svn commit: r41112 - head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/porters-handbook

Gabor Kovesdan gabor at
Wed Mar 6 21:03:56 UTC 2013

Em 06-03-2013 21:39, Gabor Pali escreveu:
> Hm...  That was my initial idea, but I tried to spare ports people
> (like bapt) from the added syntactical noise.  I will play with this
> further and refactor, but actually I did not see any difficulty with
> this as, to my intuition, the entity is just replaced by the contents
> textually.
> Probably that is what I missed to consider?
Yes it is just replaced with the textual content but the text that is to 
be inserted still has to be well-formed XML. Since there is only one row 
entry, this is apparently true but if you start adding more it will not 
be any more since there will be more root elements so this design does 
not support your original intention.


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