svn commit: r44413 - head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/eresources

Warren Block wblock at
Tue Apr 1 22:56:00 UTC 2014

Author: wblock
Date: Tue Apr  1 22:55:59 2014
New Revision: 44413

  Whitespace-only fixes, translators please ignore.


Modified: head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/eresources/chapter.xml
--- head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/eresources/chapter.xml	Tue Apr  1 22:07:29 2014	(r44412)
+++ head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/eresources/chapter.xml	Tue Apr  1 22:55:59 2014	(r44413)
@@ -4,68 +4,72 @@
-<appendix xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" version="5.0" xml:id="eresources">
+<appendix xmlns=""
+  xmlns:xlink="" version="5.0"
+  xml:id="eresources">
   <title>Resources on the Internet</title>
   <para>The rapid pace of &os; progress makes print media
     impractical as a means of following the latest developments.
-    Electronic resources are the best, if not often the only, way
-    to stay informed of the latest advances.  Since &os; is a
-    volunteer effort, the user community itself also generally serves
-    as a <quote>technical support department</quote> of sorts, with
+    Electronic resources are the best, if not often the only, way to
+    stay informed of the latest advances.  Since &os; is a volunteer
+    effort, the user community itself also generally serves as a
+    <quote>technical support department</quote> of sorts, with
     electronic mail, web forums, and USENET news being the most
     effective way of reaching that community.</para>
   <para>The most important points of contact with the &os; user
-    community are outlined below.  Please send other resources
-    not mentioned here to the &a.doc; so that they
-    may also be included.</para>
+    community are outlined below.  Please send other resources not
+    mentioned here to the &a.doc; so that they may also be
+    included.</para>
   <sect1 xml:id="eresources-mail">
     <title>Mailing Lists</title>
     <para>The mailing lists are the most direct way of addressing
       questions or opening a technical discussion to a concentrated
-      &os; audience.  There are a wide variety of lists on a number
-      of different &os; topics.  Sending questions to the
-      most appropriate mailing list will invariably assure a faster
-      and more accurate response.</para>
+      &os; audience.  There are a wide variety of lists on a number of
+      different &os; topics.  Sending questions to the most
+      appropriate mailing list will invariably assure a faster and
+      more accurate response.</para>
     <para>The charters for the various lists are given at the bottom
       of this document.  <emphasis>Please read the charter before
-      joining or sending mail to any list</emphasis>.  Most
-      list subscribers receive many hundreds of &os; related
-      messages every day, and the charters and rules for
-      use are meant to keep the signal-to-noise ratio
-      of the lists high.  To do less would see the mailing lists
-      ultimately fail as an effective communications medium for the
-      Project.</para>
+      joining or sending mail to any list</emphasis>.  Most list
+      subscribers receive many hundreds of &os; related messages every
+      day, and the charters and rules for use are meant to keep the
+      signal-to-noise ratio of the lists high.  To do less would see
+      the mailing lists ultimately fail as an effective communications
+      medium for the Project.</para>
-      <para><emphasis>To test the ability to send email to
-	  &os; lists, send a test message to &;.</emphasis>
-	Please do not send test messages to any other list.</para>
+      <para><emphasis>To test the ability to send email to &os; lists,
+	  send a test message to &;.</emphasis>  Please do
+	not send test messages to any other list.</para>
     <para>When in doubt about what list to post a question to, see
-      <link xlink:href="&url.articles.freebsd-questions;">How to get best
-	results from the FreeBSD-questions mailing
+      <link xlink:href="&url.articles.freebsd-questions;">How to get
+	best results from the FreeBSD-questions mailing
-    <para>Before posting to any list, please learn about how to
-      best use the mailing lists, such as how to help avoid
-      frequently-repeated discussions, by reading the <link xlink:href="&url.articles.mailing-list-faq;"> Mailing List Frequently
-	Asked Questions</link> (FAQ) document.</para>
+    <para>Before posting to any list, please learn about how to best
+      use the mailing lists, such as how to help avoid
+      frequently-repeated discussions, by reading the
+      <link xlink:href="&url.articles.mailing-list-faq;">Mailing List
+	Frequently Asked Questions</link> (FAQ) document.</para>
     <para>Archives are kept for all of the mailing lists and can be
-      searched using the <link xlink:href="&url.base;/search/index.html">&os; World Wide Web
-      server</link>.  The keyword searchable archive offers an
+      searched using the
+      <link xlink:href="&url.base;/search/index.html">&os; World Wide
+	Web server</link>.  The keyword searchable archive offers an
       excellent way of finding answers to frequently asked questions
       and should be consulted before posting a question.  Note that
-      this also means that messages sent to &os; mailing lists
-      are archived in perpetuity.  When protecting privacy is a
-      concern, consider using a disposable secondary email address
-      and posting only public information.</para>
+      this also means that messages sent to &os; mailing lists are
+      archived in perpetuity.  When protecting privacy is a concern,
+      consider using a disposable secondary email address and posting
+      only public information.</para>
     <sect2 xml:id="eresources-summary">
       <title>List Summary</title>
@@ -92,7 +96,7 @@
 	      <entry>Important events and Project milestones
+		(moderated)</entry>
@@ -166,11 +170,10 @@
-      <para><emphasis>Technical lists:</emphasis> The following
-	lists are for technical discussion.  Read the
-	charter for each list carefully before joining or sending
-	mail to one as there are firm guidelines for their use and
-	content.</para>
+      <para><emphasis>Technical lists:</emphasis> The following lists
+	are for technical discussion.  Read the charter for each list
+	carefully before joining or sending mail to one as there are
+	firm guidelines for their use and content.</para>
       <informaltable frame="none" pgwide="1">
 	<tgroup cols="2">
@@ -624,10 +627,10 @@
-      <para><emphasis>Limited lists:</emphasis> The following lists
+      <para><emphasis>Limited lists:</emphasis>  The following lists
 	are for more specialized (and demanding) audiences and are
-	probably not of interest to the general public.  It is also
-	a good idea to establish a presence in the technical lists
+	probably not of interest to the general public.  It is also a
+	good idea to establish a presence in the technical lists
 	before joining one of these limited lists in order to
 	understand the communications etiquette involved.</para>
@@ -666,16 +669,16 @@
-      <para><emphasis>Digest lists:</emphasis> All of the above lists
+      <para><emphasis>Digest lists:</emphasis>  All of the above lists
 	are available in a digest format.  Once subscribed to a list,
 	the digest options can be changed in the account options
-      <para><emphasis>SVN lists:</emphasis> The following lists
-	are for people interested in seeing the log messages for
-	changes to various areas of the source tree.  They are
-	<emphasis>Read-Only</emphasis> lists and should not have
-	mail sent to them.</para>
+      <para><emphasis>SVN lists:</emphasis> The following lists are
+	for people interested in seeing the log messages for changes
+	to various areas of the source tree.  They are
+	<emphasis>Read-Only</emphasis> lists and should not have mail
+	sent to them.</para>
       <informaltable frame="none" pgwide="1">
 	<tgroup cols="3">
@@ -693,8 +696,8 @@
 	      <entry>All changes to the doc Subversion repository
 		(except for <filename>user</filename>,
-		<filename>projects</filename>
-		and <filename>translations</filename>)</entry>
+		<filename>projects</filename> and
+		<filename>translations</filename>)</entry>
@@ -860,90 +863,89 @@
       <title>How to Subscribe</title>
       <para>To subscribe to a list, click the list name at
-	&;.
-	The page that is displayed should contain all of the
-	necessary subscription instructions for that list.</para>
+	&;.  The page that is displayed should
+	contain all of the necessary subscription instructions for
+	that list.</para>
       <para>To actually post to a given list, send mail to
 	It will then be redistributed to mailing list members
-      <para>To unsubscribe from a list, click on the URL
-	found at the bottom of every email received from the list.
-	It is also possible to send an email to
+      <para>To unsubscribe from a list, click on the URL found at the
+	bottom of every email received from the list.  It is also
+	possible to send an email to
 	<email><replaceable>listname</replaceable>-unsubscribe at</email>
 	to unsubscribe.</para>
-      <para>It is important to keep discussion
-	in the technical mailing lists on a technical track.  To
-	only receive important announcements, instead
-	join the &a.announce;, which is intended
-	for infrequent traffic.</para>
+      <para>It is important to keep discussion in the technical
+	mailing lists on a technical track.  To only receive important
+	announcements, instead join the &a.announce;, which is
+	intended for infrequent traffic.</para>
     <sect2 xml:id="eresources-charters">
       <title>List Charters</title>
-      <para><emphasis>All</emphasis> &os; mailing lists have
-	certain basic rules which must be adhered to by anyone using
-	them.  Failure to comply with these guidelines will result
-	in two (2) written warnings from the &os; Postmaster
-	  <email>postmaster at</email>, after which, on a
-	third offense, the poster will removed from all &os;
-	mailing lists and filtered from further posting to them.  We
-	regret that such rules and measures are necessary at all,
-	but today's Internet is a pretty harsh environment, it would
-	seem, and many fail to appreciate just how fragile some of
-	its mechanisms are.</para>
+      <para><emphasis>All</emphasis> &os; mailing lists have certain
+	basic rules which must be adhered to by anyone using them.
+	Failure to comply with these guidelines will result in two (2)
+	written warnings from the &os; Postmaster
+	<email>postmaster at</email>, after which, on a third
+	offense, the poster will removed from all &os; mailing lists
+	and filtered from further posting to them.  We regret that
+	such rules and measures are necessary at all, but today's
+	Internet is a pretty harsh environment, it would seem, and
+	many fail to appreciate just how fragile some of its
+	mechanisms are.</para>
       <para>Rules of the road:</para>
 	  <para>The topic of any posting should adhere to the basic
-	    charter of the list it is posted to.  If the list
-	    is about technical issues, the posting should contain
-	    technical discussion.  Ongoing irrelevant chatter or
-	    flaming only detracts from the value of the mailing list
-	    for everyone on it and will not be tolerated.  For
-	    free-form discussion on no particular topic, the &;
-	    is freely available and should be used instead.</para>
+	    charter of the list it is posted to.  If the list is about
+	    technical issues, the posting should contain technical
+	    discussion.  Ongoing irrelevant chatter or flaming only
+	    detracts from the value of the mailing list for everyone
+	    on it and will not be tolerated.  For free-form discussion
+	    on no particular topic, the &; is freely available
+	    and should be used instead.</para>
 	  <para>No posting should be made to more than 2 mailing
 	    lists, and only to 2 when a clear and obvious need to post
-	    to both lists exists.  For most lists, there is already
-	    a great deal of subscriber overlap and except for the most
+	    to both lists exists.  For most lists, there is already a
+	    great deal of subscriber overlap and except for the most
 	    esoteric mixes (say <quote>-stable & -scsi</quote>),
 	    there really is no reason to post to more than one list at
-	    a time.  If a message is received with
-	    multiple mailing lists on the <literal>Cc</literal>
-	    line, trim the <literal>Cc</literal> line
-	    before replying.  <emphasis>The person who replies is
-	      still responsible for cross-posting, no matter
-	      who the originator might have been.</emphasis></para>
+	    a time.  If a message is received with multiple mailing
+	    lists on the <literal>Cc</literal> line, trim the
+	    <literal>Cc</literal> line before replying.  <emphasis>The
+	      person who replies is still responsible for
+	      cross-posting, no matter who the originator might have
+	      been.</emphasis></para>
-	  <para>Personal attacks and profanity (in the context of
-	    an argument) are not allowed, and that includes users
-	    and developers alike.  Gross breaches of netiquette,
-	    like excerpting or reposting private mail when permission
-	    to do so was not and would not be forthcoming, are frowned
-	    upon but not specifically enforced.
-	     <emphasis>However</emphasis>, there are also very few
-	    cases where such content would fit within the charter
-	    of a list and it would therefore probably rate a warning
-	    (or ban) on that basis alone.</para>
+	  <para>Personal attacks and profanity (in the context of an
+	    argument) are not allowed, and that includes users and
+	    developers alike.  Gross breaches of netiquette, like
+	    excerpting or reposting private mail when permission to do
+	    so was not and would not be forthcoming, are frowned upon
+	    but not specifically enforced.
+	    <emphasis>However</emphasis>, there are also very few
+	    cases where such content would fit within the charter of a
+	    list and it would therefore probably rate a warning (or
+	    ban) on that basis alone.</para>
-	  <para>Advertising of non-&os; related products or
-	    services is strictly prohibited and will result in an
-	    immediate ban if it is clear that the offender is
-	    advertising by spam.</para>
+	  <para>Advertising of non-&os; related products or services
+	    is strictly prohibited and will result in an immediate ban
+	    if it is clear that the offender is advertising by
+	    spam.</para>
@@ -978,13 +980,13 @@
 	    <para><emphasis>Important events /
-	    <para>This is the mailing list for people interested
-	      only in occasional announcements of significant &os;
-	      events.  This includes announcements about snapshots
-	      and other releases.  It contains announcements of new
-	      &os; capabilities.  It may contain calls for
-	      volunteers etc.  This is a low volume, strictly
-	      moderated mailing list.</para>
+	    <para>This is the mailing list for people interested only
+	      in occasional announcements of significant &os; events.
+	      This includes announcements about snapshots and other
+	      releases.  It contains announcements of new &os;
+	      capabilities.  It may contain calls for volunteers etc.
+	      This is a low volume, strictly moderated mailing
+	      list.</para>
@@ -1059,9 +1061,10 @@
 	    <para><emphasis>Bug reports</emphasis></para>
-	    <para>This is the mailing list for reporting bugs in
-	      &os;.  Whenever possible, bugs should be submitted
-	      using the &man.send-pr.1; command or the <link xlink:href="&url.base;/send-pr.html">WEB
+	    <para>This is the mailing list for reporting bugs in &os;.
+	      Whenever possible, bugs should be submitted using the
+	      &man.send-pr.1; command or the
+	      <link xlink:href="&url.base;/send-pr.html">WEB
 		interface</link> to it.</para>
@@ -1073,16 +1076,16 @@
 	    <para><emphasis>Non technical items related to the &os;
-	    <para>This list contains the overflow from the other
-	      lists about non-technical, social information.  It
-	      includes discussion about whether Jordan looks like a
-	      toon ferret or not, whether or not to type in capitals,
-	      who is drinking too much coffee, where the best beer
-	      is brewed, who is brewing beer in their basement, and
-	      so on.  Occasional announcements of important events
-	      (such as upcoming parties, weddings, births, new jobs,
-	      etc) can be made to the technical lists, but the follow
-	      ups should be directed to this -chat list.</para>
+	    <para>This list contains the overflow from the other lists
+	      about non-technical, social information.  It includes
+	      discussion about whether Jordan looks like a toon ferret
+	      or not, whether or not to type in capitals, who is
+	      drinking too much coffee, where the best beer is brewed,
+	      who is brewing beer in their basement, and so on.
+	      Occasional announcements of important events (such as
+	      upcoming parties, weddings, births, new jobs, etc) can
+	      be made to the technical lists, but the follow ups
+	      should be directed to this -chat list.</para>
@@ -1164,8 +1167,8 @@
 	      and projects related to the creation of documentation
 	      for &os;.  The members of this mailing list are
 	      collectively referred to as <quote>The &os;
-	      Documentation Project</quote>.  It is an open list;
-	      feel free to join and contribute!</para>
+	      Documentation Project</quote>.  It is an open list; feel
+	      free to join and contribute!</para>
@@ -1176,10 +1179,10 @@
 	    <para><emphasis>Writing device drivers for
-	    <para>This is a forum for technical discussions related
-	      to device drivers on &os;.  It is primarily a place
-	      for device driver writers to ask questions about how
-	      to write device drivers using the APIs in the &os;
+	    <para>This is a forum for technical discussions related to
+	      device drivers on &os;.  It is primarily a place for
+	      device driver writers to ask questions about how to
+	      write device drivers using the APIs in the &os;
@@ -1192,10 +1195,10 @@
 	    <para>DTrace is an integrated component of &os; that
-		provides a framework for understanding the kernel as
-		well as user space programs at run time.  The mailing
-		list is an archived discussion for developers of the
-		code as well as those using it.</para>
+	      provides a framework for understanding the kernel as
+	      well as user space programs at run time.  The mailing
+	      list is an archived discussion for developers of the
+	      code as well as those using it.</para>
@@ -1231,17 +1234,17 @@
 	    <para><emphasis>Using &os; in embedded
-	    <para>This list discusses topics related to using &os;
-	      in embedded systems.  This is a technical mailing list
-	      for which strictly technical content is expected.  For
-	      the purpose of this list, embedded systems are
-	      those computing devices which are not desktops and which
+	    <para>This list discusses topics related to using &os; in
+	      embedded systems.  This is a technical mailing list for
+	      which strictly technical content is expected.  For the
+	      purpose of this list, embedded systems are those
+	      computing devices which are not desktops and which
 	      usually serve a single purpose as opposed to being
 	      general computing environments.  Examples include, but
 	      are not limited to, all kinds of phone handsets, network
 	      equipment such as routers, switches and PBXs, remote
-	      measuring equipment, PDAs, Point Of Sale systems, and
-	      so on.</para>
+	      measuring equipment, PDAs, Point Of Sale systems, and so
+	      on.</para>
@@ -1267,10 +1270,10 @@
 	    <para>This list is for those interested in providing or
-	      making use of peer support of &os;-related software
-	      for which the &os; Project no longer provides
-	      official support in the form of security
-	      advisories and patches.</para>
+	      making use of peer support of &os;-related software for
+	      which the &os; Project no longer provides official
+	      support in the form of security advisories and
+	      patches.</para>
@@ -1283,11 +1286,11 @@
 	    <para>This is a mailing list for discussion of the design
 	      and implementation of a &firewire; (aka IEEE 1394 aka
-	      iLink) subsystem for &os;.  Relevant topics
-	      specifically include the standards, bus devices and
-	      their protocols, adapter boards/cards/chips sets, and
-	      the architecture and implementation of code for their
-	      proper support.</para>
+	      iLink) subsystem for &os;.  Relevant topics specifically
+	      include the standards, bus devices and their protocols,
+	      adapter boards/cards/chips sets, and the architecture
+	      and implementation of code for their proper
+	      support.</para>
@@ -1299,8 +1302,8 @@
 	    <para>This is the mailing list for discussion of Fortran
 	      related ports on &os;: compilers, libraries, scientific
-	      and engineering applications from laptops to HPC clusters.
-	    </para>
+	      and engineering applications from laptops to HPC
+	      clusters.</para>
@@ -1310,9 +1313,9 @@
 	    <para><emphasis>File systems</emphasis></para>
-	    <para>Discussions concerning &os; filesystems.
-	      This is a technical mailing list for which strictly
-	      technical content is expected.</para>
+	    <para>Discussions concerning &os; filesystems.  This is a
+	      technical mailing list for which strictly technical
+	      content is expected.</para>
@@ -1322,11 +1325,12 @@
 	    <para><emphasis>Games on &os;</emphasis></para>
-	    <para>This is a technical list for discussions related to bringing
-	      games to &os;. It is for individuals actively working on
-	      porting games to &os;, to bring up problems or discuss
-	      alternative solutions. Individuals interested in following the
-	      technical discussion are also welcome.</para>
+	    <para>This is a technical list for discussions related to
+	      bringing games to &os;.  It is for individuals actively
+	      working on porting games to &os;, to bring up problems
+	      or discuss alternative solutions.  Individuals
+	      interested in following the technical discussion are
+	      also welcome.</para>
@@ -1402,8 +1406,8 @@
 	    <para><emphasis>Porting &os; to IA64</emphasis></para>
 	    <para>This is a technical mailing list for individuals
-	      actively working on porting &os; to the IA-64
-	      platform from &intel;, to bring up problems or discuss
+	      actively working on porting &os; to the IA-64 platform
+	      from &intel;, to bring up problems or discuss
 	      alternative solutions.  Individuals interested in
 	      following the technical discussion are also
@@ -1428,9 +1432,8 @@
 	    <para><emphasis>&java; Development</emphasis></para>
 	    <para>This is the mailing list for people discussing the
-	      development of significant &java; applications for
-	      &os; and the porting and maintenance of
-	      &jdk;s.</para>
+	      development of significant &java; applications for &os;
+	      and the porting and maintenance of &jdk;s.</para>
@@ -1443,15 +1446,16 @@
 	    <para>This is a forum for posting employment notices
 	      specifically related to &os; and resumes from those
 	      seeking &os;-related employment.  This is
-	      <emphasis>not</emphasis> a mailing list
-	      for general employment issues since adequate forums
-	      for that already exist elsewhere.</para>
-	    <para>Note that this list, like other <systemitem class="fqdomainname"></systemitem> mailing lists,
-	      is distributed worldwide.  Be clear
-	      about the geographic location and the extent to which
-	      telecommuting or
-	      assistance with relocation is available.</para>
+	      <emphasis>not</emphasis> a mailing list for general
+	      employment issues since adequate forums for that already
+	      exist elsewhere.</para>
+	    <para>Note that this list, like other <systemitem
+		class="fqdomainname"></systemitem>
+	      mailing lists, is distributed worldwide.  Be clear about
+	      the geographic location and the extent to which
+	      telecommuting or assistance with relocation is
+	      available.</para>
 	    <para>Email should use open formats only —
 	      preferably plain text, but basic Portable Document
@@ -1483,8 +1487,8 @@
 	    <para>This is a forum for technical discussions related
 	      to &os;.  This is the primary technical mailing list.
-	      It is for individuals actively working on &os;, to
-	      bring up problems or discuss alternative solutions.
+	      It is for individuals actively working on &os;, to bring
+	      up problems or discuss alternative solutions.
 	      Individuals interested in following the technical
 	      discussion are also welcome.  This is a technical
 	      mailing list for which strictly technical content is
@@ -1499,8 +1503,8 @@
 	    <para><emphasis>General discussion of &os;
-	    <para>General discussion about the types of hardware
-	      that &os; runs on, various problems and suggestions
+	    <para>General discussion about the types of hardware that
+	      &os; runs on, various problems and suggestions
 	      concerning what to buy or avoid.</para>
@@ -1511,8 +1515,8 @@
 	    <para><emphasis>Mirror sites</emphasis></para>
-	    <para>Announcements and discussion for people who run
-	      &os; mirror sites.</para>
+	    <para>Announcements and discussion for people who run &os;
+	      mirror sites.</para>
@@ -1524,9 +1528,9 @@
 	    <para>This mailing list is for discussing topics relevant
-	      to Internet Service Providers (ISPs) using &os;.
-	      This is a technical mailing list for which strictly
-	      technical content is expected.</para>
+	      to Internet Service Providers (ISPs) using &os;.  This
+	      is a technical mailing list for which strictly technical
+	      content is expected.</para>
@@ -1539,11 +1543,11 @@
 	    <para>This is a list for discussions related to the Mono
 	      development framework on &os;.  This is a technical
-	      mailing list.  It is for individuals actively working
-	      on porting Mono or C# applications to &os;, to bring
-	      up problems or discuss alternative solutions.
-	      Individuals interested in following the technical
-	      discussion are also welcome.</para>
+	      mailing list.  It is for individuals actively working on
+	      porting Mono or C# applications to &os;, to bring up
+	      problems or discuss alternative solutions.  Individuals
+	      interested in following the technical discussion are
+	      also welcome.</para>
@@ -1554,9 +1558,9 @@
 	    <para><emphasis>Office applications on
-	    <para>Discussion centers around office applications,
-	      their installation, their development and their support
-	      within &os;.</para>
+	    <para>Discussion centers around office applications, their
+	      installation, their development and their support within
+	      &os;.</para>
@@ -1571,8 +1575,8 @@
 	      changes and issues related to the Project
-	    <para>This moderated list is strictly for announcements: no replies,
-	      requests, discussions, or opinions.</para>
+	    <para>This moderated list is strictly for announcements:
+	      no replies, requests, discussions, or opinions.</para>
@@ -1585,21 +1589,20 @@
 	    <para>This mailing list exists to provide a place for
 	      hackers, administrators, and/or concerned parties to
-	      discuss performance related topics pertaining to
-	      &os;.  Acceptable topics includes talking about
-	      &os; installations that are either under high load,
-	      are experiencing performance problems, or are pushing
-	      the limits of &os;.  Concerned parties that are
-	      willing to work toward improving the performance of
-	      &os; are highly encouraged to subscribe to this list.
-	      This is a highly technical list ideally suited for
-	      experienced &os; users, hackers, or administrators
-	      interested in keeping &os; fast, robust, and
-	      scalable.  This list is not a question-and-answer list
-	      that replaces reading through documentation, but it is a
-	      place to make contributions or inquire about unanswered
-	      performance related topics.</para>
+	      discuss performance related topics pertaining to &os;.
+	      Acceptable topics includes talking about &os;
+	      installations that are either under high load, are
+	      experiencing performance problems, or are pushing the
+	      limits of &os;.  Concerned parties that are willing to
+	      work toward improving the performance of &os; are highly
+	      encouraged to subscribe to this list.  This is a highly
+	      technical list ideally suited for experienced &os;
+	      users, hackers, or administrators interested in keeping
+	      &os; fast, robust, and scalable.  This list is not a
+	      question-and-answer list that replaces reading through
+	      documentation, but it is a place to make contributions
+	      or inquire about unanswered performance related
+	      topics.</para>
@@ -1611,11 +1614,9 @@
 		filter firewall system</emphasis></para>
 	    <para>Discussion concerning the packet filter (pf)
-	      firewall system in terms of &os;.  Technical
-	      discussion and user questions are both welcome.  This
-	      list is also a place to discuss the ALTQ QoS
-	      framework.</para>
+	      firewall system in terms of &os;.  Technical discussion
+	      and user questions are both welcome.  This list is also
+	      a place to discuss the ALTQ QoS framework.</para>
@@ -1643,11 +1644,11 @@
-	    <para><emphasis>Fallout logs from package building</emphasis></para>
-	    <para>All packages building failures logs from the package building
-	    clusters</para>
+	    <para><emphasis>Fallout logs from package
+		building</emphasis></para>
+	    <para>All packages building failures logs from the package
+	      building clusters</para>
@@ -1658,9 +1659,9 @@
 	    <para><emphasis>Porting to Non &intel;
-	    <para>Cross-platform &os; issues, general discussion
-	      and proposals for non &intel; &os; ports.  This is
-	      a technical mailing list for which strictly technical
+	    <para>Cross-platform &os; issues, general discussion and
+	      proposals for non &intel; &os; ports.  This is a
+	      technical mailing list for which strictly technical
 	      content is expected.</para>
@@ -1688,8 +1689,9 @@
 		&os; <quote>Ports
-	    <para>Important news for developers, porters, and users
-	      of the <quote>Ports Collection</quote> (<filename>/usr/ports</filename>), including
+	    <para>Important news for developers, porters, and users of
+	      the <quote>Ports Collection</quote>
+	      (<filename>/usr/ports</filename>), including
 	      architecture/infrastructure changes, new capabilities,
 	      critical upgrade instructions, and release engineering
 	      information.  This is a low-volume mailing list,
@@ -1721,12 +1723,11 @@
 		ProLiant server platforms</emphasis></para>
 	    <para>This mailing list is to be used for the technical
-	      discussion of the usage of &os; on HP ProLiant
-	      servers, including the discussion of ProLiant-specific
-	      drivers, management software, configuration tools, and
-	      BIOS updates.  As such, this is the primary place to
-	      discuss the hpasmd, hpasmcli, and hpacucli
-	      modules.</para>
+	      discussion of the usage of &os; on HP ProLiant servers,
+	      including the discussion of ProLiant-specific drivers,
+	      management software, configuration tools, and BIOS
+	      updates.  As such, this is the primary place to discuss
+	      the hpasmd, hpasmcli, and hpacucli modules.</para>
@@ -1740,7 +1741,7 @@
 	      Python-support on &os;.  This is a technical mailing
 	      list.  It is for individuals working on porting Python,
 	      its third party modules and
-		<application>Zope</application> stuff to &os;.
+	      <application>Zope</application> stuff to &os;.
 	      Individuals interested in following the technical
 	      discussion are also welcome.</para>
@@ -1752,10 +1753,10 @@
 	    <para><emphasis>User questions</emphasis></para>
-	    <para>This is the mailing list for questions about
-	      &os;.  Do not send <quote>how to</quote>
-	      questions to the technical lists unless
-	      the question is quite technical.</para>
+	    <para>This is the mailing list for questions about &os;.
+	      Do not send <quote>how to</quote> questions to the
+	      technical lists unless the question is quite
+	      technical.</para>
@@ -1767,9 +1768,9 @@
 	    <para>This is a list for discussions related to the Ruby
-	      support on &os;.  This is a technical mailing
-	      list.  It is for individuals working on Ruby ports,
-	      third party libraries and frameworks.</para>
+	      support on &os;.  This is a technical mailing list.  It
+	      is for individuals working on Ruby ports, third party
+	      libraries and frameworks.</para>
 	    <para>Individuals interested in the technical discussion
 	      are also welcome.</para>
@@ -1782,9 +1783,9 @@
 	    <para><emphasis>SCSI subsystem</emphasis></para>
-	    <para>This is the mailing list for people working on
-	      the SCSI subsystem for &os;.  This is a technical
-	      mailing list for which strictly technical content is
+	    <para>This is the mailing list for people working on the
+	      SCSI subsystem for &os;.  This is a technical mailing
+	      list for which strictly technical content is
@@ -1795,12 +1796,12 @@
 	    <para><emphasis>Security issues</emphasis></para>
-	    <para>&os; computer security issues (DES, Kerberos,
-	      known security holes and fixes, etc).  This is a
-	      technical mailing list for which strictly technical
-	      discussion is expected. Note that this is not a
-	      question-and-answer list, but that contributions (BOTH
-	      question AND answer) to the FAQ are welcome.</para>
+	    <para>&os; computer security issues (DES, Kerberos, known
+	      security holes and fixes, etc).  This is a technical
+	      mailing list for which strictly technical discussion is
+	      expected.  Note that this is not a question-and-answer
+	      list, but that contributions (BOTH question AND answer)
+	      to the FAQ are welcome.</para>
@@ -1810,9 +1811,9 @@
 	    <para><emphasis>Security Notifications</emphasis></para>
-	    <para>Notifications of &os; security problems and
-	      fixes.  This is not a discussion list.  The discussion
-	      list is FreeBSD-security.</para>
+	    <para>Notifications of &os; security problems and fixes.
+	      This is not a discussion list.  The discussion list is
+	      FreeBSD-security.</para>
@@ -1844,9 +1845,8 @@
 	    <para>This list provides notifications about the
-	      availability
-	      of new &os; development snapshots for the head/ and
-	      stable/ branches.</para>
+	      availability of new &os; development snapshots for the
+	      head/ and stable/ branches.</para>
@@ -1859,8 +1859,8 @@
 	    <para>This is the mailing list for users of &os.stable;.
 	      It includes warnings about new features coming out in
-	      -STABLE that will affect the users, and instructions
-	      on steps that must be taken to remain -STABLE.  Anyone
+	      -STABLE that will affect the users, and instructions on
+	      steps that must be taken to remain -STABLE.  Anyone
 	      running <quote>STABLE</quote> should subscribe to this
 	      list.  This is a technical mailing list for which
 	      strictly technical content is expected.</para>
@@ -1874,8 +1874,8 @@
 	    <para><emphasis>C99 & POSIX
-	    <para>This is a forum for technical discussions related
-	      to &os; Conformance to the C99 and the POSIX
+	    <para>This is a forum for technical discussions related to
+	      &os; Conformance to the C99 and the POSIX
@@ -1887,9 +1887,9 @@
 	    <para><emphasis>Testing on &os;</emphasis></para>
 	    <para>Technical mailing list discussing testing on &os;,
-	      including ATF/Kyua, test build infrastructure,
-	      port tests to &os; from other operating systems
-	      (NetBSD, ...), etc.</para>
+	      including ATF/Kyua, test build infrastructure, port
+	      tests to &os; from other operating systems (NetBSD,
+	      ...), etc.</para>
@@ -1916,8 +1916,8 @@
 	    <para><emphasis>Maintenance of &os;'s integrated
-	    <para>This is the mailing list for discussions related
-	      to the maintenance of the toolchain shipped with &os;.
+	    <para>This is the mailing list for discussions related to
+	      the maintenance of the toolchain shipped with &os;.
 	      This could include the state of Clang and GCC, but also
 	      pieces of software such as assemblers, linkers and
@@ -1944,8 +1944,8 @@
 	    <para>This is the mailing list for the coordinators from
-	      each of the  local area Users Groups to discuss matters
-	      with each other and a  designated individual from the
+	      each of the local area Users Groups to discuss matters
+	      with each other and a designated individual from the
 	      Core Team.  This mail list should be limited to meeting
 	      synopsis and coordination of projects that span User
@@ -1976,10 +1976,9 @@
 	    <para>This mailing list can be used by developers to
-	      announce the creation
-	      and progress of &os; related work.  Messages
-	      will be moderated.  It is suggested to send the message
-	      "To:" a more topical &os; list and only "BCC:"
+	      announce the creation and progress of &os; related work.
+	      Messages will be moderated.  It is suggested to send the
+	      message "To:" a more topical &os; list and only "BCC:"
 	      this list.  This way the WIP can also be discussed on
 	      the topical list, as no discussion is allowed on this
@@ -1988,9 +1987,10 @@
 	    <para>An editorial digest of the messages to this list
-	      might be posted to the &os; website every few months
-	      as part of the Status Reports
-	      <footnote><para><uri xlink:href=""></uri></para></footnote>.
+	      might be posted to the &os; website every few months as
+	      part of the Status Reports
+	      <footnote><para><uri
+		    xlink:href=""></uri></para></footnote>.
 	      Past reports are archived.</para>
@@ -2029,11 +2029,11 @@
-	    <para>This is a forum for discussions related to bring
-	      the <application>XFCE</application> environment to &os;.
+	    <para>This is a forum for discussions related to bring the
+	      <application>XFCE</application> environment to &os;.
 	      This is a technical mailing list.  It is for individuals
 	      actively working on porting
-		<application>XFCE</application> to &os;, to bring up
+	      <application>XFCE</application> to &os;, to bring up
 	      problems or discuss alternative solutions.  Individuals
 	      interested in following the technical discussion are
 	      also welcome.</para>
@@ -2046,11 +2046,11 @@
-	    <para>This is a forum for discussions related to bring
-	      the <application>Zope</application> environment to &os;.
+	    <para>This is a forum for discussions related to bring the
+	      <application>Zope</application> environment to &os;.
 	      This is a technical mailing list.  It is for individuals
 	      actively working on porting
-		<application>Zope</application> to &os;, to bring up
+	      <application>Zope</application> to &os;, to bring up
 	      problems or discuss alternative solutions.  Individuals
 	      interested in following the technical discussion are
 	      also welcome.</para>
@@ -2058,6 +2058,7 @@
     <sect2 xml:id="eresources-mailfiltering">
       <title>Filtering on the Mailing Lists</title>
@@ -2147,25 +2148,30 @@
-	  <para><link xlink:href="news:comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.announce">comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.announce</link></para>
+	  <para><link
+	      xlink:href="news:comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.announce">comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.announce</link></para>
-	  <para><link xlink:href="news:comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc">comp.unix.bsd.freebsd.misc</link></para>
+	  <para><link


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