svn commit: r48600 - head/en_US.ISO8859-1/htdocs/news/status
Warren Block
wblock at
Tue Apr 12 23:10:02 UTC 2016
Author: wblock
Date: Tue Apr 12 23:10:01 2016
New Revision: 48600
Add QT56 and UBLDR overlays reports from Oleksandr Tymoshenko
<gonzo at>.
Modified: head/en_US.ISO8859-1/htdocs/news/status/report-2016-01-2016-03.xml
--- head/en_US.ISO8859-1/htdocs/news/status/report-2016-01-2016-03.xml Tue Apr 12 23:00:28 2016 (r48599)
+++ head/en_US.ISO8859-1/htdocs/news/status/report-2016-01-2016-03.xml Tue Apr 12 23:10:01 2016 (r48600)
@@ -1,1743 +1,1824 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
-<!DOCTYPE report PUBLIC "-//FreeBSD//DTD FreeBSD XML Database for
- Status Report//EN"
- "" >
-<!-- $FreeBSD$ -->
- <date>
- <month>January-March</month>
- <year>2016</year>
- </date>
- <section>
- <title>Introduction</title>
- <p><strong>This is a draft of the January–March 2016
- status report. Please check back after it is finalized, and
- an announcement email is sent to the &os;-Announce mailing
- list.</strong></p>
- <?ignore
- <p>This report covers &os;-related projects between January and
- March 2016. This is the first of four reports planned for
- 2016.</p>
- <p>The first quarter of 2016 was another productive quarter for
- the &os; project and community. [...]</p>
- <p>Thanks to all the reporters for the excellent work!</p>
- <p>The deadline for submissions covering the period from April
- to June 2016 is July 7, 2016.</p>
- ?>
- </section>
- <category>
- <name>team</name>
- <description>&os; Team Reports</description>
- </category>
- <category>
- <name>proj</name>
- <description>Projects</description>
- </category>
- <category>
- <name>kern</name>
- <description>Kernel</description>
- </category>
- <category>
- <name>arch</name>
- <description>Architectures</description>
- </category>
- <category>
- <name>bin</name>
- <description>Userland Programs</description>
- </category>
- <category>
- <name>ports</name>
- <description>Ports</description>
- </category>
- <category>
- <name>doc</name>
- <description>Documentation</description>
- </category>
- <category>
- <name>misc</name>
- <description>Miscellaneous</description>
- </category>
- <project cat='kern'>
- <title>Static Analysis of the &os; Kernel with PVS Studio</title>
- <contact>
- <person>
- <name>
- <given>Warren</given>
- <common>Block</common>
- </name>
- <email>wblock at</email>
- </person>
- </contact>
- <links>
- <url href="">PVS-Studio delved into the FreeBSD kernel</url>
- <url href="">PVS Static Analysis Phabricator Review</url>
- </links>
- <body>
- <p>In February, Program Verification Systems used their
- PVS-Studio tool to run a static analysis of the &os; kernel.
- A Phabricator review was created to allow developers to share
- comments on the results. A number of bugs ranging from
- trivial typos to redundant code to important logic errors were
- found and fixed. Some results were false positives. Several
- of these were addressed by changing code that misled the
- static analyzer and could also mislead a human reader.</p>
- <p>The cooperation that Program Verification Systems offers to
- open-source projects like &os; benefits everyone. We thank
- them for sharing this analysis and their insights with us.</p>
- </body>
- </project>
- <project cat='doc'>
- <icon>doc-mid.jpg</icon>
- <title>Spanish FAQ and Chinese Porter's Handbook
- Translations</title>
- <contact>
- <person>
- <name>
- <given>Warren</given>
- <common>Block</common>
- </name>
- <email>wblock at</email>
- </person>
- <person>
- <name>
- <given>Federico</given>
- <common>Caminiti</common>
- </name>
- <email>demian.fc at</email>
- </person>
- <person>
- <name>
- <given>Carlos</given>
- <common>J Puga Medina</common>
- </name>
- <email>cpm at</email>
- </person>
- <person>
- <name>
- <given>Ruey-Cherng</given>
- <common>Yu</common>
- </name>
- <email>raycherng at</email>
- </person>
- </contact>
- <links>
- <url href="">Preguntas Frecuentes para FreeBSD 9.X y 10.X</url>
- <url href="">FreeBSD Porter 手冊</url>
- <url href="">&os; Translators Mailing List</url>
- <url href="">PO Translations</url>
- <url href="">&os; Documentation Project Primer for New Contributors</url>
- </links>
- <body>
- <p>Federico Caminiti created an entirely new Spanish translation
- of the 31,000-word
- <a href="">FAQ</a>
- with editorial help from Carlos J Puga Medina.</p>
- <p>This landmark accomplishment marks the first use of the new
- PO translation system to translate an entire book!</p>
- <p>Ruey-Cherng Yu has begun an ambitious Chinese translation
- (zh_TW) of the 64,000-word
- <a href="">Porter's Handbook</a>.
- About half of the strings in the book have been translated so
- far.</p>
- </body>
- <help>
- <task>
- <p>Help add and improve translations of &os; documents into
- Spanish:
- <a href="">start of <tt>freebsd-translators</tt> thread</a>.</p>
- </task>
- <task>
- <p>Help add and improve translations of &os; documents into
- Chinese or other languages.</p>
- </task>
- </help>
- </project>
- <project cat='kern'>
- <title>NFS server</title>
- <contact>
- <person>
- <name>
- <given>Rick</given>
- <common>Macklem</common>
- </name>
- <email>rmacklem at</email>
- </person>
- </contact>
- <links></links>
- <body>
- <p>A new option "-manage-gids" was added to the nfsuserd
- daemon. This option tells the NFS server to use the list of
- groups for a uid on the server and not the list of groups in
- the NFS RPC request. Use of this option avoids the 16 group
- limit for NFS RPCs using AUTH_SYS (the default).</p>
- <p>Work is ongoing with respect to development of pNFS support
- for the NFS server using GlusterFS as a back end. This will
- be a long term project with the eventual goal of allowing the
- NFS server to scale beyond a single server system. Hopefully
- it will be available for testing in late Spring 2016. pNFS
- allows a NFSv4.1 client to do reads/writes directly to a data
- server and not the NFS server.</p>
- </body>
- <help>
- <task>
- <p>Development of the pNFS server will be in need of testing
- or it will never progress to a near production status. I
- hope to have code available in FreeBSD's subversion projects
- branch for testing in late spring 2016.</p>
- </task>
- </help>
- </project>
- <project cat='arch'>
- <title>powerpcspe target</title>
- <contact>
- <person>
- <name>
- <given>Justin</given>
- <common>Hibbits</common>
- </name>
- <email>jhibbits at</email>
- </person>
- </contact>
- <links>
- <url href="">Source tree</url>
- </links>
- <body>
- <p>The purpose of this is to enable use of the Signal Processing
- Engine found in the NXP/Freescale e500v2 SoC. The SPE uses
- opcodes overlapping with Altivec, so is mutually exclusive.
- Additionally, the e500v2 does not have a traditional FPU, and
- instead uses the SPE for all floating point operations (or
- emulation as is currently done). Combined with the fact that
- the SPE ABI is incompatible with traditional ABI, a new
- MACHINE_ARCH is created to address this.</p>
- <p>A project branch has been created with the work. A
- powerpcspe kernel boots on the RouterBoard RB800, and base
- utilities run properly.</p>
- </body>
- <help>
- <task>
- <p>Potentially optimizing setjmp/longjmp to not use SPE unless
- it's already been enabled. This would save the kernel
- switch for processes that don't otherwise use the SPE. This
- is a low priority task which may not be completed.</p>
- </task>
- </help>
- </project>
- <project cat="proj">
- <title>The Graphics stack on FreeBSD</title>
- <contact>
- <person>
- <name>
- <common>FreeBSD Graphics team</common>
- </name>
- <email>freebsd-x11 at</email>
- </person>
- </contact>
- <links>
- <url href="">Graphics stack roadmap and supported hardware matrix</url>
- <url href="">Ports development tree on GitHub</url>
- <url href="">FreeBSD Graphics Team at FOSDEM 2016</url>
- <url href="">GSoC 2016: link /dev entries to sysctl nodes</url>
- <url href="">GSoC 2016: redesign libdevq</url>
- </links>
- <body>
- <p>The major news for this quarter is the update of the i915
- driver in the kernel! The driver now matches Linux 3.8.13, so
- it includes initial Haswell support. Linux 3.8 is already
- three years old, but work continues to upgrade DRM further.
- In particular, the move to <tt>linuxkpi</tt> was started.</p>
- <p>In the Ports tree, Mesa was updated to 11.1.2. The next minor
- release, 11.2.0, is ready for testing in our development tree.
- We also updated libclc to, a library used by
- Mesa to provide OpenCL support.</p>
- <p>We attended FOSDEM 2016 in Brussels. Jean-S??bastien P??dron
- gave a talk to explain the work of the graphics team and show
- how people can contribute. It was well received and the
- presentation was followed by interesting discussions. FOSDEM
- was also a nice occasion to meet and talk again to the nice
- "upstream" developers of the graphics stack.</p>
- <p>For the first year, we added two ideas for GSoC 2016: one for
- a kernel task, one to redesign libdevq. Six students
- submitted a proposal for those two ideas, that was unexpected!
- We now need to decide which one we want to mentor and the
- choice is difficult.</p>
- <p>The blog is still down. We started to work on a replacement.
- We will probably go with a static generated website hosted on
- GitHub pages.</p>
- </body>
- <help>
- <task>
- <p>See the "Graphics" wiki page for up-to-date
- information.</p>
- </task>
- </help>
- </project>
- <project cat='kern'>
- <title>ARM Allwinner SoC Support</title>
- <contact>
- <person>
- <name>
- <given>Jared</given>
- <common>McNeill</common>
- </name>
- <email>jmcneill at</email>
- </person>
- <person>
- <name>
- <given>Emmanuel</given>
- <common>Vadot</common>
- </name>
- <email>manu at</email>
- </person>
- </contact>
- <links>
- <url href="">Allwinner FreeBSD Wiki</url>
- </links>
- <body>
- <p>Allwinner SoC are used in multiple hobbyist devboards and
- single board computers. Recently, support for these SoC have
- received a lot of updates</p>
- <p>Task done during first quarter :</p>
- <ul>
- <li>I2C</li>
- <li>HDMI output</li>
- <li>Basic AXP209 support (Power Management Unit)</li>
- <li>Switch to upstream DTS for most boards</li>
- <li>Basic Support for A31/A31S SoC</li>
- <li>RTC</li>
- <li>Proper Pinmux/GPIO support</li>
- <li>Audio Codec / Audio HDMI</li>
- <li>A10/A20 DMA support</li>
- <li>A20 now uses the GIC (General Interrupt Controller)</li>
- <li>A20 now uses the ARM Generic Timer</li>
- </ul>
- <p>Ongoing task :</p>
- <ul>
- <li>Switch to new clock framework
- <a href="">(In review)</a></li>
- <li>Convert A10 interrupt controller to INTRNG
- <a href="">(In review)</a></li>
- <li>OHCI support
- <a href="">(In review)</a></li>
- <li>Generic ALLWINNER kernel config file
- <a href="">(In review)</a></li>
- <li>A20/A31 NMI support
- <a href="">(In review)</a></li>
- <li>USB OTG</li>
- <li>Finish the switch to upstream DTS</li>
- <li>A83T SoC Support</li>
- <li>H3 SoC Support</li>
- </ul>
- </body>
- <help>
- <task>
- <p>SPI driver</p>
- </task>
- <task>
- <p>LCD Support</p>
- </task>
- <task>
- <p>Any unsupported hardware device that might be of
- interest.</p>
- </task>
- </help>
- </project>
- <project cat='docs'>
- <title>new "FreeBSD Mastery" books</title>
- <contact>
- <person>
- <name>
- <given>Michael</given>
- <common>Lucas</common>
- </name>
- <email>mwlucas at</email>
- </person>
- </contact>
- <links>
- <url href="">FreeBSD Mastery: Specialty Filesystems</url>
- </links>
- <body>
- <p><a href="">FreeBSD Mastery: Specialty Filesystems</a>
- is now available everywhere, in print and ebook.</p>
- <p>Lucas and Allan Jude have also finished writing "FreeBSD
- Mastery: Advanced ZFS." It's in copyedit now, and should be
- available before May 2016. Check
- <a href=""></a> for details.</p>
- <p>Lucas' next book, "PAM Mastery," has a whole bunch of FreeBSD
- content in it.</p>
- </body>
- <help>
- <task>
- <p>Make grammar corrections to Advanced ZFS, get it in
- print.</p>
- </task>
- </help>
- </project>
- <project cat='arch'>
- <title>FreeBSD on Cavium ThunderX (arm64)</title>
- <contact>
- <person>
- <name>
- <given>Dominik</given>
- <common>Ermel</common>
- </name>
- <email>der at</email>
- </person>
- <person>
- <name>
- <given>Wojciech</given>
- <common>Macek</common>
- </name>
- <email>wma at</email>
- </person>
- <person>
- <name>
- <given>Zbigniew</given>
- <common>Bodek</common>
- </name>
- <email>zbb at</email>
- </person>
- </contact>
- <links></links>
- <body>
- <p>Since the last report &os; support for ThunderX has been
- significantly improved and stabilized. Semihalf contributions
- include the following items:</p>
- <ul>
- <li>Support for the newest ThunderX chip revisions (Pass 2.0)
- and current Cavium firmware. Backward compatibility is
- maintained.</li>
- <li>Moved to using pci_host_generic.c as a main driver for the
- internal PCIe bridge. Significant rework of PCIe code to
- support both generic and ThunderX based platforms. </li>
- <li> Serious networking performance boost and bug fixes: </li>
- <ul>
- <li>Fixed race condition on Rx path causing very rare
- ‘use after free’ issue</li>
- <li>Hardware L3 and L4 checksums support</li>
- <li>Hardware assisted TCP Segmentation Offloading
- (TSO)</li>
- <li>Support for software Large Receive Offload (LRO)</li>
- <li>Various improvements to Tx and Rx paths and
- configuration</li>
- </ul>
- </ul>
- <p>The driver supports all available Ethernet connections (1,
- 10, 30 Gbps) and system can can saturate 10 Gbps link (on Tx)
- using 4 CPU cores.</p>
- <ul>
- <li>Significantly improved overall I/O performance:</li>
- <ul>
- <li>Complete rework of copyin/copyout and bzero
- functionalities</li>
- </ul>
- <li>Other improvements:</li>
- <ul>
- <li>Support for interrupt to CPU binding (including
- GICv3/ITS backends)</li>
- </ul>
- </ul>
- <p>This work is integrated to the FreeBSD HEAD on on-going
- basis.</p>
- </body>
- <sponsor>
- Cavium
- </sponsor>
- <sponsor>
- Semihalf
- </sponsor>
- <help>
- <task>
- <p>Support for multi Queue Set operation in VNIC</p>
- </task>
- </help>
- </project>
- <project cat='bin'>
- <title>Updates to GDB</title>
- <contact>
- <person>
- <name>
- <given>John</given>
- <common>Baldwin</common>
- </name>
- <email>jhb at</email>
- </person>
- </contact>
- <body>
- <p>The new thread target that directly uses <tt>ptrace(2)</tt>
- was committed upstream and included in GDB 7.11. The port was
- also updated to GDB 7.11.</p>
- </body>
- <help>
- <task>
- <p>Figure out why the powerpc kgdb targets are not able to
- unwind the stack past the initial frame.</p>
- </task>
- <task>
- <p>Add support for more platforms (arm, mips, aarch64) to
- upstream gdb for both userland and kgdb.</p>
- </task>
- <task>
- <p>Add support for debugging powerpc vector registers.</p>
- </task>
- <task>
- <p>Add support for catching system calls.</p>
- </task>
- <task>
- <p>Add support for $_siginfo.</p>
- </task>
- <task>
- <p>Add support for ELF auxv data via 'info auxv'.</p>
- </task>
- <task>
- <p>Implement 'info os' commands.</p>
- </task>
- <task>
- <p>Implement gdbserver for freebsd.</p>
- </task>
- </help>
- </project>
- <project cat='bin'>
- <title>Native PCI-express HotPlug</title>
- <contact>
- <person>
- <name>
- <given>John</given>
- <common>Baldwin</common>
- </name>
- <email>jhb at</email>
- </person>
- </contact>
- <links>
- <url href="">Native PCI-express HotPlug support</url>
- </links>
- <body>
- <p>A new implementation for support of native PCI-express
- hotplug is present at the URL above. Much of the new code
- lives in the PCI-PCI bridge driver to handle hotplug events
- and manage the PCI-express slot registers. Additional changes
- in the branch include adding new 'rescan' and 'delete'
- commands to <tt>devctl(8)</tt> as well as support for
- rescanning PCI busses.</p>
- <p>The current implementation has been tested on systems with
- ExpressCard but could use additional testing, especially on
- systems with other PCI-express HotPlug features such as
- mechanical latches, attention buttons, indicators, etc.</p>
- </body>
- <help>
- <task>
- <p>Split branch into separate logical changes as commit
- candidates.</p>
- </task>
- <task>
- <p>Additional testing.</p>
- </task>
- </help>
- </project>
- <project cat='ports'>
- <title>KDE on FreeBSD</title>
- <contact>
- <person>
- <name>KDE on FreeBSD team</name>
- <email>kde at</email>
- </person>
- </contact>
- <links>
- <url href="">KDE on FreeBSD website</url>
- <url href="">Experimental KDE ports staging area</url>
- <url href="">KDE on FreeBSD wiki</url>
- <url href="">KDE/FreeBSD mailing list</url>
- <url href="">Development repository for integrating KDE Frameworks 5 and Plasma 5</url>
- </links>
- <body>
- <p>The KDE on FreeBSD team focuses on packaging and making sure
- that the experience of KDE and Qt on FreeBSD is as good as
- possible.</p>
- <p>While the list of updates is shorter compared to the previous
- quarter, the team remained busy and work on KDE Frameworks 5
- and Plasma 5 continues.</p>
- <p>This quarter, Tobias Berner, who has been driving our KDE
- Frameworks 5 and Plasma 5 efforts from the beginning, received
- a KDE commit bit, and has been putting it to good use by
- upstreaming FreeBSD across several KDE repositories. Another
- team highlight in the beginning of this year is the
- (re)addition of another committer to our experimental
- repository: Adriaan de Groot, a longtime KDE contributor who
- also used to work on KDE and FreeBSD almost a decade ago when
- our team was first formed. Welcome back, Ade!</p>
- <p>The following big updates were landed in the ports tree this
- quarter. In many cases, we have also contributed patches to
- the upstream projects.</p>
- <ul>
- <li>CMake 3.4.2 and 3.5.0</li>
- <li>Calligra 2.9.11, the latest release of the integrated work
- applications suite. We have managed to keep in sync with
- the upstream releases since 2.9.10.</li>
- <li>KDE Telepathy was updated to 0.9.0 and Telepathy-Qt4 was
- updated to, the latest upstream releases.</li>
- <li>The Qt 5 ports were finally updated to 5.5.1, which were
- the latest stable version at the time.</li>
- <li>The first commit preparing the groundwork for KDE
- Frameworks 5 and Plasma 5
- <a href="">was
- landed to the ports tree</a>.</li>
- </ul>
- <p>In our experimental area51 repository, work on Qt 5.6.0 is
- underway in our experimental repositories. Additionally, at
- the time of writing it also contains KDE Frameworks 5.20.0,
- Plasma 5.6.1 and KDE Applications 16.03.80.</p>
- <p>Users interested in testing those ports are encouraged to
- follow the instructions in
- <a href="">our website</a>
- and report their results to our mailing list. Qt5 5.6.0 is in
- our "qt-5.6" branch, and Plasma 5 and the rest is in the
- "plasma5" branch.</p>
- </body>
- <help>
- <task>
- <p>Land the KDE Frameworks 5 and Plasma 5 ports to the
- tree.</p>
- </task>
- <task>
- <p>Commit the DigiKam 4.14.0 update currently being worked on
- in our experimental repository.</p>
- </task>
- </help>
- </project>
- <project cat='proj'>
- <title>Process-Shared locks for libthr</title>
- <contact>
- <person>
- <name>
- <given>Konstantin</given>
- <common>Belousov</common>
- </name>
- <email>kib at</email>
- </person>
- </contact>
- <body>
- <p>POSIX specifies several kinds of pthread locks, for this
- report the private and process-shared variants are considered.
- Private locks can be used only by the threads of the same
- process, which share the address space. Process-shared locks
- can be used by threads from any process, assuming the process
- can map the lock memory into its address space.</p>
- <p>Our libthr, the library implementing the POSIX threads and
- locking operations, uses a pointer as the internal
- representation behind a lock. The pointer contains the
- address of the actual structure carrying the lock. This has
- unfortunate consequences for implementing the
- <tt>PTHREAD_PROCESS_SHARED</tt> attribute for locks, since
- really only the pointer is shared when the lock is mapped into
- distinct address spaces.</p>
- <p>A common opinion was that we have no choice but to break the
- libthr Application Binary Interface (ABI) by changing the lock
- types to be the actual lock structures (and padding for future
- ABI extension). This is very painful for users, as our
- previous experience with non-versioned libc and libc_r
- shown.</p>
- <p>Instead, I proposed and implemented a scheme where
- process-shared locks can be implemented without breaking the
- ABI. The lock memory is used as a key into the system-global
- hash of the shared memory objects (off-pages), which carry the
- real lock structures.</p>
- <p>New umtx operations to create or look up the shared object,
- by the memory key, were added. Libthr is modified to lookup
- the object and use it for shared locks, instead of using
- malloc() as for private locks.</p>
- <p>The pointer value in the user-visible lock type contains a
- canary for shared locks. Libthr detects the canary and
- switches into the shared-lock mode.</p>
- <p>The proposal of inlining the lock structures, besides the
- drawbacks of breaking ABI, has its merits. Most important,
- the inlining avoids the need of indirection. Another
- important advantage over the off-page page approach is that no
- off-page object needs to be maintained, and the lifecycle of
- the shared lock naturally finishes with the destruction of the
- shared memory, without explicit cleanup. Right now, off-pages
- hook into vm object termination to avoid leakage, but long
- liviness of the vnode vm object prolonges the off-page
- existence for shared locks backed by files, however unlikely
- they may be.</p>
- <p>Libthr with inlined locks become informally known as libthr2
- project, since the library name better be changed instead of
- only bumping the library version. The rtld should ensure that
- libthr and libthr2 do not become simultaneously loaded into a
- single address space.</p>
- </body>
- <sponsor>The FreeBSD Foundation</sponsor>
- <help>
- <task>
- <p>Implement robust mutexes.</p>
- </task>
- <task>
- <p>Evaluate and implement libthr2.</p>
- </task>
- </help>
- </project>
- <project cat='team'>
- <title>Clusteradm</title>
- <contact>
- <person>
- <email>clusteradm at</email>
- </person>
- </contact>
- <links></links>
- <body>
- <p>
- <ul>
- <li>migrated services out of the hosting space in ISC
- (peter, sbruno)</li>
- <li>begun migration of services into RootBSD hosting space
- (peter, sbruno)</li>
- <li>collaborated with phabricator admin team to migrate to
- new and improved host in NYI. (AllanJude, peter,
- sbruno)</li>
- <li>installed new and beefier Jenkins machine(gnn, lwshu,
- sbruno)</li>
- <li>still looking for more Asian mirrors for pkg,svn,ftp
- (Japan, India). (sbruno)</li>
- <li>migration of Taiwanese mirror to new location completed.
- (lwshu)</li>
- <li>clang/llvm buildbbot now hosted in the FreeBSD cluster
- at NYI (sbruno, emaste)</li>
- <li>resolved UK mirror outtage with Bytemark (gavin,
- peter)</li>
- </ul></p>
- </body>
- <help></help>
- </project>
- <project cat='ports'>
- <title>Obsoleting Rails 3</title>
- <contact>
- <person>
- <name>
- <given>Torsten</given>
- <common>Zühlsdorff</common>
- </name>
- <email>ports at</email>
- </person>
- </contact>
- <links></links>
- <body>
- <p>Ruby on Rails is the base for most of the rubygems in the
- portstree. Currently version 3.2 and 4.2 coexists, but since
- Rails 3.2 runs out of support, the time has come to
- switch.</p>
- <p>There is an ongoing progress to remove Rails 3.2 from the
- ports tree. While many gems already work with the new version,
- there are some exceptions. For example www/redmine needs a big
- update (which is currently tested) because it depends on gems
- which therefore depends on Rails 3.2.</p>
- <p>If you want to help porting or testing, feel free to contact
- me or the mailinglist <tt>ruby at</tt>.</p>
- </body>
- <help></help>
- </project>
- <project cat='ports'>
- <title>GitLab Port</title>
- <contact>
- <person>
- <name>
- <given>Torsten</given>
- <common>Zühlsdorff</common>
- </name>
- <email>ports at</email>
- </person>
- </contact>
- <links></links>
- <body>
- <p>After nearly a year of work on this project, GitLab 8.5.5 was
- committed into the ports tree. A big thanks to the enormous
- number of people involved! Since GitLab is a fast moving
- project, there is also ongoing work to stay in sync with
- upstream. Have fun!</p>
- </body>
- <help></help>
- </project>
- <project cat='misc'>
- <title>FreeBSD Build</title>
- <contact>
- <person>
- <name>
- <given>Bryan</given>
- <common>Drewery</common>
- </name>
- <email>bdrewery at</email>
- </person>
- </contact>
- <links></links>
- <body>
- <p>Build improvements for buildworld on <em>head</em> continue.
- Some highlights include:</p>
- <ul>
- <li><em>WITH_FAST_DEPEND</em> was made default in r296668 and
- later made the only option in r297434. The new depend code
- avoids a 'make depend' tree walk and generates .depend files
- during build as a side-effect of compiling. This is using
- the -MF flags of the compiler. This speeds up the build by
- 15-35%.</li>
- <li><a href="">PR 196193</a>:
- <em>WITHOUT_CROSS_COMPILER</em> was fixed to properly use
- <em>--sysroot</em> which allows the option to work in more
- cases. It is still unsafe when major compiler upgrades
- occur. Further work is planned to improve that still.</li>
- <li><em>WITHOUT_TOOLCHAIN</em> now properly builds.</li>
- </ul>
- </body>
- <sponsor>
- EMC / Isilon Storage Division
- </sponsor>
- <help>
- <task>
- <p>Opportunistically skipping the bootstrap compiler phase of
- buildworld.</p>
- </task>
- <task>
- <p>Skipping the 'make obj' tree walk.</p>
- </task>
- <task>
- <p>Enabling <em>WITH_META_MODE</em> in buildworld to provide a
- reliable incremental build using filemon(4) and bmake's
- .MAKE.MODE=meta. This should not be confused with
- <em>WITH_DIRDEPS_BUILD</em> which previously was named
- <em>WITH_META_MODE</em> and is a drastically different build
- system presented at BSDCan 2014 by Simon Gerraty.</p>
- </task>
- </help>
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