svn commit: r45752 - head/share/xml

Gavin Atkinson gavin at
Wed Oct 8 22:37:43 UTC 2014

Author: gavin
Date: Wed Oct  8 22:37:42 2014
New Revision: 45752

  Add a note about the X Developer's Conference, to which Jean-Sébastien Pédron
  is attending and representing FreeBSD.
  Submitted by:	dumbbell


Modified: head/share/xml/events2014.xml
--- head/share/xml/events2014.xml	Wed Oct  8 22:27:27 2014	(r45751)
+++ head/share/xml/events2014.xml	Wed Oct  8 22:37:42 2014	(r45752)
@@ -206,6 +206,35 @@
+  <event id="xdc-2014">
+    <name>X Developer's Conference 2014</name>
+    <url></url>
+    <startdate>
+      <year>2014</year>
+      <month>10</month>
+      <day>8</day>
+    </startdate>
+    <enddate>
+      <year>2014</year>
+      <month>10</month>
+      <day>10</day>
+    </enddate>
+    <location>
+      <country code="FR">France</country>
+      <city>Bordeaux</city>
+      <site>LaBRI, Université de Bordeaux 1</site>
+    </location>
+    <description>XDC is the annual conference where people working
+      on the FOSS graphics stack meet.  Talks cover projects status,
+      work-in-progress, proposals for change, and so on.  Like many
+      similar conferences, this is a great opportunity for developers
+      and users to talk face to face.  For the first time in a long
+      time, FreeBSD will be present and give a talk about the status
+      of the graphics stack.  The main goal is to re-establish
+      communication with upstream, which tends to get Linux-centric
+      these days.</description>
+  </event>
   <event id="meetbsd-2014">
     <name>MeetBSD California 2014</name>

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