svn commit: r43847 - head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook/new-port

Warren Block wblock at
Sun Feb 9 03:26:09 UTC 2014

Author: wblock
Date: Sun Feb  9 03:26:08 2014
New Revision: 43847

  Whitespace-only fixes, translators please ignore.


Modified: head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook/new-port/chapter.xml
--- head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook/new-port/chapter.xml	Sun Feb  9 03:04:10 2014	(r43846)
+++ head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook/new-port/chapter.xml	Sun Feb  9 03:26:08 2014	(r43847)
@@ -5,43 +5,45 @@
-<chapter xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" version="5.0" xml:id="own-port">
-    <title>Making a New Port</title>
-    <para>So, you are interested in making your own port or
-      upgrading an existing one?  Great!</para>
-    <para>What follows are some guidelines for creating a new port for
-      &os;.  If you want to upgrade an existing port, you should
-      read this and then read <xref linkend="port-upgrading"/>.</para>
-    <para>When this document is not sufficiently detailed, you should
-      refer to <filename>/usr/ports/Mk/</filename>, which
-      all port Makefiles include.  Even if you do not hack Makefiles
-      daily, it is well commented, and you will still gain much
-      knowledge from it.  Additionally, you may send specific
-      questions to the &a.ports;.</para>
-    <note>
-      <para>Only a fraction of the variables
-	(<varname><replaceable>VAR</replaceable></varname>) that can
-	be overridden are mentioned in this document.  Most (if not
-	all) are documented at the start of
-	<filename>/usr/ports/Mk/</filename>; the others
-	probably ought to be.  Note that this file uses a non-standard
-	tab setting: <application>Emacs</application> and
-	<application>Vim</application> should recognize the setting on
-	loading the file.  Both &; and &man.ex.1; can be set
-	to use the correct value by typing
-	<command>:set tabstop=4</command> once the file has been
-	loaded.</para>
-    </note>
-    <para>
-      Looking for something easy to start with? Take a look at the
-      <link xlink:href="">list of
-	requested ports</link> and see if you can work on one (or
-      more).</para>
-  </chapter>
+<chapter xmlns=""
+  xmlns:xlink="" version="5.0"
+  xml:id="own-port">
+  <title>Making a New Port</title>
+  <para>So, you are interested in making your own port or
+    upgrading an existing one?  Great!</para>
+  <para>What follows are some guidelines for creating a new port for
+    &os;.  If you want to upgrade an existing port, you should read
+    this and then read <xref linkend="port-upgrading"/>.</para>
+  <para>When this document is not sufficiently detailed, you should
+    refer to <filename>/usr/ports/Mk/</filename>, which all
+    port Makefiles include.  Even if you do not hack Makefiles daily,
+    it is well commented, and you will still gain much knowledge from
+    it.  Additionally, you may send specific questions to the
+    &a.ports;.</para>
+  <note>
+    <para>Only a fraction of the variables
+      (<varname><replaceable>VAR</replaceable></varname>) that can be
+      overridden are mentioned in this document.  Most (if not all)
+      are documented at the start of
+      <filename>/usr/ports/Mk/</filename>; the others
+      probably ought to be.  Note that this file uses a non-standard
+      tab setting: <application>Emacs</application> and
+      <application>Vim</application> should recognize the setting on
+      loading the file.  Both &; and &man.ex.1; can be set to
+      use the correct value by typing
+      <command>:set tabstop=4</command> once the file has been
+      loaded.</para>
+  </note>
+  <para>
+    Looking for something easy to start with? Take a look at the
+    <link xlink:href="">list of
+      requested ports</link> and see if you can work on one (or
+    more).</para>

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