svn commit: r44649 - head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/disks

Dru Lavigne dru at
Thu Apr 24 20:14:15 UTC 2014

Author: dru
Date: Thu Apr 24 20:14:14 2014
New Revision: 44649

  White space fix only. Translators can ignore.
  Sponsored by:	iXsystems


Modified: head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/disks/chapter.xml
--- head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/disks/chapter.xml	Thu Apr 24 19:51:56 2014	(r44648)
+++ head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/disks/chapter.xml	Thu Apr 24 20:14:14 2014	(r44649)
@@ -34,7 +34,8 @@
-	<para>How to grow the size of a disk's partition on &os;.</para>
+	<para>How to grow the size of a disk's partition on
+	  &os;.</para>
@@ -53,8 +54,7 @@
-	<para>How to set up memory
-	  disks.</para>
+	<para>How to set up memory disks.</para>
@@ -72,7 +72,8 @@
-	<para>How to configure a highly available storage network.</para>
+	<para>How to configure a highly available storage
+	  network.</para>
@@ -635,14 +636,14 @@ da0: <STECH Simple Drive 1.04> s/n
-    <para>Compact Disc (<acronym>CD</acronym>) media provide a number of features
-      that differentiate them from conventional disks.  They are
-      designed so that they can be read continuously without delays to
-      move the head between tracks.  While <acronym>CD</acronym> media
-      do have tracks, these refer to a section of data to be read
-      continuously, and not a physical property of the disk.  The
-      <acronym>ISO</acronym> 9660 file system was designed to deal
-      with these differences.</para>
+    <para>Compact Disc (<acronym>CD</acronym>) media provide a number
+      of features that differentiate them from conventional disks.
+      They are designed so that they can be read continuously without
+      delays to move the head between tracks.  While
+      <acronym>CD</acronym> media do have tracks, these refer to a
+      section of data to be read continuously, and not a physical
+      property of the disk.  The <acronym>ISO</acronym> 9660 file
+      system was designed to deal with these differences.</para>
@@ -658,10 +659,10 @@ da0: <STECH Simple Drive 1.04> s/n
     <para>The &os; Ports Collection provides several utilities for
       burning and duplicating audio and data <acronym>CD</acronym>s.
-      This chapter demonstrates the
-      use of several command line utilities.  For
-      <acronym>CD</acronym> burning software with a graphical utility,
-      consider installing the <package>sysutils/xcdroast</package> or
+      This chapter demonstrates the use of several command line
+      utilities.  For <acronym>CD</acronym> burning software with a
+      graphical utility, consider installing the
+      <package>sysutils/xcdroast</package> or
       <package>sysutils/k3b</package> packages or ports.</para>
     <sect2 xml:id="atapicam">
@@ -775,9 +776,9 @@ cd0: Attempt to query device size failed
       <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>cdrecord <replaceable>dev=device</replaceable> <replaceable>imagefile.iso</replaceable></userinput></screen>
-      <para>To determine the device name of the burner,
-	use <option>-scanbus</option> which might produce
-	results like this:</para>
+      <para>To determine the device name of the burner, use
+	<option>-scanbus</option> which might produce results like
+	this:</para>
@@ -805,40 +806,42 @@ scsibus1:
         1,6,0   106) 'ARTEC   ' 'AM12S           ' '1.06' Scanner
         1,7,0   107) *</screen>
-      <para>Locate the entry for the <acronym>CD</acronym>
-	burner and use the three numbers separated by commas as the
-	value for <option>dev</option>.  In this case, the Yamaha burner device
-	is <literal>1,5,0</literal>, so the appropriate input to specify that device is
-	<option>dev=1,5,0</option>.  Refer to the manual page for <command>cdrecord</command> for
-	other ways to specify this value and for information on
-	writing audio tracks and controlling the write speed.</para>
-      <para>Alternately, run the following
-	command to get the device address of the
-	burner:</para>
+      <para>Locate the entry for the <acronym>CD</acronym> burner and
+	use the three numbers separated by commas as the value for
+	<option>dev</option>.  In this case, the Yamaha burner device
+	is <literal>1,5,0</literal>, so the appropriate input to
+	specify that device is <option>dev=1,5,0</option>.  Refer to
+	the manual page for <command>cdrecord</command> for other ways
+	to specify this value and for information on writing audio
+	tracks and controlling the write speed.</para>
+      <para>Alternately, run the following command to get the device
+	address of the burner:</para>
       <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>camcontrol devlist</userinput>
 <MATSHITA CDRW/DVD UJDA740 1.00>   at scbus1 target 0 lun 0 (cd0,pass0)</screen>
       <para>Use the numeric values for <literal>scbus</literal>,
 	<literal>target</literal>, and <literal>lun</literal>.  For
-	this example, <literal>1,0,0</literal> is the
-	device name to use.</para>
+	this example, <literal>1,0,0</literal> is the device name to
+	use.</para>
     <sect2 xml:id="mkisofs">
-      <title>Writing Data to an <acronym>ISO</acronym> File System</title>
+      <title>Writing Data to an <acronym>ISO</acronym> File
+	System</title>
       <para>In order to produce a data <acronym>CD</acronym>, the data
 	files that are going to make up the tracks on the
-	<acronym>CD</acronym> must be prepared before they can be burned to the
-	<acronym>CD</acronym>.  In &os;,
+	<acronym>CD</acronym> must be prepared before they can be
+	burned to the <acronym>CD</acronym>.  In &os;,
 	<package>sysutils/cdrtools</package> installs
-	<command>mkisofs</command>, which can be used to produce an <acronym>ISO</acronym> 9660 file
-	system that is an image of a directory tree within a &unix; file
-	system.  The simplest usage is to specify the name of the
-	<acronym>ISO</acronym> file to create and the path to the files
-	to place into the <acronym>ISO</acronym> 9660 file system:</para>
+	<command>mkisofs</command>, which can be used to produce an
+	<acronym>ISO</acronym> 9660 file system that is an image of a
+	directory tree within a &unix; file system.  The simplest
+	usage is to specify the name of the <acronym>ISO</acronym>
+	file to create and the path to the files to place into the
+	<acronym>ISO</acronym> 9660 file system:</para>
       <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>mkisofs -o <replaceable>imagefile.iso</replaceable> <replaceable>/path/to/tree</replaceable></userinput></screen>
@@ -847,27 +850,29 @@ scsibus1:
 	<secondary>ISO 9660</secondary>
-      <para>This command
-	maps the file names in the specified path to names that fit the limitations of
-	the standard <acronym>ISO</acronym> 9660 file system, and will exclude files that
-	do not meet the standard for <acronym>ISO</acronym> file systems.</para>
+      <para>This command maps the file names in the specified path to
+	names that fit the limitations of the standard
+	<acronym>ISO</acronym> 9660 file system, and will exclude
+	files that do not meet the standard for <acronym>ISO</acronym>
+	file systems.</para>
 	<primary>file systems</primary>
       <para>A number of options are available to overcome the
-	restrictions imposed by the standard.  In particular, <option>-R</option> enables the
-	Rock Ridge extensions common to &unix; systems and
-	<option>-J</option> enables Joliet extensions used by
-	Microsoft systems.</para>
+	restrictions imposed by the standard.  In particular,
+	<option>-R</option> enables the Rock Ridge extensions common
+	to &unix; systems and <option>-J</option> enables Joliet
+	extensions used by Microsoft systems.</para>
       <para>For <acronym>CD</acronym>s that are going to be used only
 	on &os; systems, <option>-U</option> can be used to disable
 	all filename restrictions.  When used with
 	<option>-R</option>, it produces a file system image that is
-	identical to the specified &os; tree, even if it violates
-	the <acronym>ISO</acronym> 9660 standard.</para>
+	identical to the specified &os; tree, even if it violates the
+	<acronym>ISO</acronym> 9660 standard.</para>
@@ -880,22 +885,22 @@ scsibus1:
 	<acronym>CD</acronym>.  This option takes an argument which is
 	the path to a boot image from the top of the tree being
 	written to the <acronym>CD</acronym>.  By default,
-	<command>mkisofs</command> creates an <acronym>ISO</acronym> image in <quote>floppy disk
-	  emulation</quote> mode, and thus expects the boot image to
-	be exactly 1200, 1440 or 2880 KB in size.  Some boot
-	loaders, like the one used by the &os; distribution media, do
-	not use emulation mode.  In this case,
-	<option>-no-emul-boot</option> should be used.  So, if
-	<filename>/tmp/myboot</filename> holds a bootable &os; system
-	with the boot image in
+	<command>mkisofs</command> creates an <acronym>ISO</acronym>
+	image in <quote>floppy disk emulation</quote> mode, and thus
+	expects the boot image to be exactly 1200, 1440 or
+	2880 KB in size.  Some boot loaders, like the one used by
+	the &os; distribution media, do not use emulation mode.  In
+	this case, <option>-no-emul-boot</option> should be used.  So,
+	if <filename>/tmp/myboot</filename> holds a bootable &os;
+	system with the boot image in
 	<filename>/tmp/myboot/boot/cdboot</filename>, this command
 	would produce
       <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>mkisofs -R -no-emul-boot -b boot/cdboot -o /tmp/bootable.iso /tmp/myboot</userinput></screen>
-      <para>The resulting <acronym>ISO</acronym> image can be mounted as a memory disk
-	with:</para>
+      <para>The resulting <acronym>ISO</acronym> image can be mounted
+	as a memory disk with:</para>
       <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>mdconfig -a -t vnode -f /tmp/bootable.iso -u 0</userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>mount -t cd9660 /dev/md0 /mnt</userinput></screen>
@@ -904,23 +909,23 @@ scsibus1:
 	<filename>/tmp/myboot</filename> are identical.</para>
       <para>There are many other options available for
-	<command>mkisofs</command> to fine-tune its behavior.  Refer to
-	&man.mkisofs.8; for details.</para>
+	<command>mkisofs</command> to fine-tune its behavior.  Refer
+	to &man.mkisofs.8; for details.</para>
-	<para>It is possible to copy a data <acronym>CD</acronym> to an
-	image file that is functionally equivalent to the image file
-	created with <command>mkisofs</command>.  To do so, use
-	<filename>dd</filename> with the device name as the input file
-	and the name of the <acronym>ISO</acronym> to create as the
-	output file:</para>
+	<para>It is possible to copy a data <acronym>CD</acronym> to
+	  an image file that is functionally equivalent to the image
+	  file created with <command>mkisofs</command>.  To do so, use
+	  <filename>dd</filename> with the device name as the input
+	  file and the name of the <acronym>ISO</acronym> to create as
+	  the output file:</para>
 	<screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>dd if=/dev/<replaceable>cd0</replaceable> of=<replaceable>file.iso</replaceable> bs=2048</userinput></screen>
-      <para>The resulting image file can be burned to
-	<acronym>CD</acronym> as described in <xref
-	linkend="cdrecord"/>.</para>
-    </note>
+	<para>The resulting image file can be burned to
+	  <acronym>CD</acronym> as described in <xref
+	    linkend="cdrecord"/>.</para>
+      </note>
     <sect2 xml:id="mounting-cd">
@@ -933,14 +938,14 @@ scsibus1:
       <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>mount -t cd9660 <replaceable>/dev/cd0</replaceable> <replaceable>/mnt</replaceable></userinput></screen>
-      <para>Since <command>mount</command> assumes
-	that a file system is of type <literal>ufs</literal>, a
-	<errorname>Incorrect super block</errorname> error will occur
-	if <literal>-t cd9660</literal> is not included when mounting
-	a data <acronym>CD</acronym>.</para>
+      <para>Since <command>mount</command> assumes that a file system
+	is of type <literal>ufs</literal>, a <errorname>Incorrect
+	  super block</errorname> error will occur if <literal>-t
+	  cd9660</literal> is not included when mounting a data
+	<acronym>CD</acronym>.</para>
-      <para>While any data <acronym>CD</acronym> can
-	be mounted this way, disks with certain <acronym>ISO</acronym> 9660 extensions
+      <para>While any data <acronym>CD</acronym> can be mounted this
+	way, disks with certain <acronym>ISO</acronym> 9660 extensions
 	might behave oddly.  For example, Joliet disks store all
 	filenames in two-byte Unicode characters.  If some non-English
 	characters show up as question marks, specify the local
@@ -963,8 +968,8 @@ scsibus1:
       <para>Occasionally, <errorname>Device not configured</errorname>
 	will be displayed when trying to mount a data
 	<acronym>CD</acronym>.  This usually means that the
-	<acronym>CD</acronym> drive thinks that there is no disk
-	in the tray, or that the drive is not visible on the bus.  It
+	<acronym>CD</acronym> drive thinks that there is no disk in
+	the tray, or that the drive is not visible on the bus.  It
 	can take a couple of seconds for a <acronym>CD</acronym>
 	drive to realize that a media is present, so be
@@ -985,32 +990,35 @@ scsibus1:
 	drive every possible chance to answer the bus reset.</para>
-      <para>It is possible to burn a file directly to
-	<acronym>CD</acronym>, without creating an <acronym>ISO</acronym> 9660 file
-	system.  This is known as burning a raw data
-	<acronym>CD</acronym> and some people do this for backup purposes.</para>
-      <para>This type of disk can not be mounted as a normal data
-	<acronym>CD</acronym>.  In order to retrieve the data burned to such a
-	<acronym>CD</acronym>, the data must be read from the raw
-	device node.  For example, this command will extract a
-	compressed tar file located on the second <acronym>CD</acronym>
-	device into the current working directory:</para>
-      <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>tar xzvf /dev/<replaceable>cd1</replaceable></userinput></screen>
-      <para>  In order to mount a data
-	<acronym>CD</acronym>, the data must be written using
-	<command>mkisofs</command>.</para>
-    </note>
+	<para>It is possible to burn a file directly to
+	  <acronym>CD</acronym>, without creating an
+	  <acronym>ISO</acronym> 9660 file system.  This is known as
+	  burning a raw data <acronym>CD</acronym> and some people do
+	  this for backup purposes.</para>
+	<para>This type of disk can not be mounted as a normal data
+	  <acronym>CD</acronym>.  In order to retrieve the data burned
+	  to such a <acronym>CD</acronym>, the data must be read from
+	  the raw device node.  For example, this command will extract
+	  a compressed tar file located on the second
+	  <acronym>CD</acronym> device into the current working
+	  directory:</para>
+	<screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>tar xzvf /dev/<replaceable>cd1</replaceable></userinput></screen>
+	<para>  In order to mount a data <acronym>CD</acronym>, the
+	  data must be written using
+	  <command>mkisofs</command>.</para>
+      </note>
     <sect2 xml:id="duplicating-audiocds">
       <title>Duplicating Audio <acronym>CD</acronym>s</title>
       <para>To duplicate an audio <acronym>CD</acronym>, extract the
 	audio data from the <acronym>CD</acronym> to a series of
 	files, then write these files to a blank
-	<acronym>CD</acronym>.</para>  
+	<acronym>CD</acronym>.</para>
       <para><xref linkend="using-cdrecord"/> describes how to
 	duplicate and burn an audio <acronym>CD</acronym>.  If the
@@ -1026,11 +1034,11 @@ scsibus1:
 	  <para>The <package>sysutils/cdrecord</package> package or
 	    port installs <command>cdda2wav</command>.  This command
 	    can be used to extract all of the audio tracks, with each
-	    track written to a separate <acronym>WAV</acronym>
-	    file in the current working directory:</para>
+	    track written to a separate <acronym>WAV</acronym> file in
+	    the current working directory:</para>
 	  <screen>&prompt.user; <userinput>cdda2wav -vall -B -Owav</userinput></screen>
 	  <para>A device name does not need to be specified if there
 	    is only one <acronym>CD</acronym> device on the system.
 	    Refer to the <command>cdda2wav</command> manual page for
@@ -1049,7 +1057,7 @@ scsibus1:
-    </sect2>    
+    </sect2>
   <sect1 xml:id="creating-dvds">
@@ -1988,19 +1996,19 @@ scsibus1:
-    <para>In addition to physical disks, &os; also supports
-      the creation and use of memory disks.  One possible use for a
+    <para>In addition to physical disks, &os; also supports the
+      creation and use of memory disks.  One possible use for a
       memory disk is to access the contents of an
       <acronym>ISO</acronym> file system without the overhead of first
       burning it to a <acronym>CD</acronym> or <acronym>DVD</acronym>,
       then mounting the <acronym>CD/DVD</acronym> media.</para>
-     <para>In &os;, the  &; driver is used to provide support
-	for memory disks.  The <filename>GENERIC</filename> kernel
-	includes this driver.  When using a custom kernel
-	configuration file, ensure it includes this line:</para>
-      <programlisting>device md</programlisting>
+    <para>In &os;, the  &; driver is used to provide support
+      for memory disks.  The <filename>GENERIC</filename> kernel
+      includes this driver.  When using a custom kernel configuration
+      file, ensure it includes this line:</para>
+    <programlisting>device md</programlisting>
     <sect2 xml:id="disks-mdconfig">
       <title>Attaching and Detaching Existing Images</title>
@@ -2020,26 +2028,26 @@ scsibus1:
 	<filename>/dev/md0</filename> then mounts that memory device
 	on <filename>/mnt</filename>:</para>
-	<screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>mdconfig -f <replaceable>diskimage.iso</replaceable> -u <replaceable>0</replaceable></userinput>
+      <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>mdconfig -f <replaceable>diskimage.iso</replaceable> -u <replaceable>0</replaceable></userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>mount /dev/md<replaceable>0</replaceable> <replaceable>/mnt</replaceable></userinput></screen>
       <para>If a unit number is not specified with
 	<option>-u</option>, <command>mdconfig</command> will
 	automatically allocate an unused memory device and output
-	the name of the allocated unit, such
-	as <filename>md4</filename>.  Refer to &man.mdconfig.8;
-	for more details about this command and its options.</para>
+	the name of the allocated unit, such as
+	<filename>md4</filename>.  Refer to &man.mdconfig.8; for more
+	details about this command and its options.</para>
 	<secondary>detaching a memory disk</secondary>
-      <para>When a memory disk is no
-	longer in use, its resources should be released back to
-	the system.  First, unmount the file system, then use
-	<command>mdconfig</command> to detach the disk from the system and
-	release its resources.  To continue this example:</para>
+      <para>When a memory disk is no longer in use, its resources
+	should be released back to the system.  First, unmount the
+	file system, then use <command>mdconfig</command> to detach
+	the disk from the system and release its resources.  To
+	continue this example:</para>
       <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>umount /mnt</userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>mdconfig -d -u <replaceable>0</replaceable></userinput></screen>
@@ -2070,7 +2078,7 @@ scsibus1:
 	the <acronym>UFS</acronym> file system before it is
-	<screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>mdconfig -a -t swap -s <replaceable>5</replaceable>m -u <replaceable>1</replaceable></userinput>
+      <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>mdconfig -a -t swap -s <replaceable>5</replaceable>m -u <replaceable>1</replaceable></userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>newfs -U md<replaceable>1</replaceable></userinput>
 /dev/md1: 5.0MB (10240 sectors) block size 16384, fragment size 2048
         using 4 cylinder groups of 1.27MB, 81 blks, 192 inodes.
@@ -2082,12 +2090,11 @@ super-block backups (for fsck -b #) at:
 Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Avail Capacity  Mounted on
 /dev/md1        4718    4  4338     0%    /mnt</screen>
-      <para>
-	To create a new file-backed memory disk, first allocate an
+      <para>To create a new file-backed memory disk, first allocate an
 	area of disk to use.  This example creates an empty 5K file
 	named <filename>newimage</filename>:</para>
-	<screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>dd if=/dev/zero of=<replaceable>newimage</replaceable> bs=1k count=<replaceable>5</replaceable>k</userinput>
+      <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>dd if=/dev/zero of=<replaceable>newimage</replaceable> bs=1k count=<replaceable>5</replaceable>k</userinput>
 5120+0 records in
 5120+0 records out</screen>
@@ -2095,7 +2102,7 @@ Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Avail Capacity
 	disk and format it with the <acronym>UFS</acronym> file
 	system, mount the memory disk, and verify the size of the
 	file-backed disk:</para>
       <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>mdconfig -f <replaceable>newimage</replaceable> -u <replaceable>0</replaceable></userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>bsdlabel -w md<replaceable>0</replaceable> auto</userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>newfs md<replaceable>0</replaceable>a</userinput>
@@ -2108,28 +2115,28 @@ super-block backups (for fsck -b #) at:
 Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Avail Capacity  Mounted on
 /dev/md0a       4710    4  4330     0%    /mnt</screen>
-      <para>It takes several commands to create a file- or memory-backed file
-	system using <command>mdconfig</command>.  &os; also
-	comes with <command>mdmfs</command> which automatically configures a
-	memory disk, formats it with the <acronym>UFS</acronym> file system,
-	and mounts it.  For example, after creating
-	<replaceable>newimage</replaceable> with
-	<command>dd</command>, this one command is equivalent to
+      <para>It takes several commands to create a file- or
+	memory-backed file system using <command>mdconfig</command>.
+	&os; also comes with <command>mdmfs</command> which
+	automatically configures a memory disk, formats it with the
+	<acronym>UFS</acronym> file system, and mounts it.  For
+	example, after creating <replaceable>newimage</replaceable>
+	with <command>dd</command>, this one command is equivalent to
 	running the <command>bsdlabel</command>,
 	<command>newfs</command>, and <command>mount</command>
 	commands shown above:</para>
-	<screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>mdmfs -F <replaceable>newimage</replaceable> -s <replaceable>5</replaceable>m md<replaceable>0</replaceable> <replaceable>/mnt</replaceable></userinput></screen>
+      <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>mdmfs -F <replaceable>newimage</replaceable> -s <replaceable>5</replaceable>m md<replaceable>0</replaceable> <replaceable>/mnt</replaceable></userinput></screen>
       <para>To instead create a new memory-based memory disk with
-	  <command>mdmfs</command>, use this one command:</para>
+	<command>mdmfs</command>, use this one command:</para>
+      <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>mdmfs -s <replaceable>5</replaceable>m md<replaceable>1</replaceable> <replaceable>/mnt</replaceable></userinput></screen>
-	<screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>mdmfs -s <replaceable>5</replaceable>m md<replaceable>1</replaceable> <replaceable>/mnt</replaceable></userinput></screen>
-       <para>If the unit number is not specified,
-	<command>mdmfs</command> will
-	automatically select an unused memory device.  For more details
-	about <command>mdmfs</command>, refer to &man.mdmfs.8;.</para>
+      <para>If the unit number is not specified,
+	<command>mdmfs</command> will automatically select an unused
+	memory device.  For more details about
+	<command>mdmfs</command>, refer to &man.mdmfs.8;.</para>

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