svn commit: r44718 - in head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook: basics security

Dru Lavigne dru at
Wed Apr 30 14:45:09 UTC 2014

Author: dru
Date: Wed Apr 30 14:45:09 2014
New Revision: 44718

  Move 4.3.3 Limiting Users to a subsection of 14.13 Resource Limits.
  The next commit will do a tech/editorial review of the moved subsection.
  Sponsored by:	iXsystems


Modified: head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/basics/chapter.xml
--- head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/basics/chapter.xml	Wed Apr 30 10:53:40 2014	(r44717)
+++ head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/basics/chapter.xml	Wed Apr 30 14:45:09 2014	(r44718)
@@ -999,317 +999,6 @@ passwd: done</screen>
-    <sect2 xml:id="users-limiting">
-      <title>Limiting Users</title>
-      <indexterm>
-	<primary>limiting users</primary>
-      </indexterm>
-      <indexterm>
-	<primary>accounts</primary>
-	<secondary>limiting</secondary>
-      </indexterm>
-      <para>&os; provides several methods for an administrator to
-	limit the amount of system resources an individual may use.
-	These limits are discussed in two sections: disk quotas and
-	other resource limits.</para>
-      <indexterm>
-	<primary>quotas</primary>
-      </indexterm>
-      <indexterm>
-	<primary>limiting users</primary>
-	<secondary>quotas</secondary>
-      </indexterm>
-      <indexterm>
-	<primary>disk quotas</primary>
-      </indexterm>
-      <para>Disk quotas limit the amount of disk space available to
-	users and provide a way to quickly check that usage without
-	calculating it every time.  Quotas are discussed in
-	<xref linkend="quotas"/>.</para>
-      <para>The other resource limits include ways to limit the amount
-	of CPU, memory, and other resources a user may consume.  These
-	are defined using login classes and are discussed here.</para>
-      <indexterm>
-	<primary><filename>/etc/login.conf</filename></primary>
-      </indexterm>
-      <para>Login classes are defined in
-	<filename>/etc/login.conf</filename> and are described in
-	detail in &man.login.conf.5;.  Each user account is assigned
-	to a login class, <literal>default</literal> by default, and
-	each login class has a set of login capabilities associated
-	with it.  A login capability is a
-	<literal><replaceable>name</replaceable>=<replaceable>value</replaceable></literal>
-	pair, where <replaceable>name</replaceable> is a well-known
-	identifier and <replaceable>value</replaceable> is an
-	arbitrary string which is processed accordingly depending on
-	the <replaceable>name</replaceable>.  Setting up login classes
-	and capabilities is rather straightforward and is also
-	described in &man.login.conf.5;.</para>
-      <note>
-	<para>&os; does not normally read the configuration in
-	  <filename>/etc/login.conf</filename> directly, but instead
-	  reads the <filename>/etc/login.conf.db</filename> database
-	  which provides faster lookups.  Whenever
-	  <filename>/etc/login.conf</filename> is edited, the
-	  <filename>/etc/login.conf.db</filename> must be updated by
-	  executing the following command:</para>
-	<screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>cap_mkdb /etc/login.conf</userinput></screen>
-      </note>
-      <para>Resource limits differ from the default login capabilities
-	in two ways.  First, for every limit, there is a soft
-	(current) and hard limit.  A soft limit may be adjusted by the
-	user or application, but may not be set higher than the hard
-	limit.  The hard limit may be lowered by the user, but can
-	only be raised by the superuser.  Second, most resource limits
-	apply per process to a specific user, not to the user as a
-	whole.  These differences are mandated by the specific
-	handling of the limits, not by the implementation of the login
-	capability framework.</para>
-      <para>Below are the most commonly used resource limits.  The
-	rest of the limits, along with all the other login
-	capabilities, can be found in &man.login.conf.5;.</para>
-      <variablelist>
-	<varlistentry>
-	  <term><literal>coredumpsize</literal></term>
-	  <listitem>
-	    <para>The limit on the size of a core file
-	      <indexterm>
-		<primary>coredumpsize</primary>
-	      </indexterm>
-	      generated by a program is subordinate to other limits
-	      <indexterm>
-		<primary>limiting users</primary>
-		<secondary>coredumpsize</secondary>
-	      </indexterm>
-	      on disk usage, such as <literal>filesize</literal>, or
-	      disk quotas.  This limit is often used as a less-severe
-	      method of controlling disk space consumption.  Since
-	      users do not generate core files themselves, and often
-	      do not delete them, setting this may save them from
-	      running out of disk space should a large program
-	      crash.</para>
-	  </listitem>
-	</varlistentry>
-	<varlistentry>
-	  <term><literal>cputime</literal></term>
-	  <listitem>
-	    <para>The maximum amount of CPU
-	      <indexterm>
-		<primary>cputime</primary>
-	      </indexterm>
-	      <indexterm>
-		<primary>limiting users</primary>
-		<secondary>cputime</secondary>
-	      </indexterm>
-	      time a user's process may consume.  Offending processes
-	      will be killed by the kernel.</para>
-	    <note>
-	      <para>This is a limit on CPU <emphasis>time</emphasis>
-		consumed, not percentage of the CPU as displayed in
-		some fields by &; and &;.</para>
-	    </note>
-	  </listitem>
-	</varlistentry>
-	<varlistentry>
-	  <term><literal>filesize</literal></term>
-	  <listitem>
-	    <para>The maximum size of a file
-	      <indexterm>
-		<primary>filesize</primary>
-	      </indexterm>
-	      <indexterm>
-		<primary>limiting users</primary>
-		<secondary>filesize</secondary>
-	      </indexterm>
-	      the user may own.  Unlike
-	      <link linkend="quotas">disk quotas</link>, this limit is
-	      enforced on individual files, not the set of all files a
-	      user owns.</para>
-	  </listitem>
-	</varlistentry>
-	<varlistentry>
-	  <term><literal>maxproc</literal></term>
-	  <listitem>
-	    <para>The maximum number of processes
-	      <indexterm>
-		<primary>maxproc</primary>
-	      </indexterm>
-	      <indexterm>
-		<primary>limiting users</primary>
-		<secondary>maxproc</secondary>
-	      </indexterm>
-	      a user can run.  This includes foreground and background
-	      processes.  This limit may not be larger than the system
-	      limit specified by the <varname>kern.maxproc</varname>
-	      &man.sysctl.8;.  Setting this limit too small may hinder
-	      a user's productivity as it is often useful to be logged
-	      in multiple times or to execute pipelines.  Some tasks,
-	      such as compiling a large program, start lots of
-	      processes.</para>
-	  </listitem>
-	</varlistentry>
-	<varlistentry>
-	  <term><literal>memorylocked</literal></term>
-	  <listitem>
-	    <para>The maximum amount of memory
-	      <indexterm>
-		<primary>memorylocked</primary>
-	      </indexterm>
-	      <indexterm>
-		<primary>limiting users</primary>
-		<secondary>memorylocked</secondary>
-	      </indexterm>
-	      a process may request to be locked into main memory
-	      using &man.mlock.2;.  Some system-critical programs,
-	      such as &man.amd.8;, lock into main memory so that if
-	      the system begins to swap, they do not contribute to
-	      disk thrashing.</para>
-	  </listitem>
-	</varlistentry>
-	<varlistentry>
-	  <term><literal>memoryuse</literal></term>
-	  <listitem>
-	    <para>The maximum amount of memory
-	      <indexterm>
-		<primary>memoryuse</primary>
-	      </indexterm>
-	      <indexterm>
-		<primary>limiting users</primary>
-		<secondary>memoryuse</secondary>
-	      </indexterm>
-	      a process may consume at any given time.  It includes
-	      both core memory and swap usage.  This is not a
-	      catch-all limit for restricting memory consumption, but
-	      is a good start.</para>
-	  </listitem>
-	</varlistentry>
-	<varlistentry>
-	  <term><literal>openfiles</literal></term>
-	  <listitem>
-	    <para>The maximum number of files a process may have open
-	      <indexterm>
-		<primary>openfiles</primary>
-	      </indexterm>
-	      <indexterm>
-		<primary>limiting users</primary>
-		<secondary>openfiles</secondary>
-	      </indexterm>.
-	      In &os;, files are used to represent sockets and IPC
-	      channels, so be careful not to set this too low.  The
-	      system-wide limit for this is defined by the
-	      <varname>kern.maxfiles</varname> &man.sysctl.8;.</para>
-	  </listitem>
-	</varlistentry>
-	<varlistentry>
-	  <term><literal>sbsize</literal></term>
-	  <listitem>
-	    <para>The limit on the amount of network memory, and
-	      thus mbufs
-	      <indexterm>
-		<primary>sbsize</primary>
-	      </indexterm>
-	      <indexterm>
-		<primary>limiting users</primary>
-		<secondary>sbsize</secondary>
-	      </indexterm>,
-	      a user may consume.  This can be generally used to limit
-	      network communications.</para>
-	  </listitem>
-	</varlistentry>
-	<varlistentry>
-	  <term><literal>stacksize</literal></term>
-	  <listitem>
-	    <para>The maximum size of a process stack
-	      <indexterm>
-		<primary>stacksize</primary>
-	      </indexterm>
-	      <indexterm>
-		<primary>limiting users</primary>
-		<secondary>stacksize</secondary>
-	      </indexterm>.
-	      This alone is not sufficient to limit the amount of
-	      memory a program may use so it should be used in
-	      conjunction with other limits.</para>
-	  </listitem>
-	</varlistentry>
-      </variablelist>
-      <para>There are a few other things to remember when setting
-	resource limits.  Following are some general tips,
-	suggestions, and miscellaneous comments.</para>
-      <itemizedlist>
-	<listitem>
-	  <para>Processes started at system startup by
-	    <filename>/etc/rc</filename> are assigned to the
-	    <literal>daemon</literal> login class.</para>
-	</listitem>
-	<listitem>
-	  <para>Although the <filename>/etc/login.conf</filename> that
-	    comes with the system is a good source of reasonable
-	    values for most limits, they may not be appropriate for
-	    every system.  Setting a limit too high may open the
-	    system up to abuse, while setting it too low may put a
-	    strain on productivity.</para>
-	</listitem>
-	<listitem>
-	  <para>Users of <application>&xorg;</application> should
-	    probably be granted more resources than other users.
-	    <application>&xorg;</application> by itself takes a lot of
-	    resources, but it also encourages users to run more
-	    programs simultaneously.</para>
-	</listitem>
-	<listitem>
-	  <para>Many limits apply to individual processes, not the
-	    user as a whole.  For example, setting
-	    <varname>openfiles</varname> to 50 means that each process
-	    the user runs may open up to 50 files.  The total amount
-	    of files a user may open is the value of
-	    <literal>openfiles</literal> multiplied by the value of
-	    <literal>maxproc</literal>.  This also applies to memory
-	    consumption.</para>
-	</listitem>
-      </itemizedlist>
-      <para>For further information on resource limits and login
-	classes and capabilities in general, refer to
-	&man.cap.mkdb.1;, &man.getrlimit.2;, and
-	&man.login.conf.5;.</para>
-    </sect2>
     <sect2 xml:id="users-groups">
       <title>Managing Groups</title>

Modified: head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/security/chapter.xml
--- head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/security/chapter.xml	Wed Apr 30 10:53:40 2014	(r44717)
+++ head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/security/chapter.xml	Wed Apr 30 14:45:09 2014	(r44718)
@@ -90,8 +90,8 @@
-	<para>Understand the resource limits database and how to
-	  utilize it to control user resources.</para>
+	<para>How to control user resources using login classes or the
+	  resource limits database.</para>
@@ -3539,6 +3539,320 @@ UWWemqWuz3lAZuORQ9KX
       and to set rules on system initialization using a configuration
+    <para>This section demonstrates both methods for controlling
+      resources.</para>
+    <sect2 xml:id="users-limiting">
+      <title>Login Classes</title>
+      <indexterm>
+	<primary>limiting users</primary>
+      </indexterm>
+      <indexterm>
+	<primary>accounts</primary>
+	<secondary>limiting</secondary>
+      </indexterm>
+      <para>&os; provides several methods for an administrator to
+	limit the amount of system resources an individual may use.
+	These limits are discussed in two sections: disk quotas and
+	other resource limits.</para>
+      <indexterm>
+	<primary>quotas</primary>
+      </indexterm>
+      <indexterm>
+	<primary>limiting users</primary>
+	<secondary>quotas</secondary>
+      </indexterm>
+      <indexterm>
+	<primary>disk quotas</primary>
+      </indexterm>
+      <para>Disk quotas limit the amount of disk space available to
+	users and provide a way to quickly check that usage without
+	calculating it every time.  Quotas are discussed in
+	<xref linkend="quotas"/>.</para>
+      <para>The other resource limits include ways to limit the amount
+	of CPU, memory, and other resources a user may consume.  These
+	are defined using login classes and are discussed here.</para>
+      <indexterm>
+	<primary><filename>/etc/login.conf</filename></primary>
+      </indexterm>
+      <para>Login classes are defined in
+	<filename>/etc/login.conf</filename> and are described in
+	detail in &man.login.conf.5;.  Each user account is assigned
+	to a login class, <literal>default</literal> by default, and
+	each login class has a set of login capabilities associated
+	with it.  A login capability is a
+	<literal><replaceable>name</replaceable>=<replaceable>value</replaceable></literal>
+	pair, where <replaceable>name</replaceable> is a well-known
+	identifier and <replaceable>value</replaceable> is an
+	arbitrary string which is processed accordingly depending on
+	the <replaceable>name</replaceable>.  Setting up login classes
+	and capabilities is rather straightforward and is also
+	described in &man.login.conf.5;.</para>
+      <note>
+	<para>&os; does not normally read the configuration in
+	  <filename>/etc/login.conf</filename> directly, but instead
+	  reads the <filename>/etc/login.conf.db</filename> database
+	  which provides faster lookups.  Whenever
+	  <filename>/etc/login.conf</filename> is edited, the
+	  <filename>/etc/login.conf.db</filename> must be updated by
+	  executing the following command:</para>
+	<screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>cap_mkdb /etc/login.conf</userinput></screen>
+      </note>
+      <para>Resource limits differ from the default login capabilities
+	in two ways.  First, for every limit, there is a soft
+	(current) and hard limit.  A soft limit may be adjusted by the
+	user or application, but may not be set higher than the hard
+	limit.  The hard limit may be lowered by the user, but can
+	only be raised by the superuser.  Second, most resource limits
+	apply per process to a specific user, not to the user as a
+	whole.  These differences are mandated by the specific
+	handling of the limits, not by the implementation of the login
+	capability framework.</para>
+      <para>Below are the most commonly used resource limits.  The
+	rest of the limits, along with all the other login
+	capabilities, can be found in &man.login.conf.5;.</para>
+      <variablelist>
+	<varlistentry>
+	  <term><literal>coredumpsize</literal></term>
+	  <listitem>
+	    <para>The limit on the size of a core file
+	      <indexterm>
+		<primary>coredumpsize</primary>
+	      </indexterm>
+	      generated by a program is subordinate to other limits
+	      <indexterm>
+		<primary>limiting users</primary>
+		<secondary>coredumpsize</secondary>
+	      </indexterm>
+	      on disk usage, such as <literal>filesize</literal>, or
+	      disk quotas.  This limit is often used as a less-severe
+	      method of controlling disk space consumption.  Since
+	      users do not generate core files themselves, and often
+	      do not delete them, setting this may save them from
+	      running out of disk space should a large program
+	      crash.</para>
+	  </listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	  <term><literal>cputime</literal></term>
+	  <listitem>
+	    <para>The maximum amount of CPU
+	      <indexterm>
+		<primary>cputime</primary>
+	      </indexterm>
+	      <indexterm>
+		<primary>limiting users</primary>
+		<secondary>cputime</secondary>
+	      </indexterm>
+	      time a user's process may consume.  Offending processes
+	      will be killed by the kernel.</para>
+	    <note>
+	      <para>This is a limit on CPU <emphasis>time</emphasis>
+		consumed, not percentage of the CPU as displayed in
+		some fields by &; and &;.</para>
+	    </note>
+	  </listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	  <term><literal>filesize</literal></term>
+	  <listitem>
+	    <para>The maximum size of a file
+	      <indexterm>
+		<primary>filesize</primary>
+	      </indexterm>
+	      <indexterm>
+		<primary>limiting users</primary>
+		<secondary>filesize</secondary>
+	      </indexterm>
+	      the user may own.  Unlike
+	      <link linkend="quotas">disk quotas</link>, this limit is
+	      enforced on individual files, not the set of all files a
+	      user owns.</para>
+	  </listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	  <term><literal>maxproc</literal></term>
+	  <listitem>
+	    <para>The maximum number of processes
+	      <indexterm>
+		<primary>maxproc</primary>
+	      </indexterm>
+	      <indexterm>
+		<primary>limiting users</primary>
+		<secondary>maxproc</secondary>
+	      </indexterm>
+	      a user can run.  This includes foreground and background
+	      processes.  This limit may not be larger than the system
+	      limit specified by the <varname>kern.maxproc</varname>
+	      &man.sysctl.8;.  Setting this limit too small may hinder
+	      a user's productivity as it is often useful to be logged
+	      in multiple times or to execute pipelines.  Some tasks,
+	      such as compiling a large program, start lots of
+	      processes.</para>
+	  </listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	  <term><literal>memorylocked</literal></term>
+	  <listitem>
+	    <para>The maximum amount of memory
+	      <indexterm>
+		<primary>memorylocked</primary>
+	      </indexterm>
+	      <indexterm>
+		<primary>limiting users</primary>
+		<secondary>memorylocked</secondary>
+	      </indexterm>
+	      a process may request to be locked into main memory
+	      using &man.mlock.2;.  Some system-critical programs,
+	      such as &man.amd.8;, lock into main memory so that if
+	      the system begins to swap, they do not contribute to
+	      disk thrashing.</para>
+	  </listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	  <term><literal>memoryuse</literal></term>
+	  <listitem>
+	    <para>The maximum amount of memory
+	      <indexterm>
+		<primary>memoryuse</primary>
+	      </indexterm>
+	      <indexterm>
+		<primary>limiting users</primary>
+		<secondary>memoryuse</secondary>
+	      </indexterm>
+	      a process may consume at any given time.  It includes
+	      both core memory and swap usage.  This is not a
+	      catch-all limit for restricting memory consumption, but
+	      is a good start.</para>
+	  </listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	  <term><literal>openfiles</literal></term>
+	  <listitem>
+	    <para>The maximum number of files a process may have open
+	      <indexterm>
+		<primary>openfiles</primary>
+	      </indexterm>
+	      <indexterm>
+		<primary>limiting users</primary>
+		<secondary>openfiles</secondary>
+	      </indexterm>.
+	      In &os;, files are used to represent sockets and IPC
+	      channels, so be careful not to set this too low.  The
+	      system-wide limit for this is defined by the
+	      <varname>kern.maxfiles</varname> &man.sysctl.8;.</para>
+	  </listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	  <term><literal>sbsize</literal></term>
+	  <listitem>
+	    <para>The limit on the amount of network memory, and
+	      thus mbufs
+	      <indexterm>
+		<primary>sbsize</primary>
+	      </indexterm>
+	      <indexterm>
+		<primary>limiting users</primary>
+		<secondary>sbsize</secondary>
+	      </indexterm>,
+	      a user may consume.  This can be generally used to limit
+	      network communications.</para>
+	  </listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry>
+	  <term><literal>stacksize</literal></term>
+	  <listitem>
+	    <para>The maximum size of a process stack
+	      <indexterm>
+		<primary>stacksize</primary>
+	      </indexterm>
+	      <indexterm>
+		<primary>limiting users</primary>
+		<secondary>stacksize</secondary>
+	      </indexterm>.
+	      This alone is not sufficient to limit the amount of
+	      memory a program may use so it should be used in
+	      conjunction with other limits.</para>
+	  </listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+      </variablelist>
+      <para>There are a few other things to remember when setting
+	resource limits.  Following are some general tips,
+	suggestions, and miscellaneous comments.</para>
+      <itemizedlist>
+	<listitem>
+	  <para>Processes started at system startup by
+	    <filename>/etc/rc</filename> are assigned to the
+	    <literal>daemon</literal> login class.</para>
+	</listitem>
+	<listitem>
+	  <para>Although the <filename>/etc/login.conf</filename> that
+	    comes with the system is a good source of reasonable
+	    values for most limits, they may not be appropriate for
+	    every system.  Setting a limit too high may open the
+	    system up to abuse, while setting it too low may put a
+	    strain on productivity.</para>
+	</listitem>
+	<listitem>
+	  <para>Users of <application>&xorg;</application> should
+	    probably be granted more resources than other users.
+	    <application>&xorg;</application> by itself takes a lot of
+	    resources, but it also encourages users to run more
+	    programs simultaneously.</para>
+	</listitem>
+	<listitem>
+	  <para>Many limits apply to individual processes, not the
+	    user as a whole.  For example, setting
+	    <varname>openfiles</varname> to 50 means that each process
+	    the user runs may open up to 50 files.  The total amount
+	    of files a user may open is the value of
+	    <literal>openfiles</literal> multiplied by the value of
+	    <literal>maxproc</literal>.  This also applies to memory
+	    consumption.</para>
+	</listitem>
+      </itemizedlist>
+      <para>For further information on resource limits and login
+	classes and capabilities in general, refer to
+	&man.cap.mkdb.1;, &man.getrlimit.2;, and
+	&man.login.conf.5;.</para>
+    </sect2>
       <title>Enabling and Configuring Resource Limits</title>

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