svn commit: r44611 - head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook/plist

Mathieu Arnold mat at
Sun Apr 20 09:50:21 UTC 2014

Author: mat (ports committer)
Date: Sun Apr 20 09:50:20 2014
New Revision: 44611

  Add a section about plist keywords.
  Reviewed by:	wblock, bcr
  Sponsored by:	Absolight


Modified: head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook/plist/chapter.xml
--- head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook/plist/chapter.xml	Fri Apr 18 22:13:32 2014	(r44610)
+++ head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook/plist/chapter.xml	Sun Apr 20 09:50:20 2014	(r44611)
@@ -304,4 +304,409 @@ etc/orbit.conf-dist
       the <link linkend="porting-shlibs">shared libraries</link>
+  <sect1 xml:id="plist-keywords">
+    <title>Expanding Package List with Keywords</title>
+    <sect2 xml:id="plist-keywords-fc">
+      <title><literal>@fc</literal>
+	<replaceable>directory</replaceable></title>
+      <para>Add a <literal>@dirrmtry</literal> entry for the
+	directory passed as an argument, and run <command>fc-cache
+	  -s</command> on that directory after installation and
+	deinstallation.</para>
+    </sect2>
+    <sect2 xml:id="plist-keywords-fcfontsdir">
+      <title><literal>@fcfontsdir</literal>
+	<replaceable>directory</replaceable></title>
+      <para>Add a <literal>@dirrmtry</literal> entry for the
+	directory passed as an argument, and run <command>fc-cache
+	  -s</command>, <command>mkfontscale</command> and
+	<command>mkfontdir</command> on that directory after
+	installation and deinstallation.  Additionally, on
+	deinstallation, it removes the
+	<filename>fonts.scale</filename> and
+	<filename>fonts.dir</filename> cache files if they are
+	empty.</para>
+    </sect2>
+    <sect2 xml:id="plist-keywords-fontsdir">
+      <title><literal>@fontsdir</literal>
+	<replaceable>directory</replaceable></title>
+      <para>Add a <literal>@dirrmtry</literal> entry for the
+	directory passed as an argument, and run
+	<command>mkfontscale</command> and
+	<command>mkfontdir</command> on that directory after
+	installation and deinstallation.  Additionally, on
+	deinstallation, it removes the
+	<filename>fonts.scale</filename> and
+	<filename>fonts.dir</filename> cache files if they are
+	empty.</para>
+    </sect2>
+    <sect2 xml:id="plist-keywords-info">
+      <title><literal>@info</literal>
+	<replaceable>file</replaceable></title>
+      <para>Add the file passed as argument to the plist, and updates
+	the info document index on installation and deinstallation.
+	Additionally, it removes the index if empty on
+	deinstallation.</para>
+    </sect2>
+    <sect2 xml:id="plist-keywords-sample">
+      <title><literal>@sample</literal>
+	<replaceable>file</replaceable></title>
+      <para>Add the file passed as argument to the plist.</para>
+      <para>On installation, check for a <quote>real</quote> file with
+	just the base name (the name without the
+	<filename>.sample</filename> extension).  If the real file is
+	not found, copy the sample file to the base file name.  On
+	deinstallation, remove the configuration file if it has not
+	been modified.  See <xref linkend="plist-config"/> for more
+	information.</para>
+    </sect2>
+    <sect2 xml:id="plist-keywords-base">
+      <title>Base Keywords</title>
+      <para>There are a few historic keywords that are hardcoded, and
+	documented in &man.pkg-create.8;.  For the sake of
+	completeness, they are also documented here.</para>
+      <sect3 xml:id="plist-keywords-base-cwd">
+	<title><literal>@cwd</literal>
+	  [<replaceable>directory</replaceable>]</title>
+	<para>Set the internal directory pointer to point to
+	  directory.  All subsequent filenames are assumed relative to
+	  this directory.</para>
+      </sect3>
+      <sect3 xml:id="plist-keywords-base-exec">
+	<title><literal>@exec</literal>
+	  <replaceable>command</replaceable> (deprecated)</title>
+	<para>Execute <replaceable>command</replaceable> as part of
+	  the unpacking process.  If command contains any of the
+	  following sequences somewhere in it, they are expanded
+	  inline.  For the following examples, assume that
+	  <literal>@cwd</literal> is set to <filename
+	    class="directory">/usr/local</filename> and the last
+	  extracted file was <filename>bin/emacs</filename>.</para>
+	<variablelist>
+	  <varlistentry>
+	    <term><literal>%F</literal></term>
+	    <listitem>
+	      <para>Expand to the last filename extracted (as
+		specified).  In the example case
+		<filename>bin/emacs</filename>.</para>
+	    </listitem>
+	  </varlistentry>
+	  <varlistentry>
+	    <term><literal>%D</literal></term>
+	    <listitem>
+	      <para>Expand to the current directory prefix, as set
+		with <literal>@cwd</literal>.  In the example case
+		<filename
+		  class="directory">/usr/local</filename>.</para>
+	    </listitem>
+	  </varlistentry>
+	  <varlistentry>
+	    <term><literal>%B</literal></term>
+	    <listitem>
+	      <para>Expand to the basename of the fully qualified
+		filename, that is, the current directory prefix plus
+		the last filespec, minus the trailing filename.  In
+		the example case, that would be <filename
+		  class="directory">/usr/local/bin</filename>.</para>
+	    </listitem>
+	  </varlistentry>
+	  <varlistentry>
+	    <term><literal>%f</literal></term>
+	    <listitem>
+	      <para>Expand to the filename part of the fully qualified
+		name, or the converse of <literal>%B</literal>.  In
+		the example case,
+		<filename>emacs</filename>.</para>
+	    </listitem>
+	  </varlistentry>
+	</variablelist>
+      </sect3>
+      <sect3 xml:id="plist-keywords-base-unexec">
+	<title><literal>@unexec</literal>
+	  <replaceable>command</replaceable> (deprecated)</title>
+	<para>Execute <replaceable>command</replaceable> as part of
+	  the deinstallation process.  Expansion of special
+	  <literal>%</literal> sequences is the same as for
+	  <literal>@exec</literal>.  This command is not executed
+	  during the package add, as <literal>@exec</literal> is, but
+	  rather when the package is deleted.  This is useful for
+	  deleting links and other ancillary files that were created
+	  as a result of adding the package, but not directly known to
+	  the package's table of contents (and hence not automatically
+	  removable).</para>
+      </sect3>
+      <sect3 xml:id="plist-keywords-base-mode">
+	<title><literal>@mode</literal>
+	  <replaceable>mode</replaceable></title>
+	<para>Set default permission for all subsequently extracted
+	  files to <replaceable>mode</replaceable>.  Format is the
+	  same as that used by &man.chmod.1;.  Use without an arg to
+	  set back to default permissions (mode of the file while
+	  being packed).</para>
+      </sect3>
+      <sect3 xml:id="plist-keywords-base-owner">
+	<title><literal>@owner</literal>
+	  <replaceable>user</replaceable></title>
+	<para>Set default ownership for all subsequent files to
+	  <replaceable>user</replaceable>.  Use without an argument to
+	  set back to default ownership (<systemitem
+	    class="username">root</systemitem>).</para>
+      </sect3>
+      <sect3 xml:id="plist-keywords-base-group">
+	<title><literal>@group</literal>
+	  <replaceable>group</replaceable></title>
+	<para>Set default group ownership for all subsequent files to
+	  <replaceable>group</replaceable>.  Use without an arg to set
+	  back to default group ownership (<systemitem
+	    class="groupname">wheel</systemitem>).</para>
+      </sect3>
+      <sect3 xml:id="plist-keywords-base-comment">
+	<title><literal>@comment</literal>
+	  <replaceable>string</replaceable></title>
+	<para>This line is ignored when packing.</para>
+      </sect3>
+      <sect3 xml:id="plist-keywords-base-dirrm">
+	<title><literal>@dirrm</literal>
+	  <replaceable>directory</replaceable></title>
+	<para>Declare directory name to be deleted at deinstall time.
+	  By default, directories created by a package installation
+	  are not deleted when the package is deinstalled.  This
+	  provides an explicit directory cleanup method.  These
+	  directives should appear at the end of the package list.  If
+	  the directory is not empty a warning is printed, and the
+	  directory is not removed.</para>
+      </sect3>
+      <sect3 xml:id="plist-keywords-base-dirrmtry">
+	<title><literal>@dirrmtry</literal>
+	  <replaceable>directory</replaceable></title>
+	<para>Declare directory name to be removed, as for
+	  <literal>@dirrm</literal>, but does not issue a warning if
+	  the directory cannot be removed.</para>
+      </sect3>
+    </sect2>
+    <sect2>
+      <title>Creating Your Own Keyword</title>
+      <para>Package list files can be extended by keywords that are
+	defined in the <filename
+	  class="directory">${PORTSDIR}/Keywords</filename> directory.
+	The settings for each keyword lives in a
+	<acronym>YAML</acronym> file named
+	<filename><replaceable>keyword</replaceable>.yaml</filename>.
+	The file must contain at least one of the following
+	sections:</para>
+      <variablelist>
+	<varlistentry xml:id="plist-keywords-attributes">
+	  <term><literal>attributes</literal></term>
+	  <listitem>
+	    <para>Changes the owner, group, or mode used by the
+	      keyword.  Contains an associative array where the
+	      possible keys are <literal>owner</literal>,
+	      <literal>group</literal>, and <literal>mode</literal>.
+	      The values are, respectively, a user name, a group name,
+	      and a file mode.  For example:</para>
+	    <programlisting>attributes: { owner: "games", group: "games", mode: 0555 }</programlisting>
+	  </listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry xml:id="plist-keywords-action">
+	  <term><literal>action</literal></term>
+	  <listitem>
+	    <para>Defines what happens to the keyword's parameter.
+	      Contains an array where the possible values are:</para>
+	    <variablelist>
+	      <varlistentry>
+		<term><literal>setprefix</literal></term>
+		<listitem>
+		  <para>Set the prefix for the next plist
+		    entries.</para>
+		</listitem>
+	      </varlistentry>
+	      <varlistentry>
+		<term><literal>dirrm</literal></term>
+		<listitem>
+		  <para>Register a directory to be deleted on
+		    deinstall.</para>
+		</listitem>
+	      </varlistentry>
+	      <varlistentry>
+		<term><literal>dirrmtry</literal></term>
+		<listitem>
+		  <para>Register a directory to try and deleted on
+		    deinstall.</para>
+		</listitem>
+	      </varlistentry>
+	      <varlistentry>
+		<term><literal>file</literal></term>
+		<listitem>
+		  <para>Register a file.</para>
+		</listitem>
+	      </varlistentry>
+	      <varlistentry>
+		<term><literal>setmode</literal></term>
+		<listitem>
+		  <para>Set the mode for the next plist
+		    entries.</para>
+		</listitem>
+	      </varlistentry>
+	      <varlistentry>
+		<term><literal>setowner</literal></term>
+		<listitem>
+		  <para>Set the owner for the next plist
+		    entries.</para>
+		</listitem>
+	      </varlistentry>
+	      <varlistentry>
+		<term><literal>setgroup</literal></term>
+		<listitem>
+		  <para>Set the group for the next plist
+		    entries.</para>
+		</listitem>
+	      </varlistentry>
+	      <varlistentry>
+		<term><literal>comment</literal></term>
+		<listitem>
+		  <para>Does not do anything, equivalent to not
+		    entering an <literal>action</literal>
+		    section.</para>
+		</listitem>
+	      </varlistentry>
+	      <varlistentry>
+		<term><literal>ignore_next</literal></term>
+		<listitem>
+		  <para>Ignore the next entry in the plist.</para>
+		</listitem>
+	      </varlistentry>
+	    </variablelist>
+	  </listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+	<varlistentry xml:id="plist-keywords-pre-post">
+	  <term><literal>pre-install</literal></term>
+	  <term><literal>post-install</literal></term>
+	  <term><literal>pre-deinstall</literal></term>
+	  <term><literal>post-deinstall</literal></term>
+	  <term><literal>pre-upgrade</literal></term>
+	  <term><literal>post-upgrade</literal></term>
+	  <listitem>
+	    <para>These keywords contains a &; script to be
+	      executed before or after installation, deinstallation,
+	      or upgrade of the package.  In addition to the usual
+	      <literal>@exec</literal>
+	      <literal>%<replaceable>foo</replaceable></literal>
+	      placeholders described in <xref
+		linkend="plist-keywords-base-exec"/>, there is a new
+	      one, <literal>%@</literal>, which represents the
+	      argument of the keyword.</para>
+	  </listitem>
+	</varlistentry>
+      </variablelist>
+      <example xml:id="plist-keywords-fc-example">
+	<title>Example of a <literal>@dirrmtryecho</literal>
+	  Keyword</title>
+	<para>This keyword does two things, it adds a
+	  <literal>@dirrmtry
+	    <replaceable>directory</replaceable></literal> line to the
+	  packing list, and echoes the fact that the directory is
+	  removed when deinstalling the package.</para>
+	<programlisting>actions: [dirrmtry]
+post-deinstall: |
+  echo "Directory %D/%@ removed."</programlisting>
+      </example>
+      <example xml:id="plist-keywords-sample-example">
+	<title>Real Life Example, How the <literal>@sample</literal>
+	  Could be Implemented</title>
+	<para>This keyword does three things, it adds the
+	  <replaceable>filename</replaceable> passed as an argument to
+	  <literal>@sample</literal> to the packing list, it adds to
+	  the <literal>post-install</literal> script instructions to
+	  copy the sample to the actual configuration file if it does
+	  not already exist, and it adds to the
+	  <literal>post-deinstall</literal> instructions to remove the
+	  configuration file if it has not been modified.</para>
+	<programlisting>actions: [file]
+post-install: |
+  sample_file="%D/%@"
+  target_file="${sample_file%.sample}"
+  if ! [ -f "${target_file}" ]; then
+    /bin/cp -p "${sample_file}" "${target_file}"
+  fi
+pre-deinstall: |
+  sample_file="%D/%@"
+  target_file="${sample_file%.sample}"
+  if cmp -s "${target_file}" "${sample_file}"; then
+    rm -f "${target_file}"
+  fi</programlisting>
+      </example>
+    </sect2>
+  </sect1>

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