svn commit: r54070 - head/share/xml
Sergio Carlavilla Delgado
carlavilla at
Thu Apr 23 17:24:47 UTC 2020
Author: carlavilla
Date: Thu Apr 23 17:24:46 2020
New Revision: 54070
Remove stale usergroups
* Grazer BSD Stammtisch and Wiener BSD Stammtisch points to the same url
* The Swedish FreeBSD Community -> website down
* Ukrainian FreeBSD User Group (UAFUG) -> website down
* The Connecticut Free Unix Users Group (CFUG) -> Right now it's a personal blog
* Kansas Unix & Linux Users Association (KULUA) -> website down
* Phoenix BSD Users Group -> website down
* Greater Lansing Linux User Group -> website down
* Western Connecticut's Open Source User Group (WCOSUG) -> Commercial use
* The FreeBSD Mexican Community -> website down
* -> website with another use
* The Daibou East *BSD Users Group (DEBUG) -> website down
* BSD Pakistan -> website down
* Mongolian Unix User Group (MUUG) -> website down
* Bangladeshi FreeBSD User Group -> website down
Approved by: bcr
Differential Revision:
Modified: head/share/xml/usergroups.xml
--- head/share/xml/usergroups.xml Thu Apr 23 14:25:42 2020 (r54069)
+++ head/share/xml/usergroups.xml Thu Apr 23 17:24:46 2020 (r54070)
@@ -100,23 +100,10 @@ The country codes are precise ISO3166 codes from, e.g.
<continent name="Europe">
<country code="AT" name="Austria">
- <entry id="bsdgraz">
- <name>Grazer BSD Stammtisch</name>
- <url></url>
- <description>The "Grazer BSD Stammtisch" is a
- german-language oriented user group with members living in
- or near Graz/Austria. We usually meet once per month to
- discuss BSD related topics. For more information please
- visit our <a href="">website</a>
- or our <a
- href="">
- Facebook page</a>.
- </description>
- </entry>
<entry id="bsdwien">
<name>Wiener BSD Stammtisch</name>
- <url></url>
+ <url></url>
<description>The Vienna BSD-Stammtisch is an English and German
speaking BSD user group located in Austria's capital. We
meet once a month to have a show and tell session, discuss
@@ -129,7 +116,7 @@ The country codes are precise ISO3166 codes from, e.g.
<country code="CZ" name="Czech Republic">
<entry id="brmlab">
<name>Prague BSD Group</name>
- <url></url>
+ <url></url>
<description>A small BSD user group from Brmlab Prague/Czech
Republic Hackerspace. We are a group of hobbyists,
professionals, and enthusiasts.</description>
@@ -404,7 +391,7 @@ The country codes are precise ISO3166 codes from, e.g.
<country code="PL" name="Poland">
<entry id="Warsaw" >
<name>Polish BSD User Group</name>
- <url></url>
+ <url></url>
<description>Our group was created to promote systems from the BSD
family in Poland. We organize meetings that bring together lovers
of Unix systems. Located in Warsaw.
@@ -475,41 +462,8 @@ The country codes are precise ISO3166 codes from, e.g.
in the body. Located in Sweden.
- <entry id="freebsd-se" >
- <name>The Swedish FreeBSD Community</name>
- <url></url>
- <description> is a Swedish FreeBSD community in which
- one can read and post articles and how-to:s in Swedish. There
- is also an active forum for asking questions and helping
- others with problems related to FreeBSD.
- </description>
- </entry>
- <country code="UA" name="Ukraine">
- <entry id="uafug" >
- <name>Ukrainian FreeBSD User Group (UAFUG)</name>
- <url></url>
- <description>The Ukrainian FreeBSD User Group (UAFUG) is a
- Russian/Ukrainian languages oriented user group for the
- Ukrainian users of BSD-derivatives, promoting and supporting
- BSD flavours and Open Source usage. The UAFUG has had its
- first meeting on 2 June 2002 and meets every 2-3 weeks. We
- also provide an open forum for all BSD-related things in the
- Russian and Ukrainian languages (though we can read/write in
- english as well). To join the mailing list send a message to
- <a href="mailto:majordomo at">
- majordomo at</a> with <code>subscribe
- freebsd</code> in the body of the message. Check the <a
- href="">link</a> above for more
- information. Located in the Ukraine.
- </description>
- </entry>
- </country>
<country code="GB" name="UK">
<entry id="bsdgroups" >
<name>Manchester BSD Users Group</name>
@@ -611,7 +565,7 @@ The country codes are precise ISO3166 codes from, e.g.
<entry id="chifug">
<name>The Users of Free Operating Systems (UFO Chicago)</name>
- <url></url>
+ <url></url>
<description>The Users of Free Operating Systems (UFO Chicago) is
an open-source Unix User Group that meets twice a month
in Chicago. For directions and mailing list information, please
@@ -620,17 +574,6 @@ The country codes are precise ISO3166 codes from, e.g.
- <entry id="cfug">
- <name>The Connecticut Free Unix Users Group (CFUG)</name>
- <url></url>
- <description>The Connecticut Free Unix Users Group (CFUG) is
- devoted to free Unix, but has resources for almost all Unixen.
- Their area of operation is Connecticut and Western Massachusetts.
- More information can be found at <a href="">
-</a>. Located in Connecticut.
- </description>
- </entry>
<entry id="cobug">
<name>The Colorado BSD Users Group (CoBUG)</name>
@@ -640,18 +583,6 @@ The country codes are precise ISO3166 codes from, e.g.
- <entry id="kulua">
- <name>Kansas Unix & Linux Users Association (KULUA)</name>
- <url></url>
- <description>The Kansas Unix & Linux Users Association (KULUA)
- is a Free Unix User Group based in Lawrence, Kansas, but with
- users throughout eastern Kansas and western Missouri. We have
- about 120 members and meet biweekly. Visit the web site or email
- <a href="mailto:kulua at">kulua at</a> for more
- information. Located in Lawrence, Kansas.
- </description>
- </entry>
<entry id="knoxbug">
@@ -744,16 +675,6 @@ The country codes are precise ISO3166 codes from, e.g.
- <entry id="phoenix">
- <name>Phoenix BSD Users Group</name>
- <url></url>
- <description>The Phoenix BSD Users Group is fully open for business.
- Anyone from the Phoenix area please feel free to join in <a
- href=""></a>.
- Located in Phoenix, AZ.
- </description>
- </entry>
<entry id="portland">
<name>Portland (Oregon) FreeBSD Users Group</name>
<url>mailto:pdx-freebsd at</url>
@@ -820,20 +741,6 @@ The country codes are precise ISO3166 codes from, e.g.
- <entry id="gllug">
- <name>Greater Lansing Linux User Group</name>
- <url></url>
- <description>GLLUG is an organization for users of Linux, FreeBSD,
- and associated free software in Lansing, Michigan (USA) and the
- surrounding area. As with the organization at large, the weekly
- meetings are very informal. We talk about what we've been working
- on for the last few weeks and catch each other up with what is
- going on. Often there is an official topic proposed ahead of time
- on the mailing list, but sometimes we just discuss what is on our
- minds.
- </description>
- </entry>
<entry id="capbug">
<name>Capital Area BSD Users Group</name>
@@ -854,19 +761,6 @@ The country codes are precise ISO3166 codes from, e.g.
BSD operating systems.
- <entry id="wcosug">
- <name>Western Connecticut's Open Source User Group (WCOSUG)</name>
- <url></url>
- <description>WCOSUG is The Western Connecticut Open Source User
- Group. Unlike Linux User Groups we also recognize the BSD's and
- other operating systems. We are based in Fairfield County, CT,
- we have several users based on the CT, NY border and due to lack
- of an Eastern NY User Group we feel that it is our job to pull up
- the slack and help these users out.
- </description>
- </entry>
<country code="CA" name="Canada">
@@ -893,49 +787,9 @@ The country codes are precise ISO3166 codes from, e.g.
- <country code="MX" name="Mexico">
- <entry id="freebsd-mexico">
- <name>The FreeBSD Mexican Community</name>
- <url></url>
- <description>The FreeBSD Mexican Community is a spanish language
- orientated user group which wants to promote and educate people about
- BSD operating systems by making tutorials and organizing events and
- conferences. We are also working with other Open Source Unix
- derivates like NetBSD, OpenBSD and Linux. For more
- information please visit our <a href="">website</a>
- or send us an <a href="mailto:ernesto at">email</a>.
- </description>
- </entry>
- </country>
<continent name="South America">
- <country code="AR" name="Argentina">
- <entry id="beersd-argentina">
- <name></name>
- <url></url>
- <description>Buenos Aires based group with monthly meetings.
- Comprised of many students at the University of Buenos Aires
- Computer Science department.</description>
- </entry>
- </country>
- <country code="PE" name="Peru">
- <entry id="bsdperu">
- <name>The BSD Users Group Peru</name>
- <url></url>
- <description>The BSD Users Group Peru is a group of people with the
- objective to promote the use of the different *BSD systems in Peru.
- They provide information, documentation and forums for discussion.
- For more information you can use their web site <a
- href=""></a> or write to
- <a href="mailto:contacto at">contacto at</a>
- </description>
- </entry>
- </country>
<country code="VE" name="Venezuela">
<entry id="bsd-ve">
<name>Grupo de Usuarios BSD de Venezuela</name>
@@ -998,14 +852,6 @@ The country codes are precise ISO3166 codes from, e.g.
<country code="JP" name="Japan">
- <entry id="debug">
- <name>The Daibou East *BSD Users Group (DEBUG)</name>
- <url></url>
- <description>The Daibou East *BSD Users Group (DEBUG) is now
- forming for *BSD users in Tsukuba area. Located in Ibaraki,
- Japan.
- </description>
- </entry>
<entry id="kbug">
<name>The Kansai *BSD Users Group (K*BUG)</name>
@@ -1108,18 +954,6 @@ The country codes are precise ISO3166 codes from, e.g.
- <country code="PK" name="Pakistan">
- <entry id="bsdpakistan">
- <name>BSD Pakistan</name>
- <url></url>
- <description>BSD Pakistan is a user community who aims to promote
- and educate people about BSD Operating Systems; including FreeBSD,
- NetBSD, OpenBSD, DragonFly BSD and Mac OS X. For more information
- please visit our web site.
- </description>
- </entry>
- </country>
<country code="IN" name="India">
<entry id="ndbug">
<name>New Delhi BSD User Group</name>
@@ -1130,32 +964,6 @@ The country codes are precise ISO3166 codes from, e.g.
as other open source software. NDBUG was founded to disseminate
knowledge of BSD Unix, open source software, and related technologies
and interests in India and New Delhi specifically.</description>
- </entry>
- </country>
- <country code="MN" name="Mongolia">
- <entry id="muug">
- <name>Mongolian Unix User Group (MUUG)</name>
- <url></url>
- <description>MUUG - (Mongolian Unix User Group) was formed in 2004
- and it is based in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. It was established to
- share the knowledge, promote and educate people about
- Unix, Linux, and BSD operating systems and open source software.
- For more information please visit the web site at
- <a href=""></a>.
- The web site is in Mongolian only.</description>
- </entry>
- </country>
- <country code="BD" name="Bangladesh">
- <entry id="bangladesh">
- <name>Bangladeshi FreeBSD User Group</name>
- <url></url>
- <description>The Bangladeshi FreeBSD User Group is a group of the FreeBSD
- users in Bangladesh. This group aims to build the scope of sharing
- knowledge and experiences on FreeBSD.
- </description>
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