</listitem>
-	<listitem>
-	  <para><anchor xml:id="cvsup-config-dest"/>Where do you want
-	    to put them on your own machine?</para>
-	  <para>The <literal>prefix=</literal> field tells
-	    <command>cvsup</command> where to put the files it
-	    receives.  In this example, we will put the source files
-	    directly into our main source tree,
-	    <filename>/usr/src</filename>.  The
-	    <filename>src</filename> directory is already implicit in
-	    the collections we have chosen to receive, so this is the
-	    correct specification:</para>
-	  <programlisting>*default prefix=/usr</programlisting>
-	</listitem>
-	<listitem>
-	  <para><anchor xml:id="cvsup-config-status"/>Where should
-	    <command>cvsup</command> maintain its status files?</para>
-	  <para>The <application>CVSup</application> client maintains
-	    certain status files in what is called the
-	    <quote>base</quote> directory.  These files help
-	    <application>CVSup</application> to work more efficiently,
-	    by keeping track of which updates you have already
-	    received.  We will use the standard base directory,
-	    <filename>/var/db</filename>:</para>
-	  <programlisting>*default base=/var/db</programlisting>
-	  <para>If your base directory does not already exist, now
-	    would be a good time to create it.  The
-	    <command>cvsup</command> client will refuse to run if the
-	    base directory does not exist.</para>
-	</listitem>
-	<listitem>
-	  <para>Miscellaneous <filename>supfile</filename>
-	    settings:</para>
-	  <para>There is one more line of boiler plate that normally
-	    needs to be present in the
-	    <filename>supfile</filename>:</para>
-	  <programlisting>*default release=cvs delete use-rel-suffix compress</programlisting>
-	  <para><literal>release=cvs</literal> indicates that the
-	    server should get its information out of the main &os; CVS
-	    repository.  This is virtually always the case, but there
-	    are other possibilities which are beyond the scope of this
-	    discussion.</para>
-	  <para><literal>delete</literal> gives
-	    <application>CVSup</application> permission to delete
-	    files.  You should always specify this, so that
-	    <application>CVSup</application> can keep your source tree
-	    fully up-to-date.  <application>CVSup</application> is
-	    careful to delete only those files for which it is
-	    responsible.  Any extra files you happen to have will be
-	    left strictly alone.</para>
-	  <para><literal>use-rel-suffix</literal> is ... arcane.  If
-	    you really want to know about it, see the &man.cvsup.1;
-	    manual page.  Otherwise, just specify it and do not worry
-	    about it.</para>
-	  <para><literal>compress</literal> enables the use of
-	    gzip-style compression on the communication channel.  If
-	    your network link is T1 speed or faster, you probably
-	    should not use compression.  Otherwise, it helps
-	    substantially.</para>
-	</listitem>
-	<listitem>
-	  <para>Putting it all together:</para>
-	  <para>Here is the entire <filename>supfile</filename> for
-	    our example:</para>
-	  <programlisting>*default tag=.
-*default prefix=/usr
-*default base=/var/db
-*default release=cvs delete use-rel-suffix compress
-	</listitem>
-      </itemizedlist>
-      <sect3 xml:id="cvsup-refuse-file">
-	<title>The <filename>refuse</filename> File</title>
-	<para>As mentioned above, <application>CVSup</application>
-	  uses a <emphasis>pull method</emphasis>.  Basically, this
-	  means that you connect to the
-	  <application>CVSup</application> server, and it says,
-	  <quote>Here is what you can download from me...</quote>, and
-	  your client responds
-	  <quote>OK, I will take this, this, this, and this.</quote>
-	  In the default configuration, the
-	  <application>CVSup</application> client will take every file
-	  associated with the collection and tag you chose in the
-	  configuration file.  In order to download a partial tree,
-	  use the <filename>refuse</filename> file.</para>
-	<para>The <filename>refuse</filename> file tells
-	  <application>CVSup</application> that it should not take
-	  every single file from a collection; in other words, it
-	  tells the client to <emphasis>refuse</emphasis> certain
-	  files from the server.  The <filename>refuse</filename> file
-	  can be found (or, if you do not yet have one, should be
-	  placed) in
-	  <filename>base/sup/</filename>.
-	  <replaceable>base</replaceable> is defined in your
-	  <filename>supfile</filename>; our defined
-	  <replaceable>base</replaceable> is
-	  <filename>/var/db</filename>, which means that by default
-	  the <filename>refuse</filename> file is
-	  <filename>/var/db/sup/refuse</filename>.</para>
-	<para>The <filename>refuse</filename> file has a very simple
-	  format; it simply contains the names of files or directories
-	  that you do not wish to download.  For example:</para>
-	<programlisting>bin/
-	<para>Users who are on
-	  slow links or pay by the minute for their Internet
-	  connection will be able to save time as they will
-	  no longer need to download files that they will never use.
-	  For more information on <filename>refuse</filename> files
-	  and other neat features of <application>CVSup</application>,
-	  please view its manual page.</para>
-      </sect3>
-    </sect2>
-    <sect2>
-      <title>Running <application>CVSup</application></title>
-      <para>You are now ready to try an update.  The command line for
-	doing this is quite simple:</para>
-      <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>cvsup supfile</userinput></screen>
-      <para>where
-	<filename>supfile</filename> is of
-	course the name of the <filename>supfile</filename> you have
-	just created.  Assuming you are running under X11,
-	<command>cvsup</command> will display a GUI window with some
-	buttons to do the usual things.  Press the
-	<guibutton>go</guibutton> button, and watch it run.</para>
-      <para>Since you are updating your actual
-	<filename>/usr/src</filename> tree in this example, you will
-	need to run the program as <systemitem
-	  class="username">root</systemitem> so that
-	<command>cvsup</command> has the permissions it needs to
-	update your files.  Having just created your configuration
-	file, and having never used this program before, that might
-	understandably make you nervous.  There is an easy way to do a
-	trial run without touching your precious files.  Just create
-	an empty directory somewhere convenient, and name it as an
-	extra argument on the command line:</para>
-      <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>mkdir /var/tmp/dest</userinput>
-&prompt.root; <userinput>cvsup supfile /var/tmp/dest</userinput></screen>
-      <para>The directory you specify will be used as the destination
-	directory for all file updates.
-	<application>CVSup</application> will examine your usual files
-	in <filename>/usr/src</filename>, but it will not modify or
-	delete any of them.  Any file updates will instead land in
-	<filename>/var/tmp/dest/usr/src</filename>.
-	<application>CVSup</application> will also leave its base
-	directory status files untouched when run this way.  The new
-	versions of those files will be written into the specified
-	directory.  As long as you have read access to
-	<filename>/usr/src</filename>, you do not even need to be
-	<systemitem class="username">root</systemitem> to perform this
-	kind of trial run.</para>
-      <para>If you are not running X11 or if you just do not like
-	GUIs, you should add a couple of options to the command line
-	when you run <command>cvsup</command>:</para>
-      <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>cvsup -g -L 2 supfile</userinput></screen>
-      <para>The <option>-g</option> tells
-	<application>CVSup</application> not to use its GUI.  This is
-	automatic if you are not running X11, but otherwise you have
-	to specify it.</para>
-      <para>The <option>-L 2</option> tells
-	<application>CVSup</application> to print out the
-	details of all the file updates it is doing.  There are three
-	levels of verbosity, from <option>-L 0</option> to
-	<option>-L 2</option>.  The default is 0, which means total
-	silence except for error messages.</para>
-      <para>There are plenty of other options available.  For a brief
-	list of them, type <command>cvsup -H</command>.  For more
-	detailed descriptions, see the manual page.</para>
-      <para>Once you are satisfied with the way updates are working,
-	you can arrange for regular runs of
-	<application>CVSup</application> using &man.cron.8;.
-	Obviously, you should not let <application>CVSup</application>
-	use its GUI when running it from &man.cron.8;.</para>
-    </sect2>
-    <sect2 xml:id="cvsup-collec">
-      <title><application>CVSup</application> File Collections</title>
-      <para>The file collections available via
-	<application>CVSup</application> are organized hierarchically.
-	There are a few large collections, and they are divided into
-	smaller sub-collections.  Receiving a large collection is
-	equivalent to receiving each of its sub-collections.  The
-	hierarchical relationships among collections are reflected by
-	the use of indentation in the list below.</para>
-      <para>The most commonly used collection is
-	<literal>src-all</literal>. </para>
-      <variablelist>
-	<varlistentry>
-	  <term><literal>cvs-all release=cvs</literal></term>
-	  <listitem>
-	    <para>The main &os; CVS repository, including the
-	      cryptography code.</para>
-	    <variablelist>
-	      <varlistentry>
-		<term><literal>distrib release=cvs</literal></term>
-		<listitem>
-		  <para>Files related to the distribution and
-		    mirroring of &os;.</para>
-		</listitem>
-	      </varlistentry>
-	      <varlistentry>
-		<term>
-		  <literal>projects-all release=cvs</literal>
-		</term>
-		<listitem>
-		  <para>Sources for the &os; projects
-		    repository.</para>
-		</listitem>
-	      </varlistentry>
-	      <varlistentry>
-		<term><literal>src-all release=cvs</literal></term>
-		<listitem>
-		  <para>The main &os; sources, including the
-		    cryptography code.</para>
-		  <variablelist>
-		    <varlistentry>
-		      <term><literal>src-base
-			  release=cvs</literal></term>
-		      <listitem>
-			<para>Miscellaneous files at the top of
-			  <filename>/usr/src</filename>.</para>
-		      </listitem>
-		    </varlistentry>
-		    <varlistentry>
-		      <term><literal>src-bin
-			  release=cvs</literal></term>
-		      <listitem>
-			<para>User utilities that may be needed in
-			  single-user mode
-			  (<filename>/usr/src/bin</filename>).</para>
-		      </listitem>
-		    </varlistentry>
-		    <varlistentry>
-		      <term><literal>src-cddl
-			  release=cvs</literal></term>
-		      <listitem>
-			<para>Utilities and libraries covered by the
-			  CDDL license
-			  (<filename>/usr/src/cddl</filename>).</para>
-		      </listitem>
-		    </varlistentry>
-		    <varlistentry>
-		      <term><literal>src-contrib
-			  release=cvs</literal></term>
-		      <listitem>
-			<para>Utilities and libraries from outside the
-			  &os; project, used relatively unmodified
-			  (<filename>/usr/src/contrib</filename>).</para>
-		      </listitem>
-		    </varlistentry>
-		    <varlistentry>
-		      <term>
-			<literal>src-crypto release=cvs</literal>
-		      </term>
-		      <listitem>
-			<para>Cryptography utilities and libraries
-			  from outside the &os; project, used
-			  relatively unmodified
-			  (<filename>/usr/src/crypto</filename>).</para>
-		      </listitem>
-		    </varlistentry>
-		    <varlistentry>
-		      <term>
-			<literal>src-eBones release=cvs</literal>
-		      </term>
-		      <listitem>
-			<para>Kerberos and DES
-			  (<filename>/usr/src/eBones</filename>).  Not
-			  used in current releases of &os;.</para>
-		      </listitem>
-		    </varlistentry>
-		    <varlistentry>
-		      <term><literal>src-etc
-			  release=cvs</literal></term>
-		      <listitem>
-			<para>System configuration files
-			  (<filename>/usr/src/etc</filename>).</para>
-		      </listitem>
-		    </varlistentry>
-		    <varlistentry>
-		      <term><literal>src-games
-			  release=cvs</literal></term>
-		      <listitem>
-			<para>Games
-			  (<filename>/usr/src/games</filename>).</para>
-		      </listitem>
-		    </varlistentry>
-		    <varlistentry>
-		      <term><literal>src-gnu
-			  release=cvs</literal></term>
-		      <listitem>
-			<para>Utilities covered by the GNU Public
-			  License
-			  (<filename>/usr/src/gnu</filename>).</para>
-		      </listitem>
-		    </varlistentry>
-		    <varlistentry>
-		      <term><literal>src-include
-			  release=cvs</literal></term>
-		      <listitem>
-			<para>Header files
-			  (<filename>/usr/src/include</filename>).</para>
-		      </listitem>
-		    </varlistentry>
-		    <varlistentry>
-		      <term><literal>src-kerberos5
-			  release=cvs</literal></term>
-		      <listitem>
-			<para>Kerberos5 security package
-			  (<filename>/usr/src/kerberos5</filename>).</para>
-		      </listitem>
-		    </varlistentry>
-		    <varlistentry>
-		      <term><literal>src-kerberosIV
-			  release=cvs</literal></term>
-		      <listitem>
-			<para>KerberosIV security package
-			  (<filename>/usr/src/kerberosIV</filename>).</para>
-		      </listitem>
-		    </varlistentry>
-		    <varlistentry>
-		      <term><literal>src-lib
-			  release=cvs</literal></term>
-		      <listitem>
-			<para>Libraries
-			  (<filename>/usr/src/lib</filename>).</para>
-		      </listitem>
-		    </varlistentry>
-		    <varlistentry>
-		      <term><literal>src-libexec
-			  release=cvs</literal></term>
-		      <listitem>
-			<para>System programs normally executed by
-			  other programs
-			  (<filename>/usr/src/libexec</filename>).</para>
-		      </listitem>
-		    </varlistentry>
-		    <varlistentry>
-		      <term><literal>src-release
-			  release=cvs</literal></term>
-		      <listitem>
-			<para>Files required to produce a &os;
-			  release
-			  (<filename>/usr/src/release</filename>).</para>
-		      </listitem>
-		    </varlistentry>
-		    <varlistentry>
-		      <term><literal>src-rescue
-			  release=cvs</literal></term>
-		      <listitem>
-			<para>Statically linked programs for emergency
-			  recovery; see &man.rescue.8;
-			  (<filename>/usr/src/rescue</filename>).</para>
-		      </listitem>
-		    </varlistentry>
-		    <varlistentry>
-		      <term>
-			<literal>src-sbin release=cvs</literal>
-		      </term>
-		      <listitem>
-			<para>System utilities for single-user mode
-			  (<filename>/usr/src/sbin</filename>).</para>
-		      </listitem>
-		    </varlistentry>
-		    <varlistentry>
-		      <term><literal>src-secure
-			  release=cvs</literal></term>
-		      <listitem>
-			<para>Cryptographic libraries and commands
-			  (<filename>/usr/src/secure</filename>).</para>
-		      </listitem>
-		    </varlistentry>
-		    <varlistentry>
-		      <term><literal>src-share
-			  release=cvs</literal></term>
-		      <listitem>
-			<para>Files that can be shared across multiple
-			  systems
-			  (<filename>/usr/src/share</filename>).</para>
-		      </listitem>
-		    </varlistentry>
-		    <varlistentry>
-		      <term><literal>src-sys
-			  release=cvs</literal></term>
-		      <listitem>
-			<para>The kernel
-			  (<filename>/usr/src/sys</filename>).</para>
-		      </listitem>
-		    </varlistentry>
-		    <varlistentry>
-		      <term><literal>src-sys-crypto
-			release=cvs</literal></term>
-		      <listitem>
-			<para>Kernel cryptography code
-			  (<filename>/usr/src/sys/crypto</filename>).</para>
-		      </listitem>
-		    </varlistentry>
-		    <varlistentry>
-		      <term><literal>src-tools
-			  release=cvs</literal></term>
-		      <listitem>
-			<para>Various tools for the maintenance of
-			  &os;
-			  (<filename>/usr/src/tools</filename>).</para>
-		      </listitem>
-		    </varlistentry>
-		    <varlistentry>
-		      <term><literal>src-usrbin
-			  release=cvs</literal></term>
-		      <listitem>
-			<para>User utilities
-			  (<filename>/usr/src/usr.bin</filename>).</para>
-		      </listitem>
-		    </varlistentry>
-		    <varlistentry>
-		      <term><literal>src-usrsbin
-			  release=cvs</literal></term>
-		      <listitem>
-			<para>System utilities
-			  (<filename>/usr/src/usr.sbin</filename>).</para>
-		      </listitem>
-		    </varlistentry>
-		  </variablelist>
-		</listitem>
-	      </varlistentry>
-	    </variablelist>
-	  </listitem>
-	</varlistentry>
-	<varlistentry>
-	  <term><literal>distrib release=self</literal></term>
-	  <listitem>
-	    <para>The <application>CVSup</application> server's own
-	      configuration files.  Used by
-	      <application>CVSup</application> mirror sites.</para>
-	  </listitem>
-	</varlistentry>
-	<varlistentry>
-	  <term><literal>gnats release=current</literal></term>
-	  <listitem>
-	    <para>The GNATS bug-tracking database.</para>
-	  </listitem>
-	</varlistentry>
-	<varlistentry>
-	  <term><literal>mail-archive release=current</literal></term>
-	  <listitem>
-	    <para>&os; mailing list archive.</para>
-	  </listitem>
-	</varlistentry>
-      </variablelist>
-    </sect2>
-    <sect2>
-      <title>For More Information</title>
-      <para>For the <application>CVSup</application> FAQ and other
-	information about <application>CVSup</application>, see
-	<link xlink:href="">The
-	  CVSup Home Page</link>.</para>
-      <para>Most &os;-related discussion of
-	<application>CVSup</application> takes place on the
-	&a.hackers;.  New versions of the software are announced
-	there, as well as on the &a.announce;.</para>
-      <para>For questions or bug reports about
-	<application>CVSup</application> take a look at the
-	<link xlink:href="">
-	  CVSup FAQ</link>.</para>
-    </sect2>
-    <sect2 xml:id="cvsup-mirrors">
-      <title>CVSup Sites</title>
-      <para><link linkend="cvsup">CVSup</link> servers for &os; are
-	running at the following sites:</para>
-      &;
-      &;
-      &;
-    </sect2>
-  </sect1>
-  <sect1 xml:id="cvs-tags">
-    <title>CVS Tags</title>
-    <warning>
-      <para>CVS has been deprecated by the project, and its use is not
-	recommended.  <application>Subversion</application> should be
-	used instead.</para>
-    </warning>
-    <para>When obtaining or updating sources using
-      <application>cvs</application> or
-      <application>CVSup</application>, a revision tag must be
-      specified.  A revision tag refers to either a particular line of
-      &os; development, or a specific point in time.  The first type
-      are called <quote>branch tags</quote>, and the second type are
-      called <quote>release tags</quote>.</para>
-    <sect2>
-      <title>Branch Tags</title>
-      <para>All of these, with the exception of
-	<literal>HEAD</literal> (which is always a valid tag), only
-	apply to the <filename>src/</filename> tree.  The
-	<filename>ports/</filename>, <filename>doc/</filename>, and
-	<filename>www/</filename> trees are not branched.</para>
-      <variablelist>
-	<varlistentry>
-	  <term>HEAD</term>
-	  <listitem>
-	    <para>Symbolic name for the main line, or &os;-CURRENT.
-	      Also the default when no revision is specified.</para>
-	    <para>In <application>CVSup</application>, this tag is
-	      represented by a <literal>.</literal> (not punctuation,
-	      but a literal <literal>.</literal> character).</para>
-	    <note>
-	      <para>In CVS, this is the default when no revision tag
-		is specified.  It is usually <emphasis>not</emphasis>
-		a good idea to checkout or update to CURRENT sources
-		on a STABLE machine, unless that is your
-		intent.</para>
-	    </note>
-	  </listitem>
-	</varlistentry>
-	<varlistentry>
-	  <term>RELENG_9</term>
-	  <listitem>
-	    <para>The line of development for &os;-9.X, also known
-	      as &os; 9-STABLE</para>
-	  </listitem>
-	</varlistentry>
-	<varlistentry>
-	  <term>RELENG_9_1</term>
-	  <listitem>
-	    <para>The release branch for &os;-9.1, used only for
-	      security advisories and other critical fixes.</para>
-	  </listitem>
-	</varlistentry>
-	<varlistentry>
-	  <term>RELENG_9_0</term>
-	  <listitem>
-	    <para>The release branch for &os;-9.0, used only for
-	      security advisories and other critical fixes.</para>
-	  </listitem>
-	</varlistentry>
-	<varlistentry>
-	  <term>RELENG_8</term>
-	  <listitem>
-	    <para>The line of development for &os;-8.X, also known
-	      as &os; 8-STABLE</para>
-	  </listitem>
-	</varlistentry>
-	<varlistentry>
-	  <term>RELENG_8_3</term>
-	  <listitem>
-	    <para>The release branch for &os;-8.3, used only for
-	      security advisories and other critical fixes.</para>
-	  </listitem>
-	</varlistentry>
-	<varlistentry>
-	  <term>RELENG_8_2</term>
-	  <listitem>
-	    <para>The release branch for &os;-8.2, used only for
-	      security advisories and other critical fixes.</para>
-	  </listitem>
-	</varlistentry>
-	<varlistentry>
-	  <term>RELENG_8_1</term>
-	  <listitem>
-	    <para>The release branch for &os;-8.1, used only for
-	      security advisories and other critical fixes.</para>
-	  </listitem>
-	</varlistentry>
-	<varlistentry>
-	  <term>RELENG_8_0</term>
-	  <listitem>
-	    <para>The release branch for &os;-8.0, used only for
-	      security advisories and other critical fixes.</para>
-	  </listitem>
-	</varlistentry>


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