svn commit: r44643 - in head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books: faq handbook/disks

Dru Lavigne dru at
Thu Apr 24 13:49:23 UTC 2014

Author: dru
Date: Thu Apr 24 13:49:22 2014
New Revision: 44643

  Move raw data cds into Using Data cds section.
  Update reference in FAQ.
  Fix title names for 2 new references in FAQ.
  Still need to tech review the rest of this chapter and
  update the examples. More commits to come.
  Sponsored by:	iXsystems


Modified: head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/faq/book.xml
--- head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/faq/book.xml	Thu Apr 24 13:16:39 2014	(r44642)
+++ head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/faq/book.xml	Thu Apr 24 13:49:22 2014	(r44643)
@@ -3373,7 +3373,7 @@ C:\="DOS"</programlisting>
 	  <para>You most likely burned a raw file to your CD, rather
 	    than creating an ISO 9660 file system.  Take a look at
 	    the <link xlink:href="&url.books.handbook;/creating-cds.html">Handbook chapter on creating CD-ROMs</link>,
-	    particularly the section on <link xlink:href="&url.books.handbook;/creating-cds.html#rawdata-cd">burning raw data CDs</link>.</para>
+	    particularly the section on <link xlink:href="&url.books.handbook;/creating-cds.html#mounting-cd">Using Data <acronym>CD</acronym>s</link>.</para>
@@ -3383,7 +3383,7 @@ C:\="DOS"</programlisting>
-	  <para>This is discussed in the Handbook section on <link xlink:href="&url.books.handbook;/creating-cds.html#mkisofs">duplicating data CDs</link>.
+	  <para>This is discussed in the Handbook section on <link xlink:href="&url.books.handbook;/creating-cds.html#mkisofs">Writing Data to an <acronym>ISO</acronym> File System</link>.
 	    For more on working with CD-ROMs, see the <link xlink:href="&url.books.handbook;/creating-cds.html">Creating CDs Section</link>
 	    in the Storage chapter in the Handbook.</para>

Modified: head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/disks/chapter.xml
--- head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/disks/chapter.xml	Thu Apr 24 13:16:39 2014	(r44642)
+++ head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/disks/chapter.xml	Thu Apr 24 13:49:22 2014	(r44643)
@@ -914,92 +914,6 @@ scsibus1:
-    <sect2 xml:id="duplicating-audiocds">
-      <title>Duplicating Audio <acronym>CD</acronym>s</title>
-      <para>To duplicate an audio <acronym>CD</acronym>, extract the
-	audio data from the <acronym>CD</acronym> to a series of
-	files, then write these files to a blank
-	<acronym>CD</acronym>.  The process is slightly different for
-	<acronym>ATAPI</acronym> and <acronym>SCSI</acronym>
-	drives.</para>
-      <procedure>
-	<title><acronym>SCSI</acronym> Drives</title>
-	<step>
-	  <para>Use <command>cdda2wav</command> to extract the
-	    audio:</para>
-	  <screen>&prompt.user; <userinput>cdda2wav -vall -D2,0 -B -Owav</userinput></screen>
-	</step>
-	<step>
-	  <para>Use <command>cdrecord</command> to write the
-	    <filename>.wav</filename> files:</para>
-	  <screen>&prompt.user; <userinput>cdrecord -v dev=<replaceable>2,0</replaceable> -dao -useinfo  *.wav</userinput></screen>
-	  <para>Make sure that <replaceable>2,0</replaceable> is set
-	    appropriately, as described in <xref
-	      linkend="cdrecord"/>.</para>
-	</step>
-      </procedure>
-      <procedure>
-	<title><acronym>ATAPI</acronym> Drives</title>
-	<note>
-	  <para>With the help of the <link
-	      linkend="atapicam">ATAPI/CAM module</link>,
-	    <command>cdda2wav</command> can also be used on
-	    <acronym>ATAPI</acronym> drives.  This tool is usually a
-	    better choice for most of users, as it supports jitter
-	    correction and endianness, than the method proposed
-	    below.</para>
-	</note>
-	<step>
-	  <para>The <acronym>ATAPI</acronym> <acronym>CD</acronym>
-	    driver makes each track available as
-	    <filename>/dev/acd<replaceable>d</replaceable>t<replaceable>nn</replaceable></filename>,
-	    where <replaceable>d</replaceable> is the drive number,
-	    and <replaceable>nn</replaceable> is the track number
-	    written with two decimal digits, prefixed with zero as
-	    needed.  So the first track on the first disk is
-	    <filename>/dev/acd0t01</filename>, the second is
-	    <filename>/dev/acd0t02</filename>, the third is
-	    <filename>/dev/acd0t03</filename>, and so on.</para>
-	  <para>Make sure the appropriate files exist in
-	    <filename>/dev</filename>.  If the entries are missing,
-	    force the system to retaste the media:</para>
-	  <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>dd if=/dev/acd0 of=/dev/null count=1</userinput></screen>
-	</step>
-	<step>
-	  <para>Extract each track using &man.dd.1;, making sure to
-	    specify a block size when extracting the files:</para>
-	  <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>dd if=/dev/acd0t01 of=track1.cdr bs=2352</userinput>
-&prompt.root; <userinput>dd if=/dev/acd0t02 of=track2.cdr bs=2352</userinput>
-	</step>
-	<step>
-	  <para>Burn the extracted files to disk using
-	    <command>cdrecord</command>.  Specify that these are audio
-	    files, and that <command>cdrecord</command> should fixate
-	    the disk when finished:</para>
-Update example for cdrecord
-	  <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>burncd -f <replaceable>/dev/acd0</replaceable> audio track1.cdr track2.cdr <replaceable>...</replaceable> fixate</userinput></screen>
-	  -->
-	  </step>
-      </procedure>
-    </sect2>
     <sect2 xml:id="mounting-cd">
       <title>Using Data <acronym>CD</acronym>s</title>
@@ -1081,14 +995,12 @@ Update example for cdrecord
       <para>This tells the <acronym>SCSI</acronym> bus to pause 15
 	seconds during boot, to give the <acronym>CD-ROM</acronym>
 	drive every possible chance to answer the bus reset.</para>
-    </sect2>
-    <sect2 xml:id="rawdata-cd">
-      <title>Burning Raw Data CDs</title>
+      <note>
       <para>It is possible to burn a file directly to
 	<acronym>CD</acronym>, without creating an ISO 9660 file
-	system.  Some people do this for backup purposes.  This
+	system.  This is known as burning a raw data
+	<acronym>CD</acronym>. Some people do this for backup purposes.  This
 	command runs more quickly than burning a standard
@@ -1107,7 +1019,93 @@ Update example for cdrecord
 	<acronym>CD</acronym>, or to share the data with another
 	operating system, &man.mkisofs.8; must be used as described
+    </note>
+    <sect2 xml:id="duplicating-audiocds">
+      <title>Duplicating Audio <acronym>CD</acronym>s</title>
+      <para>To duplicate an audio <acronym>CD</acronym>, extract the
+	audio data from the <acronym>CD</acronym> to a series of
+	files, then write these files to a blank
+	<acronym>CD</acronym>.  The process is slightly different for
+	<acronym>ATAPI</acronym> and <acronym>SCSI</acronym>
+	drives.</para>
+      <procedure>
+	<title><acronym>SCSI</acronym> Drives</title>
+	<step>
+	  <para>Use <command>cdda2wav</command> to extract the
+	    audio:</para>
+	  <screen>&prompt.user; <userinput>cdda2wav -vall -D2,0 -B -Owav</userinput></screen>
+	</step>
+	<step>
+	  <para>Use <command>cdrecord</command> to write the
+	    <filename>.wav</filename> files:</para>
+	  <screen>&prompt.user; <userinput>cdrecord -v dev=<replaceable>2,0</replaceable> -dao -useinfo  *.wav</userinput></screen>
+	  <para>Make sure that <replaceable>2,0</replaceable> is set
+	    appropriately, as described in <xref
+	      linkend="cdrecord"/>.</para>
+	</step>
+      </procedure>
+      <procedure>
+	<title><acronym>ATAPI</acronym> Drives</title>
+	<note>
+	  <para>With the help of the <link
+	      linkend="atapicam">ATAPI/CAM module</link>,
+	    <command>cdda2wav</command> can also be used on
+	    <acronym>ATAPI</acronym> drives.  This tool is usually a
+	    better choice for most of users, as it supports jitter
+	    correction and endianness, than the method proposed
+	    below.</para>
+	</note>
+	<step>
+	  <para>The <acronym>ATAPI</acronym> <acronym>CD</acronym>
+	    driver makes each track available as
+	    <filename>/dev/acd<replaceable>d</replaceable>t<replaceable>nn</replaceable></filename>,
+	    where <replaceable>d</replaceable> is the drive number,
+	    and <replaceable>nn</replaceable> is the track number
+	    written with two decimal digits, prefixed with zero as
+	    needed.  So the first track on the first disk is
+	    <filename>/dev/acd0t01</filename>, the second is
+	    <filename>/dev/acd0t02</filename>, the third is
+	    <filename>/dev/acd0t03</filename>, and so on.</para>
+	  <para>Make sure the appropriate files exist in
+	    <filename>/dev</filename>.  If the entries are missing,
+	    force the system to retaste the media:</para>
+	  <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>dd if=/dev/acd0 of=/dev/null count=1</userinput></screen>
+	</step>
+	<step>
+	  <para>Extract each track using &man.dd.1;, making sure to
+	    specify a block size when extracting the files:</para>
+	  <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>dd if=/dev/acd0t01 of=track1.cdr bs=2352</userinput>
+&prompt.root; <userinput>dd if=/dev/acd0t02 of=track2.cdr bs=2352</userinput>
+	</step>
+	<step>
+	  <para>Burn the extracted files to disk using
+	    <command>cdrecord</command>.  Specify that these are audio
+	    files, and that <command>cdrecord</command> should fixate
+	    the disk when finished:</para>
+Update example for cdrecord
+	  <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>burncd -f <replaceable>/dev/acd0</replaceable> audio track1.cdr track2.cdr <replaceable>...</replaceable> fixate</userinput></screen>
+	  -->
+	  </step>
+      </procedure>
+    </sect2>    
   <sect1 xml:id="creating-dvds">

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