svn commit: r46433 - head/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/compiz-fusion

Eitan Adler eadler at
Thu Apr 2 23:44:38 UTC 2015

Author: eadler
Date: Thu Apr  2 23:44:36 2015
New Revision: 46433

  compiz-fusion: remove snark
  	rewrite abstract to not be snarky and to better explain the point of the


Modified: head/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/compiz-fusion/article.xml
--- head/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/compiz-fusion/article.xml	Thu Apr  2 23:36:26 2015	(r46432)
+++ head/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/compiz-fusion/article.xml	Thu Apr  2 23:44:36 2015	(r46433)
@@ -24,18 +24,12 @@
-      <para>The Linux world has been overwhelmed lately by what seems to be
-	the latest fashion: 3D Desktop effects.  While their usefulness is
-	rather heavily debated, the wow factor behind the composited desktop
-	holds quite well.  Several different programs have emerged, like
-	<link xlink:href=""><application>Compiz</application></link>,
-	<link xlink:href=""><application>Beryl</application></link>,
-	and the latest <link xlink:href=""><application>Compiz Fusion</application></link>.
-	You do not need to miss these effects when using &os;.  These
-	instructions will help you install and configure your system for the
-	latest 3D desktop experience using
-	<application>Compiz Fusion</application> and nVidia drivers
-	(if applicable).</para>
+      <para>One way to increase the pleasantness of using a desktop
+	computer is by having nice 3D effects.
+	This article walks through the installation
+	<application>Compiz</application> which is one example
+	program which to produce nice effects.  It assumes the use of
+	nVidia drivers, although these are not required.</para>

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