svn commit: r43005 - head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/ppp-and-slip

Dru Lavigne dru at
Fri Oct 18 21:36:01 UTC 2013

Author: dru
Date: Fri Oct 18 21:36:00 2013
New Revision: 43005

  Combine Static and Dynamic IP sections into a Basic Configuration section.
  Make it clearer when ppp.linkup is required.
  This section still has to make it obvious how to actually use ppp once a basic configuration has been created.
  The next few patches will shuffle content to organize it into various advanced configuration sections.


Modified: head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/ppp-and-slip/chapter.xml
--- head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/ppp-and-slip/chapter.xml	Fri Oct 18 20:50:45 2013	(r43004)
+++ head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/ppp-and-slip/chapter.xml	Fri Oct 18 21:36:00 2013	(r43005)
@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@
     <sect2 id="userppp-staticIP">
-      <title>PPP With a Static <acronym>IP</acronym> Address</title>
+      <title>Basic Configuration</title>
@@ -214,10 +214,11 @@
-      <para>If the <acronym>ISP</acronym>, also known as the peer, has
-	provided an address that does not change, edit
-	<filename>/etc/ppp/ppp.conf</filename> as described in the
-	example below.</para>
+      <para>In order to configure a <acronym>PPP</acronym> connection,
+	first edit
+	<filename>/etc/ppp/ppp.conf</filename> with the dial-in
+	information for the <acronym>ISP</acronym>. This file is described
+	as follows:</para>
       <programlisting>1     default:
 2       set log Phase Chat LCP IPCP CCP tun command
@@ -397,20 +398,34 @@
 	      <term>Line 16:</term>
-		<para>Sets the interface addresses.  The
-		  <replaceable>x.x.x.x</replaceable> should be
-		  replaced by the static <acronym>IP</acronym> address
-		  that the <acronym>ISP</acronym> has allocated and
-		  the <replaceable>y.y.y.y</replaceable> should be
-		  replaced by the <acronym>IP</acronym> address of the
+		<para>Sets the interface addresses.  The values used 
+		  depend upon whether a static <acronym>IP</acronym>
+		  address has been obtained from the
+		  <acronym>ISP</acronym> or if it  instead negotiates
+		  a dynamic <acronym>IP</acronym> address during
+		  connection.</para>  
+		<para>If the 
+		  <acronym>ISP</acronym> has allocated a static
+		  <acronym>IP</acronym> address and default gateway, replace
+		  <replaceable>x.x.x.x</replaceable> with the static 
+		  <acronym>IP</acronym> address and replace
+		  <replaceable>y.y.y.y</replaceable> with the
+		  <acronym>IP</acronym> address of the
 		  default gateway.  If the <acronym>ISP</acronym> has
-		  not provided a gateway address, use <hostid
-		    role="netmask"></hostid>.  When using a
-		  <quote>guessed</quote> address, create an entry in
-		  <filename>/etc/ppp/ppp.linkup</filename> as per the
-		  instructions in <xref linkend="userppp-dynamicIP"/>.
-		  If this line is omitted,  <command>ppp</command>
-		  cannot run in <option>-auto</option> mode.</para>
+		  only provided a static <acronym>IP</acronym> address
+		  without a gateway address, replace <replaceable>y.y.y.y</replaceable> with <hostid
+		    role="netmask"></hostid>.</para>
+	<para>If the <acronym>IP</acronym> address changes whenever
+	    a connection is made, change this line
+	    to the following value.
+	    This tells &man.ppp.8; to use the
+	    <acronym>IP</acronym> Configuration Protocol
+	    (<acronym>IPCP</acronym>) to negotiate a dynamic <acronym>IP</acronym> address:</para>
+	  <programlisting>set ifaddr</programlisting>	
@@ -423,60 +438,35 @@
 		  automatically be replaced with the gateway address
 		  specified on line 16.  It is important that this
 		  line appears after line 16.</para>
-		<para>When <option>-auto</option> mode is not used to
-		  start the connection, this line should be moved to
-		  <filename>ppp.linkup</filename>.  Examples for this
-		  file can be found in <filename
-		    class="directory">/usr/share/examples/ppp/</filename>.
-		  However, <filename>ppp.linkup</filename> is not
-		  needed when running &man.ppp.8; in
-		  <option>-auto</option> mode as the routing table
-		  entries are already correct.</para>
-	</sect2>
-	<sect2 id="userppp-dynamicIP">
-	  <title><acronym>PPP</acronym> With a Dynamic
-	    <acronym>IP</acronym> Address</title>
-	  <indexterm>
-	    <primary><acronym>PPP</acronym></primary>
-	    <secondary>with dynamic <acronym>IP</acronym>
-	      addresses</secondary>
-	  </indexterm>
-	  <indexterm>
-	    <primary>IPCP</primary>
-	  </indexterm>
-	  <para>If the <acronym>IP</acronym> address changes whenever
-	    a connection is made, change the <literal>set ifaddr</literal> line
-	    in <filename>/etc/ppp/ppp.conf</filename> to the following value.
-	    This tells &man.ppp.8; to use the
-	    <acronym>IP</acronym> Configuration Protocol
-	    (<acronym>IPCP</acronym>) to negotiate the <acronym>IP</acronym> address.</para>
-	  <programlisting>set ifaddr</programlisting>
-	  <para>When not running in <option>-auto</option> mode,
-	    create
-	    <filename>/etc/ppp/ppp.linkup</filename> with the following lines.  This file is
-	    used after a connection has been established.  At this
+	  <para>Depending upon whether &man.ppp.8; is started
+	    manually or automatically, a
+	    <filename>/etc/ppp/ppp.linkup</filename> may also need to
+	    be created which contains the following lines.  This file
+	    is required when running <command>ppp</command>
+	    in <option>-auto</option> mode.  This file is
+	    used after the connection has been established.  At this
 	    point, the <acronym>IP</acronym> address will have been assigned
-	    and it will now be possible to add the
-	    routing table entries.  The <literal>HISADDR</literal> line will be replaced with the
-	    <acronym>IP</acronym> address of the default gateway as
-	    negotiated using <acronym>IPCP</acronym>.  Make sure that
+	    and it is now be possible to add the
+	    routing table entries.  When creating this file, make sure that
 	    <replaceable>provider</replaceable> matches the value
-	    used in <filename>ppp.conf</filename>.</para>
+	    demonstrated in line 11 of <filename>ppp.conf</filename>.</para>
       add default HISADDR</programlisting>
-	</sect2>
+	<para>This file is also needed when the default gateway
+	  address is <quote>guessed</quote> in a static
+	  <acronym>IP</acronym> address configuration.  In this case,
+	  remove line 17 from <filename>ppp.conf</filename> and
+	  create <filename>/etc/ppp/ppp.linkup</filename> with the
+	  above two lines.  More examples for this file can be found
+	  in <filename
+	    class="directory">/usr/share/examples/ppp/</filename>.</para>
+    </sect2>
 	  <title>Receiving Incoming Calls</title>

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