svn commit: r46043 - in head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook: desktop dtrace filesystems install jails kernelconfig l10n mac mail mirrors multimedia network-servers pgpkeys ppp-and-slip preface seri...

Hiroki Sato hrs at
Tue Dec 2 07:58:16 UTC 2014

Benedict Reuschling <bcr at> wrote
  in <201412020716.sB27Gj8R048243 at>:

bc> Author: bcr
bc> Date: Tue Dec  2 07:16:45 2014
bc> New Revision: 46043
bc> URL:
bc> Log:
bc>   Wrap long xmlns lines.
bc>   Translators can ignore this change.
bc>   Obtained from:	    igor(8) output


bc> -<chapter xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" version="5.0" xml:id="serialcomms">
bc> -  <title>Serial Communications</title>
bc> +<chapter xmlns=""
bc> +  xmlns:xlink="" version="5.0"
bc> +  xml:id="serialcomms"> <title>Serial Communications</title>

 The output looks a bit strange.  <title> should be in another line in
 this case.

-- Hiroki
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