svn commit: r43958 - head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook/makefiles

Warren Block wblock at
Sun Feb 16 04:57:46 UTC 2014

Author: wblock
Date: Sun Feb 16 04:57:45 2014
New Revision: 43958

  Whitespace-only fixes, translators please ignore.


Modified: head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook/makefiles/chapter.xml
--- head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook/makefiles/chapter.xml	Sun Feb 16 03:32:26 2014	(r43957)
+++ head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook/makefiles/chapter.xml	Sun Feb 16 04:57:45 2014	(r43958)
@@ -4,2114 +4,2087 @@
+<chapter xmlns=""
+  xmlns:xlink="" version="5.0"
+  xml:id="makefiles">
+  <title>Configuring the Makefile</title>
+  <para>Configuring the <filename>Makefile</filename> is pretty
+    simple, and again we suggest that you look at existing examples
+    before starting.  Also, there is a
+    <link linkend="porting-samplem">sample Makefile</link> in this
+    handbook, so take a look and please follow the ordering of
+    variables and sections in that template to make your port easier
+    for others to read.</para>
+  <para>Now, consider the following problems in sequence as you
+    design your new <filename>Makefile</filename>:</para>
+  <sect1 xml:id="makefile-source">
+    <title>The Original Source</title>
+    <para>Does it live in <varname>DISTDIR</varname> as a standard
+      <command>gzip</command>ped tarball named something like
+      <filename>foozolix-1.2.tar.gz</filename>? If so, you can go on
+      to the next step.  If not, you should look at overriding any of
+      the <varname>DISTVERSION</varname>, <varname>DISTNAME</varname>,
+      <varname>EXTRACT_CMD</varname>,
+      <varname>EXTRACT_BEFORE_ARGS</varname>,
+      <varname>EXTRACT_AFTER_ARGS</varname>,
+      <varname>EXTRACT_SUFX</varname>, or <varname>DISTFILES</varname>
+      variables, depending on how alien a format your port's
+      distribution file is.</para>
+    <para>In the worst case, you can simply create your own
+      <buildtarget>do-extract</buildtarget> target to override the
+      default, though this should be rarely, if ever,
+      necessary.</para>
+  </sect1>
+  <sect1 xml:id="makefile-naming">
+    <title>Naming</title>
+    <para>The first part of the port's <filename>Makefile</filename>
+      names the port, describes its version number, and lists it in
+      the correct category.</para>
+    <sect2>
+      <title><varname>PORTNAME</varname> and
+	<varname>PORTVERSION</varname></title>
+      <para>You should set <varname>PORTNAME</varname> to the base
+	name of your port, and <varname>PORTVERSION</varname> to the
+	version number of the port.</para>
+    </sect2>
+    <sect2 xml:id="makefile-naming-revepoch">
+      <title><varname>PORTREVISION</varname> and
+	<varname>PORTEPOCH</varname></title>
+      <sect3>
+	<title><varname>PORTREVISION</varname></title>
+	<para>The <varname>PORTREVISION</varname> variable is a
+	  monotonically increasing value which is reset to 0 with
+	  every increase of <varname>PORTVERSION</varname> (i.e.,
+	  every time a new official vendor release is made), and
+	  appended to the package name if non-zero.  Changes to
+	  <varname>PORTREVISION</varname> are used by automated tools
+	  (e.g., <command>pkg version</command>, see
+	  &man.pkg-version.8;) to highlight the fact that a new
+	  package is available.</para>
+	<para><varname>PORTREVISION</varname> should be increased each
+	  time a change is made to the port that changes the generated
+	  package in any way.  That includes changes that only affect
+	  a package built with non-default
+	  <link linkend="makefile-options">options</link>.</para>
-<chapter xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" version="5.0" xml:id="makefiles">
-    <title>Configuring the Makefile</title>
+	<para>Examples of when <varname>PORTREVISION</varname>
+	  should be bumped:</para>
-    <para>Configuring the <filename>Makefile</filename> is pretty
-      simple, and again we suggest that you look at existing examples
-      before starting.  Also, there is a
-      <link linkend="porting-samplem">sample Makefile</link> in this
-      handbook, so take a look and please follow the ordering of
-      variables and sections in that template to make your port easier
-      for others to read.</para>
-    <para>Now, consider the following problems in sequence as you
-      design your new <filename>Makefile</filename>:</para>
-    <sect1 xml:id="makefile-source">
-      <title>The Original Source</title>
-      <para>Does it live in <varname>DISTDIR</varname> as a standard
-	<command>gzip</command>ped tarball named something like
-	<filename>foozolix-1.2.tar.gz</filename>? If so, you can go on
-	to the next step.  If not, you should look at overriding any
-	of the <varname>DISTVERSION</varname>,
-	<varname>DISTNAME</varname>, <varname>EXTRACT_CMD</varname>,
-	<varname>EXTRACT_BEFORE_ARGS</varname>,
-	<varname>EXTRACT_AFTER_ARGS</varname>,
-	<varname>EXTRACT_SUFX</varname>, or
-	<varname>DISTFILES</varname> variables, depending on how alien
-	a format your port's distribution file is.</para>
-      <para>In the worst case, you can simply create your own
-	<buildtarget>do-extract</buildtarget> target to override the
-	default, though this should be rarely, if ever,
-	necessary.</para>
-    </sect1>
-    <sect1 xml:id="makefile-naming">
-      <title>Naming</title>
-      <para>The first part of the port's <filename>Makefile</filename>
-	names the port, describes its version number, and lists it
-	in the correct category.</para>
-      <sect2>
-	<title><varname>PORTNAME</varname> and
-	  <varname>PORTVERSION</varname></title>
-	<para>You should set <varname>PORTNAME</varname> to the
-	  base name of your port, and <varname>PORTVERSION</varname>
-	  to the version number of the port.</para>
-      </sect2>
-      <sect2 xml:id="makefile-naming-revepoch">
-	<title><varname>PORTREVISION</varname> and
-	  <varname>PORTEPOCH</varname></title>
-	<sect3>
-	  <title><varname>PORTREVISION</varname></title>
-	  <para>The <varname>PORTREVISION</varname> variable is a
-	    monotonically increasing value which is reset to 0 with
-	    every increase of <varname>PORTVERSION</varname> (i.e.,
-	    every time a new official vendor release is made), and
-	    appended to the package name if non-zero.  Changes to
-	    <varname>PORTREVISION</varname> are used by automated
-	    tools (e.g., <command>pkg version</command>, see
-	    &man.pkg-version.8;) to highlight the fact that a new
-	    package is available.</para>
-	  <para><varname>PORTREVISION</varname> should be increased
-	    each time a change is made to the port that changes the
-	    generated package in any way.  That includes changes that
-	    only affect a package built with non-default <link
-	      linkend="makefile-options">options</link>.</para>
-	  <para>Examples of when <varname>PORTREVISION</varname>
-	    should be bumped:</para>
-	  <itemizedlist>
-	    <listitem>
-	      <para>Addition of patches to correct security
-		vulnerabilities, bugs, or to add new functionality to
-		the port.</para>
-	    </listitem>
-	    <listitem>
-	      <para>Changes to the port <filename>Makefile</filename>
-		to enable or disable compile-time options in the
-		package.</para>
-	    </listitem>
-	    <listitem>
-	      <para>Changes in the packing list or the install-time
-		behavior of the package (e.g., change to a script
-		which generates initial data for the package, like ssh
-		host keys).</para>
-	    </listitem>
-	    <listitem>
-	      <para>Version bump of a port's shared library dependency
-		(in this case, someone trying to install the old
-		package after installing a newer version of the
-		dependency will fail since it will look for the old
-		libfoo.x instead of libfoo.(x+1)).</para>
-	    </listitem>
-	    <listitem>
-	      <para>Silent changes to the port distfile which have
-		significant functional differences, i.e., changes to
-		the distfile requiring a correction to
-		<filename>distinfo</filename> with no corresponding
-		change to <varname>PORTVERSION</varname>, where a
-		<command>diff -ru</command> of the old and new
-		versions shows non-trivial changes to the code.</para>
-	    </listitem>
-	  </itemizedlist>
-	  <para>Examples of changes which do not require a
-	    <varname>PORTREVISION</varname> bump:</para>
-	  <itemizedlist>
-	    <listitem>
-	      <para>Style changes to the port skeleton with no
-		functional change to what appears in the resulting
-		package.</para>
-	    </listitem>
-	    <listitem>
-	      <para>Changes to <varname>MASTER_SITES</varname> or
-		other functional changes to the port which do not
-		affect the resulting package.</para>
-	    </listitem>
-	    <listitem>
-	      <para>Trivial patches to the distfile such as correction
-		of typos, which are not important enough that users of
-		the package should go to the trouble of
-		upgrading.</para>
-	    </listitem>
-	    <listitem>
-	      <para>Build fixes which cause a package to become
-		compilable where it was previously failing (as long as
-		the changes do not introduce any functional change on
-		any other platforms on which the port did previously
-		build).  Since <varname>PORTREVISION</varname>
-		reflects the content of the package, if the package
-		was not previously buildable then there is no need to
-		increase <varname>PORTREVISION</varname> to mark a
-		change.</para>
-	    </listitem>
-	  </itemizedlist>
-	  <para>A rule of thumb is to ask yourself whether a change
-	    committed to a port is something which everyone would
-	    benefit from having (either because of an enhancement,
-	    fix, or by virtue that the new package will actually work
-	    at all), and weigh that against that fact that it will
-	    cause everyone who regularly updates their ports tree to
-	    be compelled to update.  If yes, the
-	    <varname>PORTREVISION</varname> should be bumped.</para>
-	</sect3>
-	<sect3>
-	  <title><varname>PORTEPOCH</varname></title>
-	  <para>From time to time a software vendor or &os; porter
-	    will do something silly and release a version of their
-	    software which is actually numerically less than the
-	    previous version.  An example of this is a port which goes
-	    from foo-20000801 to foo-1.0 (the former will be
-	    incorrectly treated as a newer version since 20000801 is a
-	    numerically greater value than 1).</para>
-	  <tip>
-	    <para>The results of version number comparisons are not
-	      always obvious.  <command>pkg version</command> (see
-	      &man.pkg-version.8;) can be used to test the comparison
-	      of two version number strings.  For example:</para>
-	    <screen>&prompt.user; <userinput>pkg version -t 0.031 0.29</userinput>
-	    <para>The <literal>></literal> output indicates that
-	      version 0.031 is considered greater than version 0.29,
-	      which may not have been obvious to the porter.</para>
-	  </tip>
-	  <para>In situations such as this, the
-	    <varname>PORTEPOCH</varname> version should be increased.
-	    If <varname>PORTEPOCH</varname> is nonzero it is appended
-	    to the package name as described in section 0 above.
-	    <varname>PORTEPOCH</varname> must never be decreased or
-	    reset to zero, because that would cause comparison to a
-	    package from an earlier epoch to fail (i.e., the package
-	    would not be detected as out of date): the new version
-	    number (e.g., <literal>1.0,1</literal> in the above
-	    example) is still numerically less than the previous
-	    version (20000801), but the <literal>,1</literal> suffix
-	    is treated specially by automated tools and found to be
-	    greater than the implied suffix <literal>,0</literal> on
-	    the earlier package.</para>
-	  <para>Dropping or resetting <varname>PORTEPOCH</varname>
-	    incorrectly leads to no end of grief; if you do not
-	    understand the above discussion, please keep after it
-	    until you do, or ask questions on the mailing
-	    lists.</para>
-	  <para>It is expected that <varname>PORTEPOCH</varname> will
-	    not be used for the majority of ports, and that sensible
-	    use of <varname>PORTVERSION</varname> can often preempt it
-	    becoming necessary if a future release of the software
-	    should change the version structure.  However, care is
-	    needed by &os; porters when a vendor release is made
-	    without an official version number — such as a code
-	    <quote>snapshot</quote> release.  The temptation is to
-	    label the release with the release date, which will cause
-	    problems as in the example above when a new
-	    <quote>official</quote> release is made.</para>
-	  <para>For example, if a snapshot release is made on the date
-	    20000917, and the previous version of the software was
-	    version 1.2, the snapshot release should be given a
-	    <varname>PORTVERSION</varname> of 1.2.20000917 or similar,
-	    not 20000917, so that the succeeding release, say 1.3, is
-	    still a numerically greater value.</para>
-	</sect3>
-	<sect3>
-	  <title>Example of <varname>PORTREVISION</varname> and
-	    <varname>PORTEPOCH</varname> Usage</title>
-	  <para>The <literal>gtkmumble</literal> port, version
-	    <literal>0.10</literal>, is committed to the ports
-	    collection:</para>
-	  <programlisting>PORTNAME=	gtkmumble
-PORTVERSION=	0.10</programlisting>
-	  <para><varname>PKGNAME</varname> becomes
-	    <literal>gtkmumble-0.10</literal>.</para>
-	  <para>A security hole is discovered which requires a local
-	    &os; patch.  <varname>PORTREVISION</varname> is bumped
-	    accordingly.</para>
-	  <programlisting>PORTNAME=	gtkmumble
-PORTREVISION=	1</programlisting>
-	  <para><varname>PKGNAME</varname> becomes
-	    <literal>gtkmumble-0.10_1</literal></para>
-	  <para>A new version is released by the vendor, numbered
-	    <literal>0.2</literal> (it turns out the author actually
-	    intended <literal>0.10</literal> to actually mean
-	    <literal>0.1.0</literal>, not
-	    <quote>what comes after 0.9</quote> - oops, too late now).
-	    Since the new minor version <literal>2</literal> is
-	    numerically less than the previous version
-	    <literal>10</literal>, the <varname>PORTEPOCH</varname>
-	    must be bumped to manually force the new package to be
-	    detected as <quote>newer</quote>.  Since it is a new
-	    vendor release of the code,
-	    <varname>PORTREVISION</varname> is reset to 0 (or removed
-	    from the <filename>Makefile</filename>).</para>
-	  <programlisting>PORTNAME=	gtkmumble
-PORTEPOCH=	1</programlisting>
-	  <para><varname>PKGNAME</varname> becomes
-	    <literal>gtkmumble-0.2,1</literal></para>
-	  <para>The next release is 0.3.  Since
-	    <varname>PORTEPOCH</varname> never decreases, the version
-	    variables are now:</para>
-	  <programlisting>PORTNAME=	gtkmumble
-PORTEPOCH=	1</programlisting>
-	  <para><varname>PKGNAME</varname> becomes
-	    <literal>gtkmumble-0.3,1</literal></para>
-	  <note>
-	    <para>If <varname>PORTEPOCH</varname> were reset to
-	      <literal>0</literal> with this upgrade, someone who had
-	      installed the <literal>gtkmumble-0.10_1</literal>
-	      package would not detect the
-	      <literal>gtkmumble-0.3</literal> package as newer, since
-	      <literal>3</literal> is still numerically less than
-	      <literal>10</literal>.  Remember, this is the whole
-	      point of <varname>PORTEPOCH</varname> in the first
-	      place.</para>
-	  </note>
-	</sect3>
-      </sect2>
-      <sect2>
-	<title><varname>PKGNAMEPREFIX</varname> and
-	  <varname>PKGNAMESUFFIX</varname></title>
-	<para>Two optional variables, <varname>PKGNAMEPREFIX</varname>
-	  and <varname>PKGNAMESUFFIX</varname>, are combined with
-	  <varname>PORTNAME</varname> and
-	  <varname>PORTVERSION</varname> to form
-	  <varname>PKGNAME</varname> as
-	  Make sure this conforms to our
-	  <link linkend="porting-pkgname">guidelines for a good
-	    package name</link>.  In particular, you are
-	  <emphasis>not</emphasis> allowed to use a hyphen
-	  (<literal>-</literal>) in <varname>PORTVERSION</varname>.
-	  Also, if the package name has the
-	  <replaceable>language-</replaceable> or the
-	  <replaceable>-compiled.specifics</replaceable> part (see
-	  below), use <varname>PKGNAMEPREFIX</varname> and
-	  <varname>PKGNAMESUFFIX</varname>, respectively.  Do not make
-	  them part of <varname>PORTNAME</varname>.</para>
-      </sect2>
-      <sect2 xml:id="porting-pkgname">
-	<title>Package Naming Conventions</title>
-	<para>The following are the conventions you should follow in
-	  naming your packages.  This is to have our package directory
-	  easy to scan, as there are already thousands of packages and
-	  users are going to turn away if they hurt their eyes!</para>
-	<para>The package name should look like
-	  <filename>language_region-name-compiled.specifics-version.numbers</filename>.</para>
-	<para>The package name is defined as
-	  Make sure to set the variables to conform to that
-	  format.</para>
-	<orderedlist>
+	<itemizedlist>
-	    <para>&os; strives to support the native language of
-	      its users.  The <replaceable>language-</replaceable>
-	      part should be a two letter abbreviation of the natural
-	      language defined by ISO-639 if the port is specific to a
-	      certain language.  Examples are <literal>ja</literal>
-	      for Japanese, <literal>ru</literal> for Russian,
-	      <literal>vi</literal> for Vietnamese,
-	      <literal>zh</literal> for Chinese, <literal>ko</literal>
-	      for Korean and <literal>de</literal> for German.</para>
-	    <para>If the port is specific to a certain region within
-	      the language area, add the two letter country code as
-	      well.  Examples are <literal>en_US</literal> for US
-	      English and <literal>fr_CH</literal> for Swiss
-	      French.</para>
-	    <para>The <replaceable>language-</replaceable> part should
-	      be set in the <varname>PKGNAMEPREFIX</varname>
-	      variable.</para>
+	    <para>Addition of patches to correct security
+	      vulnerabilities, bugs, or to add new functionality to
+	      the port.</para>
-	    <para>The first letter of the <filename>name</filename>
-	      part should be lowercase.  (The rest of the name may
-	      contain capital letters, so use your own discretion when
-	      you are converting a software name that has some capital
-	      letters in it.) There is a tradition of naming
-	      <literal>Perl 5</literal> modules by prepending
-	      <literal>p5-</literal> and converting the double-colon
-	      separator to a hyphen; for example, the
-	      <literal>Data::Dumper</literal> module becomes
-	      <literal>p5-Data-Dumper</literal>.</para>
+	    <para>Changes to the port <filename>Makefile</filename> to
+	      enable or disable compile-time options in the
+	      package.</para>
-	    <para>Make sure that the port's name and version are
-	      clearly separated and placed into the
-	      <varname>PORTNAME</varname> and
-	      <varname>PORTVERSION</varname> variables.  The only
-	      reason for <varname>PORTNAME</varname> to contain a
-	      version part is if the upstream distribution is really
-	      named that way, as in the
-	      <filename>textproc/libxml2</filename> or
-	      <filename>japanese/kinput2-freewnn</filename> ports.
-	      Otherwise, the <varname>PORTNAME</varname> should not
-	      contain any version-specific information.  It is quite
-	      normal for several ports to have the same
-	      <varname>PORTNAME</varname>, as the
-	      <filename>www/apache*</filename> ports do; in that case,
-	      different versions (and different index entries) are
-	      distinguished by the <varname>PKGNAMEPREFIX</varname>
-	      and <varname>PKGNAMESUFFIX</varname> values.</para>
+	    <para>Changes in the packing list or the install-time
+	      behavior of the package (e.g., change to a script which
+	      generates initial data for the package, like ssh host
+	      keys).</para>
-	    <para>If the port can be built with different
-	      <link linkend="makefile-masterdir">hardcoded
-		defaults</link> (usually part of the directory name in
-	      a family of ports), the
-	      <replaceable>-compiled.specifics</replaceable> part
-	      should state the compiled-in defaults (the hyphen is
-	      optional).  Examples are paper size and font
-	      units.</para>
-	    <para>The <replaceable>-compiled.specifics</replaceable>
-	      part should be set in the
-	      <varname>PKGNAMESUFFIX</varname> variable.</para>
+	    <para>Version bump of a port's shared library dependency
+	      (in this case, someone trying to install the old package
+	      after installing a newer version of the dependency will
+	      fail since it will look for the old libfoo.x instead of
+	      libfoo.(x+1)).</para>
-	    <para>The version string should follow a dash
-	      (<literal>-</literal>) and be a period-separated list of
-	      integers and single lowercase alphabetics.  In
-	      particular, it is not permissible to have another dash
-	      inside the version string.  The only exception is the
-	      string <literal>pl</literal> (meaning
-	      <quote>patchlevel</quote>), which can be used
-	      <emphasis>only</emphasis> when there are no major and
-	      minor version numbers in the software.  If the software
-	      version has strings like <quote>alpha</quote>,
-	      <quote>beta</quote>, <quote>rc</quote>, or
-	      <quote>pre</quote>, take the first letter and put it
-	      immediately after a period.  If the version string
-	      continues after those names, the numbers should follow
-	      the single alphabet without an extra period between
-	      them.</para>
-	    <para>The idea is to make it easier to sort ports by
-	      looking at the version string.  In particular, make sure
-	      version number components are always delimited by a
-	      period, and if the date is part of the string, use the
-	      <literal></literal>
-	      format, not
-	      <literal></literal>
-	      or the non-Y2K compliant
-	      <literal></literal>
-	      format.  It is important to prefix the version with
-	      <literal>0.0.</literal> in case a release with an actual
-	      version number is made, which would of course be
-	      numerically less than
-	      <literal>yyyy</literal>.</para>
+	    <para>Silent changes to the port distfile which have
+	      significant functional differences, i.e., changes to the
+	      distfile requiring a correction to
+	      <filename>distinfo</filename> with no corresponding
+	      change to <varname>PORTVERSION</varname>, where a
+	      <command>diff -ru</command> of the old and new versions
+	      shows non-trivial changes to the code.</para>
-	</orderedlist>
-	<para>Here are some (real) examples on how to convert the name
-	  as called by the software authors to a suitable package
-	  name:</para>
-	<informaltable frame="none" pgwide="1">
-	  <tgroup cols="6">
-	    <thead>
-	      <row>
-		<entry>Distribution Name</entry>
-		<entry><varname>PKGNAMEPREFIX</varname></entry>
-		<entry><varname>PORTNAME</varname></entry>
-		<entry><varname>PKGNAMESUFFIX</varname></entry>
-		<entry><varname>PORTVERSION</varname></entry>
-		<entry>Reason</entry>
-	      </row>
-	    </thead>
-	    <tbody>
-	      <row>
-		<entry>mule-2.2.2</entry>
-		<entry>(empty)</entry>
-		<entry>mule</entry>
-		<entry>(empty)</entry>
-		<entry>2.2.2</entry>
-		<entry>No changes required</entry>
-	      </row>
-	      <row>
-		<entry>EmiClock-1.0.2</entry>
-		<entry>(empty)</entry>
-		<entry>emiclock</entry>
-		<entry>(empty)</entry>
-		<entry>1.0.2</entry>
-		<entry>No uppercase names for single programs</entry>
-	      </row>
-	      <row>
-		<entry>rdist-1.3alpha</entry>
-		<entry>(empty)</entry>
-		<entry>rdist</entry>
-		<entry>(empty)</entry>
-		<entry>1.3.a</entry>
-		<entry>No strings like <literal>alpha</literal>
-		  allowed</entry>
-	      </row>
-	      <row>
-		<entry>es-0.9-beta1</entry>
-		<entry>(empty)</entry>
-		<entry>es</entry>
-		<entry>(empty)</entry>
-		<entry>0.9.b1</entry>
-		<entry>No strings like <literal>beta</literal>
-		  allowed</entry>
-	      </row>
-	      <row>
-		<entry>mailman-2.0rc3</entry>
-		<entry>(empty)</entry>
-		<entry>mailman</entry>
-		<entry>(empty)</entry>
-		<entry>2.0.r3</entry>
-		<entry>No strings like <literal>rc</literal>
-		  allowed</entry>
-	      </row>
-	      <row>
-		<entry>v3.3beta021.src</entry>
-		<entry>(empty)</entry>
-		<entry>tiff</entry>
-		<entry>(empty)</entry>
-		<entry>3.3</entry>
-		<entry>What the heck was that anyway?</entry>
-	      </row>
-	      <row>
-		<entry>tvtwm</entry>
-		<entry>(empty)</entry>
-		<entry>tvtwm</entry>
-		<entry>(empty)</entry>
-		<entry>pl11</entry>
-		<entry>Version string always required</entry>
-	      </row>
-	      <row>
-		<entry>piewm</entry>
-		<entry>(empty)</entry>
-		<entry>piewm</entry>
-		<entry>(empty)</entry>
-		<entry>1.0</entry>
-		<entry>Version string always required</entry>
-	      </row>
-	      <row>
-		<entry>xvgr-2.10pl1</entry>
-		<entry>(empty)</entry>
-		<entry>xvgr</entry>
-		<entry>(empty)</entry>
-		<entry>2.10.1</entry>
-		<entry><literal>pl</literal> allowed only when no
-		  major/minor version numbers</entry>
-	      </row>
-	      <row>
-		<entry>gawk-2.15.6</entry>
-		<entry>ja-</entry>
-		<entry>gawk</entry>
-		<entry>(empty)</entry>
-		<entry>2.15.6</entry>
-		<entry>Japanese language version</entry>
-	      </row>
-	      <row>
-		<entry>psutils-1.13</entry>
-		<entry>(empty)</entry>
-		<entry>psutils</entry>
-		<entry>-letter</entry>
-		<entry>1.13</entry>
-		<entry>Paper size hardcoded at package build
-		  time</entry>
-	      </row>
-	      <row>
-		<entry>pkfonts</entry>
-		<entry>(empty)</entry>
-		<entry>pkfonts</entry>
-		<entry>300</entry>
-		<entry>1.0</entry>
-		<entry>Package for 300dpi fonts</entry>
-	      </row>
-	    </tbody>
-	  </tgroup>
-	</informaltable>
-	<para>If there is absolutely no trace of version information
-	  in the original source and it is unlikely that the original
-	  author will ever release another version, just set the
-	  version string to <literal>1.0</literal> (like the
-	  <literal>piewm</literal> example above).  Otherwise, ask the
-	  original author or use the date string
-	  (<literal></literal>)
-	  as the version.</para>
-      </sect2>
-    </sect1>
-    <sect1 xml:id="makefile-categories">
-      <title>Categorization</title>
-      <sect2>
-	<title><varname>CATEGORIES</varname></title>
-	<para>When a package is created, it is put under
-	  <filename>/usr/ports/packages/All</filename> and links are
-	  made from one or more subdirectories of
-	  <filename>/usr/ports/packages</filename>.  The names of
-	  these subdirectories are specified by the variable
-	  <varname>CATEGORIES</varname>.  It is intended to make life
-	  easier for the user when he is wading through the pile of
-	  packages on the FTP site or the CDROM.  Please take a look
-	  at the <link linkend="porting-categories">current list of
-	    categories</link> and pick the ones that are suitable for
-	  your port.</para>
-	<para>This list also determines where in the ports tree the
-	  port is imported.  If you put more than one category here,
-	  it is assumed that the port files will be put in the
-	  subdirectory with the name in the first category.  See
-	  <link linkend="choosing-categories">below</link> for more
-	  discussion about how to pick the right categories.</para>
-      </sect2>
-      <sect2 xml:id="porting-categories">
-	<title>Current List of Categories</title>
-	<para>Here is the current list of port categories.  Those
-	  marked with an asterisk (<literal>*</literal>) are
-	  <emphasis>virtual</emphasis> categories—those that do
-	  not have a corresponding subdirectory in the ports tree.
-	  They are only used as secondary categories, and only for
-	  search purposes.</para>
-	<note>
-	  <para>For non-virtual categories, you will find a one-line
-	    description in the <varname>COMMENT</varname> in that
-	    subdirectory's <filename>Makefile</filename>.</para>
-	</note>
-	<informaltable frame="none" pgwide="1">
-	  <tgroup cols="3">
-	    <thead>
-	      <row>
-		<entry>Category</entry>
-		<entry>Description</entry>
-		<entry>Notes</entry>
-	      </row>
-	    </thead>
-	    <tbody>
-	      <row>
-		<entry><filename>accessibility</filename></entry>
-		<entry>Ports to help disabled users.</entry>
-		<entry/>
-	      </row>
-	      <row>
-		<entry><filename>afterstep*</filename></entry>
-		<entry>Ports to support the <link
-		    xlink:href="">AfterStep</link>
-		  window manager.</entry>
-		<entry/>
-	      </row>
-	      <row>
-		<entry><filename>arabic</filename></entry>
-		<entry>Arabic language support.</entry>
-		<entry/>
-	      </row>
-	      <row>
-		<entry><filename>archivers</filename></entry>
-		<entry>Archiving tools.</entry>
-		<entry/>
-	      </row>
-	      <row>
-		<entry><filename>astro</filename></entry>
-		<entry>Astronomical ports.</entry>
-		<entry/>
-	      </row>
-	      <row>
-		<entry><filename>audio</filename></entry>
-		<entry>Sound support.</entry>
-		<entry/>
-	      </row>
-	      <row>
-		<entry><filename>benchmarks</filename></entry>
-		<entry>Benchmarking utilities.</entry>
-		<entry/>
-	      </row>
-	      <row>
-		<entry><filename>biology</filename></entry>
-		<entry>Biology-related software.</entry>
-		<entry/>
-	      </row>
-	      <row>
-		<entry><filename>cad</filename></entry>
-		<entry>Computer aided design tools.</entry>
-		<entry/>
-	      </row>
-	      <row>
-		<entry><filename>chinese</filename></entry>
-		<entry>Chinese language support.</entry>
-		<entry/>
-	      </row>
-	      <row>
-		<entry><filename>comms</filename></entry>
-		<entry>Communication software.</entry>
-		<entry>Mostly software to talk to your serial
-		  port.</entry>
-	      </row>
-	      <row>
-		<entry><filename>converters</filename></entry>
-		<entry>Character code converters.</entry>
-		<entry/>
-	      </row>
-	      <row>
-		<entry><filename>databases</filename></entry>
-		<entry>Databases.</entry>
-		<entry/>
-	      </row>
-	      <row>
-		<entry><filename>deskutils</filename></entry>
-		<entry>Things that used to be on the desktop before
-		  computers were invented.</entry>
-		<entry/>
-	      </row>
-	      <row>
-		<entry><filename>devel</filename></entry>
-		<entry>Development utilities.</entry>
-		<entry>Do not put libraries here just because they are
-		  libraries—unless they truly do not belong
-		  anywhere else, they should not be in this
-		  category.</entry>
-	      </row>
-	      <row>
-		<entry><filename>dns</filename></entry>
-		<entry>DNS-related software.</entry>
-		<entry/>
-	      </row>
-	      <row>
-		<entry><filename>docs*</filename></entry>
-		<entry>Meta-ports for &os; documentation.</entry>
-		<entry/>
-	      </row>
-	      <row>
-		<entry><filename>editors</filename></entry>
-		<entry>General editors.</entry>
-		<entry>Specialized editors go in the section for those
-		  tools (e.g., a mathematical-formula editor will go
-		  in <filename>math</filename>).</entry>
-	      </row>
-	      <row>
-		<entry><filename>elisp*</filename></entry>
-		<entry>Emacs-lisp ports.</entry>
-		<entry/>
-	      </row>
-	      <row>
-		<entry><filename>emulators</filename></entry>
-		<entry>Emulators for other operating systems.</entry>
-		<entry>Terminal emulators do <emphasis>not</emphasis>
-		  belong here—X-based ones should go to
-		  <filename>x11</filename> and text-based ones to
-		  either <filename>comms</filename> or
-		  <filename>misc</filename>, depending on the exact
-		  functionality.</entry>
-	      </row>
-	      <row>
-		<entry><filename>finance</filename></entry>
-		<entry>Monetary, financial and related
-		  applications.</entry>
-		<entry/>
-	      </row>
-	      <row>
-		<entry><filename>french</filename></entry>
-		<entry>French language support.</entry>
-		<entry/>
-	      </row>
-	      <row>
-		<entry><filename>ftp</filename></entry>
-		<entry>FTP client and server utilities.</entry>
-		<entry>If your port speaks both FTP and HTTP, put it
-		  in <filename>ftp</filename> with a secondary
-		  category of <filename>www</filename>.</entry>
-	      </row>
-	      <row>
-		<entry><filename>games</filename></entry>
-		<entry>Games.</entry>
-		<entry/>
-	      </row>
-	      <row>
-		<entry><filename>geography*</filename></entry>
-		<entry>Geography-related software.</entry>
-		<entry/>
-	      </row>
-	      <row>
-		<entry><filename>german</filename></entry>
-		<entry>German language support.</entry>
-		<entry/>
-	      </row>
-	      <row>
-		<entry><filename>gnome*</filename></entry>
-		<entry>Ports from the
-		  <link xlink:href="">GNOME</link>
-		  Project.</entry>
-		<entry/>
-	      </row>
-	      <row>
-		<entry><filename>gnustep*</filename></entry>
-		<entry>Software related to the GNUstep desktop
-		  environment.</entry>
-		<entry/>
-	      </row>
-	      <row>
-		<entry><filename>graphics</filename></entry>
-		<entry>Graphics utilities.</entry>
-		<entry/>
-	      </row>
-	      <row>
-		<entry><filename>hamradio*</filename></entry>
-		<entry>Software for amateur radio.</entry>
-		<entry/>
-	      </row>
-	      <row>
-		<entry><filename>haskell*</filename></entry>
-		<entry>Software related to the Haskell
-		  language.</entry>
-		<entry/>
-	      </row>
-	      <row>
-		<entry><filename>hebrew</filename></entry>
-		<entry>Hebrew language support.</entry>
-		<entry/>
-	      </row>
-	      <row>
-		<entry><filename>hungarian</filename></entry>
-		<entry>Hungarian language support.</entry>
-		<entry/>
-	      </row>
-	      <row>
-		<entry><filename>ipv6*</filename></entry>
-		<entry>IPv6 related software.</entry>
-		<entry/>
-	      </row>
-	      <row>
-		<entry><filename>irc</filename></entry>
-		<entry>Internet Relay Chat utilities.</entry>
-		<entry/>
-	      </row>
-	      <row>
-		<entry><filename>japanese</filename></entry>
-		<entry>Japanese language support.</entry>
-		<entry/>
-	      </row>
-	      <row>
-		<entry><filename>java</filename></entry>
-		<entry>Software related to the Java™
-		  language.</entry>
-		<entry>The <filename>java</filename> category must
-		  not be the only one for a port.  Save for ports
-		  directly related to the Java language, porters are
-		  also encouraged not to use <filename>java</filename>
-		  as the main category of a port.</entry>
-	      </row>
-	      <row>


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