svn commit: r43983 - head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/firewalls

Dru Lavigne dru at
Tue Feb 18 19:25:17 UTC 2014

Author: dru
Date: Tue Feb 18 19:25:16 2014
New Revision: 43983

  Editorial pass through ICMP section.
  Sponsored by: iXsystems


Modified: head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/firewalls/chapter.xml
--- head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/firewalls/chapter.xml	Tue Feb 18 18:25:51 2014	(r43982)
+++ head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/firewalls/chapter.xml	Tue Feb 18 19:25:16 2014	(r43983)
@@ -882,152 +882,79 @@ rdr-anchor "ftp-proxy/*"</programlisting
       <sect3 xml:id="pftut-icmp">
 	<title>Managing <acronym>ICMP</acronym></title>
-	<para>Making network troubleshooting friendly is a potentially
-	  large subject.  At most times, the debugging or
-	  troubleshooting friendliness of a <acronym>TCP/IP</acronym>
-	  network depends on treatment of the Internet protocol which
-	  was designed specifically with debugging in mind, the
-	  <emphasis>Internet Control Message Protocol</emphasis>, or
-	  <acronym>ICMP</acronym> as it is usually abbreviated.</para>
+	<para>Many of the tools used for debugging or
+	  troubleshooting a <acronym>TCP/IP</acronym> network rely on the
+	  Internet Control Message Protocol (<acronym>ICMP</acronym>), which
+	  was designed specifically with debugging in mind.</para>
-	<para><acronym>ICMP</acronym> is the protocol for sending and
-	  receiving <emphasis>control messages</emphasis> between
+	<para>The <acronym>ICMP</acronym> protocol sends and
+	  receives <emphasis>control messages</emphasis> between
 	  hosts and gateways, mainly to provide feedback to a sender
 	  about any unusual or difficult conditions enroute to the
-	  target host.</para>
-	<para>There is a lot of <acronym>ICMP</acronym> traffic which
-	  usually just happens in the background while users are
-	  surfing the web, reading mail or transferring files.
+	  target host.
 	  Routers use <acronym>ICMP</acronym> to negotiate packet
 	  sizes and other transmission parameters in a process often
 	  referred to as <emphasis>path <acronym>MTU</acronym>
-	<para>Some admins refer to <acronym>ICMP</acronym> as either
-	  <quote>just evil</quote>, or, if their understanding runs a
-	  little deeper, <quote>a necessary evil</quote>.  The reason
-	  for this attitude is purely historical.  The reason can be
-	  found a few years back when it was discovered that several
-	  operating systems contained code in their networking stack
-	  which could make a machine running one of the affected
-	  systems crash and fall over, or in some cases just do really
-	  strange things, with a sufficiently large
-	  <acronym>ICMP</acronym> request.</para>
-	<para>One of the companies which was hit hard was Microsoft,
-	  and you can find rather a lot of material on the
-	  <quote>ping of death</quote> bug by using your favorite
-	  search engine.  This all happened in the second half of the
-	  1990s, and all modern operating systems, at least the ones
-	  we can read, have thoroughly sanitized their network code
-	  since then.  At least that is what we are led to
-	  believe.</para>
-	<para>One of the early workarounds was to simply block either
-	  all <acronym>ICMP</acronym> traffic or at least
-	  <acronym>ICMP</acronym> ECHO, which is what ping uses.  Now
-	  these rulesets have been around for roughly fifteen years,
-	  and the people who put them there are still scared.</para>
-	<para>The obvious question then becomes, if
-	  <acronym>ICMP</acronym> is such a good and useful thing,
-	  should we not let it all through, all the time?  The
-	  answer is <quote>It depends</quote>.</para>
-	<para>Letting diagnostic traffic pass unconditionally of
-	  course makes debugging easier, but also makes it
-	  relatively easy for others to extract information about
-	  your network.  That means that a rule like</para>
+	<para>From a firewall perspective, some <acronym>ICMP</acronym>
+	  control messages are vulnerable to known attack vectors.
+	  Also, letting all diagnostic traffic pass unconditionally
+	  makes debugging easier, but it also makes it
+	  easier for others to extract information about
+	  the network.  For these reasons, the following rule may not be
+	  optimal:</para>
 	<programlisting>pass inet proto icmp from any to any</programlisting>
-	<para>might not be optimal if the internal workings of the
-	  local network should be cloaked in a bit of mystery.  In
-	  all fairness it should also be said that some
-	  <acronym>ICMP</acronym> traffic might be found quite
-	  harmlessly riding piggyback on
-	  <literal>keep state</literal> rules.</para>
-	<para>The easiest solution could very well be to let all
-	  <acronym>ICMP</acronym> traffic from the local net through
-	  and stop probes from elsewhere at the gateway:</para>
+	<para>One solution is to let all
+	  <acronym>ICMP</acronym> traffic from the local network through
+	  while stopping all probes from outside the network:</para>
 	<programlisting>pass inet proto icmp from $localnet to any keep state
 pass inet proto icmp from any to $ext_if keep state</programlisting>
-	<para>Stopping probes at the gateway might be an attractive
-	  option anyway, but let us have a look at a few other
-	  options which will show some of
-	  <application>PF</application>'s flexibility.</para>
-	<sect4 xml:id="pftut-letpingthru">
-	  <title>Letting <command>ping</command> Through</title>
-	  <para>The ruleset we have developed so far has one clear
-	    disadvantage: common troubleshooting commands such as
-	    &; and &man.traceroute.8; will not work.  That
-	    may not matter too much to end users, and since it was
-	    <command>ping</command> which scared people into
-	    filtering or blocking <acronym>ICMP</acronym> traffic in
-	    the first place, there are apparently some people who feel
-	    we are better off without it.  If you are in my perceived
-	    target audience, you will be rather fond of having those
-	    troubleshooting tools avalable.  With a couple of small
-	    additions to the ruleset, they will be.  &;
-	    uses <acronym>ICMP</acronym>, and in order to keep our
-	    ruleset tidy, we start by defining another macro:</para>
+	<para>Additional
+	  options are available which demonstrate some of
+	  <application>PF</application>'s flexibility.  For example,
+	  rather than allowing all <acronym>ICMP</acronym> messages,
+	  one can specify the messages used by &; and
+	  &man.traceroute.8;.  Start by defining a macro for
+	  that type of message:</para>
 	  <programlisting>icmp_types = "echoreq"</programlisting>
-	  <para>and a rule which uses the definition,</para>
+	  <para>and a rule which uses the macro:</para>
 	  <programlisting>pass inet proto icmp all icmp-type $icmp_types keep state</programlisting>
-	  <para>More or other types of <acronym>ICMP</acronym> packets
-	    may need to go through, and <literal>icmp_types</literal>
-	    can be expanded to a list of those packet types that are
-	    allowed.</para>
-	</sect4>
-	<sect4 xml:id="pftut-helptraceroute">
-	  <title>Helping &man.traceroute.8;</title>
-	  <para>&man.traceroute.8; is another command which is quite
-	    useful when users claim that the Internet is not working.
-	    By default, Unix <command>traceroute</command> uses UDP
-	    connections according to a set formula based on
-	    destination.  The rule below works with
-	    <command>traceroute</command> on all Unixes I have had
-	    access to, including GNU/Linux:</para>
+	  <para>If other types of <acronym>ICMP</acronym> packets
+	    are needed, expand <literal>icmp_types</literal>
+	    to a list of those packet types.  Type
+	    <command>more /usr/src/contrib/pf/pfctl/pfctl_parser.c</command>
+	    to see the list of <acronym>ICMP</acronym> message
+	    types supported by <application>PF</application>.  Refer to
+	    <link
+	      xlink:href=""></link>
+	    for an explanation of each message type.</para>
+	<para>Since Unix <command>traceroute</command> uses <acronym>UDP</acronym>
+	    by default, another rule is needed to allow Unix
+	    <command>traceroute</command>:</para>
 	  <programlisting># allow out the default range for traceroute(8):
-# "base+nhops*nqueries-1" (33434+64*3-1)
 pass out on $ext_if inet proto udp from any to any port 33433 >< 33626 keep state</programlisting>
-	  <para>Experience so far indicates that
-	    <command>traceroute</command> implementations on other
-	    operating systems work roughly the same.  Except, of
-	    course, on Microsoft Windows.  On that platform,
-	    <command>TRACERT.EXE</command> uses ICMP ECHO for this
-	    purpose.  So to let Windows traceroutes through, only the
-	    first rule is needed.  Unix <command>traceroute</command>
+	  <para>Since <command>TRACERT.EXE</command> on Microsoft Windows systems
+	    uses <acronym>ICMP</acronym> echo request messages,
+	    only the
+	    first rule is needed to allow network traces from those systems.  Unix <command>traceroute</command>
 	    can be instructed to use other protocols as well, and will
-	    behave remarkably like its Microsoft counterpart if
+	    use <acronym>ICMP</acronym> echo request messages if
 	    <option>-I</option> is used.  Check the &man.traceroute.8;
-	    man page (or its source code, for that matter) for all the
+	    man page for
-	  <para>Under any circumstances, this solution was lifted
-	    from an openbsd-misc post.  I have found that list, and
-	    the searchable list archives (accessible among other
-	    places from <link
-	      xlink:href=""></link>),
-	    to be a very valuable resource whenever you need OpenBSD
-	    or <application>PF</application> related
-	    information.</para>
-	</sect4>
 	<sect4 xml:id="pftut-pathmtudisc">
 	  <title>Path <acronym>MTU</acronym> Discovery</title>
@@ -1035,60 +962,47 @@ pass out on $ext_if inet proto udp from 
 	    independent, and one consequence of device independence is
 	    that the optimal packet size for a given connection cannot
 	    always be predicted reliably.  The main constraint on
-	    packet size is called the
-	    <firstterm>Maximum Transmission Unit</firstterm>, or
-	    <acronym>MTU</acronym>, which sets the upper limit on the
-	    packet size for an interface.  &man.ifconfig.8; shows the
-	    <acronym>MTU</acronym> for the network interfaces.</para>
-	  <para>Modern TCP/IP implementations expect to be able to
-	    determine the right packet size for a connection through a
-	    process which, simply put, involves sending packets of
+	    packet size is the
+	    <firstterm>Maximum Transmission Unit</firstterm>
+	    (<acronym>MTU</acronym>) which sets the upper limit on the
+	    packet size for an interface.  Type <command>ifconfig</command> to view the
+	    <acronym>MTU</acronym>s for a system's network interfaces.</para>
+	<para><acronym>TCP/IP</acronym> uses a process known as path
+	  <acronym>MTU</acronym> discovery to
+	    determine the right packet size for a connection.  This
+	    process sends packets of
 	    varying sizes with the <quote>Do not fragment</quote> flag
 	    set, expecting an <acronym>ICMP</acronym> return packet
-	    indicating <quote>type 3, code 4</quote> when the upper
-	    limit has been reached.  Now do not dive for the RFCs
-	    right away.  Type 3 means <quote>destination
-	      unreachable</quote>, while code 4 is short for
+	    of <quote>type 3, code 4</quote> when the upper
+	    limit has been reached.  Type 3 means <quote>destination
+	      unreachable</quote>, and code 4 is short for
 	    <quote>fragmentation needed, but the do-not-fragment flag
-	      is set</quote>.  So if connections to networks which may
-	    have other <acronym>MTU</acronym>s than the local network
-	    seem sub-optimal, and there is no need to be that
-	    specific, the list of <acronym>ICMP</acronym> types can be
-	    changed slightly to let the
-	    <quote>destination unreachable</quote> packets through,
-	    too:</para>
+	      is set</quote>.  To allow path MTU discovery in order
+	    to support connections to other <acronym>MTU</acronym>s, add
+	    the
+	    <literal>destination unreachable</literal> type to the
+	    <literal>icmp_types</literal> macro:</para>
 	  <programlisting>icmp_types = "{ echoreq, unreach }"</programlisting>
-	  <para>As we can see, this means we do not need to change
-	    the pass rule itself:</para>
+	  <para>Since
+	    the pass rule already uses that macro, it does not need to
+	    be modified in order to support the new
+	    <acronym>ICMP</acronym> type:</para>
 	  <programlisting>pass inet proto icmp all icmp-type $icmp_types keep state</programlisting>
 	  <para><application>PF</application> allows filtering on all
 	    variations of <acronym>ICMP</acronym> types and codes.
-	    For those who want to delve into what to pass (or not) of
-	    <acronym>ICMP</acronym> traffic, the list of possible
-	    types and codes are documented in the &man.icmp.4; and
-	    &man.icmp6.4; man pages.  The background information is
-	    available in the <acronym>RFC</acronym>s
-	    <footnote><para>The main internet <acronym>RFC</acronym>s
-		describing <acronym>ICMP</acronym> and
-		some related techhiques are RFC792, RFC950, RFC1191,
-		RFC1256, RFC2521, rfc2765, while necessary updates for
-		ICMP for IPv6 are found in RFC1885, RFC2463, RFC2466.
-		These documents are available in a number of places on
-		the net, such as the
-		<link xlink:href=""></link>
-		and
-		<link xlink:href=""></link>
-		web sites.</para></footnote>.</para>
+	    The list of possible
+	    types and codes are documented in &man.icmp.4; and
+	    &man.icmp6.4;.</para>
       <sect3 xml:id="pftut-tables">
-	<title>Tables Make Life Easier</title>
+	<title>Using Tables</title>
 	<para>By this time it may appear that this gets awfully static
 	  and rigid.  There will after all be some kinds of data which

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