svn commit: r40068 - head/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/portbuild

Mark Linimon linimon at
Sun Nov 18 15:11:39 UTC 2012

Author: linimon
Date: Sun Nov 18 15:11:38 2012
New Revision: 40068

  Completely overhaul the "new head node" section, based on an install
  from scratch done here in Austin.
  I am aware that there are various sins in the markup and whitespace.
  These will be fixed with subsequent commits.


Modified: head/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/portbuild/article.xml
--- head/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/portbuild/article.xml	Sun Nov 18 15:09:04 2012	(r40067)
+++ head/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/portbuild/article.xml	Sun Nov 18 15:11:38 2012	(r40068)
@@ -2771,39 +2771,72 @@ ln -s ../<replaceable>arch</replaceable>
-	  <para>For each supported arch, add a
-	    <literal>ports-<replaceable>${arch}</replaceable></literal>
-	    user and group.  Add them to the <literal>wheel</literal>
-	    group.  They should have the <literal>'*'</literal> password.
-	    Also, similarly, create the <literal>ports</literal> and
-	    <literal>portmgr</literal> users.</para>
+	  <para>Create a user to own the <application>portbuild</application>
+	    repository, such as <literal>portmgr</literal>, and add it
+	    to the <literal>wheel</literal> group.  It should have the
+	    <literal>'*'</literal> password.</para>
-	  <para>For each supported arch, create
-	    <filename>/home/ports-<replaceable>${arch}/.ssh/</replaceable></filename>
-	    and populate <filename>authorized_keys</filename>.  </para>
+	  <para>Add the following to <filename>/boot/loader.conf</filename>:<screen>
+	  </para>
-<!-- NOTYET
-	  <para>Also add the following users:<screen>
-squid:*:100:100::0:0:User &:/usr/local/squid:/bin/sh
-ganglia:*:102:102::0:0:User &:/usr/local/ganglia:/bin/sh</screen>
+	  <para>We run the cluster on UTC.  If you have not set the clock
+	    to UTC:
+	    <screen>cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/Etc/UTC etc/localtime</screen>
-	  <para>Add them to <filename>/etc/group</filename> as well.</para>
-	  <para>Create the appropriate files in
-	    <filename>/etc/.ssh/</filename>.</para>
+	  <para>Create the appropriate
+	    <filename>etc/rc.conf</filename>.</para>
+	  <para>Required entries:<screen>
+	  <para>Recommended entries:<screen>
+# XXX MCL these don't work!
+#inetd_flags="-R 10000 -lw"
+nfs_server_flags="-u -t -n 12"
+	  </para>
-	  <para>Add the following to <filename>/boot/loader.conf</filename>:<screen>
-	  </para>
+	  <para>Create <filename>etc/resolv.conf</filename>, if
+	    necessary.</para>
+	</step>
+	<step>
+	  <para>Create the appropriate files in
+	    <filename>/etc/ssh/</filename>.</para>
@@ -2820,9 +2853,6 @@ ttyu0   "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600"   
-	<step>
-	  <para>TBA</para>
-	</step>
@@ -2835,22 +2865,33 @@ ttyu0   "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600"   
 	  <para>Create a <application>zfs</application> volume named
 	    <filename>a</filename> and mount it on
-	    <filename>/a</filename>:<screen>
-# zpool create a mirror da1 da2 mirror da3 da4 mirror da5 da6 mirror da7 da8</screen>
+	    <filename>/a</filename>.  An example:<screen>
+&prompt.root; zpool create a mirror da1 da2 mirror da3 da4 mirror da5 da6 mirror da7 da8</screen>
-	  <para>Set up the base portbuild directory:<screen>
-# mkdir -p /a/portbuild
-# cd /a/portbuild
-# chown portmgr:portmgr .
-# chmod 775 .</screen>
+	  <para>Create the portbuild directory:<screen>
+&prompt.root; mkdir -p /a/portbuild
-	  <para>TBA</para>
+	  <para>Create and mount a new <application>zfs</application>
+	    filesystem on it:
+	    <screen>zfs create -o mountpoint=/a/portbuild a/portbuild</screen>
+	  </para>
+	</step>
+	<step>
+	  <para>Set up the portbuild directory:<screen>
+&prompt.root; cd /a/portbuild
+&prompt.root; chown portmgr:portmgr .
+&prompt.root; chmod 775 .
+&prompt.root; ln -sf /a/portbuild /var/portbuild
+	  </para>
@@ -2876,8 +2917,8 @@ ttyu0   "/usr/libexec/getty std.9600"   
 	  <para>The following ports (or their latest successors) are required:<screen>
+databases/py-sqlalchemy (only SQLITE is needed)
 devel/git (WITH_SVN)
@@ -2886,13 +2927,13 @@ net/nc
 sysutils/ganglia-monitor-core (with GMETAD off)
 sysutils/ganglia-webfrontend (WITHOUT_X11)
-www/apache22 (with EXT_FILTER and THREADS)</screen>
+www/apache22 (with EXT_FILTER)</screen>
-	  <para>Expect those to bring in:<screen>
+	  <para>Expect those to bring in, among others:<screen>
+lang/perl-5.14 (or successor)
+lang/python27 (or sucessor)</screen>
 	  <para>The following ports (or their latest successors) are strongly suggested:<screen>
@@ -2900,7 +2941,7 @@ benchmarks/bonnie++
@@ -2913,26 +2954,242 @@ sysutils/smartmontools</screen>
-	  <para>Configure mail by doing the following: TBA.
+	  <para>If not already created, add the following users:<screen>
+squid:*:100:100::0:0:User &:/usr/local/squid:/bin/sh
+ganglia:*:102:102::0:0:User &:/usr/local/ganglia:/bin/sh</screen>
+	  <para>Add them to <filename>/etc/group</filename> as well.</para>
+	<step>
+	  <para>Configure mail by doing the following:</para>
+	  <para>TBA.</para>
+	</step>
-    <sect2 id="pointyhat-other">
-      <title>Other</title>
+    <sect2 id="pointyhat-repo">
+      <title>Setting up and configuring the portbuild repository</title>
-	  <para>TBA</para>
+	  <para>Set up an account with subversion config files
+	    installed.  Again, we generally use
+	    <replaceable>portmgr</replaceable>.</para>
+	</step>
+	<step>
+	  <para>As that user, set up the repository:<screen>
+&prompt.user; svn checkout svn:// /a/portbuild
+	    </para>
+	</step>
+	<step>
+	  <para>Configure how build slaves will talk to your server
+	    by making the following changes to
+	    <filename>/var/portbuild/conf/client.conf</filename>:</para>
+	  <itemizedlist>
+	    <listitem>
+	      <para>Set <makevar>CLIENT_NFS_MASTER</makevar> to wherever
+		your build slaves will PXE boot from.  (Possibly, the
+		hostname of your server.)</para>
+	    </listitem>
+	    <listitem>
+	      <para>Set <makevar>CLIENT_BACKUP_FTP_SITE</makevar>
+		to a backup site for FTP fetches; again, possibly
+		the hostname of your server.</para>
+	    </listitem>
+	    <listitem>
+	      <para>Set <makevar>CLIENT_UPLOAD_HOST</makevar> to
+		where completed packages will be uploaded.</para>
+	    </listitem>
+	  </itemizedlist>
+	  <para>Most of the other default values should be fine.</para>
+	</step>
+	<step>
+	  <para>Most of the default values in
+	    <filename>/var/portbuild/conf/common.conf</filename>
+	    should be fine.  This file holds definitions used by
+	    both the server and all its clients.</para>
+	</step>
+	<step>
+	  <para><filename>/var/portbuild/conf/make.conf</filename>
+	    is most likely obsolete.</para>
+	</step>
+	<step>
+	  <para>Configure the server by making the following changes to
+	    <filename>/var/portbuild/conf/server.conf</filename>:</para>
+	  <itemizedlist>
+	    <listitem>
+	      <para>Set <makevar>SUPPORTED_ARCHS</makevar> to the
+		list of architectures you wish to build packages for.</para>
+	    </listitem>
+	    <listitem>
+	      <para>For each source branch you will be building for, set
+		<makevar>SRC_BRANCHES</makevar> and
+		<makevar>SRC_BRANCH_<replaceable>branch</replaceable>_TAG</makevar>
+		as detailed in <xref linkend=NEW-BRANCH-PRE-QMANAGER>.
+		You should not need to change
+		<makevar>SRC_BRANCHES_PATTERN</makevar>.</para>
+	    </listitem>
+	    <listitem>
+	      <para>Set <makevar>UPLOAD_DIRECTORY</makevar>,
+		<makevar>UPLOAD_TARGET</makevar>, and
+		<makevar>UPLOAD_USER</makevar> as approprite
+		for your site.</para>
+	    </listitem>
+	    <listitem>
+	      <para>Set <makevar>MASTER_URL</makevar> to the http
+		URL of your server.  This will be stamped into the
+		package build logs and the indices thereof.</para>
+	    </listitem>
+	  </itemizedlist>
+	  <para>Most of the other default values should be fine.</para>
+	</step>
+      </procedure>
+    </sect2>
+    <sect2 id="pointyhat-pre-qmanager">
+      <title>pre-<application>qmanager</application></title>
+      <procedure>
+	<step>
+	  <para>For each architecture, follow the steps in
+	    <xref linkend=NEW-ARCH-PRE-QMANAGER>.</para>
+	</step>
+      </procedure>
+    </sect2>
+    <sect2 id="pointyhat-qmanager">
+      <title><application>qmanager</application></title>
+      <procedure>
+	<step>
+	  <para>Copy the following files from
+	    <filename>/var/portbuild/conf/etc/rc.d</filename> to
+	    <filename>/usr/local/etc/rc.d</filename>:<screen></screen>
+	  </para>
+	  <para>As root, start each one of them.  You may find it handy
+	    to start each under <application>screen</application> for
+	    debugging purposes.</para>
+	</step>
+	<step>
+	  <para>Initialize the <application>qmanager</application>
+	    database's acl list:<screen>
+&prompt.root; python /var/portbuild/qmanager/qclient add_acl name=deny_all uidlist= gidlist= sense=0
+	</step>
+      </procedure>
+    </sect2>
+    <sect2 id="pointyhat-src-ports-repos">
+      <title>Creating src and ports repositories</title>
+      <procedure>
+	<step>
+	  <para>Run the following commands manually to create the
+	    <literal>src</literal> and <literal>ports</literal>
+	    repositories, respectively:<screen>
+&prompt.user; sudo /var/portbuild/scripts/updatesnap.ports
+&prompt.user; sudo /var/portbuild/scripts/updatesnap
+	  <para>These will be periodically run from the root
+	    <filename>crontab</filename>, which you will
+	    install below.</para>
+    <sect2 id="pointyhat-other-services">
+      <title>Other services</title>
+      <procedure>
+	<step>
+	  <para>Configure
+	    <filename>/usr/local/etc/apache22/httpd.conf</filename>
+	    as appropriate for your site.</para>
+	</step>
+	<step>
+	  <para>Copy <filename>/var/portbuild/conf/apache.conf</filename>
+	    to the appropriate <filename>Includes</filename> subdirectory, e.g.,
+	    <filename>/usr/local/etc/apache22/Includes/apache.conf</filename>.
+	    Configure it as appropriate for your site.</para>
+	</step>
+	<step>
+	  <para>Set up <filename>/var/portbuild/crontab/root</filename> as
+	    the root crontab via <command>crontab -e</command>.  If you do
+	    not support all the archs listed there, make sure to comment out
+	    the appropriate <application>dologs</application> entries.</para>
+	</step>
+	<step>
+	  <para>If your build slaves will be pxebooted, make sure to
+	    enable the <application>tftp</application> entries in
+	    <filename>/etc/inetd.conf</filename>.</para>
+	</step>
+      </procedure>
+    </sect2>
+    <sect2 id="pointyhat-finishing-up">
+      <title>Finishing up</title>
+      <procedure>
+	<step>
+	  <para>For each architecture, follow the steps in
+	    <xref linkend=NEW-ARCH-POST-QMANAGER>.</para>
+	</step>
+      </procedure>
+      <para>You should now be ready to build packages.</para>
+    </sect2>
   <sect1 id="disk-failure">

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