svn commit: r48597 - head/en_US.ISO8859-1/htdocs/news/status

Warren Block wblock at
Tue Apr 12 22:50:55 UTC 2016

Author: wblock
Date: Tue Apr 12 22:50:54 2016
New Revision: 48597

  Add portmgr report from Frederic Culot <culot at>.


Modified: head/en_US.ISO8859-1/htdocs/news/status/report-2016-01-2016-03.xml
--- head/en_US.ISO8859-1/htdocs/news/status/report-2016-01-2016-03.xml	Tue Apr 12 22:44:47 2016	(r48596)
+++ head/en_US.ISO8859-1/htdocs/news/status/report-2016-01-2016-03.xml	Tue Apr 12 22:50:54 2016	(r48597)
@@ -1500,4 +1500,82 @@
+  <project cat='ports'>
+    <title>Ports Collection</title>
+    <contact>
+      <person>
+	<name>
+	  <given>Frederic</given>
+	  <common>Culot</common>
+	</name>
+	<email>portmgr-secretary at</email>
+      </person>
+      <person>
+	<name>&os; Ports Management Team</name>
+	<email>portmgr at</email>
+      </person>
+    </contact>
+    <links>
+      <url href="" />
+      <url href="" />
+      <url href="" />
+      <url href="" />
+      <url href="" />
+    </links>
+    <body>
+      <p>As of the end of Q1 the ports tree holds a bit more
+	than 25,000 ports, and the PR count is below 1,900.  The
+	activity on the ports tree remains steady, with almost 7,000
+	commits performed by around 120 active committers.</p>
+      <p>On the problem reports front, the encouraging trend
+	observed during the previous quarter is confirmed, with again
+	a significant increase in the number of PRs fixed during Q1.
+	Indeed, almost 2,400 reports were fixed, which allows us to go
+	below the threshold value of 2,000 open PRs.</p>
+      <p>In Q1 3 commit bits were taken in for safekeeping,
+	following an inactivity period of more than 18 months (milki,
+	brian), or on committer's request (mmoll).  We had one
+	returning committer (fluffy) who had his commit bit
+	reinstated. Two new developers were granted a ports commit bit
+	(Olivier Cochard-Labbe, Christoph Moench-Tegeder).</p>
+      <p>On the management side, we had the pleasure to welcome back
+	miwi to the portmgr team.</p>
+      <p>On QA side 39 exp-runs were performed to validate sensitive
+	updates or cleanups.  The most noticeable change might be the
+	removal of the now unneeded <tt>${PORTSDIR}</tt> when
+	specifying dependencies in Makefiles (see the
+	<tt>/usr/ports/CHANGES</tt> entry dated 20160402).  Amongst
+	other noticeable changes are the update to ruby 2.3, ruby-gems
+	to 2.5.1, CMake to 3.5.0, clang to 3.8.0-r258968, Qt5 to
+	5.5.1, Gnome to 3.18, boost to 1.60.0, the update of libc++ in
+	base to 3.8.0 release, and the enabling of LLVM libunwind by
+	default on x86.  The CentOS ports were also updated.  Some
+	infrastructure changes included the switch from
+	<tt></tt> and <tt></tt> to the simpler
+	<tt>Uses/</tt> and <tt>Uses/</tt>.  Some work
+	was also done to improve poudriere builds by reducing
+	dependency calculation and general overheads.</p>
+    </body>
+    <help>
+      <task>
+	<p>We would like to remind everyone that the ports tree is
+	  built and run by volunteers, and any help is greatly
+	  appreciated. A great amount of effort was spent on the ports
+	  front in Q1, which allowed us to decrease the number of
+	  pending problem reports significantly, as well as on the
+	  ports infrastructure.  Many thanks to all who
+	  contributed!</p>
+      </task>
+    </help>
+  </project>

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