svn commit: r42973 - head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/network-servers

Dru Lavigne dru at
Wed Oct 16 16:32:58 UTC 2013

Author: dru
Date: Wed Oct 16 16:32:58 2013
New Revision: 42973

  This patch finishes up the NIS section of this chapter. It does the following:
  - replaces NISv1 Compatibility section with a note that FreeBSD uses v2
  - renames Important Things to Remember to Adding New Users and places it as a subsection of Configuring the NIS Master Server
  - removes the reference to auth.log which is now obsolete
  - general tightening and clarification
  A subsequent white-space patch will follow.


Modified: head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/network-servers/chapter.xml
--- head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/network-servers/chapter.xml	Wed Oct 16 13:19:44 2013	(r42972)
+++ head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/handbook/network-servers/chapter.xml	Wed Oct 16 16:32:58 2013	(r42973)
@@ -1074,6 +1074,9 @@ Exports list on foobar:
 	configuration data and to add, remove, or modify configuration
 	data from a single location.</para>
+     <para>&os; uses version 2 of the <acronym>NIS</acronym> 
+	protocol.</para>
       <title><acronym>NIS</acronym> Terms and Processes</title>
@@ -1456,7 +1459,7 @@ nis_client_flags="-S <replaceable>NIS do
 	  <para>It is advisable to remove all entries for system
 	    accounts as well as any user accounts that do not need to
 	    be propagated to the <acronym>NIS</acronym> clients, such
-	    as the <username>root</username> accounts.</para>
+	    as the <username>root</username> and any other administrative accounts.</para>
 	  <note><para>Ensure that the
 	    <filename>/var/yp/master.passwd</filename> is neither
@@ -1506,6 +1509,28 @@ ellington has been setup as an YP master
 	    <programlisting>NOPUSH = "True"</programlisting>
+	  <sect3>
+      <title>Adding New Users</title>
+	  <para>Every time a new user is created, the user account must
+	    be added to the master <acronym>NIS</acronym> server and
+	    the <acronym>NIS</acronym> maps rebuilt.  Until this occurs,
+	    the new user will not be able to
+	    login anywhere except on the <acronym>NIS</acronym>
+	    master.  For example, to add the new user
+	    <username>jsmith</username> to the 
+	    <literal>test-domain</literal> domain, run these commands on the
+	    master server:</para>
+	  <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>pw useradd jsmith</userinput>
+&prompt.root; <userinput>cd /var/yp</userinput>
+&prompt.root; <userinput>make test-domain</userinput></screen>
+	  <para>The user could also be added using
+	    <command>adduser jsmith</command>
+	    instead of <command>pw useradd jsmith</command>.</para>
+	  </sect3>
@@ -1831,37 +1856,24 @@ basie&prompt.root;</screen>
-      <para>The method shown in the previous section works reasonably
-	well for special rules in an environment with small numbers of
-	users and/or machines.  On larger networks, administrators
-	<emphasis>will</emphasis> likely forget to bar some users from
-	logging onto sensitive machines, or may even have to modify
-	each machine separately, thus losing the main benefit of NIS:
+      <para>Barring specified users from logging on to individual systems
+	becomes unscaleable on
+	larger networks and quickly loses the main benefit of <acronym>NIS</acronym>:
 	<emphasis>centralized</emphasis> administration.</para>
-      <para>The <acronym>NIS</acronym> developers' solution for this
-	problem is called <emphasis>netgroups</emphasis>.  Their
-	purpose and semantics can be compared to the normal groups
-	used by &unix; file systems.  The main differences are the
+      <para>Netgroups were developed to handle large, complex networks
+	with hundreds of users and machines.  Their use is comparable
+	to &unix; groups, where the main difference is the
 	lack of a numeric ID and the ability to define a netgroup by
 	including both user accounts and other netgroups.</para>
-      <para>Netgroups were developed to handle large, complex networks
-	with hundreds of users and machines.  On one hand, this is a
-	Good Thing in such a situation.  On the other hand, this
-	complexity makes it almost impossible to explain netgroups
-	with really simple examples.  The example used in the
-	remainder of this section demonstrates this problem.</para>
-      <para>Let us assume that the successful introduction of
-	<acronym>NIS</acronym> in the laboratory caught a superiors'
-	interest.  The next task is to extend the
-	<acronym>NIS</acronym> domain to cover some of the other
-	machines on campus.  The two tables contain the names of the
-	new users and new machines as well as brief descriptions of
-	them.</para>
+      <para>To expand on the example used in this chapter, the
+	<acronym>NIS</acronym> domain will be extended to add the users
+	and systems shown in Tables 28.2 and 28.3:</para>
+      <table frame="none" pgwide="1">
+	<title>Additional Users</title>
-      <informaltable frame="none" pgwide="1">
 	<tgroup cols="2">
@@ -1874,32 +1886,34 @@ basie&prompt.root;</screen>
-	      <entry>Normal employees of the IT department</entry>
+	      <entry>IT department employees</entry>
-	      <entry>The new apprentices of the IT department</entry>
+	      <entry>IT department apprentices</entry>
 		<username>golf</username>, ...</entry>
-	      <entry>Ordinary employees</entry>
+	      <entry>employees</entry>
 		<username>baker</username>, ...</entry>
-	      <entry>The current interns</entry>
+	      <entry>interns</entry>
-      </informaltable>
+      </table>
+      <table frame="none" pgwide="1">
+	<title>Additional Systems</title>
-      <informaltable frame="none" pgwide="1">
 	<tgroup cols="2">
@@ -1915,9 +1929,8 @@ basie&prompt.root;</screen>
 		<hostid>death</hostid>, <hostid>famine</hostid>,
-	      <entry>The most important servers deployed.  Only the IT
-		employees are allowed to log onto these
-		machines.</entry>
+	      <entry>Only IT
+		employees are allowed to log onto these servers.</entry>
@@ -1925,62 +1938,47 @@ basie&prompt.root;</screen>
 	      <entry><hostid>pride</hostid>, <hostid>greed</hostid>,
 		<hostid>envy</hostid>, <hostid>wrath</hostid>,
 		<hostid>lust</hostid>, <hostid>sloth</hostid></entry>
-	      <entry>Less important servers.  All members of the IT
+	      <entry>All members of the IT
 		department are allowed to login onto these
-		machines.</entry>
+		servers.</entry>
 	      <entry><hostid>one</hostid>, <hostid>two</hostid>,
 		<hostid>three</hostid>, <hostid>four</hostid>,
-	      <entry>Ordinary workstations.  Only the
-		<emphasis>real</emphasis> employees are allowed to use
-		these machines.</entry>
+	      <entry>Ordinary workstations used by
+		employees.</entry>
 	      <entry>A very old machine without any critical data.
-		Even the intern is allowed to use this box.</entry>
+		Even interns are allowed to use this system.</entry>
-      </informaltable>
+      </table>
-      <para>An attempt to implement these restrictions by separately
-	blocking each user, would require the addition of the
-	<literal>-<replaceable>user</replaceable></literal> line to
-	each system's <filename>passwd</filename>.  One line for each
-	user who is not allowed to login onto that system.  Forgetting
-	just one entry could cause significant trouble.  It may be
-	feasible to do this correctly during the initial setup;
-	however, eventually someone will forget to add these lines for
-	new users.</para>
-      <para>Handling this situation with netgroups offers several
-	advantages.  Each user need not be handled separately; they
-	would be assigned to one or more netgroups and logins would be
-	allowed or forbidden for all members of the netgroup.  While
+      <para>When using netgroups to configure this scenario,
+	each user is
+	assigned to one or more netgroups and logins are then
+	allowed or forbidden for all members of the netgroup.  When
 	adding a new machine, login restrictions must be defined for
-	all netgroups.  If a new user is added, they must be added to
-	one or more netgroups.  Those changes are independent of each
-	other: no more <quote>for each combination of user and machine
-	  do...</quote>  If the <acronym>NIS</acronym> setup is
+	all netgroups.  When a new user is added, the account must be added to
+	one or more netgroups.  If the <acronym>NIS</acronym> setup is
 	planned carefully, only one central configuration file needs
 	modification to grant or deny access to machines.</para>
       <para>The first step is the initialization of the
-	<acronym>NIS</acronym> map netgroup.  &os;'s &man.ypinit.8;
-	does not create this map by default, but its
-	<acronym>NIS</acronym> implementation will support it after
-	creation.  To create an empty map, simply type</para>
-      <screen>ellington&prompt.root; <userinput>vi /var/yp/netgroup</userinput></screen>
-      <para>and begin adding content.  For our example, we need at
-	least four netgroups: IT employees, IT apprentices, normal
-	employees and interns.</para>
+	<acronym>NIS</acronym> <literal>netgroup</literal> map.  In &os;,
+	this map is not created by default.  On the 
+	<acronym>NIS</acronym> master server, use an editor to create 
+	a map named <filename>/var/yp/netgroup</filename>.</para>
+      <para>This example creates
+	four netgroups to represent IT employees, IT apprentices,
+	employees, and interns:</para>
       <programlisting>IT_EMP  (,alpha,test-domain)    (,beta,test-domain)
 IT_APP  (,charlie,test-domain)  (,delta,test-domain)
@@ -1988,17 +1986,17 @@ USERS   (,echo,test-domain)     (,foxtro
 INTERNS (,able,test-domain)     (,baker,test-domain)</programlisting>
-      <para><literal>IT_EMP</literal>, <literal>IT_APP</literal> etc.
-	are the names of the netgroups.  Each bracketed group adds
-	one or more user accounts to it.  The three fields inside a
-	group are:</para>
+      <para>Each entry configures a netgroup. The first column in an entry
+	is the name of the netgroup.  Each set of brackets represents 
+	either a group of one or more users or the name of another netgroup.
+	When specifying a user, the three comma-delimited fields inside each
+	group represent:</para>
-	  <para>The name of the host(s) where the following items are
+	  <para>The name of the host(s) where the other fields representing the user are
 	    valid.  If a hostname is not specified, the entry is valid
-	    on all hosts.  If a hostname is specified, it will need to
-	    be micro-managed within this configuration.</para>
+	    on all hosts.</para>
@@ -2013,38 +2011,34 @@ INTERNS (,able,test-domain)     (,baker,
-      <para>Each of these fields may contain wildcards.  See
+      <para>If a group contains multiple users, separate each user with 
+	whitespace.  Additionally, each field may contain wildcards.  See
 	&man.netgroup.5; for details.</para>
-      <note>
 	<para>Netgroup names longer than 8 characters should not be
-	  used, especially with machines running other operating
-	  systems within the <acronym>NIS</acronym> domain.  The names
-	  are case sensitive; using capital letters for netgroup names
+	  used.  The names
+	  are case sensitive and using capital letters for netgroup names
 	  is an easy way to distinguish between user, machine and
 	  netgroup names.</para>
-	<para>Some <acronym>NIS</acronym> clients (other than &os;)
-	  cannot handle netgroups with a large number of entries.  For
-	  example, some older versions of &sunos; start to cause
-	  trouble if a netgroup contains more than 15
-	  <emphasis>entries</emphasis>.  This limit may be
+	<para>Some non-&os; <acronym>NIS</acronym> clients
+	  cannot handle netgroups containing more than 15
+	  entries.  This limit may be
 	  circumvented by creating several sub-netgroups with 15 users
 	  or fewer and a real netgroup consisting of the
-	  sub-netgroups:</para>
+	  sub-netgroups, as seen in this example:</para>
 	<programlisting>BIGGRP1  (,joe1,domain)  (,joe2,domain)  (,joe3,domain) [...]
 BIGGRP2  (,joe16,domain)  (,joe17,domain) [...]
 BIGGRP3  (,joe31,domain)  (,joe32,domain)
-	<para>Repeat this process if more than 225 users will exist
+	<para>Repeat this process if more than 225 (15 times 15) users exist
 	  within a single netgroup.</para>
-      </note>
-      <para>Activating and distributing the new
-	<acronym>NIS</acronym> map is easy:</para>
+      <para>To activate and distribute the new
+	<acronym>NIS</acronym> map:</para>
       <screen>ellington&prompt.root; <userinput>cd /var/yp</userinput>
 ellington&prompt.root; <userinput>make</userinput></screen>
@@ -2052,7 +2046,7 @@ ellington&prompt.root; <userinput>make</
       <para>This will generate the three <acronym>NIS</acronym> maps
 	<filename>netgroup.byhost</filename> and
-	<filename>netgroup.byuser</filename>.  Use &man.ypcat.1; to
+	<filename>netgroup.byuser</filename>.  Use the map key option of &man.ypcat.1; to
 	check if the new <acronym>NIS</acronym> maps are
@@ -2062,13 +2056,14 @@ ellington&prompt.user; <userinput>ypcat 
       <para>The output of the first command should resemble the
 	contents of <filename>/var/yp/netgroup</filename>.  The second
-	command will not produce output without specified
-	host-specific netgroups.  The third command may be used to get
+	command only produces output if
+	host-specific netgroups were created.  The third command is used to get
 	the list of netgroups for a user.</para>
-      <para>The client setup is quite simple.  To configure the server
-	<hostid>war</hostid>, use &man.vipw.8; to replace the
-	line</para>
+      <para>To configure a client, use &man.vipw.8; to specify the name 
+	of the netgroup.  For example, on the server named
+	<hostid>war</hostid>,  replace this
+	line:</para>
@@ -2076,85 +2071,63 @@ ellington&prompt.user; <userinput>ypcat 
       <programlisting>+ at IT_EMP:::::::::</programlisting>
-      <para>Now, only the data for the users defined in the netgroup
-	<literal>IT_EMP</literal> is imported into
-	<hostid>war</hostid>'s password database and only these users
-	are allowed to login.</para>
-      <para>Unfortunately, this limitation also applies to the
-	<literal>~</literal> function of the shell and all routines
-	converting between user names and numerical user IDs.  In
+      <para>This specifies that only the users defined in the netgroup
+	<literal>IT_EMP</literal> will be imported into this system's
+	password database and only those users
+	are allowed to login to this system.</para>
+      <para>This configuration also applies to the
+	<literal>~</literal> function of the shell and all routines which
+	convert between user names and numerical user IDs.  In
 	other words,
 	<command>cd ~<replaceable>user</replaceable></command> will
 	not work, <command>ls -l</command> will show the numerical ID
-	instead of the username and
-	<command>find . -user joe -print</command> will fail with
+	instead of the username, and
+	<command>find . -user joe -print</command> will fail with the message
 	<errorname>No such user</errorname>.  To fix this, import all
-	user entries <emphasis>without allowing them to login into the
-	  servers</emphasis>.</para>
-      <para>This can be achieved by adding another line to
-	<filename>/etc/master.passwd</filename>.  This line should
-	contain:</para>
-      <para><literal>+:::::::::/sbin/nologin</literal>, meaning
-	<quote>Import all entries but replace the shell with
-	<filename>/sbin/nologin</filename> in the imported
-	entries</quote>.  It is possible to replace any field in the
-	<literal>passwd</literal> entry by placing a default value in
-	<filename>/etc/master.passwd</filename>.</para>
+	user entries without allowing them to login into the
+	servers.  This can be achieved by adding an extra line:</para>
+      <programlisting>+:::::::::/sbin/nologin</programlisting>
+      <para>This line configures the client to
+	import all entries but to replace the shell in those entries with
+	<filename>/sbin/nologin</filename>.</para>
       <!-- Been there, done that, got the scars to prove it - ue -->
-      <warning>
-	<para>Make sure that the line
-	  <literal>+:::::::::/sbin/nologin</literal> is placed after
+	<para>Make sure that extra line
+	  is placed <emphasis>after</emphasis>
 	  <literal>+ at IT_EMP:::::::::</literal>.  Otherwise, all user
 	  accounts imported from <acronym>NIS</acronym> will have
 	  <filename>/sbin/nologin</filename> as their login
-	  shell.</para>
-      </warning>
+	  shell and noone will be able to login to the system.</para>
-      <para>After this change, the <acronym>NIS</acronym> map will
-	only need modification when a new employee joins the IT
-	department.  A similar approach for the less important servers
-	may be used by replacing the old <literal>+:::::::::</literal>
-	in their local version of
-	<filename>/etc/master.passwd</filename> with something like
-	this:</para>
+      <para>To configure the less important servers,
+	replace the old <literal>+:::::::::</literal>
+	on the servers with these lines:</para>
       <programlisting>+ at IT_EMP:::::::::
 + at IT_APP:::::::::
-      <para>The corresponding lines for the normal workstations
-	could be:</para>
+      <para>The corresponding lines for the workstations
+	would be:</para>
       <programlisting>+ at IT_EMP:::::::::
 + at USERS:::::::::
-      <para>And everything would be fine until there is a policy
-	change a few weeks later: The IT department starts hiring
-	interns.  The IT interns are allowed to use the normal
-	workstations and the less important servers; and the IT
-	apprentices are allowed to login onto the main servers.  Add a
-	new netgroup <literal>IT_INTERN</literal>, then add the new IT
-	interns to this netgroup and start to change the configuration
-	on each and every machine.  As the old saying goes:
-	<quote>Errors in centralized planning lead to global
-	  mess</quote>.</para>
-      <para>NIS' ability to create netgroups from other netgroups can
-	be used to prevent situations like these.  One possibility is
+      <para>NIS supports the creation of netgroups from other netgroups which
+	can be useful if the policy regarding user access changes.  One possibility is
 	the creation of role-based netgroups.  For example, one might
 	create a netgroup called <literal>BIGSRV</literal> to define
 	the login restrictions for the important servers, another
 	netgroup called <literal>SMALLSRV</literal> for the less
-	important servers and a third netgroup called
-	<literal>USERBOX</literal> for the normal workstations.  Each
+	important servers, and a third netgroup called
+	<literal>USERBOX</literal> for the workstations.  Each
 	of these netgroups contains the netgroups that are allowed to
 	login onto these machines.  The new entries for the
-	<acronym>NIS</acronym> map netgroup should look like
+	<acronym>NIS</acronym> <literal>netgroup</literal> map would look like
       <programlisting>BIGSRV    IT_EMP  IT_APP
@@ -2168,16 +2141,15 @@ USERBOX   IT_EMP  ITINTERN USERS</progra
 	to define login restrictions on a per-machine basis is
-      <para>Machine-specific netgroup definitions are the other
-	possibility to deal with the policy change outlined above.  In
+      <para>Machine-specific netgroup definitions are another
+	possibility to deal with the policy changes.  In
 	this scenario, the <filename>/etc/master.passwd</filename> of
-	each box contains two lines starting with <quote>+</quote>.
-	The first of them adds a netgroup with the accounts allowed to
-	login onto this machine, the second one adds all other
+	each system contains two lines starting with <quote>+</quote>.
+	The first line adds a netgroup with the accounts allowed to
+	login onto this machine and the second line adds all other
 	accounts with <filename>/sbin/nologin</filename> as shell.  It
-	is a good idea to use the <quote>ALL-CAPS</quote> version of
-	the machine name as the name of the netgroup.  In other words,
-	the lines should look like this:</para>
+	is recommended to use the <quote>ALL-CAPS</quote> version of
+	the hostname as the name of the netgroup:</para>
@@ -2187,8 +2159,7 @@ USERBOX   IT_EMP  ITINTERN USERS</progra
 	<filename>/etc/master.passwd</filename> ever again.  All
 	further changes can be handled by modifying the
 	<acronym>NIS</acronym> map.  Here is an example of a possible
-	netgroup map for this scenario with some additional
-	goodies:</para>
+	<literal>netgroup</literal> map for this scenario:</para>
       <programlisting># Define groups of users first
 IT_EMP    (,alpha,test-domain)    (,beta,test-domain)
@@ -2226,159 +2197,55 @@ ONE       SECURITY
 TWO       (,hotel,test-domain)
 # [...more groups to follow]</programlisting>
-      <para>If some kind of database is used to manage the user
-	accounts, it may be possible to create the first part of the
-	map using the database's reporting tools.  This way, new users
-	will automatically have access to the boxes.</para>
-      <para>One last word of caution: It may not always be advisable
+      <para>It may not always be advisable
 	to use machine-based netgroups.  When deploying a couple of
-	dozen or even hundreds of identical machines for student labs,
+	dozen or hundreds of systems,
 	role-based netgroups instead of machine-based netgroups may be
 	used to keep the size of the <acronym>NIS</acronym> map within
 	reasonable limits.</para>
-      <title>Important Things to Remember</title>
-      <para>There are still a couple of things administrators need to
-	do differently now that machines are in an NIS
-	environment.</para>
-      <itemizedlist>
-	<listitem>
-	  <para>Every time a new user is added to the lab, they must
-	    be added to the master <acronym>NIS</acronym> server and
-	    the <acronym>NIS</acronym> maps will need rebuilt.  If
-	    this step is omitted, the new user will not be able to
-	    login anywhere except on the <acronym>NIS</acronym>
-	    master.  For example, if we needed to add a new user
-	    <username>jsmith</username> to the lab, we would:</para>
-	  <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>pw useradd jsmith</userinput>
-&prompt.root; <userinput>cd /var/yp</userinput>
-&prompt.root; <userinput>make test-domain</userinput></screen>
-	  <para>The user may also be added using
-	    <command>adduser jsmith</command>
-	    instead of <command>pw useradd jsmith</command>.</para>
-	</listitem>
-	<listitem>
-	  <para><emphasis>Keep the administration accounts out of the
-	      <acronym>NIS</acronym> maps</emphasis>.  This is
-	    undesirable as it will create a security risk.  These
-	    users and passwords should not be propagated to all
-	    machines.  Especially if these machines will have users
-	    whom should not have access to those accounts.</para>
-	</listitem>
-	<listitem>
-	  <para><emphasis>Keep the <acronym>NIS</acronym> master and
-	      slave secure, and minimize their downtime</emphasis>.
-	    If somebody either hacks or simply turns off these
-	    machines, they have effectively rendered many people
-	    without the ability to login to the lab.</para>
-	  <para>This is the chief weakness of any centralized
-	    administration system.  If the <acronym>NIS</acronym>
-	    servers are not protected, there will be a lot of angry
-	    users and unhappy management!</para>
-	</listitem>
-      </itemizedlist>
-    </sect2>
-    <sect2>
-      <title><acronym>NIS</acronym> v1 Compatibility</title>
-      <para>&os;'s <application>ypserv</application> has some support
-	for serving <acronym>NIS</acronym> v1 clients.  &os;'s
-	<acronym>NIS</acronym> implementation only uses the
-	<acronym>NIS</acronym> v2 protocol; however, other
-	implementations include support for the v1 protocol for
-	backwards compatibility with older systems.  The
-	<application>ypbind</application> daemons supplied with these
-	systems will attempt to establish a binding to an
-	<acronym>NIS</acronym>v1 server even though they may never
-	actually need it (and they may persist in broadcasting in
-	search of one even after they receive a response from a v2
-	server).  Note that while support for normal client calls is
-	provided, this version of
-	<application>ypserv</application> does not handle v1 map
-	transfer requests.  Additionally, it cannot be used as a
-	master or slave in conjunction with older
-	<acronym>NIS</acronym> servers that only support the v1
-	protocol.  Fortunately, there probably are not any such
-	servers still in use today.</para>
-    </sect2>
-    <sect2>
       <title>Password Formats</title>
 	<secondary>password formats</secondary>
-      <para>One of the most common issues that people run into when
-	trying to implement <acronym>NIS</acronym> is password format
-	compatibility.  If the <acronym>NIS</acronym> server is using
-	DES encrypted passwords, it will only support clients that are
-	also using DES.  For example, if any &solaris;
-	<acronym>NIS</acronym> clients exist on the network, there is
-	a highly likelihood DES must be used for encrypted
-	passwords.</para>
-      <para>To check which format the servers and clients are using,
-	look at <filename>/etc/login.conf</filename>.  If the host is
-	configured to use DES encrypted passwords, then the
-	<literal>default</literal> class will contain an entry like
-	this:</para>
+      <para><acronym>NIS</acronym> requires that all hosts within an
+	<acronym>NIS</acronym> domain use the same format for encrypting passwords.
+	If users have trouble authenticating on an
+	<acronym>NIS</acronym> client, it may be due to a differing password format.
+	In a heterogeneous network, the format must be supported by all operating systems, where
+	<acronym>DES</acronym>
+	is the lowest common standard.</para>
+	<para>To check which format a server or client is using,
+	look at this section of <filename>/etc/login.conf</filename>:</para>
 	[Further entries elided]</programlisting>
-      <para>Other possible values for the
-	<literal>passwd_format</literal> capability include
-	<literal>blf</literal> and <literal>md5</literal> (for
-	Blowfish and MD5 encrypted passwords, respectively).</para>
-      <para>If any changes were made to
-	<filename>/etc/login.conf</filename>, the login capability
-	database must be rebuilt by running the following command as
-	<username>root</username>:</para>
+      <para>In this example, the system is using the <acronym>DES</acronym>
+	format.  Other possible values are
+	<literal>blf</literal> for Blowfish and <literal>md5</literal> for
+	MD5 encrypted passwords.</para>
+      <para>If the format on a host needs to be edited to match the one 
+	being used in the <acronym>NIS</acronym> domain,
+	the login capability
+	database must be rebuilt after saving the change:</para>
       <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>cap_mkdb /etc/login.conf</userinput></screen>
-	<para>The format of passwords already in
-	  <filename>/etc/master.passwd</filename> will not be updated
-	  until a user changes his password for the first time
+	<para>The format of passwords for existing user accounts will not be updated
+	  until each user changes their password
 	  <emphasis>after</emphasis> the login capability database is
-      <para>Next, in order to ensure that passwords are encrypted with
-	the chosen format, check that the
-	<literal>crypt_default</literal> in
-	<filename>/etc/auth.conf</filename> gives precedence to the
-	chosen password format.  To do this, place the chosen format
-	first in the list.  For example, when using DES encrypted
-	passwords, the entry would be:</para>
-      <programlisting>crypt_default	=	des blf md5</programlisting>
-      <para>Having followed the above steps on each of the &os; based
-	<acronym>NIS</acronym> servers and clients, verify that they
-	all agree on which password format is used within the network.
-	If users have trouble authenticating on an
-	<acronym>NIS</acronym> client, this is a pretty good place to
-	start looking for possible problems.  Remember: to deploy an
-	<acronym>NIS</acronym> server for a heterogeneous network,
-	they will probably have to use DES on all systems because it
-	is the lowest common standard.</para>

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