svn commit: r47995 - head/en_US.ISO8859-1/htdocs/news/status

Benjamin Kaduk bjk at
Tue Jan 12 04:02:37 UTC 2016

Author: bjk
Date: Tue Jan 12 04:02:35 2016
New Revision: 47995

  Add root remount entry from trasz


Modified: head/en_US.ISO8859-1/htdocs/news/status/report-2015-10-2015-12.xml
--- head/en_US.ISO8859-1/htdocs/news/status/report-2015-10-2015-12.xml	Tue Jan 12 03:59:39 2016	(r47994)
+++ head/en_US.ISO8859-1/htdocs/news/status/report-2015-10-2015-12.xml	Tue Jan 12 04:02:35 2016	(r47995)
@@ -1763,4 +1763,38 @@
+  <project cat='proj'>
+    <title>Root Remount</title>
+    <contact>
+      <person>
+	<name>
+	  <given>Edward Tomasz</given>
+	  <common>Napierala</common>
+	</name>
+	<email>trasz at</email>
+      </person>
+    </contact>
+    <body>
+      <p>One of the long-missing features of &os; was the ability to
+	boot up with a temporary rootfs, configure the kernel to be able
+	to access the real rootfs, and then replace the temporary root
+	with the real one.  In Linux, this functionality is known as
+	pivot_root.  The reroot projects provides similar functionality in
+	a different, slightly more user-friendly way: rerooting.  Simply
+	put, from the user point of view it looks like the system performs
+	a partial shutdown, killing all processes and unmounting the
+	rootfs, and then partial bringup, mounting the new rootfs, running
+	init, and running the startup scripts as usual.</p>
+      <p>The project is finished.  All the relevant code has been committed
+	to &os; 11-CURRENT, and is expected to ship with &os; 11.0.</p>
+    </body>
+    <sponsor>
+      The FreeBSD Foundation
+    </sponsor>
+  </project>

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