svn commit: r44942 - head/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/freebsd-update-server

Benedict Reuschling bcr at
Sat May 24 20:23:35 UTC 2014

Author: bcr
Date: Sat May 24 20:23:35 2014
New Revision: 44942

  Whitespace fixes (bad tag indents, wrap long lines) that igor complained
  about. Translators can ignore.


Modified: head/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/freebsd-update-server/article.xml
--- head/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/freebsd-update-server/article.xml	Sat May 24 19:59:04 2014	(r44941)
+++ head/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/freebsd-update-server/article.xml	Sat May 24 20:23:35 2014	(r44942)
@@ -1,15 +1,22 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
-<!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//FreeBSD//DTD DocBook XML V5.0-Based Extension//EN"
-	"" [
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC
+"-//FreeBSD//DTD DocBook XML V5.0-Based Extension//EN" "" [
 <!ENTITY fbus.ap "<application xmlns=''>FreeBSD Update Server</application>">
-<article xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" version="5.0" xml:lang="en">
-  <info><title>Build Your Own &os; Update Server</title>
-    <author><personname><firstname>Jason</firstname><surname>Helfman</surname></personname><affiliation>
+<article xmlns=""
+  xmlns:xlink="" version="5.0"
+  xml:lang="en">
+  <info>
+    <title>Build Your Own &os; Update Server</title>
+    <author>
+      <personname>
+	<firstname>Jason</firstname>
+	<surname>Helfman</surname>
+      </personname>
+      <affiliation>
-      </affiliation></author>
+      </affiliation>
+    </author>
@@ -30,35 +37,40 @@
-  <abstract>
-    <para>This article describes building an internal &fbus.ap;.
-      The <link xlink:href="">freebsd-update-server</link>
-      is written by &;, Security Officer Emeritus of &os;.
-      For users that think it is convenient to update their systems
-      against an official update server, building their own &fbus.ap; may
-      help to extend its functionality by supporting manually-tweaked
-      &os; releases or by providing a local mirror that will allow faster
-      updates for a number of machines.</para>
-  </abstract>
+    <abstract>
+      <para>This article describes building an internal &fbus.ap;.
+	The <link
+	  xlink:href="">freebsd-update-server</link>
+	is written by &;, Security Officer Emeritus of
+	&os;.  For users that think it is convenient to update their
+	systems against an official update server, building their own
+	&fbus.ap; may help to extend its functionality by supporting
+	manually-tweaked &os; releases or by providing a local mirror
+	that will allow faster updates for a number of
+	machines.</para>
+    </abstract>
   <sect1 xml:id="acknowledgments">
-      <para>This article was subsequently printed at <link xlink:href="">BSD
-	  Magazine</link>.</para>
+    <para>This article was subsequently printed at <link
+	xlink:href="">BSD
+	Magazine</link>.</para>
   <sect1 xml:id="introduction">
-    <para>Experienced users or administrators are often responsible for
-      several machines or environments.  They understand the difficult
-      demands and challenges of maintaining such an infrastructure.
-      Running a &fbus.ap; makes it easier to deploy security and software
-      patches to selected test machines before rolling them out to
-      production.  It also means a number of systems can be updated from the
-      local network rather than a potentially slower Internet connection.
-      This article outlines the steps involved in creating an internal
+    <para>Experienced users or administrators are often responsible
+      for several machines or environments.  They understand the
+      difficult demands and challenges of maintaining such an
+      infrastructure.  Running a &fbus.ap; makes it easier to deploy
+      security and software patches to selected test machines before
+      rolling them out to production.  It also means a number of
+      systems can be updated from the local network rather than a
+      potentially slower Internet connection.  This article outlines
+      the steps involved in creating an internal
@@ -80,9 +92,10 @@
-	<para>A user account with at least 4 GB of available space.
-	  This will allow the creation of updates for 7.1 and 7.2, but the
-	  exact space requirements may change from version to version.</para>
+	<para>A user account with at least 4 GB of available
+	  space.  This will allow the creation of updates for 7.1 and
+	  7.2, but the exact space requirements may change from
+	  version to version.</para>
@@ -91,10 +104,12 @@
-	<para>A web server, like <link xlink:href="&url.books.handbook;/network-apache.html">Apache</link>,
-	  with over half of the space required for the build.  For instance,
-	  test builds for 7.1 and 7.2 consume a total amount of 4 GB,
-	  and the webserver space needed to distribute these updates is
+	<para>A web server, like <link
+	    xlink:href="&url.books.handbook;/network-apache.html">Apache</link>,
+	  with over half of the space required for the build.  For
+	  instance, test builds for 7.1 and 7.2 consume a total amount
+	  of 4 GB, and the webserver space needed to distribute
+	  these updates is
 	  2.6 GB.</para>
@@ -108,21 +123,24 @@
   <sect1 xml:id="Configuration">
     <title>Configuration: Installation & Setup</title>
-    <para>Download the <link xlink:href="">
-      freebsd-update-server</link> software by installing <package>devel/subversion </package>, and execute:</para>
-    <screen>&prompt.user; <userinput>svn co freebsd-update-server</userinput></screen>
+    <para>Download the <link
+	xlink:href="">
+	freebsd-update-server</link> software by installing
+      <package>devel/subversion </package>, and execute:</para>
+    <screen>&prompt.user; <userinput>svn co
+	freebsd-update-server</userinput></screen>
+    <para>Update <filename>scripts/build.conf</filename>
+      appropriately.  It is sourced during all build
+      operations.</para>
-    <para>Update <filename>scripts/build.conf</filename> appropriately.
-      It is sourced during all build operations.</para>
-    <para>Here is the default <filename>build.conf</filename>, which should
-      be modified to suit your environment.</para>
+    <para>Here is the default <filename>build.conf</filename>, which
+      should be modified to suit your environment.</para>
-      <programlisting>
-# Main configuration file for FreeBSD Update builds.  The
+      <programlisting># Main configuration file for FreeBSD Update builds.  The
 # release-specific configuration data is lower down in
 # the scripts tree.
@@ -149,57 +167,57 @@<co x
       <callout arearefs="ftp-id">
-	  <para>This is the location where ISO images are downloaded from (by
-	    the <function>fetchiso()</function> subroutine
-	    of <filename>scripts/build.subr</filename>).  The location
-	    configured is not limited to FTP URIs.  Any URI scheme
-	    supported by standard &man.fetch.1; utility should work
-	    fine.</para>
-	  <para>Customizations to the <function>fetchiso()</function> code can
-	    be installed by copying the
-	    default <filename>build.subr</filename> script to the release and
-	    architecture-specific area
-	    at <filename>scripts/RELEASE/ARCHITECTURE/build.subr</filename>
-	    and applying local changes.</para>
+	<para>This is the location where ISO images are downloaded
+	  from (by the <function>fetchiso()</function> subroutine of
+	  <filename>scripts/build.subr</filename>).  The location
+	  configured is not limited to FTP URIs.  Any URI scheme
+	  supported by standard &man.fetch.1; utility should work
+	  fine.</para>
+	<para>Customizations to the <function>fetchiso()</function>
+	  code can be installed by copying the default
+	  <filename>build.subr</filename> script to the release and
+	  architecture-specific area at
+	  <filename>scripts/RELEASE/ARCHITECTURE/build.subr</filename>
+	  and applying local changes.</para>
       <callout arearefs="buildhost-id">
-	  <para>The name of the build host.  This information will be
-	    displayed on updated systems when issuing:</para>
+	<para>The name of the build host.  This information will be
+	  displayed on updated systems when issuing:</para>
 	  <screen>&prompt.user; <userinput>uname -v</userinput></screen>
       <callout arearefs="sshkey-id">
-	  <para>The <application>SSH</application> key for uploading files to
-	    the update server.  A key pair can be created by
-	    typing <command>ssh-keygen -t dsa</command>.  This parameter is
-	    optional; standard password authentication will be used as a
-	    fallback authentication method when <literal>SSHKEY</literal> is
-	    not defined.</para>
-	  <para>The &man.ssh-keygen.1; manual page has more detailed
-	    information about <application>SSH</application> and the
-	    appropriate steps for creating and using one.</para>
+	<para>The <application>SSH</application> key for uploading
+	  files to the update server.  A key pair can be created by
+	  typing <command>ssh-keygen -t dsa</command>.  This parameter
+	  is optional; standard password authentication will be used
+	  as a fallback authentication method when
+	  <literal>SSHKEY</literal> is not defined.</para>
+	<para>The &man.ssh-keygen.1; manual page has more detailed
+	  information about <application>SSH</application> and the
+	  appropriate steps for creating and using one.</para>
       <callout arearefs="mstacct-id">
-	  <para>Account for uploading files to the update
-	    server.</para>
+	<para>Account for uploading files to the update server.</para>
       <callout arearefs="mstdir-id">
-	  <para>Directory on the update server where files are uploaded
-	    to.</para>
+	<para>Directory on the update server where files are uploaded
+	  to.</para>
-    <para>The default <filename>build.conf</filename> shipped with
-      the <application>freebsd-update-server</application> sources is
-      suitable for building &arch.i386; releases of &os;.  As an example of
-      building an update server for other architectures, the following steps
-      outline the configuration changes needed for &arch.amd64;:</para>
+    <para>The default <filename>build.conf</filename> shipped with the
+      <application>freebsd-update-server</application> sources is
+      suitable for building &arch.i386; releases of &os;.  As an
+      example of building an update server for other architectures,
+      the following steps outline the configuration changes needed for
+      &arch.amd64;:</para>
@@ -211,13 +229,13 @@<co x
-	<para>Install a <filename>build.conf</filename> in the
-	  newly created build directory.  The build configuration
-	  options for &os; 7.2-RELEASE on &arch.amd64; should be similar
+	<para>Install a <filename>build.conf</filename> in the newly
+	  created build directory.  The build configuration options
+	  for &os; 7.2-RELEASE on &arch.amd64; should be similar
-	<programlisting># SHA256 hash of RELEASE disc1.iso image.
+	  <programlisting># SHA256 hash of RELEASE disc1.iso image.
 export RELH=1ea1f6f652d7c5f5eab7ef9f8edbed50cb664b08ed761850f95f48e86cc71ef5<co xml:id="sha256-id"/>
 # Components of the world, source, and kernels
@@ -233,17 +251,22 @@ export EOL=1275289200<co xml:id="eol-id"
 	  <callout arearefs="sha256-id">
-	    <para>The &man.sha256.1; hash key for the desired release, is
-	      published within the respective <link xlink:href="&url.base;/releases/">release announcement</link>.</para>
+	    <para>The &man.sha256.1; hash key for the desired release,
+	      is published within the respective <link
+		xlink:href="&url.base;/releases/">release
+		announcement</link>.</para>
 	  <callout arearefs="eol-id">
-	  <para>To generate the "End of Life" number for
-	    <filename>build.conf</filename>, refer to the "Estimated
-	    EOL" posted on the <link xlink:href="&url.base;/security/security.html">&os;
-	      Security Website</link>.  The value
-	    of <literal>EOL</literal> can be derived from the date listed on
-	    the web site, using the &; utility, for example:</para>
+	    <para>To generate the "End of Life" number for
+	      <filename>build.conf</filename>, refer to the "Estimated
+	      EOL" posted on the <link
+		xlink:href="&url.base;/security/security.html">&os;
+		Security Website</link>.  The value of
+	      <literal>EOL</literal> can be derived from the date
+	      listed on the web site, using the &; utility,
+	      for example:</para>
 	  <screen>&prompt.user; <userinput>date -j -f '%Y%m%d-%H%M%S' '20090401-000000' '+%s'</userinput></screen>
@@ -254,10 +277,11 @@ export EOL=1275289200<co xml:id="eol-id"
   <sect1 xml:id="build">
     <title>Building Update Code</title>
-    <para>The first step is to run <filename>scripts/</filename>.
-      This will build some binaries, create directories, and generate an RSA
-      signing key used for approving builds.  In this step, a passphrase will
-      have to be supplied for the final creation of the signing key.</para>
+    <para>The first step is to run
+      <filename>scripts/</filename>.  This will build some
+      binaries, create directories, and generate an RSA signing key
+      used for approving builds.  In this step, a passphrase will have
+      to be supplied for the final creation of the signing key.</para>
     <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>sh scripts/</userinput>
 cc -O2 -fno-strict-aliasing -pipe   findstamps.c  -o findstamps
@@ -281,8 +305,8 @@ Verifying - enter aes-256-cbc encryption
       <para>Keep a note of the generated key fingerprint.  This value
-	is required in <filename>/etc/freebsd-update.conf</filename> for
-	binary updates.</para>
+	is required in <filename>/etc/freebsd-update.conf</filename>
+	for binary updates.</para>
     <para>At this point, we are ready to stage a build.</para>
@@ -292,8 +316,8 @@ Verifying - enter aes-256-cbc encryption
 &prompt.root; <userinput>sh scripts/ <replaceable>amd64 7.2-RELEASE</replaceable></userinput></screen>
-    <para>What follows is a sample of an <emphasis>initial</emphasis> build
-      run.</para>
+    <para>What follows is a sample of an <emphasis>initial</emphasis>
+      build run.</para>
     <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>sh scripts/ amd64 7.2-RELEASE</userinput>
 Mon Aug 24 16:04:36 PDT 2009 Starting fetch for FreeBSD/amd64 7.2-RELEASE
@@ -341,11 +365,13 @@ world|base|/usr/lib/libalias_ftp.a
       <para>During this second build cycle, the network time protocol
 	daemon, &man.ntpd.8;, is turned off.  Per &;,
-	Security Officer Emeritus of &os;, "the <link xlink:href="">freebsd-update-server</link>
-	build code needs to identify timestamps which are stored in files so
-	that they can be ignored when comparing builds to determine which
-	files need to be updated.  This timestamp-finding works by doing two
-	builds 400 days apart and comparing the results."</para>
+	Security Officer Emeritus of &os;, "the <link
+	  xlink:href="">freebsd-update-server</link>
+	build code needs to identify timestamps which are stored in
+	files so that they can be ignored when comparing builds to
+	determine which files need to be updated.  This
+	timestamp-finding works by doing two builds 400 days apart and
+	comparing the results."</para>
     <screen>Mon Aug 24 17:54:07 PDT 2009 Extracting world+src for FreeBSD/amd64 7.2-RELEASE
@@ -417,12 +443,12 @@ they look sensible, then run
 # sh -e amd64 7.2-RELEASE
 to sign the release.</screen>
-    <para>Approve the build if everything is correct.  More information on
-      determining this can be found in the distributed source
-      file named <filename>USAGE</filename>.  Execute
-      <filename>scripts/</filename>, as directed.  This will sign
-      the release, and move components into a staging area suitable for
-      uploading.</para>
+    <para>Approve the build if everything is correct.  More
+      information on determining this can be found in the distributed
+      source file named <filename>USAGE</filename>.  Execute
+      <filename>scripts/</filename>, as directed.  This will
+      sign the release, and move components into a staging area
+      suitable for uploading.</para>
       <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>cd /usr/local/freebsd-update-server</userinput>
@@ -436,8 +462,8 @@ Wed Aug 26 12:50:06 PDT 2009 Copying fil
 Wed Aug 26 12:50:07 PDT 2009 Updating databases for FreeBSD/amd64 7.2-RELEASE
 Wed Aug 26 12:50:07 PDT 2009 Cleaning staging area for FreeBSD/amd64 7.2-RELEASE</screen>
-    <para>After the approval process is complete, the upload procedure may
-      be started.</para>
+    <para>After the approval process is complete, the upload procedure
+      may be started.</para>
       <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>cd /usr/local/freebsd-update-server</userinput>
@@ -445,9 +471,9 @@ Wed Aug 26 12:50:07 PDT 2009 Cleaning st
-      <para>In the event update code needs to be re-uploaded, this may be
-	done by changing to the public distributions directory for the
-	target release and updating attributes of the
+      <para>In the event update code needs to be re-uploaded, this may
+	be done by changing to the public distributions directory for
+	the target release and updating attributes of the
 	<emphasis>uploaded</emphasis> file.</para>
@@ -460,12 +486,13 @@ Wed Aug 26 12:50:07 PDT 2009 Cleaning st
 	 avoid making the instructions Apache-specific here. -->
 <!-- there are specific web instructions in the uploaded code that pertain to Apache. I believe it is worded fine here, now, and if others choose to use another web server, that is their choice to figure out -->
-    <para>The uploaded files will need to be in the
-      document root of the webserver in order for updates
-      to be distributed.  The exact configuration will vary depending on the
-      web server used.  For the <application>Apache</application> web server,
-      please refer to the <link xlink:href="&url.books.handbook;/network-apache.html">Configuration of
-	Apache servers</link> section in the Handbook.</para>
+    <para>The uploaded files will need to be in the document root of
+      the webserver in order for updates to be distributed.  The exact
+      configuration will vary depending on the web server used.  For
+      the <application>Apache</application> web server, please refer
+      to the <link
+	xlink:href="&url.books.handbook;/network-apache.html">Configuration
+	of Apache servers</link> section in the Handbook.</para>
     <!-- This note seems either out of place.  I find it hard to read and it
 	 is a bit difficult to understand why it is related to the rest of
@@ -489,37 +516,45 @@ Wed Aug 26 12:50:07 PDT 2009 Cleaning st
     <!-- What is a 'KeyPrint'? -->
     <para>Update client's <literal>KeyPrint</literal> and
       <literal>ServerName</literal> in
-      <filename>/etc/freebsd-update.conf</filename>, and perform updates as
-      instructed in the <link xlink:href="&url.books.handbook;/updating-upgrading-freebsdupdate.html">&os;
+      <filename>/etc/freebsd-update.conf</filename>, and perform
+      updates as instructed in the <link
+	xlink:href="&url.books.handbook;/updating-upgrading-freebsdupdate.html">&os;
-      <!-- One sentence, two instances of 'in'.  We can probably reword this
+      <!-- One sentence, two instances of 'in'.  We can probably
+      reword this
 	   part to avoid repetition. -->
-      <!-- What about "place client's new keyprint and servername values to
-	   freebsd-update.conf, ..."?  gabor -->
-      section of the Handbook.</para>
+      <!-- What about "place client's new keyprint and servername
+      values to
+	   freebsd-update.conf, ..."?  gabor --> section of the
+	   Handbook.</para>
 <!-- Sorry folks, but I disagree here. I believe it is worded fine. If anything, drop everything after "perform" and change "updates" to "FreeBSD Updates" and link that to the handbook -->
-      <para>In order for &fbus.ap; to work properly, updates
-	for both the <emphasis>current</emphasis> release and the
-	release <emphasis>one wants to upgrade to</emphasis> need to be
-	built.  This is necessary for determining the differences of
-	files between releases.  For example, when upgrading a &os;
-	system from 7.1-RELEASE to 7.2-RELEASE, updates will need to be built
-	and uploaded to your distribution server for both versions.</para>
+      <para>In order for &fbus.ap; to work properly, updates for both
+	the <emphasis>current</emphasis> release and the release
+	<emphasis>one wants to upgrade to</emphasis> need to be built.
+	This is necessary for determining the differences of files
+	between releases.  For example, when upgrading a &os; system
+	from 7.1-RELEASE to 7.2-RELEASE, updates will need to be built
+	and uploaded to your distribution server for both
+	versions.</para>
-    <para>For reference, the entire run of <link xlink:href="init.txt"><filename></filename></link> is
+    <para>For reference, the entire run of <link
+	xlink:href="init.txt"><filename></filename></link> is
   <sect1 xml:id="patch">
     <title>Building a Patch</title>
-    <para>Every time a <link xlink:href="&url.base;/security/advisories.html">security advisory</link>
-      or <link xlink:href="&url.base;/security/notices.html">security notice</link>
-      is announced, a patch update can be built.</para>
+    <para>Every time a <link
+	xlink:href="&url.base;/security/advisories.html">security
+	advisory</link> or <link
+	xlink:href="&url.base;/security/notices.html">security
+	notice</link> is announced, a patch update can be
+      built.</para>
     <para>For this example, 7.1-RELEASE will be used.</para>
@@ -537,38 +572,43 @@ Wed Aug 26 12:50:07 PDT 2009 Cleaning st
-    <para>Create the patch directory of the respective release
-      under <filename>/usr/local/freebsd-update-server/patches/</filename>.</para>
+    <para>Create the patch directory of the respective release under
+      <filename>/usr/local/freebsd-update-server/patches/</filename>.</para>
       <screen>&prompt.user; <userinput>mkdir -p /usr/local/freebsd-update-server/patches/7.1-RELEASE/</userinput>
 &prompt.user; <userinput>cd /usr/local/freebsd-update-server/patches/7.1-RELEASE</userinput></screen>
-    <para>As an example, take the patch for &man.named.8;.  Read the advisory,
-      and grab the necessary file from <link xlink:href="&url.base;/security/advisories.html">&os; Security
-	Advisories</link>.  More information on interpreting the advisory,
-      can be found in the <link xlink:href="&url.books.handbook;/security-advisories.html">&os; Handbook</link>.</para>
-    <para>In the <link xlink:href="">security brief</link>,
-      this advisory is called <literal>SA-09:12.bind</literal>.  After
-      downloading the file, it is required to rename the file to an
-      appropriate patch level.  It is suggested to keep this consistent with
-      official &os; patch levels, but its name may be freely chosen.
-      For this build, let us follow the currently established practice of
-      &os; and call this <literal>p7</literal>.  Rename the file:</para>
+    <para>As an example, take the patch for &man.named.8;.  Read the
+      advisory, and grab the necessary file from <link
+	xlink:href="&url.base;/security/advisories.html">&os; Security
+	Advisories</link>.  More information on interpreting the
+      advisory, can be found in the <link
+	xlink:href="&url.books.handbook;/security-advisories.html">&os;
+	Handbook</link>.</para>
+    <para>In the <link
+	xlink:href="">security
+	brief</link>, this advisory is called
+      <literal>SA-09:12.bind</literal>.  After downloading the file,
+      it is required to rename the file to an appropriate patch level.
+      It is suggested to keep this consistent with official &os; patch
+      levels, but its name may be freely chosen.  For this build, let
+      us follow the currently established practice of &os; and call
+      this <literal>p7</literal>.  Rename the file:</para>
       <screen>&prompt.user; <userinput>cd /usr/local/freebsd-update-server/patches/7.1-RELEASE/; mv bind.patch 7-SA-09:12.bind </userinput></screen>
-      <para>When running a patch level build, it is assumed that previous
-	patches are in place.  When a patch build is run, it will run all
-	patches contained in the patch directory.</para>
+      <para>When running a patch level build, it is assumed that
+	previous patches are in place.  When a patch build is run, it
+	will run all patches contained in the patch directory.</para>
-      <para>There can be custom patches added to any build.  Use the number
-	zero, or any other number.</para>
+      <para>There can be custom patches added to any build.  Use the
+	number zero, or any other number.</para>
@@ -577,18 +617,18 @@ Wed Aug 26 12:50:07 PDT 2009 Cleaning st
-    <para>At this point, a <emphasis>diff</emphasis> is ready to be built.
-      The software checks first to see if a
-      <filename>scripts/</filename> has been run on the respective
-      release prior to running the diff build.</para>
+    <para>At this point, a <emphasis>diff</emphasis> is ready to be
+      built.  The software checks first to see if a
+      <filename>scripts/</filename> has been run on the
+      respective release prior to running the diff build.</para>
       <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>cd /usr/local/freebsd-update-server</userinput>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>sh scripts/ <replaceable>amd64 7.1-RELEASE 7</replaceable></userinput></screen>
-    <para>What follows is a sample of a <emphasis>differential</emphasis>
-      build run.</para>
+    <para>What follows is a sample of a
+      <emphasis>differential</emphasis> build run.</para>
     <screen>&prompt.root; <userinput>sh -e scripts/ amd64 7.1-RELEASE 7</userinput>
 Wed Aug 26 10:09:59 PDT 2009 Extracting world+src for FreeBSD/amd64 7.1-RELEASE-p7
@@ -704,8 +744,8 @@ the new builds.</screen>
 &prompt.root; <userinput>sh scripts/ <replaceable>amd64 7.1-RELEASE</replaceable></userinput></screen>
-    <para>For reference, the entire run of
-      <link xlink:href="diff.txt"><filename></filename></link> is
+    <para>For reference, the entire run of <link
+	xlink:href="diff.txt"><filename></filename></link> is
@@ -732,17 +772,20 @@ the new builds.</screen>
 	<para>If a custom release is built using the native
-	  <command>make release</command> <link xlink:href="&url.articles.releng;/release-build.html">procedure</link>,
-	  <application>freebsd-update-server</application> code will work
-	  from your release.  As an example, a release without ports or
-	  documentation can be built by clearing functionality pertaining
-	  to documentation subroutines <function> findextradocs ()</function>,
-	  <function>addextradocs ()</function> and altering the download
-	  location in <function>fetchiso ()</function>, respectively, in
-	  <filename>scripts/build.subr</filename>.  As a last step, change
-	  the &man.sha256.1; hash in <filename>build.conf</filename> under
-	  your respective release and architecture and you are ready to build
-	  off your custom release.</para>
+	  <command>make release</command> <link
+	    xlink:href="&url.articles.releng;/release-build.html">procedure</link>,
+	  <application>freebsd-update-server</application> code will
+	  work from your release.  As an example, a release without
+	  ports or documentation can be built by clearing
+	  functionality pertaining to documentation subroutines
+	  <function> findextradocs ()</function>,
+	  <function>addextradocs ()</function> and altering the
+	  download location in <function>fetchiso ()</function>,
+	  respectively, in <filename>scripts/build.subr</filename>.
+	  As a last step, change the &man.sha256.1; hash in
+	  <filename>build.conf</filename> under your respective
+	  release and architecture and you are ready to build off your
+	  custom release.</para>
 	<screen># Compare ${WORKDIR}/release and ${WORKDIR}/$1, identify which parts
 	# of the world|doc subcomponent are missing from the latter, and
@@ -752,17 +795,18 @@ the new builds.</screen>
 	# Add extra docs to ${WORKDIR}/$1
 	addextradocs () {
-	}
-	</screen>
+	}</screen>
-	<para>Adding <option>-j <replaceable>NUMBER</replaceable></option>
-	  flags to <buildtarget>buildworld</buildtarget> and
+	<para>Adding <option>-j
+	    <replaceable>NUMBER</replaceable></option> flags to
+	  <buildtarget>buildworld</buildtarget> and
 	  <buildtarget>obj</buildtarget> targets in the
 	  <filename>scripts/build.subr</filename> script may speed up
 	  processing depending on the hardware used, however it is not
 	  necessary.  Using these flags in other targets is not
-	  recommended, as it may cause the build to become unreliable.</para>
+	  recommended, as it may cause the build to become
+	  unreliable.</para>
 	<screen>               # Build the world
 		   log "Building world"
@@ -777,11 +821,12 @@ the new builds.</screen>
-	<para>Create an appropriate <link xlink:href="&url.books.handbook;/network-dns.html">DNS</link>
-	  SRV record for the update server, and put others behind it with
-	  variable weights.  Using this facility will provide update
-	  mirrors, however this tip is not necessary unless you wish to
-	  provide a redundant service.</para>
+	<para>Create an appropriate <link
+	    xlink:href="&url.books.handbook;/network-dns.html">DNS</link>
+	  SRV record for the update server, and put others behind it
+	  with variable weights.  Using this facility will provide
+	  update mirrors, however this tip is not necessary unless you
+	  wish to provide a redundant service.</para>
 	<screen>                  IN SRV   0 2 80
 							     SRV   0 1 80

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