svn commit: r49219 - head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/fdp-primer/editor-config
Warren Block
wblock at
Fri Aug 5 20:23:27 UTC 2016
Author: wblock
Date: Fri Aug 5 20:23:25 2016
New Revision: 49219
Update Emacs section of editor configuration chapter in FDP Primer.
PR: 211184
Submitted by: Joseph Mingrone <jrm at>
Modified: head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/fdp-primer/editor-config/chapter.xml
--- head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/fdp-primer/editor-config/chapter.xml Fri Aug 5 18:51:24 2016 (r49218)
+++ head/en_US.ISO8859-1/books/fdp-primer/editor-config/chapter.xml Fri Aug 5 20:23:25 2016 (r49219)
@@ -105,12 +105,87 @@ endfunction " Set_SGML()</programlisting
<para>Install from
- or <package>editors/xemacs</package>.</para>
+ or <package>editors/emacs-devel</package>.</para>
- <para>Edit <filename>~/.emacs</filename>, adding this
- line:</para>
+ <sect2 xml:id="editor-config-emacs-validation">
+ <title>Validation</title>
- <programlisting>(add-hook 'nxml-mode-hook 'turn-on-auto-fill)</programlisting>
+ <para>Emacs's nxml-mode uses compact relax NG schemas for
+ validating XML. A compact relax NG schema for FreeBSD's
+ extension to DocBook 5.0 is included in the documentation
+ repository. To configure nxml-mode to validate using this
+ schema, create
+ <filename>~/.emacs.d/schema/schemas.xml</filename> and add
+ these lines to the file:</para>
+ <programlisting><tag class="starttag">locatingRules xmlns=""</tag>
+ <tag class="starttag">documentElement localName="section" typeId="DocBook"</tag>
+ <tag class="starttag">documentElement localName="chapter" typeId="DocBook"</tag>
+ <tag class="starttag">documentElement localName="article" typeId="DocBook"</tag>
+ <tag class="starttag">documentElement localName="book" typeId="DocBook"</tag>
+ <tag class="starttag">typeId id="DocBook" uri="/usr/local/share/xml/docbook/5.0/rng/docbook.rnc"</tag>
+<tag class="endtag">locatingRules</tag></programlisting>
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 xml:id="editor-config-emacs-igor">
+ <title>Automated Proofreading with Flycheck and Igor</title>
+ <para>The Flycheck package is available from Milkypostman's
+ Emacs Lisp Package Archive (<acronym>MELPA</acronym>). If
+ <acronym>MELPA</acronym> is not already in Emacs's
+ packages-archives, it can be added by evaluating</para>
+ <programlisting>(add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . "") t)</programlisting>
+ <para>Add the line to Emacs's initialization file (one of
+ <filename>~/.emacs</filename>,
+ <filename>~/.emacs.el</filename>, or
+ <filename>~.emacs.d/init.el</filename>) to make this change
+ permanent.</para>
+ <para>To install Flycheck, evaluate</para>
+ <programlisting>(package-install 'flycheck)</programlisting>
+ <para>Create a Flycheck checker for
+ <package>textproc/igor</package> by evaluating</para>
+ <programlisting>(flycheck-define-checker igor
+ "FreeBSD Documentation Project sanity checker.
+See URLs and
+ :command ("igor" "-X" source-inplace)
+ :error-parser flycheck-parse-checkstyle
+ :modes (nxml-mode)
+ :standard-input t)
+ (add-to-list 'flycheck-checkers 'igor 'append)</programlisting>
+ <para>Again, add these lines to Emacs's initialization file to
+ make the changes permanent.</para>
+ </sect2>
+ <sect2 xml:id="editor-config-emacs-specifc">
+ <title>FreeBSD Documentation Specific Settings</title>
+ <para>To apply settings specific to the FreeBSD documentation
+ project, create <filename>.dir-locals.el</filename> in the
+ root directory of the documentation repository and add these
+ lines to the file:</para>
+ <programlisting>;;; Directory Local Variables
+;;; For more information see (info "(emacs) Directory Variables")
+ (eval . (turn-on-auto-fill))
+ (fill-column . 70)
+ (eval . (require 'flycheck))
+ (eval . (flycheck-mode 1))
+ (flycheck-checker . igor)
+ (eval . (add-to-list 'rng-schema-locating-files "~/.emacs.d/schema/schemas.xml"))))</programlisting>
+ </sect2>
<sect1 xml:id="editor-config-nano">
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