svn commit: r39859 - head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/faq

Eitan Adler eadler at
Tue Oct 30 14:30:44 UTC 2012

Author: eadler
Date: Tue Oct 30 14:30:44 2012
New Revision: 39859

  These questions relate more to "how do I use my device" and less with
  a specific problem or concern that might be answered in an FAQ.
  In addition having all the anwers look identical is bad form.
  Reviewed by:	gavin
  Approved by:	bcr (mentor)


Modified: head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/faq/book.xml
--- head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/faq/book.xml	Tue Oct 30 14:30:41 2012	(r39858)
+++ head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/faq/book.xml	Tue Oct 30 14:30:44 2012	(r39859)
@@ -9006,150 +9006,6 @@ hint.sio.7.irq="12"</programlisting>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>chmod 4511 /usr/bin/tip</userinput></screen>
-      <qandaentry>
-	<question id="hayes-unsupported">
-	  <para>My stock Hayes modem is not supported — what can I
-	    do?</para>
-	</question>
-	<answer>
-	  <para>See <ulink
-	      url="&url.books.handbook;/dialout.html#HAYES-UNSUPPORTED">this answer</ulink>
-	    in the &os; Handbook.</para>
-	</answer>
-      </qandaentry>
-      <qandaentry>
-	<question id="direct-at">
-	  <para>How am I expected to enter these AT commands?</para>
-	</question>
-	<answer>
-	  <para>See <ulink
-	      url="&url.books.handbook;/dialout.html#DIRECT-AT">this answer</ulink>
-	    in the &os; Handbook.</para>
-	</answer>
-      </qandaentry>
-      <qandaentry>
-	<question id="gt-failure">
-	  <para>Why does the <literal>@</literal> sign for the
-	    <literal>pn</literal> capability not
-	    work?</para>
-	</question>
-	<answer>
-	  <para>See <ulink
-	      url="&url.books.handbook;/dialout.html#GT-FAILURE">this answer</ulink>
-	    in the &os; Handbook.</para>
-	</answer>
-      </qandaentry>
-      <qandaentry>
-	<question id="dial-command-line">
-	  <para>How can I dial a phone number on the command
-	    line?</para>
-	</question>
-	<answer>
-	  <para>See <ulink
-	      url="&url.books.handbook;/dialout.html#DIAL-COMMAND-LINE">this answer</ulink>
-	    in the &os; Handbook.</para>
-	</answer>
-      </qandaentry>
-      <qandaentry>
-	<question id="set-bps">
-	  <para>Do I have to type in the bps rate every time I do
-	    that?</para>
-	</question>
-	<answer>
-	  <para>See <ulink
-	      url="&url.books.handbook;/dialout.html#SET-BPS">this answer</ulink>
-	    in the &os; Handbook.</para>
-	</answer>
-      </qandaentry>
-      <qandaentry>
-	<question id="terminal-server">
-	  <para>How can I more easily access a number of hosts through a
-	    terminal server?</para>
-	</question>
-	<answer>
-	  <para>See <ulink
-	      url="&url.books.handbook;/dialout.html#TERMINAL-SERVER">this answer</ulink>
-	    in the &os; Handbook.</para>
-	</answer>
-      </qandaentry>
-      <qandaentry>
-	<question id="tip-multiline">
-	  <para>Can tip try more than one line for each site?</para>
-	</question>
-	<answer>
-	  <para>See <ulink
-	      url="&url.books.handbook;/dialout.html#TIP-MULTILINE">this answer</ulink>
-	    in the &os; Handbook.</para>
-	</answer>
-      </qandaentry>
-      <qandaentry>
-	<question id="multi-controlp">
-	  <para>Why do I have to hit <keycombo
-	      action="simul"><keycap>Ctrl</keycap><keycap>P</keycap></keycombo>
-	    twice to send <keycombo
-	      action="simul"><keycap>Ctrl</keycap><keycap>P</keycap></keycombo>
-	    once?</para>
-	</question>
-	<answer>
-	  <para>See <ulink
-	      url="&url.books.handbook;/dialout.html#MULTI-CONTROLP">this answer</ulink>
-	    in the &os; Handbook.</para>
-	</answer>
-      </qandaentry>
-      <qandaentry>
-	<question id="uppercase">
-	  <para>Why is everything I type suddenly in UPPER CASE?</para>
-	</question>
-	<answer>
-	  <para>See <ulink
-	      url="&url.books.handbook;/dialout.html#UPPERCASE">this answer</ulink>
-	    in the &os; Handbook.</para>
-	</answer>
-      </qandaentry>
-      <qandaentry>
-	<question id="tip-filetransfer">
-	  <para>How can I do file transfers with
-	    <command>tip</command>?</para>
-	</question>
-	<answer>
-	  <para>See <ulink
-	      url="&url.books.handbook;/dialout.html#TIP-FILETRANSFER">this answer</ulink>
-	    in the &os; Handbook.</para>
-	</answer>
-      </qandaentry>
-      <qandaentry>
-	<question id="zmodem-tip">
-	  <para>How can I run zmodem with
-	    <command>tip</command>?</para>
-	</question>
-	<answer>
-	  <para>See <ulink
-	      url="&url.books.handbook;/dialout.html#ZMODEM-TIP">this answer</ulink>
-	    in the &os; Handbook.</para>
-	</answer>
-      </qandaentry>

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