svn commit: r44524 - head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/security

Benjamin Kaduk kaduk at MIT.EDU
Fri Apr 11 16:47:04 UTC 2014

On Thu, 10 Apr 2014, Dru Lavigne wrote:

> Modified: head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/security/chapter.xml
> ==============================================================================
> --- head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/security/chapter.xml	Thu Apr 10 20:15:39 2014	(r44523)
> +++ head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/security/chapter.xml	Thu Apr 10 20:37:05 2014	(r44524)
> +      <para>The first time <application>sshd</application> starts on a
> +	&os; system, the system's host keys will be automatically
> +	created and the fingerprint will be displayed on the console.
> +	Provide users with the fingerprint so that they can verify it
> +	the first time they connect to the server.</para>

I wonder if any readers will think that they need to save this fingerprint 
from the first startup (as if it would not be retrievable later).  On the 
other hand, talking about 'ssh-keygen -l -f 
/etc/ssh/' is not really appropriate here, I think.

I don't think this text necessarily has to change, though; it was just a 
thought that occurred to me.


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