svn commit: r51065 - head/share/mk

Wolfram Schneider wosch at
Sun Dec 10 12:34:31 UTC 2017

On 4 December 2017 at 12:34, Mathieu Arnold <mat at> wrote:
> Le 01/12/2017 à 17:44, Wolfram Schneider a écrit :
>> On 29 November 2017 at 15:53, Mathieu Arnold <mat at> wrote:
>>> Le 06/10/2017 à 12:44, Wolfram Schneider a écrit :
>>>> Author: wosch
>>>> Date: Fri Oct  6 10:44:00 2017
>>>> New Revision: 51065
>>>> URL:
>>>> Log:
>>>>   'make obj' doesn't really work for the docs, disable it by default
>>>>       PR: 222488
>>> It does if you run:
>>> make obj && make objlink && make <whatever you want>
>>> now I have to carry a local patch that arcanist keeps complaining about :(
>> what is arcanist and where does we use it in the documentation build?
>> At which point our build process depends on "obj"?
> Unless I misunderstand how all this works, using MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX
> requires obj. I work on different branches at the same time, so I set:
>   current_branch=$(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)
>   export MAKEOBJDIRPREFIX=/tmp/doc/${current_branch}/obj
> to make sure the different branches are build in different places.
>> BTW, I didn't removed the obj code. It is just disabled by default for
>> the doc project. You can enable it again by setting the env variables.
> The only way to re-enable the objcode is to remove that line. Which then
> makes my checkout unclean, which many tools complain about. (arcanist
> being one of them, but git svn complains too.)

I checked /usr/share/mk/ . The file does a test if NO_OBJ is
defined, not about the value. So, you cannot unset it on the command
line with:

$ make NO_OBJ=""


$ export NO_OBJ=""; make

It is unlikely this will be get fixed soon. I will revert my change.

PS: I still think that 'make obj' doesn't really work for the doc
project. But for now, you have to disable it yourself on the command
line or in your ~/.profile.


Wolfram Schneider <wosch at>

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